My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 154 The storm is rising! Deal with Meng Fang! !

"Get down here too!"

Jiang Shi shouted loudly. Almost as soon as the poisonous stinger was thrust out, he raised the sole of his foot and stomped hard towards the ground, like an ancient dragon elephant stomping down hard.


The sound roared and the wind howled.

The ground that had been smashed and exploded was shaken violently by Jiang Shi's stamp again, and countless huge cracks appeared.

The poisonous stinger was stepped on and bent open on the spot. Even the arm behind the stinger exploded, blood spattered, and screams were heard.

[Venomous Bee] Xiaoyue, who was hiding in the ground, felt as if her internal organs had turned into mud, and the ground above her head had turned into a terrible iron plate, crushing his body fiercely.

Jiang Shi's stomp was so powerful that he lost his fighting power on the spot, spurted out blood, and collapsed deep underground.


At this moment, the light in front of his eyes suddenly became distorted and hallucinations arose.

Jiang Shi's eyes only felt blurry, and his body suddenly appeared in a completely unfamiliar and strange town. The light was dim and there were no human figures. It seemed that no one had been around for a long time.

There was a thick layer of dead leaves accumulated on the ground.

The dilapidated and low huts were crowded together, creating an indescribable weirdness.

The road under your feet leads straight into the distance, filled with black mist and strange aura, as if you can never see the end.


Jiang Shi's eyes were cold, watching everything in front of him, with a cruel curve at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's such a mess, do you think you can stop me with an illusion? I think you should just lie down."

His eyes shot up, and his body suddenly rushed forward, so fast that it shredded the air and made it instantly dent, like a rocket rushing over.

He raised his palm and made a vertical chop. The entire palm grew in size. The aura was terrifying. Veins appeared on the palm, and the muscles bulged. It became as big as an iron pot, exuding a hot aura.

Hunyuan Golden Light Palm!

Hidden in the illusion, the Northern Zhou man who was quickly rescuing [Bear Deposed Hand] Yuan Kun looked horrified and couldn't believe his eyes.

Ignore the illusion?

Even though he had pushed his spiritual martial arts to the extreme, he was still defeated by the other party.

Seeing Jiang Shi's palm strike, he roared angrily, his body quickly exploded with air, whirring, and suddenly doubled in size, heading towards Jiang Shi's palm.

At the same time, [Bear Deposed Hand] Yuan Kun also roared, and suddenly stood up from the ground. All the black hairs on his body stood up, blood was flowing from his pores, and his eyes were about to split, and he activated a powerful weapon. The forbidden law was blasted away.

It didn't work at all.

When Jiang Shi briefly exploded and used the Hunyuan Golden Light Palm, even if the two of them joined forces, their strength was pitifully weak, like two children facing a mighty man.

boom! boom!

The air exploded, and terrifying air waves rolled towards the surroundings, bringing with them patches of strong wind.

The two people vomited blood and water, and their bodies flew backwards, as if they were shot straight away. They suddenly hit more than ten meters away, and their arms were shattered.

The illusion before his eyes dissipated instantly.

Everything is restored as before.

Jiang Shi's face was cold, his clothes were hunting, his long hair was flying, and the human skin mask on his face had been shattered by the fierce movement, like a gray butterfly, flying randomly.

His palm, which had just become as big as an iron pot, was also recovering rapidly.

In the blink of an eye it became the same as before.

"I don't know whether to live or die. I don't know where you got the confidence to come and kill me? But since you are here today, don't let any of you leave."

Jiang Shi's tone was cold, and he walked towards Yuan Kun and the Northern Zhou man who were blown away. There was an indescribable aura about him.


Yuan Kun vomited blood and looked horrified. He looked at Jiang Shi, and suddenly his pupils shrank sharply. He couldn't believe it, "You...are you Jiang Shi?"

Jiang Shi, who was being searched everywhere by the two brothers in an attempt to find out the news, was actually right in front of them?

Legend has it that the second innate King Kong in the Daxuan Dynasty!

Doesn’t it mean that the other party is still in the growth stage?

Why is it so scary?

"you know me?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

"No, it's impossible. You can't be Jiang Shi. can your strength be like this?"

Yuan Kun said with a frightened voice.

"Why can't my strength be like this?"

Jiang Shi said in an indifferent tone, "How do you know me?"

"Innate King Kong, you are the second Innate King Kong, you shouldn't be so powerful..."

Yuan Kun's voice trembled and he continued to speak randomly.

"The answer is wrong. Go to hell."

Jiang Shi's tone was cold and he was too lazy to say any more. He suddenly rushed forward, bringing with him a violent and terrifying aura, and directly grabbed Yuan Kun's face with a big hand.

Yuan Kun's face was horrified, and he wanted to separate and resist, but he forgot that his arm had been broken off by Jiang Shi's palm in the previous bombardment. At this moment, Jiang Shi grabbed his face and slammed it.



A shrill scream came out, and Jiang Shi grabbed Yuan Kun's tall body in front of his face. He started to move high and hit the Northern Zhou man on one side hard.

The Northern Zhou man's eyes widened and he almost didn't react. He was hit hard by Yuan Kun's huge body. With a click, blood spurted out, his bones broke, and his body fell into the ground, denting the ground.

Due to Jiang Shi's violent force, Yuan Kun's entire face was pulled down on the spot, and dripping blood sprayed out like a fountain.

Jiang Shi's strike was like lightning, followed by a palm that concentrated all his strength, and hit Yuan Kun's head hard.


The air wave exploded, and the hot breath billowed.

It was like a stream of hot magma rushed out from Jiang Shi's palm, smashing Yuan Kun's head to pieces on the spot and turning it into blood mist.

The extremely terrifying residual force passed through, even directly killing the Northern Zhou man who had just been smashed into the ground, and half of his body instantly turned into blood mist.

Jiang Shi looked indifferent and retracted his palm. The veins that had suddenly popped up on his body were restrained again, and his body returned to calm.

He raised his head and glanced at the giant cyan eagle high in the sky.

I saw that the giant eagle was still staring at his big demon horse, but at this moment, it was already showing fear, and its body was flying high, as far away as possible, and it was no longer close to it.

It made a long and restless hiss from its mouth, the sound was deafening and penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks.

"Bastard, do you still want to leave?"

Jiang Shi picked up a stone, weighed it gently, and suddenly threw it high into the sky.


The whole stone burned instantly, and at an unknown speed, it was like a missile, shooting hard at the giant cyan eagle.

The cyan giant eagle quickly flapped its wings, changed at high altitude, and dodges.

But Jiang Shi followed up with another seven or eight stones and shot them hard.

Finally, the cyan giant eagle let out a harsh scream, blood appeared on its body, its thick feathers fell from the sky, and its entire body fell quickly.


The big demon horse neighed excitedly, pawing its hooves on the ground, looking at the fallen blue giant eagle.

It didn't dare to provoke the giant cyan eagle at its peak, but now that the opponent had been seriously injured, it was its food and the motivation for it to continue to advance.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, the giant cyan eagle landed hard on the ground and neighed in pain. The big demon horse galloped past quickly, biting the opponent's neck directly and began to suck the eagle's blood.

Jiang Shi's face turned cold, and he suddenly turned his head and looked at the ground not far away.

"I almost forgot, there is another one."

He walked towards the place where he stood before.

The ground there was shattered, with several large cracks appearing, and it was terrible to see when he stamped on it.

"Did you come out on your own, or did I force you to come out?"

Jiang Shi's voice was cold.

The ground squirmed, and a middle-aged man with bloody flesh emerged from the ground with extraordinary difficulty. His body was limp, half of his body was broken, and it was bloody and miserable.

"Young Master Jiang, spare... spare my life..."

"Interesting, you and I are strangers, and you don't know my true identity?"

Jiang Shi spoke.

"Spare your life, we...we have investigated you before and know that there is a second natural Vajra in Daxuan..."

[Poisonous Bee] Xiaoyue spoke with difficulty.

"I see."

Jiang Shi opened his mouth and said, "The purpose of investigating me is to eliminate me?"

"No, that's absolutely not the case. I am willing to win over you on behalf of the Northern Zhou [Immortality Sect], Jiang Shaoxia. We are willing to pay some price. Whatever you want, we can try to satisfy you. [The Immortality Sect] is the largest sect in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, with many masters. There will be everything you want..."

[Poisonous Bee Xiaoyue] quickly spoke in panic.

But Jiang Shi still narrowed his eyes and noticed something was wrong with him through his weak expression.

With the gift of [insight], he is extremely sensitive to all the weak details.

Anyone who lies in front of him cannot hide from his perception.

"No need, I live very well in Daxuan. I don't want to join your Northern Zhou Dynasty. Thank you for your solicitation."

Jiang Shi opened his mouth and said, "In order to repay you, I will give you a ride myself."



The palm struck out and the head shattered.

Jiang Shi shook his hand, his face heavy.

His news has actually reached the Northern Zhou area.

Now even the Northern Zhou Dynasty knew that the second natural King Kong appeared in Daxuan.

But the problem is, I am not born King Kong at all.

In order to deal with Meng Fang, this group of people used every possible means and constantly targeted themselves. They were taking too much of the blame.

"From the beginning, I have been taking the blame for Meng Fang. If Meng Fang doesn't show anything in the future, that won't work."

Jiang Shi said to himself.

Moreover, the Northern Zhou Dynasty was so ready to take action against Daxuan.

By then, all major aristocratic families and hermit sects will probably be involved.

Their Black Lotus Holy Cult can avoid it before they even try.

It’s really as if the tree wants to be calm and the wind doesn’t stop...

Jiang Shi thought for a while, turned around, walked towards the green monster bird, cut off a huge piece of monster meat, and started roasting it on the bonfire.

Wisps of aroma soon emanated from the monster meat, making people salivate.


Thousands of miles away.

The land of Quzhou.

In the ancestral home of the Kong family.

Kong Futian, the head of the Kong family, is sitting high on the throne at the moment, with a gloomy face and a tall body. He is wearing a purple robe, which is extremely expensive.

Even if he doesn't move, he exudes a sense of supreme majesty, and his eyes are full of oppression, making people dare not look directly at him, just like a towering master.

In addition to him, there were several other supreme elders of the Kong family behind him. Their respective cultivation levels were unfathomable, and their eyes were full of cold light.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire hall felt unspeakably depressing.

This time, they followed the five alliance leaders to explore the ancient ruins. They finally escaped from the trap a few days ago, and then returned to the family tonight.

However, after they returned to the family, they learned about all the major events that had happened in the family, which made them all filled with anger and wanted to shoot the clan members in front of them to death.

This bunch of rubbish!

Before leaving, ask them to guard the family and not cause trouble.

They still caused trouble, and were even killed by Meng Fang into the ancestral home and massacred dozens of elders.

Kong’s foundation was almost shaken!

"Master, we didn't expect this..."

Kong Daorong looked ugly and defended again.


Kong Futian's tone was cold and extremely terrifying. He waved his hand to stop Kong Daorong's words, "Let the past go by and don't mention it again. I won't allow any accidents to happen in the future. Kong's ten thousand years of foundation, After countless wars, the ancestral home has never been breached, and this time Meng Fang is the first person to break into my Kong family's ancestral home!"

Everyone present gritted their teeth and lowered their heads, hatred surging in their hearts.

"However, [Yiyuan Alliance] bullies me like this, and we are not vegetarians. I decided to use the power of my family to eradicate Meng Fang and eradicate [Yiyuan Alliance]."

He spoke coldly.

Everyone was shocked.

Eradicate the One Yuan Alliance?

Eradicate Meng Fang?

Just them?

"Master, have the other four alliance leaders agreed?"

Kong Daorong reacted and said in surprise.

This must be due to the interaction with the other four alliances. Otherwise, it would be impossible to deal with the [One Yuan Alliance] with just them.

The [One Yuan Alliance] has huge power and a solid foundation. Among the families under their jurisdiction, every one of them is not a weakling. Among the five major alliances, they have always been the strongest.

Unless the Kong family is at its peak, it can compete with them.

Besides, there is still this freak Meng Fang here!


Kong Futian said coldly, "In this world, nothing is impossible for the sake of profit. This time we broke into the ancient ruins, and the leader of the Yiyuan Alliance obtained an ancient treasure with unparalleled power. We must not let him understand this treasure. Once the enlightenment is successful, its strength will inevitably increase to an unimaginable level. By then, there will be no one else in the world. Therefore, the other four major alliances have reached an agreement. While the leader of the Yiyuan Alliance is still a treasure of enlightenment, they will briefly join forces to defeat him. Eradicate it completely!”

"Ancient treasure?"

"I see."

The eyes of the Kong clan members flashed and they secretly looked forward to it.

If the four major alliance leaders really want to join forces, then they might not be able to get rid of the [One Yuan Alliance].

No matter how strong the [One Yuan Alliance] is, it cannot be stronger than the four major families joining forces.

"Great, as long as Meng Fang is eliminated, no one can threaten Tianri and Xuan'er in the future, and their emergence will be even more unstoppable!"

Someone said excitedly.

"Not necessarily. Don't forget, there is a second Innate King Kong. This second Innate King Kong is about to grow up. In my opinion, it's better to take advantage of this opportunity and eradicate it all!"

someone said.

"It's feasible. Kill them all together and dig out the source for Tianri and Xuan'er to absorb. It will definitely allow them to reach a higher level!"


"This is a good strategy!"

Others spoke one after another, each excited.

"That Jiang Shi?"

Kong Futian said in a cold tone: "Don't worry about his affairs now. There are plenty of opportunities to deal with him. It won't be too late to kill him after the [One Yuan Alliance] is eradicated. Besides, Tianri and Xuan'er also need a stepping stone. If we put all the Eradicating all the stepping stones will be detrimental to them in the future.”

"Yes, head of the family!"

Everyone spoke one after another.


One night passed.

The sun rises.

Jiang Shi stood in a clear pool of water, carefully cleaning the dirt on his body. His entire body was slender, toned, plump and powerful, and had changed greatly from before.

Facing the morning sun, there seemed to be a faint light coming from the flesh and blood.

It's like it's made of bronze.

This is the manifestation of the success of the physical body. Even if a trace of strength is not used, the physical body is like divine iron.

He wrung out the clothes in his hands, put them on again, then sat astride the big demon horse, and started running towards the distance again.

Two days later.


Jiang Shi returned to the Black Lotus Holy Sect again.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time. Is this blood exchange successful?"

The old leader, Chen Xuantian, was sitting on the main seat with a calm voice and a smile.

"Yes, thank you leader for giving me this opportunity,"

Jiang Shi clasped his fists.

"Opportunities are given by others, but hard work is your own. If you change your blood to the ninth level, you can reach the sky one step at a time. How many people are stuck in the second or third level and cannot make any progress. Your success in changing your blood is inseparable from your talent."

Chen Xuantian opened his mouth and said, "You have come back just in time. There is something important that I need to tell you. The leader of the Four Elephants Alliance is back."

"The leader of the Four Elephants Alliance is back?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

"Yes, not only him, but the other four leaders are also back."

Chen Xuantian said, "But now the four major alliances of Liangyi, Sancai, Fourxiang, and Five Elements are preparing to formally join forces to deal with the [Yiyuan Alliance]. In two days, they will meet at Dongjueling to fight to the death with the [Yiyuan Alliance]!"

Jiang Shi was shocked.

"The four major alliances join forces to deal with the [One Yuan Alliance]?"

"It is said that the leader of the [One Yuan Alliance] has obtained a precious treasure. Once he understands it thoroughly, it will have the power to rule the world. The other four alliance leaders did not want to see this scene, so they joined forces and determined to eradicate it. Of course, during this period, Meng Fang also The relationship is that Meng Fang has grown too fast, and the four major alliance leaders have also felt the pressure. In a few years, the four major alliance leaders may not be able to suppress him, so for multiple reasons, the four major alliances decided to join forces."

Chen Xuantian spoke.

Jiang Shi took a breath, and his heart surged rapidly.


This Daxuan world is really in chaos.

There is also the Northern Zhou Dynasty in the north, which is watching covetously.

Now the four internal alliances want to join forces to eradicate the [One Yuan Alliance].

This Daxuan world is probably going to fall apart.

"If Meng Fang is really eradicated this time, it is estimated that it will be your turn soon, because you are the only one who can replace Meng Fang. Many aristocratic families want to use you as a whetstone to sharpen their disciples. , and once it is discovered that you are beyond control, it is time to eradicate you."

Chen Xuantian spoke.

"Use me as a whetstone?"

Jiang Shi's face turned cold, "Seeking death!"

"But don't panic. In the next few days, I will first check out the leader of the Four Elephants Alliance. If there is no problem, I will take you to see the leader of the Four Elephants Alliance. This way, your future safety will be guaranteed."

Chen Xuantian said.

"Okay, thank you, Master."

Jiang Shi clasped his fists again, thought for a while, and told him about the powerful men he met in the Northern Zhou Dynasty along the way.

"Northern Zhou Dynasty?"

Chen Xuantian frowned and said, "It seems that their desire to kill me is still alive?"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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