My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 176 The blood exchange is complete! Kill the Kong brothers and sisters instantly! ! (2-in-1)

within the room.

Peace is restored again, and blood is everywhere.

Tables, chairs and benches were shattered on the ground.

Corpses fell to the ground one after another, or their heads were sunk into their abdominal cavities, or there was a big hole in their hearts, or half of their heads were shattered. Each of them was so miserable that they couldn't die any more.

There was only one tribe leader left, shivering, not dead, but pale, seriously injured, and was saved by Jiang Shi.

"So, these are all the materials you plundered?"

Jiang Shi spoke calmly and looked at several large boxes in the room.

"Yes, Young Master Jiang. We have only gathered half of the blood exchange materials. We are missing a few important materials. Those Daxuan families took these important materials away when they fled. There is nothing we can do. If Jiang Shaoxia really wants the blood exchange materials, I am willing to exchange for a share from other places, and beg Young Master Jiang to spare my life, spare my life!"

The leader of the tribe begged for mercy in fear.

"Do you have a lot of blood transfusion materials in your grassland?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"No more, no more, even poorer than Daxuan, but I am willing to exchange for Jiang Shaoxia through other channels. I only ask Jiang Shaoxia to spare my life."

The leader of the tribe quickly spoke in fear.

"Since there are not many blood exchange materials in the grassland, why do you have so many masters in the grassland blood exchange realm?"

Jiang Shi continued to ask.

"There are seventy-two tribes in the grassland. The overall territory is more than ten times larger than that of Daxuan. However, the environment is bitter and cold and not as wealthy as Daxuan. However, each tribe can also be allocated a small amount of blessed land. Therefore, after the unification of the seventy-two tribes, the blood exchange Only a master of the realm will look much better."

The tribe leader said quickly.

"That's it."

Jiang Shi said thoughtfully, "Thank you very much. Are there any other grassland strongholds nearby?"

"Other strongholds?"


Jiang Shi glanced at him.

The leader of the tribe immediately shuddered and did not dare to ask any more questions, saying, "Further north is Youzhou Pass, where Meng Fang was previously guarding. Eleven tribes gathered there, and they plundered All kinds of resources are also there.”

"Thank you!"

Jiang Shi spoke again.

"Young Master Jiang, can you spare me..."

Bang! !

The corpse flew upside down and landed in the distance, with a huge bloody hole appearing in the heart area.

"If I spare you, you will definitely inform others, so I can only do this, so I'm sorry."

Jiang Shi said.

He quickly cleared the resources in front of him and packed up all the required materials.

In addition to the incomplete blood exchange materials, there are also some materials for practicing [Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill] and [Great Destruction and Collapse of Heaven Hands], all of which were rolled up without exception.

After doing all this, Jiang Shi turned around and left, disappearing in an instant.

Two hours later.

Someone broke in from outside and discovered the murder in the room. They couldn't help but scream, and there was chaos.


Jiang Shi didn't stop at all. Carrying two large bags of materials, he immediately hurried towards the distance after leaving the city.

Next, he didn't hesitate and rushed all the way to Youzhou Pass.

With his current strength, except for the Northern Zhou High Priest and the Northern Zhou Great Khan, no one else poses any threat to him.

The strategy he adopted was very simple. Before the Northern Zhou High Priest and the Great Khan could react, he quickly took action, collected the blood exchange materials, and then retreated.

By the time they react, they will have already disappeared.

Even if they pursue him later, he has successfully broken through and is no longer afraid.


Youzhou Pass stands tall and majestic.

It was filled with soldiers from the Northern Zhou Dynasty, each with a tall body and sharp eyes, exuding a kind of fierceness and sharpness unique to the grassland people.

Below Xiongguan, there were groups of Daxuan people, chained with iron chains and anklets, forming a dark crowd. An unknown number of them were forced by a group of Northern Zhou soldiers to walk all the way to the north.

Most of these people are natives of Youzhou Pass, and only a few are rebel warriors.

The reason why they were driven north was simply to use them to work as coolies in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The environment in the Northern Zhou Dynasty was bitter and cold, and all kinds of things were extremely scarce.

Now that they had finally taken over the northern part of Daxuan, they naturally had to mobilize a large number of people to participate in the construction of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

"Bitch, go away, don't stay!!"

"What a bunch of pigs, hurry up!"


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The sound of whips hitting the human body was extremely sharp, and the flesh and skin were covered with blood. Many people screamed and almost fell down.

And just then!

A figure carrying two huge packages came roaring from a distance, as fast as lightning, passing directly through the soldiers.


"No, enemy attack!"

"Who is the master here?"

A group of Northern Zhou soldiers screamed.

Bang bang bang bang!


As the sound rang out, Jiang Shi's speed did not slow down at all. He saw soldiers from the Northern Zhou Dynasty flying one after another, like confetti in the wind, they were quickly swept away as soon as they met.

Jiang Shi kept walking and rushed towards the interior of Youzhou Pass.

There was chaos at the entire city gate.

The people captured by the Northern Zhou Dynasty shouted one after another, picked up their swords, quickly cut off the chains on their bodies, and then fled from here.

Next, Jiang Shi followed the same pattern and broke into Youzhou Mansion without stopping.

However, this time I met a Holy Spirit-level master in the mansion.

At first, the Holy Spirit-level master was furious when he saw someone breaking in. He quickly took action without thinking, but was soon blasted away by Jiang Shi's full-strength palm.

It was only then that he realized what he had provoked.

But unfortunately, there was no time to regret after that.

Jiang Shi took action and quickly cleaned the entire Youzhou Mansion, taking away all the materials he could use.

His luck is indeed good this time!

Come to the right place too.

As expected, several important materials were found in Youzhou Mansion, and together with other materials on his body, he successfully gathered enough for exchange.

Jiang Shi didn't stay for a moment, and almost immediately left the place after rolling up the materials.

The entire Youzhou Pass was left in chaos.

In just half a day, the news spread to the Immortality Sect. .


In the chaotic Youzhou Mansion.

The room was dilapidated and filled with blood.

One corpse after another lies here, dead in a horrible way.

The high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty looked indifferently. He was wearing black clothes, a black robe, a white felt hat, and holding a cane. His sharp eyes were scanning the entire hall.

Soon his eyes fell on the Holy Spirit-level master who died tragically.

The opponent's arm was broken, his skull was shattered, and his eyes were huge.

It seems that he will never die with his eyes closed.

The defensive holy membrane on his body was shattered by force, and the entire chest was sunken, and all the vitality in his body was dissipated with the shattering of the holy membrane.

"The holy membrane on his body was broken, and he was killed by force. The person who did it used an unimaginable secret skill. It seemed to contain poison, and it seemed to have an indescribable aura. Unexpectedly, Daxuan There are also such masters among them, most of them are at the level of the five major alliance leaders."

Kong Tianri on one side, dressed in white and plain robe, said coldly.

"Five major alliance leaders?"

The high priest spoke calmly and said: "One of the five major alliance leaders, the leader of the Yi Yuan Alliance, is seriously injured and his life or death is uncertain. The leader of the Liang Yi Alliance has defected to me in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The whereabouts of the leader of the San Cai Alliance are unknown. The leader of the Four Elephants Alliance is missing. The leader of the Five Elements Alliance has already died tragically. Looking at it this way, Is the person between the Three Talents Alliance Leader and the Four Elephants Alliance Leader?"

"It must be them, otherwise Daxuan wouldn't have such a strong person."

Kong Tianri said coldly.

"Well, let me show you the secret method first."

The high priest spoke softly and walked towards the body of the Holy Spirit-level Supreme Elder. He took out a black porcelain bottle from his body, poured out a pill, and stuffed it directly into the mouth of the Holy Spirit-level powerful man's body. The next moment, , the palm of his hand reached out, and he slowly stroked the other person's forehead.

The opponent's entire head quickly shriveled up and made a chirping sound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye!

A drop of scarlet blood overflowed from the opponent's forehead and directly entered the palm of the high priest's hand, where he flicked it with his finger.


The blood flew out and exploded in front of his eyes, forming a blood-colored light curtain.

Within the light curtain, human figures emerged, like phantoms, and the previous scenes appeared extremely vividly, from Jiang Shi's action to Jiang Shi's silence, playing rapidly like a slideshow.

Everyone in the hall all stared at the screen.

The high priest raised his hand, and a beam of light rushed out, and instantly fell on the blood-colored light curtain in front of him. Suddenly, the entire rapidly changing blood-colored light curtain paused, and it was extremely accurately fixed on a figure in the light curtain.

The high priest suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's him!"

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan frowned and looked at the figures in the light curtain.

"Who is this?"


The high priest seemed to sigh with emotion, and said, "Brother Kong, do you really not know? This person is Jiang Shi, who has a grudge against your Kong family to exterminate the family!"

"Jiang Shi? He is Jiang Shi!"

Kong Tianri's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly.

Kong Xuan on one side also turned cold-eyed for a moment, and her whole body was filled with cold energy.

"I didn't expect that this person has cultivated to such an extent that he could kill a Holy Spirit-level Supreme Elder of our Immortality Sect so easily. Judging from the things this person stole, he must be looking for blood exchange materials, that is to say , he hasn’t completed the blood exchange yet, this is a formidable enemy, we must not let him succeed!”

The high priest spoke.

"I can't find him everywhere I look, but he actually dares to show up on his own initiative?"

Kong Tianri's tone was solemn.

"Brother Kong, don't be careless. This person has the power to kill the Holy Spirit."

The high priest warned in a solemn voice.

"The high priest underestimated my brother and sister too much. What does killing the Holy Spirit mean? It's not that my brother and sister can't do it. This man is not even a blood transmutation. Why should I, my brother and sister, be afraid of him!"

Kong Tianri spoke coldly.

The high priest was slightly startled and quickly reacted.

Dragon Phoenix Xuan Huang Body!

He is indeed qualified to say this.

The two have successfully exchanged blood, and once they join forces, their strength is destined to be invincible at the same level.

Even if Jiang Shi really reaches the level of Meng Fang, it's not like he can't fight!


And help yourself.

"In this case, I am willing to help you two."

The high priest opened his mouth and said, "This man is so arrogant. He killed my core figure in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Do you think he can leave easily? Bring the hell dog here!"

"Yes, High Priest."

The person next to him nodded respectfully and immediately withdrew.

Not long after.

A terrifying big dog that was all black and made of steel was quickly led over. It was so big that it looked like a calf. Its skin was shiny from top to bottom, and its eyes were bright and bright, like lights. In particular, the muscles on his body are bulging, giving him an indescribable feeling of being condensed and heavy.

As soon as the big dog appeared, the high priest raised his hand and pointed at the body of the supreme elder.

The big dog bared its teeth and rushed over quickly. Without any hesitation, it lay directly on the Supreme Elder and began to eat.

Poof! Poof!

Blood splattered everywhere, and the scene was bloody.

A complete corpse was quickly devoured by the big dog.

After the big dog ate the corpse, its eyes became even weirder, with a black light, and it made a weird whining sound. It sniffed quickly with its nose, and then rushed over quickly.

"Follow the Hell Dog, and the Hell Dog will naturally find that Jiang Shi."

The high priest smiled slightly.

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan's eyes turned cold, and without saying a word, their bodies quickly disappeared from this place.

"Immediately inform them that I will give those Daxuan families one last chance. Within ten days, they must all surrender. If not, I will personally take action to exterminate them. At that time, a Don’t even think about surviving!”

The high priest spoke calmly and ordered the people around him, then stepped forward with the soles of his feet and walked forward as well.

The elders of the Northern Zhou Dynasty around them immediately started to get busy.


Not long after.

The news spread and shocked the world.

No matter people in the world or various aristocratic families, they were all shocked and showed grief and anger.

The high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty actually gave them an ultimatum.

Within ten days, if all the major families do not surrender, they will be directly exterminated!

This news made them angry and powerless.

Thinking about their Daxuan, who occupies the world's orthodoxy, has many aristocratic families, and has many masters, if the five major alliances hadn't fought among themselves and suffered heavy losses, how could they have been invaded by the Northern Zhou Dynasty?

Now faced with the threat of the Northern Zhou High Priest, no one in Da Da Xuan could stand up to resist the opponent.

"The High Priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Holy Spirit has returned to its ancestral peak for the third time. He is not even a match for the leader of the Yiyuan Alliance who masters the [Golden Light Seal]. It's better to vote. This battle is meaningless."

In the secluded mountain forest.

The leader of the Four Elephants Alliance sat cross-legged on a rock, surrounded by mist. He was tall and spoke in a calm and peaceful voice.

Beside him, several heads of aristocratic families showed extremely unwilling expressions.

Once you surrender, it means that you will be completely reduced to a vassal from now on.

They will no longer have a share in the division of the blessed land.

These aristocratic families will exist in name only!

"Leader, is there really no way out?"

The head of an aristocratic family asked through gritted teeth.

"If there were some ways before, it's too late now."

The leader of the Four Symbols Alliance said quietly, "Have you found out the whereabouts of Jiang Shi?"

"Not yet. People from the Northern Zhou Dynasty are also looking for him. However, it is said that not long ago, Jiang Shi broke into Chaoyang City and Youzhou Pass and killed dozens of tribal leaders in succession. Among them was a Holy Spirit-level old monster from the Immortality Sect. He took away a batch of blood transfusion materials, and he seems to want to do another blood transfusion."

Said the head of an aristocratic family.

"Want another blood transfusion?"

The leader of the Four Symbols Alliance, Hong Tianmen, stared hard and said to himself, "Is it possible that he is about to reach the completion of blood exchange? Are the people from the Northern Zhou Dynasty following him?"

"After chasing him, he seems to be heading towards the Yinyun Mountains."

The head of the family said.

"Okay, I'll go take a look right now."

Hong Tianmen was extremely decisive. He stood up directly from the rock and said coldly, "If I don't come back within ten days, you can make your own decision. If you don't want to surrender, you can go to the sea and take refuge."

His body flashed and disappeared in an instant.

The world is in shock!

All kinds of news are still spreading rapidly.

Everyone felt a huge pressure, and news of despair and compassion enveloped the entire Daxuan.


Two days passed.

The deepest part of the Cloudy Mountains.

A large pitch-black dog, its eyes were shining with an astonishing luster. It seemed to contain a strange underworld, with all kinds of weird figures and unspeakable monsters appearing inside.

Its speed is very fast, its mouth is whirring, its limbs are strong and powerful, and it is still rushing forward quickly.

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan, who were following behind, had cold eyes, and their white clothes were fluttering, carrying a dense cold air. The leaves were frozen in pieces and fell rustling as they passed by.

From a distance, it looks like two white dragons passing by.

More than ten miles behind them.

It was the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who followed quietly and calmly, with a calm expression on his face, as if he had everything under control.

"This Jiang Shi can indeed run. He actually ran so far in just two days. This person is an excellent person both in terms of talent and character. He is not inferior to Meng Fang."

He sighed with emotion and said, "How can He De, a mere Daxuan, have so many geniuses? Meng Fang, Jiang Shi, the Kong brothers and sisters, and that madman who is unwilling to surrender to us and jumped off the cliff by himself, if all these characters were me How good would it be for people from the Changsheng Sect of the Northern Zhou Dynasty? What a pity!"

"Why should the high priest envy them? No matter how talented they are, they are still not enough in front of the high priest. Geniuses are only geniuses if they survive. Geniuses who die will not care about their glory."

An elder next to him said with a flattering smile.

The high priest continued to speak and said: "You underestimate these geniuses too much. Some geniuses are not so easy to kill. Besides, even if some people openly defect to me, Northern Zhou Dynasty, they may not necessarily think so in their hearts. We need Lift and release at all times.”

"The high priest is talking about the Kong brothers and sisters?

The elder's eyes flashed.

"Kong's ten thousand years of foundation, how can it be so easy to take refuge in others? I'm afraid, sooner or later, these two people will turn against each other."

The high priest said.

"How about getting rid of it now?"

The elder said solemnly.

The high priest smiled slightly and said, "Even if I have to get rid of them, I will squeeze out the last drop of their value so that they know that enduring humiliation and bearing a heavy burden is not that simple."

Hoo ho ho!

He pointed out the soles of his feet and increased his speed.

The dozen Northern Zhou elders around him were all following him quickly.


The deepest part of the mountains.

In a hidden cave.

The entire cave entrance has been completely blocked by river rocks.

At this moment, his blood was boiling all over, and his body was immersed in a huge medicine bucket. The medicine inside was rich and the breath was hot. Wave after wave of powerful medicine was drawn by his power and rushed towards his body. .

The place where he exchanged blood did not choose those blessed places.

Because there is no peace in these blessed lands now, and they are the focus of the fight between major aristocratic families and the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The most important thing in the blood transfusion process is that it must not be disturbed by anyone. If anyone is disturbed in the slightest, it can go crazy and cause the whole body to explode, or die on the spot.

He would rather not have the blessing of a blessed land than be disturbed by people from those aristocratic families.

Anyway, he has the talent of [Enlightenment], and whether he has blessings or not, it is not too important to him.

Inside the cave, the light is blazing and the breath is hot.

Jiang Shi had a ferocious look on his face, all the blood vessels in his body were bulging and twisting, and patches of medicinal liquid were spreading along the blood vessels and rushing towards his body.

At this moment, an extremely fierce battle seemed to be breaking out in his veins.

In the realm of blood exchange, the further you go, the more difficult it becomes.

In the previous stages, he had the help of the Demonic True Blood and Blood Essence Beads, so he passed through them smoothly without feeling anything, but now he can only rely on the power of medicine.

The entire blood transfusion process was difficult and painful.

His physical body is too strong, and his blood factor is much stronger than other blood transfusion masters. Therefore, it is not easy to change the blood factor.

Two whole days passed.

He didn't move at all, the blood vessels all over his body were twisted, his breath was red, hot and dazzling, his whole body was motionless, and his face seemed to be distorted.

At this moment, he has fallen into the most critical moment of blood exchange.

If you take a step further, the sky will be brighter!

Take a step back, into the abyss.

Wisps of white smoke were rising from the top of the river, and the heart was beating wildly, like a drum, and the sound was heavy and loud.

Time passes bit by bit.

Some time passed.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

A loud and harsh beast's roar suddenly sounded from outside, extremely abrupt, accompanied by an indescribable cruelty.


With a bang, the entire cave collapsed in an instant, as if it was bombarded by an extremely terrifying force. The boulders blocking the cave exploded directly, and two strands of cold air were shot out instantly, like cold dragons, towards the person who was sitting cross-legged. Jiang Shi's body impacted.

boom! boom!

The sound was loud, blood spurted out, and the entire cave was instantly enveloped by a terrifying cold air.

Jiang Shi's body had no power to react. He flew out on the spot and hit the cave wall behind him hard. Then the cave wall shook violently, and a large piece of rock collapsed, instantly hitting his body hard below. .

"Jiang Shi, give back the lives of my whole family!!"

After Kong Tianri struck a palm, he roared fiercely, shaking the world.


The black Hades beside him roared upwards to the sky, its voice was sad and loud, and its whole body was filled with billowing black energy, which was indescribably strange.

"Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Shi coughed up blood and struggled hard under the large boulders.

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan saw that Jiang Shi still had the strength to struggle, and their bodies rushed out in an instant, carrying endless cold air, and they blasted out with their palms together. The waves formed were earth-shattering and unparalleled, making the entire cave move rapidly and frantically. Shaking, this time Jiang Shi had just stood up when he was hit violently by the palms of the two men again.

With a bang, the cave exploded, and his body was knocked upside down and flew out from the entire cave.

But before he landed, Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan had already rushed out quickly, like lightning, with afterimages appearing one after another, and their palm force struck Shi's body like raindrops.

Boom boom boom boom!

The sound was huge and the breath was terrifying.

The entire mid-air was shrouded in a dense cold air.

A large area of ​​ice appeared between the sky and the earth.

I don’t know how many times it was bombarded.

Jiang Shi's body flew backwards violently again, hitting dozens of meters away with a bang, directly smashing into pieces of trees.

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan's bodies quickly fell to the ground, their eyes were cold, their breath exploded, and they rushed towards Jiang Shi again. This time, one of their palms suddenly held together.

In an instant, a loud and harsh sound of dragons and phoenixes resounded between heaven and earth. The aura was vicissitudes of terror, accompanied by endless blood, as if a supreme giant beast had broken through the sky from the long river of time and space.

Dragon and phoenix shadows!

They picked up their palms, carrying the dragon and phoenix phantoms, and smashed the ground where Jiang Shi was again.



Two dazzling white lights, one dragon and one phoenix, blasted past in an instant, and with unimaginable power, they quickly submerged in the direction of Jiang Shi.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the sound rumbled for more than ten miles.

far away.

The high priest of Northern Zhou Dynasty, who was arriving in a hurry, raised his head, looked at the air currents rising in the sky, and smiled slightly.

"It seems we have worried too much. The Kong brothers and sisters are indeed worthy of their reputation!"

His voice sighed.

"Judging from this fluctuation, Jiang Shi seems to have no resistance. Could it be that he was discovered by the Kong brothers and sisters at the critical moment of seclusion?"

An elder said in surprise.

"Probably yes, let's go and have a look."

The high priest of Northern Zhou Dynasty smiled.


The ground shook and rocks rolled.

There is a dense cold air everywhere in the world, destroying everything.

When the cold air dissipated, a huge pit with a radius of tens of meters appeared directly on the spot. The entire pit was covered with dense ice crystals, creating a bleak atmosphere.

Not far away were Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan, standing quietly with cold faces and steaming breath.

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, there were slight coughs again, and a tall and ferocious figure, nearly three meters tall, covered in blood, slowly stood up from the pit. All the clothes on his body were torn to pieces and hung like rags. On the body.

He was swaying, his black hair was disheveled, and he had a terrifying aura. His eyes looked through the dark hair, like the peeping of a beast, towards the Kong brothers and sisters.

"Why are there mosquitoes in this weather? The bites are so annoying to me!"

Jiang Shi's deep voice echoed here.

The eyes of the Kong brothers and sisters shrank, they were simply in disbelief.

Jiang Shi had eaten so many of their tricks and yet he didn't die?

How can it be?

"Dragon, Phoenix, Xuanhuang!"

Kong Tianri suddenly roared and grabbed his sister's hands with both hands. Their bodies instantly spun and turned into a terrifying tornado.

The phantoms of dragons and phoenixes instantly appeared in this tornado, and a large amount of black and yellow aura and ice aura emerged. The sound was harsh and earth-shattering, as if it had turned into a terrifying poisonous dragon drill, with endless wild aura, directed towards Jiang Shi's body. Drill in quickly.

When the two merged together, their strength instantly rose to the point where the Holy Spirit returned to his ancestors for the second time!

However, Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold, the blood vessels all over his body bulged, his skin was hot, and his whole body seemed to turn into a red-hot furnace. He suddenly raised his palms, and in an instant, a loud and ear-splitting roar came from behind, one dragon and one elephant, two terrifying A huge figure appeared instantly, with scales and blackness, it was no different from the real thing, and the blood and blood was particularly chilling.

Then, Jiang Shi blasted forward with all his strength!

Boom! !

The sound was huge, the air flow exploded, and the layers of terrifying air were like missiles, blasting terribly in all directions, with endless rumbling sounds.

The huge dragon and phoenix tornado collapsed on the spot.

puff! puff!

Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan inside spurted blood, their arms exploded, and their bodies flew out like kites with broken strings in an instant, hitting them dozens of meters high.

Not only did the arms turn into powder, but the meridians, bones, and internal organs in the body were all shattered.

Jiang Shi's face was cold, and his whole body was burning. His huge body only swayed slightly, then stabilized again, and then he stepped forward with his fiery feet and walked forward step by step.

"Thank you two losers for helping me, otherwise I wouldn't have broken through so quickly. Although I don't know your names, it's not necessary. Dead people don't need names!"

He appeared directly in front of Kong Tianri and Kong Xuan. The huge figure cast a large shadow, like an unparalleled madman, with an indescribable terror.


Kong Tianri's face was covered with blood and his eyes were filled with hatred.


Jiang Shi stepped out with one foot and crushed Kong Tianri's head to pieces. Then he slapped out his other big hand and directly hit Kong Xuan's head until it exploded. Blood flowed and dyed the rocks red.


Two in one!

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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