My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 156 Jiang Shi starts killing! Kill Kong Daorong! !

Mountain top area.

The low roaring sound sounded again, deafening, setting off waves of air, like a small earthquake, once again making many aristocratic families moved.

Several days passed, and they could no longer remember how many times the people on the top of the mountain had taken action.

Fortunately, this roar did not last long and soon subsided again.

Deep on the top of the mountain.

Kong Futian had a cold face, was wearing a purple-red robe, and had a majestic face. He was tall and stood tall in a corner, surrounded by strong men.

On the other side, there are surprisingly two other families, each with high strength and many people, and their eyes are as cold as lightning.

After three days of discussions and contests, the members of the so-called elders were finally determined.

There are a total of eighteen members of the Board of Elders.

The three major families are Kong Futian of the Kong family, Zhou Tianxiong of the Zhou family, and Pang Wankun, the leader of the Supreme Holy Cult. Each family has three elders, and other families have one elder per family according to their strength, making up a total of eighteen people to form a group of elders.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's not delay any more. It is better to issue an order immediately and arrange the troops. We have wasted too much time in order to confirm the group of elders. This time has undoubtedly given [one yuan The Alliance] has a huge opportunity. If the [One Yuan Alliance] sets up a trap waiting for us, then we will all commit heinous crimes."

Zhou Tianxiong, the head of the Zhou family, spoke with a heavy tone.

The Zhou family in Taiyuan is a famous super family in the Central Plains. In terms of heritage and inheritance, it is no weaker than the Kong family in Quzhou.

It really goes back to more than ten thousand years ago. The first dynasty in the world was established by the Zhou family.

They have always been known as the born royal family with extraordinary bloodline.

"I told you three days ago not to waste time on unnecessary things. It's you who refuse to listen and want to compete."

Kong Futian spoke calmly.

"Okay, Master Kong, please stop being so arrogant."

Pang Wankun of the Supreme Holy Cult spoke in a low tone, waved his hand, and said, "It's not too late for us to deploy our manpower immediately, and send out scouts to find out the specific movements of the [One Yuan Alliance], so as to confirm what conspiracy they have. , this Mongolian son has not shown up yet, and I feel uneasy in my heart, always feeling that something big is going to happen."

Kong Futian nodded gently and said: "I will arrange the scouting matters. First, divide the various families."

Everyone nodded.

Not long after.

An order was passed down from the top of the mountain and reached the ears of various noble families.

Suddenly all the aristocratic families took action quickly.

The crowd was directly divided into eight camps, namely Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui, arranged in a Bagua formation at the foot of the mountain.

Each camp is composed of dozens of aristocratic families, and strong men are selected from these dozens of aristocratic families to serve as the commander-in-chief of this camp.

The orders of the elders will be transmitted directly to the ears of the commander-in-chief, and then distributed by the commander-in-chief to the various families under his jurisdiction.

The Black Lotus Holy Sect where Jiang Shi belonged was undoubtedly once again divided into the camp where the Kong family belonged.

It is called [Kun] character camp!

The commander-in-chief of the camp is none other than the Supreme Elder of the Kong family!

Kong Daorong!

"Envoy Jiang You, the leader has not returned yet. Now everything is focused on tolerance. Although we are assigned to the Kong family, as long as we don't cause trouble or cause trouble, the Kong family won't be able to deal with us blatantly."

Dharma King Fengxing came from a distance, with a serious face, and reminded him again.

He was really worried that Jiang Shi would be too impulsive.

Sometimes many things will pass if you endure them.

There is no need to see blood.

"Don't worry, I like peace. I never like fighting."

Jiang Shi spoke calmly.

"That's good."

King Fengxing nodded repeatedly and looked at Jiang Shi again.

For some reason, the worry in my heart only got deeper.

This guy is too calm.

The calmer it is, the more disturbing it is.

Not long after the camps were divided, a disciple from a noble family came from a distance and said, "But the Black Lotus Saint Sect Jiang Youshi, the general has a request from the army."


Jiang Shi responded with a calm expression and walked away.

"Envoy Jiang You, remember, you must be patient!"

King Fengxing's expression changed, and he couldn't help but remind him again.

"rest assured."

Jiang Shi responded calmly without looking back.

Under the respectful leadership of that disciple, Jiang Shi walked all the way through the mountains and forests, and soon entered a temporary camp at the foot of the mountain.

In the frontmost area, a large dark tent stood firmly, filled with an unspeakable sense of depression, a mixture of energy and energy, and a sense of drowsiness, as if it was hiding some invisible crisis.

Jiang Shi strode in as if nothing had happened.

"I've met the commander-in-chief."

As soon as he entered the tent, he looked calm and saluted with both hands.

The most emic position.

Kong Daorong has an indifferent face, is wearing a purple-brown robe, has white hair and a white beard, and has deep eyes. He sits quietly, giving people an unusually calm feeling.

Around him, there were more than ten masters of the blood-changing realm sitting densely.

Without exception, they are all heads of various aristocratic families assigned to [Kunzi Camp], as well as important members of each aristocratic family.

Their expressions were cold and their eyes were like lightning. As soon as Jiang Shi came in, they glanced at him, their eyes sharp and alert.

"Envoy Jiang You, you are here."

Kong Daorong spoke calmly and said, "As the commander-in-chief, I have some things to say directly. Now that the two armies are facing each other, all the masters are in place. But as for the enemy's situation, we still have difficulty in fully understanding and knowing our strength. Gao Shen has a record of five fights and blood exchanges, which is impressive, and his ability to escape is also excellent, so I am going to arrange a task for you to spy on the enemy and see what Meng Fang is doing? Is it there? Conspiracy? If there is a conspiracy, what kind of conspiracy is it? This task is the most important, I hope you can complete it carefully! "

"Oh? Mission?"

Jiang Shi raised his brows and suddenly looked at Kong Daorong, followed by other members of the aristocratic families in the tent, and asked:

"Commander, why should you choose me for this mission? I have just succeeded in changing my blood. There are many masters in the camp. This mission is not mine anyway. Forgive me, Commander. I am not afraid of death. I am just worried about my death." It doesn’t matter, if you ruin the mission of the commander-in-chief, wouldn’t it be a serious crime?”

"Envoy Jiang You, I know that you have always been tough-tongued and like to be naughty. Now it seems that this is indeed the case."

Kong Daorong's face suddenly turned cold, his eyes were cold, and he said:

"It is up to me to decide how to arrange the tasks. As the commander-in-chief, the tasks issued by me naturally take everyone's situation into full consideration. Now that you come up and question me and your colleagues, do you know what crime this is? ?”

"Master General, everyone says that the Black Lotus Saint Jiang Youshi is a thorn in the side. Today I saw that it is indeed the case!"

The [Blood Exchange Sect] blood exchange master next to him sneered.

He knew that he had offended Jiang Shi before and it was impossible to restore the relationship no matter what.

Now there is only one way to go to the dark side, cooperate with Kong Daorong, and completely kill Jiang Shi.

"Brother Jiang, General Kong's order makes sense. You'd better not question it."

"Yes, Kunzi Camp has just been established. Orders and prohibitions must be followed. There must be no questioning of the commander-in-chief. Brother Jiang, you are going too far."

"Yes, you should immediately admit your mistake to the commander-in-chief and ask for leniency!"

Everyone spoke one after another, and they kept echoing each other.

I beg you to get a x!

Jiang Shi felt cold in his heart.

"In this case, I am willing to accept the order."

He raised his hands to offer sacrifices, his face neither happy nor sad, and still showed no expression.

"Jiang Shi, remember, you questioned me today, which is a crime. I can now put you in jail for disobeying orders, but now I don't want to be on the same page with you. It's all because of my colleagues. On the other hand, I hope you will cherish the opportunity and don’t be disrespectful!”

Kong Daorong's tone was indifferent and he glanced at Jiang Shi coldly.

"Yes, Commander."

Jiang Shi handed over.

"get out."

Kong Daorong spoke coldly, turned his head to one side, and stopped looking at Jiang Shi.

It seems that if you look at it more than once, it will be like an identity.

Jiang Shi forced a smile, turned around and left, disappearing from here.

Kong Daorong slowly turned around and looked at Jiang Shi's background again, murderous intent emerging in his eyes.

Too forbearing!

This boy's character is scarier than he imagined!


In the distance, Jiang Shi took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart several times. He couldn't help but look back at the tent again, his heart was gloomy, and he strode away directly.

"Envoy Jiang You, how is the situation?"

Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing came quickly and asked.

"Kong Daorong asked me to spy on the enemy alone and find out what Meng Zang was doing? Now the old guy wants to get rid of me with the help of the [One Yuan Alliance]."

Jiang Shi's tone was very cold. He looked at King Fengxing and King Yuxing and said, "I am not going to stay with these four major alliances anymore. I will leave overnight, take everyone with me, and completely surrender to the [One Yuan Alliance]."

"Dedicate yourself to the One Yuan Alliance?"

The faces of Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing changed, and they exclaimed in low voices.

"There is no other way but this way, unless we wait until the leader comes back."

Jiang Shi whispered, thought carefully, and said, "In this case, if you don't want to join me, you can all come with me at night. Let's hide in the woods for a few days. When the leader and alliance leader return, maybe the situation will change."

However, it could be worse.

In short, Jiang Shi didn't want to leave his life and death to others.

He must have his own way out.

Not only did he have to leave, but this group of people also had to leave. Otherwise, Kong Daorong's ruthlessness would definitely kill everyone, and then accuse the Black Lotus Sect of surrendering to the enemy.

The faces of Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing suddenly changed, and they quickly weighed in their minds.

"Okay, let's go hide first."

"Once we defect to the [Union Alliance], we will be equivalent to offending the four major alliances at the same time. Now the four major alliances have finally joined forces and will never allow traitors to appear, so it is definitely not wise to surrender!"

The two whispered.

Even if they surrender, the [One Yuan Alliance] may not believe them, and they will end up being inhumane.

If the [One Yuan Alliance] uses them as gunmen again, their situation will be even worse.

"Well, let me know and we'll leave immediately in the evening."

Jiang Shi whispered.

Dharma King Feng Xing and Dharma King Yu Xing nodded lightly and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Fortunately, the people who came this time were all experts in the teaching, so they could keep their voices down during night operations and not be discovered.

Jiang Shi walked far away, exhaled softly, and continued to relieve the pressure in his heart. His eyes became dark and terrifying, with an indescribable energy.


The afternoon passed quickly,

The sun sets over the western mountains.

The whole forest became pitch black.

All the masters of the Black Lotus Holy Cult began to take action quickly and hurried towards the distance.

Jiang Shi had no expression on his face and stood behind him personally.

Suddenly his eyes stood up, he turned around suddenly, and rushed out like lightning, rushing towards a dark corner quickly.

They saw a figure hiding in a dark corner, looking towards them.

Seeing Jiang Shi rushing towards him, the other party's expression changed, and he turned around and left without thinking.

It's just that his speed is too slow.

In almost 0.1 seconds, Jiang Shi rushed behind him instantly.



Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Shi grabbed the back of his neck and pulled hard. His other hand came up to cover his mouth, blocking his mouth tightly so that no more sound could be made.

The other party's eyes were frightened and he was trembling. Being entangled in Jiang Shi's arms, he felt as if he was wrapped in some super powerful beast, and his soul was about to fall apart.

"It's you!"

Jiang Shi's face was filled with a ferocious smile, his mouth was wide open, and he felt indescribably happy.

The blood-changing old monster of Sanxuan Sect!

What a bitter enemy!

This bastard has repeatedly targeted the Black Lotus Sect, and now he dares to spy on them.

"Don't worry, I will chop you up one by one. I guarantee that you will suffer endless torture and that you will not be able to die even if you want to. Oh, by the way, your Sanxuan Sect will be finished from now on."

Jiang Shi spoke calmly, and his voice reached the ears of this old monster.

The blood-changing old monster was even more frightened, whining and blinking his eyelids wildly, trying to beg for mercy, but unfortunately it was of no use at all.


Jiang Shi struck him with a palm strike, knocking him unconscious on the spot. With a cold expression, he picked up the old monster and left in the distance.

The entire Black Lotus Holy Cult was so fast that they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Dozens of miles away.

In another dense forest.

King Fengxing carefully looked at the front and surrounding environment, stopped everyone, and said, "Envoy Jiang You, it should be safe here."

"Well, just rest here for a few days and wait for news from the leader."

Jiang Shi opened his mouth and flicked his fingers to wake up the old Sanxuan Sect blood-transfer monster in his hand. As soon as he woke up, he struck like lightning and immediately broke the opponent's limbs, shattered the opponent's meridians, and made the opponent scream in agony. .


Jiang Shi threw the old monster on the ground and said calmly, "Where's the brother whose arm was broken before? Let him come over and leave this person to him!"

"Yes, Ambassador Jiang You!"

A deacon responded, quickly calling for a deacon whose arms were heavily bandaged.

I saw the deacon's face full of hatred and happiness, holding a steel knife and a ferocious smile, walking towards the old blood exchange monster.

Originally, he was going to be sent back to the sect, but Kong's order was given too quickly that night, so he had no time to leave, so he had to follow the large army all the way to Juelong Ridge.

Now that his arms have been reattached, although no one can do anything in a short time, it is definitely more than enough to chop a person alive with a knife.

"Spare your life, brother Jiang, spare your life, I was forced, my Sanxuan Sect was wronged..."

The old monster from the Sanxuan Sect was frightened and begged for mercy.


Woo woo woo...

The old blood transfusion monster immediately started to wail in pain, his mouth full of blood, gushing out violently. When he came up, the deacon stabbed his mouth with a steel knife, smashing a tongue into pieces.

The deacon's face was full of hatred, he grabbed the long knife and quickly greeted the other party.

Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing both sighed secretly in their hearts, said nothing, and quickly began to arrange for everyone to rest where they were.

"You guys stay here while I look around to prevent anyone from touching me."

Jiang Shi spoke in a calm tone and walked forward.

But suddenly, his steps stopped suddenly, his eyes became sharp and sharp, and he looked towards the dark forest.

"What's wrong? Envoy Jiang You."

Dharma King Yuxing's face changed slightly and he asked.

"It seems that I underestimated them after all."

Jiang Shi's tone was cold. He moved his neck and made a crisp skeletal sound. Instead, he was no longer afraid and actively approached the dark forest.

Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing were startled, and they all looked towards the forest.

Deep in the forest, sand and rocks suddenly flew, and there was a suppressed and obscure aura of terror, which brought an unspeakable pressure, like a block of invisible mountains quickly crushing them.

There are experts!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Suddenly, waves of cold palm stroking sounds came from the dark forest, clear and ear-splitting, echoing here.

One after another, burly and tall figures walked out of the forest step by step. Their eyes were cold and like light, and they looked at Jiang Shi and others. There were about seven or eight people.

Without exception, they are all old monsters who have been replaced!

The leader is clearly...

The Supreme Elder of the Kong family!

Kong Daorong!

"It's a good thing that I didn't trust you and followed you specifically. It's also a good thing that you have the spiritual mark left by the leader of my clan. Otherwise, you would have ruined the situation and let you escape without telling me anything."

Kong Daorong's tone was cold, and he was walking at the front, wearing a purple-black dress that was dancing in the wind. His eyebrows were drawn into his temples, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at Jiang Shi coldly:

"Jiang Shi, you really surprised me!"


Jiang Shi's tone was calm, and he looked at Kong Daorong and the masters around him, and said: "I never thought that I, Jiang Shi, would be so honored tonight, to be able to recruit so many brothers from [Kunzi Camp] to take care of me at once, it is really a life worth living. "

"Jiang Shi!"

One of the burly men spoke with a cold tone and shouted sternly, "Now that you are about to die, why are you putting on airs? Why don't you kneel down immediately and ask for forgiveness from Senior Kong!"

"you shut up!"

Jiang Shi's tone was cold and his eyes were like lightning. He glanced at the burly man and said coldly, "You are nothing but a fool who dares to talk nonsense in front of me. You are just a piece of trash who can be slapped to death!"

"What did you say?"

The burly man's eyes widened, he was shocked and angry, and he was absolutely furious.

He is one of the important elders of Tianjian Sect, but he was called a piece of trash by the other party!

"Okay, Brother Wu, why do you need to be like a dead person?"

Kong Daorong's eyes were deep and his voice was old, and he said, "To be honest, if you hadn't offended me, Mrs. Kong, maybe I could spare you once, but it's a pity, it's such a pity!"


Jiang Shi stopped and stared at Kong Daorong with his eyes like a torch. His eyes glowed with an indescribable luster in the dark night. He said, "It's no pity. Who are you Kong? I don't need to say more." , I never wanted to ask for your forgiveness, but tonight, since I have met you, let me learn how powerful the so-called Supreme Elder of the Kong family is!"

His tone was low, his breath burst out, his clothes danced, and he stepped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet.

With a roar, an extremely terrifying air wave instantly erupted from his body, rolling like a tornado, sweeping in all directions.

His body began to expand rapidly as if it were inflated. Pieces of ferocious and huge muscles quickly squeezed out, and ferocious blood vessels quickly bulged. The whole person became more than two meters tall in the blink of an eye.

Fifteen dragons with energy and blood!


In an instant, the shadow of an ancient dragon elephant vaguely appeared behind him, and it let out a loud roar, deafening and pitch-black, as if it had crossed over from the long river of time and space, bringing with it a supreme terrifying pressure, causing the person on the opposite side to roar. Everyone's expressions changed.

Except for Kong Daorong, all the old monsters who exchanged blood showed expressions of shock, feeling instantly in danger of life and death!

How can it be!

And that's nothing.

After all the energy and blood of the fifteen ancient dragon elephants exploded, Jiang Shi's body continued to expand further, and his entire skin instantly turned red, like a red-hot iron, and all the pores were emitting airflow, making a hissing sound and flashing red light. .

The ultimate limit of the giant!

Jiang Shi's body reached a terrifying height of about two and a half meters, with terrifying eyes and black hair, as if he had transformed into an unparalleled demon in an instant.

There was a Dawson red blood line all over his body. These blood lines were caused by the fluctuations caused by the movement of his powerful energy and blood.

The terrifying scene made Kong Daorong's pupils shrink slightly, showing a look of shock for the first time.

It seemed unimaginable to him.

This Jiang Shi is actually hidden so deeply!

He even learned Kong's [Giant Limit].

Even he felt unspeakably oppressed by such strength!

If I hadn't taken the initiative to show up tonight and forced him to take action, wouldn't I have been hidden by him?

In another two years, no, maybe in another year, it will be difficult to conquer him.

"Okay, Jiang Shi, you really surprised me. I really didn't expect you to be so strong. It really excites me. I will beat you to death tonight!"

Kong Daorong shouted suddenly, and his body almost became angry in an instant.

With a crash, all the clothes on his body were torn to pieces, and his entire body instantly reduced to about four and a half meters tall. All the flesh and blood on his body turned into a bluish-purple color, and his blood vessels were knotted.

The ultimate limit of the giant!

However, just as he finished his transformation, the air exploded in front of him, carrying a terrifying aura, like a spark crashing into him, it was incredibly fast.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

But Kong Daorong reacted very quickly, and his two thick arms came up and put them together, as if they had broken through the limitations of time and space, blocking him in front of him.


The air wave exploded and the earth shook.

It was like countless missiles exploding here instantly.

The terrifying and unspeakable air waves swept all around, causing many of the old monsters around Kong Daorong to feel horrified, as if countless steel knives were shooting at them.

Many people even had their faces covered in blood and their clothes torn to pieces by this wave of energy.

They roared violently, stamped their feet, and quickly flew backwards to dodge.

One of Jiang Shi's big hands slapped Kong Daorong's two thick arms hard, but they were firmly blocked by his thick arms.

Both of them were covered in muscles, with veins on their faces, and smoke was constantly coming out of their bodies. They both seemed to have turned into two robots, with countless whirlwinds blowing around their bodies.

"Little beast, you really surprised me. I can't keep you anymore. I can't keep you today no matter what. The stronger you are, the more enjoyable it will be for me to kill you. Feel the despair. "

Kong Daorong had a ferocious smile on his face and stared at Jiang Shi with an indescribable terror in his aura.

However, at this moment, he narrowed his eyes and saw that Jiang Shi's palm suddenly emitted a rich golden light, which was so bright and dazzling that it made his eyes shed tears and made it difficult to see clearly.

Hunyuan Golden Light Palm!

After Jiang Shi used the golden light in his palms to briefly confuse Kong Daorong, he connected his palms like two terrifying machine guns and fell crazily on Kong Daorong's arms.

Boom boom boom boom...

The sound exploded and the breath was terrifying.

The air waves between here and there instantly erupted like a volcano, rushing in all directions. The entire ground was shaken to its core, and countless broken stones were rapidly shooting up and down the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

Whether it was the people of the Black Lotus Holy Sect or the group of old monsters brought over by Kong Daorong, they were all shocked. .

Did Jiang Shi completely hold back Kong Daorong on his own?


I don’t know how many times he was killed, but Kong Daorong suddenly roared, the sound was loud, and the aura from his body burst out violently again.

"The mighty heavenly palm!"

He raised a terrifying palm the size of a water tank, which completely turned into pitch black, and struck directly at Jiang Shi's body. His aura exploded, and countless black lights surged out.

The entire air in front of him seemed to suddenly sink, like a terrifying wall slamming down on him.

Jiang Shi raised his hands and blocked it with force.

boom! !

His body flew out on the spot, like a cannonball, and landed in the distance, smashing a huge boulder more than ten meters away to pieces on the spot.

"Envoy Jiang You!"

Dharma King Feng Xing and Dharma King Yu Xing changed their expressions at the same time and started shouting in shock.


Jiang Shi's body suddenly turned over, with rubble flying from his body. His mouth was filled with blood, his chest was sunken, and there were bursts of pain in his arms.

But his eyes did not show any surprise, but were full of surprise, which seemed a little unbelievable.

"Your power... doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought!"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed, he moved his body, looked at the Supreme Elder of the Kong family again, and said: "You didn't do nine blood transfusions, you did eight blood transfusions!"

Kong Daorong's face was gloomy and his aura was terrifying. After his body of about four or five meters flew away river rocks with one palm, he didn't even sway. The air flow around his body was filled with white mist. His huge feet stepped on the ground, making the ground hot. Leaving deep footprints one after another.

"You're right, I'm in the middle of eight blood transfusions, but so what? If I want to kill you, it's like crushing an ant to death. If you, the leader of the Black Lotus Holy Cult, are not injured, you should have the strength of nine blood transfusions, but He suffered a serious injury in his early years, and his strength was only in the middle of eight exchanges, but he is still on par with me, how do you compare to Chen Xuantian?"

Kong Daorong's tone was cold, and the terrifying body came closer and closer, casting a large shadow under the bright moonlight, like some unknown beast. ,


Jiang Shi's face suddenly smiled, and he smiled happily.

Under the moonlit night, he showed his white teeth and said with a ferocious smile, "I don't know how I am compared to the leader, but I know that you can't kill me today!"


Kong Daorong narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Shi. His eyes seemed to be burning with divine fire, but soon his pupils showed surprise again.

Strength and brute force in one!

Boom! !

There was a sudden explosion in Jiang Shi's body, like dozens of engines suddenly starting up, emitting terrifying power all of a sudden, causing more airflow to spurt out of his pores.

The skin is hotter!

This is nothing!

Soon Jiang Shi roared, his eyes were blazing, and the blood vessels on his body bulged. He clenched his fists hard and said: "The devil is bleeding!"

Hoo ho ho!

All the blood vessels in the surface area of ​​his body suddenly turned red, and patches of scarlet blood spurted out from them. The aura in his body continued to surge, as if there was a terrifying volcano erupting in his body.

The Heavenly Demon’s Blood-Tempering Secret Technique is the forbidden and demonic chapter among the Heavenly Demon’s Blood-Tempering Secret Technique!

It is at the expense of suppressing the potential in the blood.

Similar to the disintegration of the demon!

Once used, the body will inevitably fall into unprecedented weakness and serious injuries.

But Jiang Shi doesn't care;

He has the [Return to Origin] talent, which is equivalent to carrying a holy medicine with him. As long as he does not die, no matter how serious the injury is, he can heal quickly.

Kong Daorong's eyes were horrified and unbelievable.

At the moment when Jiang Shi's strength and brute strength were combined, he already felt something was wrong. Now after Jiang Shi's [Heavenly Demon's Blood] secret technique, he felt even more dangerous.

It was as if he was suddenly faced with an extremely terrifying peerless beast, which terrified his soul.

However, without giving him any more time to react, Jiang Shi's body flashed to the extreme speed, carrying an unspeakable wave of hot air, and disappeared almost instantly.

Kong Daorong was shocked and quickly dodged, trying to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

But he completely misjudged Jiang Shi's speed!

Jiang Shi at this moment can only be described as abnormal.


Kong Daorong had almost just dodged when he was hit by Jiang Shi's palm. The terrifying and huge palm struck him hard. In an instant, it was like the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and a volcano exploded.

Accompanied by an extremely harsh scream, blood splattered and swept everywhere.

The air within a radius of more than ten meters exploded instantly, with a deafening rumble, and a huge pit three to four meters deep appeared on the entire ground.

Kong Daorong's whole body was smashed into the deep pit, and he screamed miserably. His flesh and blood were bloody and miserable, and the left half of his arm had completely disappeared.

Even the entire shoulder was bloody and horrific, and the internal organs inside were clearly visible.

Not far away, the masters from the aristocratic families brought over by Kong Daorong all looked shocked and shouted.

"Senior Kong!"

Hoo ho ho!

Air flow was constantly coming out of Jiang Shi's body, like a steam engine, and white smoke was coming out of his mouth and nostrils. He looked towards Kong Daorong in the pit.

"Kong Daorong, I thought you were so strong, but you're just fucking like that. Take your life!"

He roared violently, not giving Kong Daorong any chance to speak or take action. Then he raised a huge foot and stomped hard on Kong Daorong's head.

Kong Daorong's face was twisted, aggrieved and angry, and his heart was burning with anger, almost going crazy.

what happened?

His arm was chopped into pieces by Jiang Shi?

"Why don't you do it together!"

He roared, suddenly stood up from the pit, his muscles exploded, and he waved his one arm and rushed towards Jiang Shi's body.


Jiang Shi's foot was severely blocked by Kong Daorong, but just as he blocked it, his other big hand swept across Kong Daorong's cheek like lightning, and with a snap, Kong Daorong's entire facial features were distorted and exploded.

His face looked like a crushed watermelon, with blood flying everywhere, and it was too horrible to look at.

Just as the other people were about to rush over, their expressions changed when they saw this scene.

Something is completely wrong with Jiang Shi now!

What a monster!

Kong Daorong and him didn't seem to be on the same level.

"Let's go!"

A master from an aristocratic family spoke in horror.

"Don't even leave, take action quickly!"

Kong Daorong's voice was shrill, his face was twisted, his tongue was almost broken, and he was still blasting at Jiang Shi crazily, making loud banging sounds.

However, a Hunyuan golden light palm hit his chin directly, like a sharp razor, shattering his entire chin into pieces, and even his face completely disappeared.

Then a palm penetrated Kong Daorong's neck, and with a pop, blood splashed everywhere.

His face was cold, just like Kong Daorong's face, looking at the fleeing people.

"Want to run away? Don't let anyone run away tonight!"

Kong Daorong's face was painful, his mouth was squeaking, and blood was pouring from his orifices, but he was still not dead. He was hanging on Jiang Shi's arm, struggling in pain.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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