My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 178 Talent: King Kong! !

Jiang Shi's eyes were cold and a sneer appeared on his face as he stared at the motionless group of powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in front of him. His body was still emitting white light and he was rapidly healing his injuries.

He did not evacuate immediately and remained in the rain.

Because only when he is in the rain can he have enough confidence!

Only then can we take advantage of this brilliant power at any time!

The raindrops whizzed down in sheets, gurgling and splashing on the ground, forming small puddles one after another. The small puddles piled up on each other and quickly gathered into larger puddles.

The wind howled between heaven and earth, and it kept sobbing, as if it was crying for the death of the high priest.

Thick lightning bolts were like snakes, tearing the sky apart from time to time, making huge sounds.

All around, the crowd was silent.

All of them stayed in the rain curtain, shocked and horrified, motionless, completely shocked by Jiang Shi.

It doesn’t matter if you leave, it doesn’t matter if you don’t leave.

They had no choice but to let the endless torrential rain roll down from the sky and hit them overwhelmingly.

Everyone was cold from head to toe.

for a long time.

Only then did the leader of the tribe finally react, his face turned pale, and he shouted in horror, "Follow me from the Futu tribe, and obey the orders of the high priest. The Futu tribe will never go south, retreat!!"

A mournful howl spread throughout the world, causing the many powerful men of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who were confronting each other to feel shocked. They reacted instantly and turned pale.


Not avenging the high priest?

How can we withdraw?

"Let's go!"

The leader of the tribe roared, stepped on the ball of his foot, and took the lead to shoot towards the distance at high speed. The strong men in his tribe all turned pale and followed him.

As soon as they left, the remaining tribes began to waver quickly.

Everyone's face turned pale, and they were horrified in their hearts. They once again looked at the terrifying demonic figure like a mountain in the storm.

From their perspective, it was not difficult to see that Jiang Shi's injuries were recovering rapidly.

That white light has mysterious healing powers.

Jiang Shi is almost recovering again?

"Let's go, let's all go!"

"All members of the Immortality Sect evacuate!"

One by one the elders shouted loudly, and then everyone hurriedly retreated. Everyone was shocked and rushed out quickly under the rain and the roar of the wind.

Everyone's mind is buzzing, their expressions are pale, and their hearts are still full of disbelief.

Were they defeated like this in the Northern Zhou Dynasty?

The god-like high priest is dead?

Starting today!

The offensive and defensive momentum of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and Daxuan was easy! !

As these people hurriedly evacuated, the remaining Daxuan family masters also showed deep confusion, and they all stood there, at a loss.

The majestic high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, a terrifying existence that was unmatched by all of them, was killed by Jiang Shi on his own?

A few days ago, they were under the control of the high priest. Under the order of the high priest, they must all surrender within ten days, otherwise they will be exterminated.

But I never expected that things would turn around so quickly!

Such an infinitely powerful and terrifying being died so hastily?

For a moment, all the masters from these aristocratic families shivered uncontrollably, and then left the place one after another.

They want to spread the news to the family! Spread it to the world!

The Northern Zhou Dynasty was defeated!

The most powerful high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is dead! !

Their Daxuan won!


The storm was violent and the thunder and lightning roared.

The black clouds in the sky were like cotton, rolling and surging, revealing bright purple snakes from time to time.

The whole world was silent.

There was almost no sound except the roar of the storm.

Only Jiang Shi was left, standing quietly in the storm, recovering his energy over and over again, as if he was the only one in the world.

But suddenly, his eyes opened like needles, looking to one side.

I saw him not far away.

A tall figure wearing a black robe, with a solemn face full of surprise, looked at him quietly. He was quite tall, and his aura was as calm as a hill, giving him a unique aura.

"Hong Tianmen!"

Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the other party.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

Hong Tianmen's tone was full of surprise, as if he still couldn't believe it. He looked at Jiang Shi and said, "Envoy Jiang, you really shocked me."

"Leader Hong, you're too polite. I'm just protecting myself."

Jiang Shi spoke.

"Self-preservation? A mere self-preservation has brought the unparalleled leader of the Immortality Cult to such an end. This self-preservation is too terrifying."

Hong Tian sighed softly at the door, but his eyes continued to scan Jiang Shi.

"What is the purpose of Alliance Leader Hong? If you want to take advantage of this, I advise Alliance Leader to act within your ability and not to act rashly."

Jiang Shi's voice deepened and he said.

Hong Tianmen gave a bitter smile, shook his head slightly, and said, "I did have this idea originally, but after thinking about it carefully, I don't think you are so stupid. If you are really a seriously injured person, you can't let yourself be exposed to the rain like this. , but you just did this, the only reasonable explanation is that you have other means, I'm afraid I can drag people along with you to be buried with you, and there is no big enemy between you and me, so why take the risk?"

Jiang Shi nodded lightly and didn't say much.

Hong Tianmen is worthy of being the leader of the Four Elephants Alliance for many years.

This kind of discernment and judgment is there.

"Jiang Youshi, you killed the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, which is destined to shock the world. I wonder what you are going to do next? With the current Daxuan form, as long as you raise your arms and call out, I am afraid that many people will gather and respond. Even if It is also easy to unify the world."

Hong Tianmen said.

"Not interested in."

Jiang Shi shook his head directly.

I saw a higher and broader scenery.

His ambition can no longer be satisfied by a small puddle.

Even if Daxuan is unified, what will happen?

He has completed the blood exchange, and Daxuan's various resources are of no use to him.

Unless you get the Holy Spirit Pill!

But this world is extremely barren, and the materials for the Holy Spirit Pill have already been collected by the five major alliance leaders, unless they wait hundreds of years to get it together.

How could he waste hundreds of years here?

Moreover, the shot was the first to hit the target. Now that the strait outside this world has been restored, strong people from outside are destined to enter this place frequently.

If he unifies this world, he is afraid that strong men from the outside will come every three days and bring him all kinds of trouble.

Therefore, Jiang Shi didn't even care about such a thankless task.

"Not interested in?"

Hong Tianmen's eyes were strange and he asked.

"Yes, if Leader Hong wants to unify the world, he should do it himself. This is not my ambition."

Jiang Shi spoke.

Hong Tianmen took a breath and thought in his mind, "Could it be that Ambassador Jiang You is preparing to leave this world?"

Jiang Shi looked calm and noncommittal.

Seeing that Jiang Shi remained silent, Hong Tianmen nodded slightly and understood immediately, saying, "It seems that Ambassador Jiang's ambition is indeed not simple. Maybe one day, you and I will meet again in the outside world."

"Leader Hong also wants to leave this world?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

"You and I are both warriors. Now that we know the broader sky outside, who wants to sit in a well and look at the sky?"

Hong Tianmen sighed softly.

"That's true."

Jiang Shi nodded.

Hong Tianmen glanced at Jiang Shi complicatedly again, and finally gently handed over his hand. He didn't wait any longer, but quickly turned around and left, disappearing in the rain in a few flashes.

Time passed.

Heavy rain caused disaster.

The impact of the originally collapsed city wall became even more miserable.

After some time passed, the sound of rain gradually slowed down.

The clouds disappear and the rain disappears, the colors are bright and clear.

Jiang Shi's injuries were finally almost recovered. His eyes opened wide and radiated with light. Then the water stains on his body dried up and he opened the panel again to look.

Name: Jiang Shi

Cultivation: The ninth level of blood exchange

Kung Fu: Jiuji Thunder Light Heart Technique (ninth level)

Martial skills: Dragon-Breaking Spear (Second Level), Flying Dragon Shadow Step (Perfect), Rain of Flowers (Perfect), Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill (Fourth Level), Formless Shadow Shadow (Perfect), Lightning Step (Perfect) ), Great Destruction Collapse Heaven Hand (first level), Black Ice Finger (second level)

Talents: Dragon Elephant (3010300 pounds), Enlightenment (analyzing skills, fusion skills), Guiyuan (purifying blood, recovering injuries), invulnerability to all poisons (immune to poison, ignoring poison, blood detoxification), insight (ignore Illusion, wisdom improvement, spiritual improvement), Thunder: (can actively absorb lightning and master lightning), copy (copy super-grade martial arts, have a high probability of copying stronger martial arts)

Reputation value: 1980 (When the reputation value reaches 10,000, the next talent can be unlocked)


Regardless of realm or body, all directions are increasing dramatically! !

Even the long-standing reputation value has been increased again.

And this is still the beginning.

As the news spreads, his reputation is destined to skyrocket at a rocket-like speed.

It is estimated that it will be less than a few days until the next talent is unlocked.

"I don't know how mysterious my next talent will be. It's a pity that I didn't copy his [Mysterious Level Martial Arts] from the previous battle with the High Priest of Northern Zhou Dynasty."

Jiang Shi frowned secretly.

The talent [Copy] really depends on his strength to a large extent in order to be effective.

If he is strong, he can copy even stronger skills!

His strength is weak, so there is a high probability of failure.

Unfortunately, he fought with the high priest before and failed to copy the opponent's [Xuan-level martial arts] several times in a row.

"That's all. Sometimes you must have your destiny, but when your destiny is not there, don't force it."

Jiang Shi immediately started to set off, rushing towards Thunder Valley again.

Now that his realm and body have improved in all directions, the lightning stored in his body will inevitably become more terrifying.

Although the powerful enemy has been destroyed now, who would despise his own strength?

Therefore, if you keep your body full of thunder and lightning at any time, you will definitely not suffer any loss.

It won't be long.


Jiang Shi's body reappeared not far from Thunder Valley. He looked up and saw lightning and thunder in the frontmost area, howling winds and harsh whines, and large swaths of purple thunder and lightning raging high in the sky, crackling.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he strode towards Thunder Valley.

This time he went farther and deeper.

It's just that even with his current state, he can't enter the deepest part of Thunder Valley.

There must be some mysterious and huge opportunity hidden deep in this canyon.

It's a pity that he can only watch from a distance now and cannot get closer.

"Ben Lei!"

Jiang Shi shouted fiercely, and raised his two palms suddenly. The electric light in his palms was bright, emitting dazzling rays. The thunder and lightning raging in the sky suddenly seemed to be attracted by something, and moved towards his body uncontrollably. surged over.


In an instant, the entire world turned into rich purple.

Countless seas of thunder poured down, drowning Jiang Shi's body.

His body was like a battery storing electricity, frantically absorbing the endless thunder and lightning.

The splendid power of heaven and the power of heaven are constantly coming, and the whole world is instantly flying sand and rocks, shaking violently.

This absorption took a full twenty or thirty minutes before it finally stopped.

Jiang Shi groaned, his body flew upside down, and was lifted out by a powerful force again, but a rich smile appeared on his face and he began to laugh loudly.

This time, the stored lightning was indeed more and denser.

It was twice as many as when the blood was exchanged for the eighth time.

Now, he seemed to have become a walking sea of ​​thunder.

"If I use the thunder and lightning I have stored now to face the high priest, I guess I won't have to wait for the thunderstorm, nor will I need to borrow any external power. The thunder and lightning I have stored now alone will be enough to severely injure or even kill him." die."

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

This powerful feeling gave him an indescribable sense of confidence.

Jiang Shi took a breath and used [Return to Origin] again. The white light on his body lit up piece by piece, quickly healing the hidden wounds that had just been shocked by lightning. Then he used the talent of [Insight] and looked directly towards the Thunder Valley ahead.

For an instant, his eyes took on a dark black color.

The whole world became clear.

The movement of everything became extremely slow and began to appear in front of his eyes one by one.

It's like you can reach the source directly through the body surface.

At this glance, Jiang Shi immediately saw the deepest part of the valley.

There, a mysterious palace stood quietly, bathed in the sea of ​​thunder, with a dilapidated appearance. It looked like it had been standing for who knows how many years, and it still has an unspeakable pressure.


His brows furrowed, and his heart was secretly turbulent.

How could such an island, which was regarded as a prison, still exist like this?

Could it be the orthodoxy left by that super strong man?

"That's all. When I become stronger in the future and can ignore the thunder sea, maybe I can come over and have a look. Forget it now."

Jiang Shi is very self-aware.

He did not stay any longer. After recovering from his injuries, he immediately set off and left the place quickly.


The world is shocked!

Everyone was shocked.

Whether it was the various people in the world who were insisting on holding on or the heirs of many aristocratic families, they were all shocked by this moment and couldn't believe it.

It feels like a fantasy.

"The high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty died? The major families of the Northern Zhou Dynasty withdrew?"

"Jiang Shi killed the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty? Were all the major families of the Northern Zhou Dynasty scared off by Jiang Shi alone?"

"Are you kidding? How could Jiang Shi have such strength? The high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is mysterious and terrifying. Even the leader of the Yiyuan Alliance is hunted by him. He still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. How could he be dead?"

"The news is absolutely true. Thousands of people are watching together. Jiang Shi created his own secret skill [Thunder God Technique], which attracted an endless sea of ​​thunder and killed the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The power of one person shocked thousands of enemies. All the aristocratic families and tribes of the Northern Zhou Dynasty withdrew. !”

"Jiang Shi is destined to be invincible in the world. I saw with my own eyes that he attracted a sea of ​​thunder that destroyed the heaven and earth!"

"Jiang Shi is so terrifying. He first destroyed the Ten Thousand Years Kong family and then killed the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He is already unparalleled in the world!!"

"Northern Zhou's cavalry also withdrew, Daxuan won!"

"Hunt for the Northern Zhou cavalry!"

The whole world was in a state of shock.

Especially those in the Jianghu community were extremely excited and cheered.

After seeing the Northern Zhou cavalry evacuate immediately, they directly chose to beat the drowned dog and drove the enemy away for more than 700 miles.

On the other hand, those Daxuan families did not dare to act rashly and were still in deep confusion and shock.

In any case, I never expected that the Northern Zhou High Priest had just issued an ultimatum a few days ago.

He died tragically today?

Suddenly, many people shuddered subconsciously.

"It's over. Jiang Shi has become so powerful. What should we do if the past is settled? Not long ago, under the guidance of Kong, we targeted Jiang Shi intentionally or unintentionally."

Some people thought of the bad scene.

When Juelong Ridge reunited, many aristocratic families had targeted the Black Lotus Sect.

Now that the Black Lotus Sect has turned around, it is destined to be invincible in the world.

Once the scores are settled in the future, I'm afraid their fate will be even worse.

For a time, many aristocratic families became extremely uneasy.

But more aristocratic families were relieved and soon showed big smiles.

"Okay, that's great. It's not in vain that I gave him a blood exchange opportunity. The Qingyang Xiao family is destined to take off in my hands, hahaha..."

The old head of the Xiao family in Qingyang coughed up blood and laughed.

The whole world is in an uproar.

It was destined to not subside for several days.


In a secluded town.

Jiang Shi has returned successfully again.

With the intelligence system of the Black Lotus Sect, Chen Xuantian naturally received the news early. He was shocked and unbelievable. When he learned that Jiang Shi was back, he hurried over.

"Jiang Shi, did you kill the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty?"


Jiang Shi nodded directly and admitted generously.

Chen Xuantian and the three envoys around him were all shocked and in disbelief.

Especially those three envoys.

After several days of inquiring, they all roughly figured out the strength of the Northern Zhou High Priest. He was at least the third peak of the Holy Spirit's return to his ancestors, and he also mastered [Xuan-level martial arts].

Returning to the peak of his ancestors for the third time, coupled with Xuan-level martial arts, this is beyond what they can match.

Can such strength be killed by Jiang Shi?

"Could it be that he also has other [Xuan-level martial arts] in his hands?"

An idea appeared in the minds of the three people at the same time. They were secretly awe-inspiring and became even more afraid of Jiang Shi.

"By the way, old leader, the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty are destined to evacuate en masse in the past few days, and the major families will no longer continue to cause trouble. Do you want to reunite the followers of the Black Lotus?"

Jiang Shi spoke.

"That's what I'm planning to do."

Chen Xuantian spoke.

"Well, everything is up to the leader. I'll go in and take a rest first."

Jiang Shi nodded.

In the past two days, he was ready to settle down and wait for the next talent to be activated.

He has already done such a sensational thing in the world, and the opening of his next talent is almost inevitable.


Time passed.

The whole world is still in constant shock.

All kinds of news are constantly floating around.

In just five days, almost all major families and tribes in the Northern Zhou Dynasty were evacuated.

The outcome of the battle between Jiang Shi and the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was discussed everywhere in the streets.

In a dilapidated town.

The body of Hong Tianmen, the leader of the Four Symbols Alliance, appeared here, with a solemn expression and his body motionless, looking towards the front of him.

"who are you?"

He felt uneasy as he faced a powerful enemy.

There were three unusually young people blocking the road in front of them, two men and one woman. Although they all looked young, the luster in their eyes was filled with vicissitudes of life, as if they had been through the years.

His intuition told him that these three people must not be that simple.

Not like real young people.

Rather, it's like an old antique rejuvenated. "

"Hong Tianmen?"

One of the women laughed.

"Who are you? Why did you stop me?"

Hong Tianmen asked in a low voice.

"You are lucky to be chosen by us. I would like to ask you to be our spokesperson."

The woman spoke calmly.

"Speaker? Are you not from this world?"

Hong Tianmen's eyes shone brightly and he asked.


The man on the left spoke softly and said with a smile, "We are from the [Eternal Life Sect] and have some understanding of your strength. There is no owner in this world. We are willing to support you and make you one of the owners of this world."

"One of the masters?"

Hong Tianmen calmed down and captured a few words.

"Yes, there are too many people staring at this world now. We can't guarantee your unification. We can only make you one of the masters here. And the price you need to pay is to obey the orders and run this place for us. .”

The woman in the middle said.

Hong Tianmen suddenly understood and said, "Then what benefits can I gain?"

"The advantage is eternal wealth, isn't that enough?"

The woman smiled sweetly.

Hong Tianmen sneered in his heart and said, "If this is the case, I think the three of you have found the wrong person. Is Hong a person who covets wealth?"

Like Jiang Shi, he has seen a broader sky, so how can he stick to one island?

Moreover, the Misty Strait has become unblocked, and he will not be willing to be trapped here.

He has amazing talents and huge ambitions, otherwise he would not have been able to single-handedly suppress the Kong family and take away the position of leader of the Four Elephants Alliance.

The island's resources were scarce and extremely barren, which greatly limited his achievements.

With his talents and methods, if he were in the outside world, he would never have only such a small achievement! !

Now these three people let him stay on the island and give him eternal wealth? Isn't this a joke? ?

"So you don't want to?"

All three of them frowned slightly.

"Excuse me, you three. Hong has other plans. Maybe others will be willing, but it's not necessarily true. Why waste time with Hong."

Hong Tianmen said calmly, "If the three of you have nothing else to do, Hong will take your leave."

He gently cupped his hands, stepped back, turned around and left.

The three of them looked at each other, and suddenly they all moved together. Afterimages appeared, and with a slight flicker, three different directions appeared to block Hong Tianmen.

"Hong Tianmen, we are not discussing with you."

The woman spoke calmly, "But you have to do this."

Hong Tianmen's heart sank, he looked at the three people around him closely, and said, "Is it possible that the three of you want to take action?"

A man on the left sneered and said, "Since we dare to find you, we naturally understand your strength. Do you think you can resist?"

"Hong never likes to offend others, so why should the three of you be so aggressive with each other!"

Hong Tianmen said in a low voice.

"The current of the world is mighty and mighty. If you follow it, you will prosper; if you go against it, you will perish!"

The man said calmly, "You have also been the leader of the alliance. Why don't you understand this clearly?"

Hong Tianmen's face darkened and he said, "Thank you three for your kindness, but it's a pity that Hong still won't agree."

With a bang, his body disappeared in an instant, and he rushed towards the man on the far left at high speed with an extremely terrifying aura.

The sudden burst of strength and aura made the man slightly startled, which seemed to be beyond expectation.

"You hide your strength?"


The place suddenly became turbulent, and the ground shook.


Several more days passed.

The whole world became restless again.

The various aristocratic families finally waited for the defeat of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and prepared to divide the cake of Daxuan. However, they never expected that as several days passed, strange and powerful people continued to appear in the world.

Hong Tianmen’s experience is not the only one.

Within each aristocratic family, any head of the aristocratic family with some strength will be 'wooed' by strangers and powerful men stepping into the door in the past few days.

The prerequisite for 'agreement' is to take a 'spiritual pill' made by them secretly.

As for the effect of the elixir, one can naturally imagine it.

As for the price of rejection?

He died on the spot.

For a moment, the Daxuan land that had just calmed down became a little undercurrent again.

Almost all the major forces realized that something was wrong.

During these days, they all also knew that there was a continuous and huge ancient world on the other side of the Endless Strait.

The strong men in that world seem to keep coming!

Of course, not everyone chooses to refuse the invitations from those powerful strangers.

There are many people flocking to it.

After all, the other party can support him to become one of the masters of this world. Who can refuse such an offer?

Even if you take the poison pill, what will happen?

The world is bustling, everyone is here for profit!

The hustle and bustle in the world is all for the benefit of others!

And when the whole world is in turmoil.

In a secluded town.

Jiang Shi opened his eyes again, with a slight smile on his face.

Several days passed.

Not only is the next talent unlocked successfully.

Even his [Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill] also broke through again, reaching the sixth level, the terrifying level of six dragons and six elephants.

The entire body of the person climbed up again.

The unlocking of the eighth talent also made him even more delighted.

Talent: King Kong! !

King Kong: Indestructible, immune to all poisons, indestructible, and invincible! !

"King Kong, this complements my talent [Dragon Elephant]. I wonder if the two can be fused? If they can be fused and unified, maybe the Dragon Elephant can be upgraded again?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed with strange light, and he was secretly delighted.

This eighth talent definitely helped him tremendously!

Even if they can't be integrated, this kind of talent is unprecedented! !

No wonder Meng Fang is so powerful, just one [Indestructible King Kong] is enough to sweep everything!

Jiang Shi no longer hesitated and immediately began to try. He closed his eyes and used the talent of [Enlightenment]. The whole forehead suddenly began to emit green smoke, and the temperature of his body was rising rapidly.


Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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