boom! boom! boom!

Amidst the lightning that filled the sky, Jiang Shi struck out quickly, coldly and ruthlessly, knocking all the three women who had just pounced on them and flying them backwards, spurting out blood and causing them to be seriously injured, and they were thrown far away.

One of the women was shocked to death by him on the spot.

Powerful and unpredictable power penetrated out, causing the woman to fall apart in mid-air.


The remaining two women were horrified and screamed.

Amidst the bright thunder and lightning, the mysterious man was also screaming in pain. After realizing that a woman was killed by Jiang Shi, his eyes were scarlet, and endless anger rushed into his mind.

"Change the river and overturn the seal of the sea!!"

He shouted angrily, and quickly formed seals with his hands. The light in his two palms surged, and two extremely strange symbols appeared respectively. Powerful and terrifying energy fluctuations spread directly from here to the surroundings, so that the terrifying thunder and lightning in the sky were blocked by this kind of energy. Powerful energy fluctuations are directly repelled.

It seemed that under this seal, no energy fluctuation could approach his body.

Even Jiang Shi frowned.

But soon he snorted coldly, and a black light suddenly appeared in his eyes. His whole body suddenly stretched, and an extremely terrifying black light surged out of his body in an instant.

Like a field, it spreads around in an instant.

Talent: Lock the Dragon!

Forcefully suppress the opponent's strength.

Only the body remains!

In an instant, the mysterious man's expression changed, and the terrifying power surging in his palms disappeared at an unimaginable speed.

Even the two strange symbols in his palm quickly dimmed and disappeared.

How can this be?


He finally showed shock, looked at Jiang Shi, quickly turned around and ran away as fast as he could into the distance.

But Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold, and his body rushed over almost instantly.

Want to leave?

"go to hell!"


Under the suppression of Suo Long, his palm stab, with unparalleled power, was like an ancient demon dragon roaring, directly hitting the mysterious man's back heart.

Even with the divine armor, the mysterious man was sprayed with blood and his internal organs were almost shattered.

Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold, and he curled his fingers into claws, tearing directly at the hedgehog armor on his body, grabbing the joints of the armor, tearing it forcefully, and removing the armor from the opponent's body.


The two women who had just been sent flying showed horror, and they rushed over again desperately.

All this is extremely incredible to them.

The mysterious young master who has always been omnipotent and omniscient was actually suppressed by life today and was seriously injured.

"Bitch, go to hell!"

Jiang Shi's face turned cold, he turned around suddenly, slapped him, and never held back.

There was a snap.

The woman named Yue'er was slapped on the spot and flew out wildly. Her head exploded and blood filled the air.

The headless corpse was smashed in the distance, and it was too dead to die.

The woman Linglong who was charging finally stopped, showing strong fear and trembling. She felt her mind roaring and her soul trembling.


This man is really a great monster.

The three sisters followed Mr. Lin all the way. No matter where they were, they were respected and treated with all respects. They had never been beaten or killed like this at any time.

Of the three of them, she was the only one who died in the blink of an eye.

Even Mr. Lin escaped.

how so?

She didn't dare to stay any longer, and turned around quickly, running away as fast as she could into the distance.

After Jiang Shi slapped Na Yue'er to death, his eyes were cold and he turned around again. He didn't even look at the fleeing Linglong, but looked in the direction where Mr. Lin escaped.

I just want to leave now, isn’t it too late?

Cut the grass without removing the roots!

The spring breeze blows and gives birth again!

He, Jiang Shi, has always been kind to others and does not want to make enemies easily.

However, the other party took the initiative to provoke him. Now that he has done it, he can only do it.


A step with the sole of the foot is like teleporting.

The body disappeared in an instant, and he quickly chased Mr. Lin in the direction of his escape.

All that was left were broken walls, craters, and the smell of destruction.

Zhang Fugui and other men in black who came to rob them all looked horrified and began to evacuate the place quickly.

Qilin City is destined not to be peaceful tonight.

Far from being the only one where Jiang Shi and the others were fighting, the same was true in other areas.

Anyone who hasn't photographed the item is almost always waiting for an opportunity to take action.


The Demonic Alliance launched a massive attack, causing the city's undercurrents to surge and the water depth to be abnormal.

There was a roar from almost every direction, the sound was deafening.


far away.

Mr. Lin's mouth overflowed with blood, and he ran away at high speed into the distance. Half of the divine armor on his body was torn off, and his back was exposed, and half of his shoulders were also bloody.

His face was livid, his facial features were distorted, and his eyes contained deep anger.

Damn it!

What a bastard!

Ever since that battle, it had been a long time since he had suffered such humiliation.

He was actually seriously injured by a little junior.

More importantly, even his most beloved woman was killed.

When he thought of the tragic deaths of Yue'er and Qing Meng, his heart hurt, and he felt like a knife was being twisted. His eyes were red with hatred, and he wanted to cut Jiang Shi into pieces with a thousand knives.

These are all beautiful women!

It is a rare beauty in the world!

Any one of them made him fascinated and pitiful.

But now it's all gone!

In addition, Linglong still doesn’t know whether she is alive or dead.

It is very likely that Linglong has fallen into the hands of the other party, suffered humiliation, been played and tortured by the other party.

When he thought of this, his eyes became even redder, and he almost wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

"Damn you, if I don't kill you, I, the Supreme Xuanlin, will be useless as a human being!"

Master Lin was filled with hatred, gritted his teeth, and fled towards a hidden mansion.

However, just as he rushed out of an alley, a huge black hand grabbed him from outside the alley, with its five fingers curled, and it was ferocious and huge.

Each finger was like a terrifying steel pillar, clawing hard at Mr. Lin's face.

Mr. Lin's expression changed suddenly, it was incredible.

This guy!

Appeared in front of him?

This is impossible!

He screamed in shock and once again used his powerful killing technique, but a terrifying scene appeared again. The power in his body had just rushed out, and it began to dissipate quickly as if it had been crushed by an invisible force.

His unique skills cannot be used at all!

Talent: Lock Dragon High!


The sound was huge, the air flow billowed in the alley, and the surrounding buildings collapsed.

Mr. Lin spurted blood wildly, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball again.

This time he was even more miserable. The divine armor that he finally obtained could no longer be saved. It shattered and turned into countless debris, flying all over the sky.

Mr. Lin was exposed in many places. He hit the ground and suddenly turned over from the ground. His face was twisted, his eyes were red with hatred, his face was twisted, and he almost went crazy.


Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes and keenly noticed Mr. Lin's physical mutilation.

"You bastard, what a bastard, you made my ancestor completely angry!"

Mr. Lin gritted his teeth angrily and jumped on the spot, "This damn body limits my strength. This incomplete body is simply a waste!"

Jiang Shi sneered and understood completely.

Sure enough, the old monster is possessed and reborn!

In this case, it is even more impossible to keep the other party.

His huge body carried a strong pressure, his eyes were cold, and he rushed forward suddenly. The strength and brute force in his body instantly merged into one.

"Sending you on your way!!"


The surroundings were shaking and energy was billowing.

A large amount of blood mist splashed out from here and swept around.

A black soul body screamed, emerged directly from the broken body, turned into a stream of light, and quickly rushed towards the distance.

"Where to go?"

Jiang Shi shouted fiercely, and quickly chased after him. Bright divine light shot out from his two eyes and struck hard at the black soul body.

Sacred Heart Soul-Destroying Technique!



A shrill scream came out, and the black soul body trembled. It flickered in the air and fell from mid-air in an instant.

Jiang Shi didn't hesitate, and [Sacred Heart Soul-Destroying Technique] just slashed at the opponent's body in a series, and black light shot out continuously, making the opponent's body darker and darker.

"No, I have something to say!"

The fuzzy soul body screamed in horror.

"Don't kill me Jiang Shi, I can devour him and get his memory."

Suddenly, Xuan Daozi in the ring quickly made a sound.

If the opponent was in the previous state, he really wouldn't be able to devour it, but now that the opponent's soul has been blurred and seriously injured by Jiang Shi's [Sacred Heart Soul Destroyer Technique], it is definitely the perfect moment to devour it.

Jiang Shi frowned, but did not reject Xuan Daozi's request.

A layer of white light surged on the ring, like waves, rushing towards Mr. Lin's soul in an instant, covering his soul in an instant.

"Soul-Eating Technique? No, don't devour me..."

Mr. Lin's soul suddenly screamed in fear.


Xuandaozi's soul quickly covered it, white light rolled in, and devoured it.

Both souls were seriously injured at the moment.

However, Mr. Lin's serious injury was obviously more serious than that of Xuandaozi, which allowed Xuandaozi to seize the opportunity in an instant and risk the injury to aggravate the opponent to devour him.

Jiang Shi remained motionless, silently watching all this.

Suddenly, the sound of strong wind howling came from the distance.

The fluctuations in this place quickly attracted all the powerful people around.

Many experts were surprised and wanted to check the situation.

Jiang Shi's face turned cold, he turned around suddenly, swept in all directions, and shouted, "Get out!"

boom! boom! boom···

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sound was roaring, containing a rolling coercion that shocked the depths of those people's hearts and souls. They were so shocked that the expressions of a group of people suddenly changed, and they quickly turned around and left.

Everyone left as quickly as they came, and they didn't dare to wait any longer.

But after all, he is somewhat stubborn.

After another few minutes passed.

The strongest among the Black Dragon Army was finally alerted.

A powerful existence wearing black armor and huge body, like a coiled dragon, roared quickly from a distance, with a cold face, strong energy and blood, and a body like a big furnace.

Such fluctuations made even Jiang Shi frown.

He didn't want to conflict with such a strong man easily.

It’s not that you’re afraid, it’s that it’s unnecessary!

Qilin City is already full of undercurrents and various forces are gathering together. If he is held back by the other party, it may not lead to any kind of trouble.

"How is Xuandaozi's situation?"

Jiang Shi asked.


The bright white light surged violently again for a moment, then turned into a warm light and quickly rushed towards Jiang Shi's ring.

The Soul-Eating Technique cannot restore Xuandaozi's injuries to much, but it can enable him to search for souls and master the opponent's memory.

It is an excellent secret technique.

The moment Xuan Daozi's body penetrated the white light, Jiang Shi flashed his body, used [Thunder Step] and [Thunder Step] alternately, and disappeared in an instant.

Just after he left, the huge figure in the distance wearing black armor finally descended from the sky, his eyes as cold as a torch, scanning the area.

"You're walking so fast, your strength is not weak, at least the eighth level of the Holy Spirit, or even the ninth level!"

His voice boomed and he spoke.

The huge figure did not give up the pursuit immediately, but searched here again. After confirming that there was no trace of Jiang Shi, he left again and disappeared in another direction.


in the room.

Jiang Shi's body had already returned, staring at the ring on his hand and listening to Xuan Daozi's return.

"This person's name is Xuan Lin Supreme. He is actually a strong man from eight thousand years ago. He is also the head of a large sect [Evil Dao Sect]. This Evil Dao Zun is the second-ranked mysterious sect among the demonic sect. In terms of strength, it is almost the same as [Tianmo Sect]. It is said to be second, but in fact it is just a ranking due to historical reasons. More importantly, [Evil Dao Sect] has always been mysterious and rarely interacts with the outside world. He is eight thousand years old. Once upon a time during a tribulation, he was plotted by someone and his body exploded. However, like me, his soul was lucky enough to be reborn countless years after his death. But when he was reborn, a royal father-in-law appeared as soon as he opened his eyes. on the body."

Xuandaozi spoke quickly.

"Royal father-in-law?"

"Yes, it's just that after discovering this reality, this person was unwilling to be an eunuch, so he left the palace. Then he changed his appearance, transformed into Mr. Lin, and traveled around the world. Relying on his various experiences in his previous life, he gathered a lot of people around him. A confidante, but it’s ridiculous to say that his body has been in the palace as a eunuch since he was a child, so even if there are many confidants around him, he himself is only greedy, hehe..."

Having said this, Xuan Daozi couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's really sad."

Jiang Shi's tone was calm.

Seeing it but not being able to eat it, no wonder the other party was so resentful before.

"Does he have any assets left behind?"

"Yes, according to his memory, he hid a lot of treasures in the Evil Dao Sect. It's just that after countless years, it's hard to say whether these things are still there or not."

Xuandaozi exited.

"Well, go to your treasure place first, and then go to his treasure place after you take out the treasure from your treasure place."

Jiang Shi thought.

Suddenly, he flipped his palm and took out the [Nine Dragon Heart Transformation Grass] before and said, "Take it and restore your soul power as soon as possible, so that you can help me build a teleportation array and leave this place as soon as possible."


Xuandaozi immediately bowed and responded.

Qilin City, located in the northern region of [Thirty-six Alliances], is still countless miles away from where his treasure is hidden. It is extremely difficult to reach it by yourself if you want to travel on your own.

Only by relying on the teleportation array can we arrive in an instant.


The night passed.

The next morning.

Jiang Shi went out again and purchased all kinds of rare medicinal materials for cultivation.

Now that Xuan Daozi has recovered his soul power, he is also preparing to break through the Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body and the Great Destruction Bengtian Shou to a new level again.

Especially the Nine Dragons Demonic Body, with the blessing of his [Hundred-fold Dragon Elephant] talent, as long as there are enough resources, he can definitely break through all the way and return to his peak in the shortest time.

Time passes day by day.

Undercurrents surged in the city, and strong men gathered.

News about the [Demon Alliance] from the front line began to come continuously.

Every piece of news caused an uproar and caused countless people to talk about it.

And just five days later.

A major news suddenly spread throughout Qilin City.

"The western region has been completely captured by the Demonic Alliance. Now Qilin City is temporarily closed and no one is allowed to leave! Not only Qilin City, but all forces belonging to the [Thirty-six Alliances] and below must stay put immediately, and no force is allowed to leave easily. !”

The news spread and shocked the entire Northern Territory.

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