My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 152 Three blood exchanges were successful! Greatly increased strength! !

"My Xiao family has a great business. Currently, there are two blessed places for blood exchange. They are located in Xiaolong Mountain outside the family, which is the place we discovered together with the Langya Chen family before. The other one is located in the mountain behind the family. Now I lead This little blessed place you came to is the back mountain of the family."

Xiao Wanding's voice was old, and he walked forward while looking at a mysterious ancient cave in front of him.

Outside the ancient cave, several family elders were watching quietly here.


"Well, I'll bring someone to exchange blood."

Xiao Wanding said something and walked towards the inside of the ancient cave.

Jiang Shi followed quietly.

"Bringing someone for blood transfusion?"

Several elders guarding the blessed land looked shocked and quickly turned back to look at Jiang Shi.

Who is this?

Why have they never met?

The family's blood transfusion materials are already extremely scarce and cannot even be used by their own family. Now the head of the family brings a stranger to come for blood transfusion?

The expressions of several elders changed, but they did not dare to stop them.

The environment in the Little Blessed Land is bright, clear and refreshing. The environment here is almost the same as the Little Blessed Land that Jiang Shi saw before in the Black Cloud Mountains. Naturally, it gives people a feeling of closeness based on blood.

It's like just sitting here for a while can relax your blood vessels.

"How is it? How is the environment here compared to your Black Lotus Holy Cult?"

Xiao Wanding asked.


Jiang Shi spoke.

"Almost? Humph!"

Xiao Wanding snorted coldly and said, "That's natural. Your Black Lotus Saint Clan has a great cause and has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It can't be compared to this mere Xiao family."

"Ahem, Master Xiao is too polite."

Jiang Shi smiled.

This old man Xiao, there is a hidden meaning in his words, and he will give it to him from time to time.

"To be honest, fortunately you chose to take action at the birthday banquet. If you had not taken action, I'm afraid you would have to wait another three years before you can get a blood transfusion with me, Xiao, because the blood transfusion material is my last part. If we let them take away the blood transfusion materials, it will take at least three years to get them together again!"

Xiao Wanding spoke.

"Three years?"

Jiang Shi's eyes widened.

"Yes, blood transfusion materials are extremely rare and require a long search to obtain them."

Xiao Wanding said.

Jiang Shi couldn't help but secretly feel happy.

I really made the right choice.

He just said that it was about his own interests, so how could he just sit back and watch.

"It is not easy for Chen Xuantian to cultivate a talent like you. With such strength at such a young age, there is hope for the Black Lotus Holy Sect to be revived."

Xiao Wanding took a deep look at Jiang Shi again, and said in a loud voice: "That's all, I won't talk to you any more. You wait here, and I will send blood transfusion materials."

"Yes, thank you senior."

Jiang Shi clasped his fists.

Xiao Wanding gently nodded, turned and left.

Until he came out of the ancient cave, he was still looking at the jade pendant in his hand, thoughtfully...


It won't be long.

Family hall.

Xiao Ming and all the elders and disciples of the Xiao family looked shocked and looked at Xiao Wanding, the head of the family in the middle. They couldn't believe it.

Is the owner crazy?

Such precious blood transfusion materials should be given directly to outsiders?


Xiao Ming couldn't help but speak again, saying: "Who is this guy? Even if he helps me, Xiao Family, you can't give him the blood transfusion materials directly, right? Not only do you have to give him the blood transfusion materials, but you also have to let him have blood transfusions in my Xiao Family, This kindness is too great!”

"Yes, Patriarch, please think again, Patriarch!"

"Materials for blood transfusions have always been precious. There are many people in my Xiao family who have not succeeded in blood transfusions. How can such precious materials be used at an advantage to outsiders?"

"Dad, your granddaughter Xiao Yue has reached the peak of Martial Saint a year ago and has not yet had a blood transfusion. Do you have the heart to let her wait another three years?"

"The head of the family..."

Everyone spoke one after another, their faces unwilling and full of anger.

Xiao Wanding frowned, looked at the clansmen in front of him, and couldn't help but remain slightly silent.

After a moment, he sighed softly.

"Don't talk about it anymore. I have decided on this matter and no one is allowed to change it. Anu, send him the blood exchange materials."

"Yes, head of the family."

An old servant spoke respectfully and slowly exited.

All the Xiao family elders and disciples immediately gritted their teeth in hatred.

Damn bastard!

Isn't this the illegitimate son of the head of the family?

Apart from this reason, they can't think of any other reasons?

It must be the illegitimate son of the patriarch. In addition, the other party is very powerful and showed off at the birthday banquet. Now that he has won the favor of the old patriarch, it is natural that the old patriarch will give away the blood transfusion materials at all costs.

Even Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel nervous and secretly nervous.

If an illegitimate child appears out of thin air, will he... compete with him for the position of head of the family?

For a moment, he only felt that the future was unpredictable, and it seemed that his position as the head of the family was about to be lost...

Jiang Shi, who was in Xiaofu Land, didn't know at this moment that he had been secretly marked by the Xiao clan and became Xiao Wanding's illegitimate son...

At this moment, he was secretly surprised as he looked at the blood transfusion materials that had just been delivered to him.

"What method did the leader use to threaten Xiao Wanding, so that Xiao Wanding actually gave up his family's interests and sent me for a blood exchange? It's incredible."

Jiang Shi said to himself.

He couldn't figure it all out even if he tried hard, so in the end he simply stopped taking care of it and directly took the material, activated the [Heavenly Demon Blood Tempering Technique], and started to retreat.

Anyway, as long as he can get blood transfusion smoothly, everything will be fine.

As for the specific reason, who cares?


Practice without armor.

There is no time in the cave.

While Jiang Shi was in seclusion, the five major alliances became indescribably quiet. Even the most noisy Kong family in Quzhou and the Zhang family in Longxi became calm.

It was as if nothing had ever happened before and everything continued as usual.

However, beneath the surface calm, there seems to be a bigger storm hiding.

This bigger storm may tear apart all the peace at any time and engulf everything.

Three days passed.

In the small blessed land.

The light was scorching, exuding bursts of hot and unspeakable aura.

Even the air here has completely turned into a scorching atmosphere, as if it was located in a desert that is exposed to sunlight all year round.

Jiang Shi's upper body was naked, his skin was red, and traces of hot air were constantly coming out from his thousands of pores. His muscles bulged and his meridians emerged. His eyes were bright and clear, and he slowly let out a breath of hot air.

This hot breath makes the already hot cave even hotter.

Three blood transfusions!

He looked at his palm and squeezed it gently. Suddenly the air roared and powerful heat waves surged out.

It's as if this is no longer a person's hand, but a dragon's arm...

Jiang Shi looked at the panel in front of him again.

Name: Jiang Shi

Cultivation: The third level of blood exchange

Kung Fu: Nine Extremes Mind Technique (Third Level)

Martial skills: Dragon-Breaking Spear (second level), Flying Dragon Shadow Step (perfection), Rain of Flowers (perfection), Hunyuan Divine Palm (perfection), Dragon Elephant Tenth Level (third level), Golden Light Palm (second level) Heavy), Wuxiang Fanying (Perfection), Lightning Step (Second Level), Hunyuan Iron Wire Fist (First Level)

Talents: Dragon Elephant (640,600 pounds), Enlightenment (analyzing skills, fusion skills), Guiyuan (purifying blood, recovering injuries), invulnerability to all poisons (immune to poison, ignoring poison, blood detoxification), insight (ignore Hallucinations, Wisdom Enhancement, Spiritual Enhancement)

Reputation value: 100 (When the reputation value reaches 10,000, the next talent can be unlocked)


"My physical strength has reached a new level, gaining nearly 100,000 kilograms again and breaking through a new limit."

Jiang Shi said to himself.

As long as this limit is broken, it means that his dragon elephant energy and blood can continue to condense.

Jiang Shi thought for a moment and decided to use Xiao's small blessed land to practice other martial arts.

Anyway, there is nothing for him to do now, so he might as well take this opportunity to practice all other martial arts.

What he wants to practice most now is Golden Light Palm.

Once the Golden Light Palm is completed, it can be merged with the Hunyuan Divine Palm.

By then, the power will inevitably increase dramatically.

As soon as he thought of it, Jiang Shi jumped up from the ground and started practicing in the air.

outside world.

Xiao Ming, Xiao Ke and other members of the Xiao clan looked ugly. They tried to enter the Little Blessed Land several times, but were stopped by the elders guarding the Blessed Land.

"Isn't this guy out of seclusion yet?"

Xiao Ming asked.

"Yes, eldest son."

An elder of the Xiao family spoke.

"You are really capable of seclusion. If you haven't come out of seclusion for so long, the blood transfusion may have failed. If I had known better, I should have given Yue'er the chance of blood transfusion."

Xiao Ke gritted his teeth, "You bastard who is an illegitimate child, I hate illegitimate children!"

"Okay, stop scolding!"

Xiao Ming said angrily.

A group of people had no choice but to turn around and leave.

More than ten days have passed.

Jiang Shi stopped again in Xiaofudi, heaving a long sigh of relief, his eyes flashing, and his heart was filled with joy.

"It is indeed a small blessed place. There are so many benefits to cultivating here that it makes people reluctant to leave. In more than ten days, the Golden Light Palm has been completely perfected."

The power of the Golden Light Palm is infinite, and when it is refined to perfection, it will condense the palm's force. Without taking action, a look can make people burn their blood to death.

Extremely powerful!

But this is not what Jiang Shi wants.

What he really wants is fusion.

Jiang Shi closed his eyes again, activated the [Enlightenment Talent], and fused the Golden Light Palm and the Hunyuan Divine Palm. As waves of white eyes rose from the top of the stove, countless information was quickly intertwined in his mind, and Deduction...

A full half day passed before Jiang Shi stopped again, breathing heavily and sweating profusely, but the joy on his face was indescribable.

Hunyuan Golden Light Palm (First Level)

Several brand new characters suddenly appeared on the panel.


Jiang Shi laughed, but felt unspeakable hunger again.

He stared at the panel in front of him.

I saw that the physical strength brought by Longxiang's talent has reached the level of 723,200 kilograms!

Among them, there are only four super-grade techniques that are not perfect.

The ten levels of Dragon and Elephant skills (the third level).

Round golden light palm (first level).

Lightning Step (second level).

Hunyuan Iron Fist (first level).

Among them, Hunyuan Tiexianquan has horizontal training part in it. Once it is perfected in the future, it can also be integrated into the tenth level of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu!

The Lightning Step can be integrated into the Wuxiang Shadow, which can greatly enhance the power of martial arts.

Jiang Shi looked satisfied and was not ready to stay here any longer.

It's been long enough, now it's better to return as soon as possible.

But before leaving, I must have a big meal.

He changed his clothes and strode out of the cave.

"Come out, that guy is out, go and inform the uncle!"

Not far away, several family servants glanced at Jiang Shi.

Several of them rushed out quickly.

"This... this young master, please wait a moment. The eldest master will come to see you later if he has something to do."

A housekeeper came over quickly and smiled flatteringly.

"What's wrong? That's fine, but prepare some food for me. I'm hungry now."

Jiang Shi spoke.

"Food? Just wait a moment, the eldest master will arrange it for you soon."

The housekeeper said quickly.

Suddenly, the sound of extremely fast footsteps was heard not far away.

A group of middle-aged men including Xiao Ming, Xiao Ke, and Xiao Li appeared from a distance. The three men's faces flashed with gloom at first, then they smiled and walked over quickly.

"Oh my, my little brother is finally out of seclusion. We are really worried. We thought he had an accident, so we almost couldn't help but break in."

Xiao Ming pretended to be surprised.

"Yeah, it's great that little brother is okay."

The other two middle-aged men spoke one after another.

"You're welcome, I wonder if I can prepare some food. I'm a little hungry."

Jiang Shi spoke.

"Don't worry, little brother, we have already been prepared in Yanyang Building."

"Yeah, come with us."

Several middle-aged men, with smiles on their faces, pulled Jiang Shi and walked away.

After exiting the door, he directly climbed onto the carriage and galloped away into the distance.

Jiang Shi frowned slightly. He originally wanted to visit Xiao Wanding first, but after thinking about it, he decided to eat first. It would not be too late to say goodbye to him after eating.

Little did he know that the three middle-aged men beside him were gritting their teeth in their hearts.

Bastard bastard!

I must teach you a lesson this time.

The smiles on their faces did not diminish, but the cold light surged in their hearts.


Jiang Shi frowned slightly, keenly aware of the abnormality.

With the gift of [insight], almost no details can be hidden from him, and even subtle changes in people's emotions cannot escape his eyes.

"There's something wrong with these three guys... they... want to mess with me?"

Jiang Shi thought to himself and glanced at the three of them.

The three of them smiled continuously and remained unmoved.

That's all, since I relied on the other family's success in exchanging blood, I didn't want to kill him, and I just taught them a lesson.

Soon the carriage stopped, and the tall and majestic Yanyang Tower appeared in front of Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi got off the carriage, looked up, his face was calm, but he still walked over.

"Little brother please!"

"This way little brother!"

Xiao Ming and the other three smiled brightly and led Jiang Shi all the way to the private room.

After opening the door, I saw that it was already filled with food, all kinds of food, delicious and delicious, making you salivate.

"Well, you are interested."

Jiang Shi sat down and said calmly, without being polite, he grabbed a pig knuckle and started to eat it happily, as if he didn't worry about whether there was any poison in it.

The three middle-aged men sneered secretly and looked at each other.

Suddenly one of the middle-aged men laughed and said, "I wonder what I call my little brother? What is his relationship with our head of the family? My performance more than half a month ago was really eye-catching. To be honest, I have a friend who admires me very much." Brother, I am very eager to learn from my little brother, I wonder if my little brother can make it happen."

"There is no need to discuss it, there is no time."

Jiang Shi kept his head down and ate wildly.

"Little brother, let's meet each other. The other party has already arrived. Just show off a few tricks."

Xiao Ming smiled.

With a creak, the door opened wide, and a tall man in black robe with a cold face appeared in the private room. His eyes were sharp, like lightning, looking at Jiang Shi.

"Are you the one who defeated Chen Xu?"

The other party's tone was indifferent and he came up to ask.

Jiang Shi didn't even look at it, as if he didn't hear it.

"You don't know how to live or die, don't you even understand the most basic respect?"

The man in black robe said with a cold voice: "Stand up and fight me!"

"Little brother, this is Jiang Tao, a famous master on the Daxuan Black List, ranked twenty-fourth [Black Death Sword]. Don't be careless."

Xiao Ming couldn't help but remind him.

"No need to compete, I'm not interested."

Jiang Shi continued to eat like crazy.

"Let's discuss it. This person is a warlike madman. If you don't agree to him, he can do anything. He might kill me, Mrs. Xiao."

Xiao Ming spoke again, quickly greeted the two people around him, quickly raised the table and dispersed the place.

Jiang Shi suddenly frowned, showing dissatisfaction, and looked up.

"Jiang Tao? Are you worthy of the surname Jiang?"

"court death!"

Jiang Tao was furious, and without even thinking, he rushed towards him with a bang. The Black Death Sword in his hand instantly came out of his body. In an instant, the whole room was filled with a layer of Black Death energy. It was eerie, full of despair, and everywhere was desolate and chilling. .

The tables, chairs, benches, and various floors in the entire room were decaying rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if their essence had been drained out in an instant.

A layer of terrifying and eerie black air suddenly enveloped the entire room.

Xiao Ming and the others were very excited.

Even if you don't kill him, you will still destroy him!

Make him unable to compete for the master of the family!


There was an explosion, and the body flew upside down, dripping with blood, and it was too horrible to see.

All the black energy in the entire room dissipated.

Jiang Shi looked calm, took back his palm, shook it gently, and walked out, "What a disappointment!"

He glanced at Jiang Ming and the others, and seemed to have something on his mind, as he walked downstairs.

Jiang Ming and the others were stunned and frightened. They looked blankly at Jiang Tao, who flew out and hit the Black Death Sword in the distance.

Jiang Tao, the fourth level of peak blood exchange.

The gang is powerful and notorious.

They were invited at a great expense.

Was killed instantly with one move?

How can it be?

The three of them were trembling, their souls trembling.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to: Lord Luo Tian and Yan Huangxing for the reward!

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