My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 233 Looting the Zhongyi Tower stronghold!

In dense snow.

The wind howls.

Huge snowflakes were flying randomly, dyeing the whole world white.

The middle-aged man in black robe frowned tightly, his face was slightly gloomy, and his palms were clenched together subconsciously.


No matter what, I never expected that he would make such a huge mistake!

This Jiang Shi far exceeded his expectations.

His original intention was to force Jiang Shi and squeeze Jiang Shi, so that Jiang Shi could only come to them when he was desperate, but he never expected that Jiang Shi could actually defeat Yang Yaotian!

Now all his previous plans and strategies have come to nothing.

Not only that, but he also offended Jiang Shi for nothing.

Why did this person kill Yang Yaotian?

There is definitely a secret in this young man.

"Where are the Shadow Dragon and Shadow Tiger of the Xuanying God Clan?"

The middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

"There's no news so far. I'll get back in touch with someone."

Tang Yuan said beside her.

"Get in touch as soon as possible."

The middle-aged man nodded gloomily and said, "I always feel that something happened to Shadow Dragon and Shadow Tiger. This Jiang Shi can even kill Yang Yaotian. The racial talents of Shadow Dragon and Shadow Tiger may not be able to stop this person."


Tang Yuan nodded.

The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at the vast snowy area again. His heart was turbulent, and he took steps and said, "Also, let our various strongholds be careful during this period and not move around easily."

"Does that Jiang Shi still dare to attack our stronghold?"

Tang Yuan looked shocked. .

"You must be on guard against others. This person is not the kind of person who suffers losses."

The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Tang Yuan's face turned stern and she said, "I'll make arrangements right now!"


The middle-aged man waved his hand gently, his expression becoming colder.

After so many years, it was the first time that something he had determined was beyond his control.

This feeling is very bad.

not good at all!

He exhaled softly, his eyes were deep, and he said in a cold voice, "I hope you won't be disrespectful. If you can escape, just run away. Don't come here to provoke me regardless of life or death!"

He clenched his fists, took steps forward, and his entire body began to slowly fade away, like a blur, gradually disappearing here without any trace left.

Xuanwu City.

Figures flickered and the wind roared.

Seven or eight figures rushed forward quickly in the snowstorm.

The leader was none other than Tang Yuan.

After leaving the previous place, she immediately followed her master's order, rushed to the nearest stronghold, and began to issue orders.

Now all the strongholds in the entire city have been closed.

All seven key members of the stronghold were taken out by her and gathered in the distance.

"Envoy Tang Yuan is just a junior. Do we need to mobilize so many troops?"

An old man wearing a black robe and an old face asked as he rushed forward.

"Yes, the building owner thinks too highly of the other party. In all the years since [Zhongyi Building] was established, a junior has never forced him to close the stronghold and evacuate the elites!"

Another middle-aged man also spoke.

"That's enough. This is the landlord's order. You only need to be responsible for implementing it. No need to say more."

Tang Yuan responded coldly.

Jiang Shi's strength is terrifying only to those who have truly experienced it.

Although their poster could easily kill Jiang Shi.

But now Jiang Shi is in the dark and they are in the light. If Jiang Shi really wants to attack them with determination, they will not be able to react at all.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Once Jiang Shi really wants to take revenge on them, the host will not even have a chance to take action, and their stronghold will be destroyed!

Hoo ho ho!

The figures were moving very fast, their feet seemed to be equipped with springs, and they all gathered towards the distance.

However, just as they rushed out of an alley.


Tang Yuan's expression changed, her whole body stopped suddenly, her heart was shocked and unbelievable, and she stared directly at the alley area ahead.

Everyone around him also stopped quickly, their eyes like lightning as they glanced forward.

I saw a tall figure standing quietly at the entrance of the alley, wearing a black robe, smiling, and motionless, as if he was waiting for everyone here.

"Jiang Jiangshi? Why are you here?"

Tang Yuan said in surprise.

"What? Is he Jiang Shi?"

"Junior, what are you going to do? Are you going to offend [Zhongyi Building]?"

People around him shouted.

Jiang Shi sighed with emotion and said: "Miss Tang, we meet again. I still remember the last time we met. The weather was not so cold. By the way, where are you going?"

"Senior Jiang, our building owner happens to be nearby and wants to summon us to assign some tasks. I wonder what Senior Jiang's orders are when he stops here?"

Tang Yuan forced a smile to cover up her inner panic and said.

"Oh, your host is around here."

Jiang Shi suddenly realized and said with a smile, "You lied to me, right?"

"Senior Jiang is joking, why should I deceive Senior Jiang?"

Tang Yuan forced out a smile again and subconsciously stepped back.

Jiang Shi slowly stepped forward and said leisurely, "It's really interesting. I just learned the news not long ago that you betrayed my whereabouts to Yang Yaotian. Yang Yaotian came to find me personally and almost killed me. Kill, tell me, how should we settle this account?"

"Senior Jiang, this must be a misunderstanding. We [Zhongyi Building] have always been loyal and will never betray our friends. I think there must be someone who is deliberately sowing discord. Senior Jiang must not believe it. I I am willing to swear to God that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with us.”

Tang Yuan said repeatedly.


Jiang Shi's body stopped again, and a huge shadow cast down, with a unique temperament. His whole figure seemed to be one with the heaven and earth, and invisible pressure enveloped the entire alley.

For a moment, the expressions of everyone in front of them changed, and they had an illusion in a trance. They felt that their bodies seemed to be enveloped by a thick mountain, making it difficult to move and their skin tingled.

"Senior Jiang, it's true. This is definitely a misunderstanding. This junior definitely didn't lie."

Tang Yuan's face turned pale and she swallowed hard.


Suddenly, Jiang Shi struck out with a palm, without any warning, directly hitting the chest area of ​​an old man in black robe. The old man's chest was hit on the spot until the front and back were translucent. All the internal organs and bones inside exploded, and the whole person sprayed wildly. There was blood, his eyes glared, his body instantly collapsed, and he died miserably.

"Old Wu!"

The others' expressions changed and they spoke in horror.


Jiang Shi struck the second middle-aged man with another palm. Like the old man in black robe, his entire body was penetrated on the spot. His flesh and blood exploded, and he died tragically.

"Mr. Liao!"

The remaining people screamed again, and their eyes turned red.

"Fight him!"


The few remaining people roared angrily and all rushed toward Jiang Shi.

Tang Yuan's face changed drastically, and she quickly said in shock, "Stop it, this is a misunderstanding!"

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a muffled sound and blood splattered.

Like swatting a mosquito.

The figures all flew upside down, their muscles and bones were shattered, their vitality disappeared, and they fell down in the alley, dying miserably.

Tang Yuan's face turned pale, and large beads of sweat appeared densely from her body, covering her whole body and everywhere.

"Senior, what on earth are you going to do?"

Her mouth was dry and she spoke in panic.

"Simple, take him to your stronghold. I want to find a few things."

Jiang Shi smiled.


Tang Yuan's voice trembled.


"No, no, this is absolutely not okay."

Tang Yuan said in a fearful voice.

"Actually, I'm not negotiating with you anymore, don't you see?"

Jiang Shi's voice fell, and a huge body appeared in front of Tang Yuan, condescending, bringing a black shadow, covering Tang Yuan's body.

Tang Yuan shivered for no reason and was extremely frightened. She raised her head and instantly met Jiang Shi's eyes.

What kind of look is that?

Dark, deep, and terrifying.

Like a bottomless whirlpool, it wants to swallow people up and sink them forever.

How could there be such a terrifying look in this world?

Talent: Soul Eater!


In the midst of panic and terror, Tang Yuan's mind roared, and a large blank instantly appeared. She was confused and her face was dull, as if she had turned into a puppet.

"Take me to your stronghold."

Jiang Shi yawned and said calmly.


Tang Yuan looked dull, murmured in response, turned around, and walked away.

Jiang Shi smiled slightly, and large swaths of black mist quickly surged out of the pores around his body, densely covering his body. After a while, the black mist dissipated, and Jiang Shi's body and appearance had already changed, as if he had transformed. For the appearance of the old man in black robe just now.

Talent: Disguise! !

He stepped forward and followed Tang Yuan as if nothing had happened.

The two of them walked in tandem, moving quickly towards the distance. After a while, they entered an inconspicuous landlord's courtyard.

I saw that there was a cave in the courtyard, and there were several hidden doors.

Under the leadership of Tang Yuan, these doors were opened one by one, and many figures appeared inside. After seeing Tang Yuan and Jiang Shi, their faces were startled, and they immediately rushed over to salute.

"I've met the Tang envoy! I've met Mr. Wu!"

"Go, don't disturb us, there is something I left here before and I need to get it back."

There was no abnormality on Tang Yuan's face, she looked at the people in front of her and said.

"Yes, messenger!"

Everyone in front of them gave up their hands.

Tang Yuan ignored everyone and led Jiang Shi straight to the deepest courtyard. Finally, she stopped in front of a gate made of white jade. She took out the key, opened the door's chain, gently pushed it open, and led Jiang Shi to Went in.

"So this is where the treasure house of your stronghold is?"

After Jiang Shi walked in, his eyes scanned.

I just felt that the area in front of me was full of various kinds of items.

Medicinal materials, elixirs, weapons, secret books... everything is available.

The entire treasure house is full, shining with a faint and compelling glow.

Jiang Shi smiled. He searched around for a while and soon landed on some medicinal materials in the deepest part. He walked past and gently picked up a few rare herbs with light golden color in his palm.

"The raw material of the Blood God Pill is indeed Zhongyi Tower. It actually exists!"

He muttered to himself.

Originally, he just planned to give it a try, but he didn't expect that he actually got it right this time.

But there are not many raw materials here.

After all the calculations, it is probably only enough to refine one Blood God Pill.

There are either too many or too few other materials, making it difficult to get a second copy together.

Even so, for Jiang Shi, it was not in vain.

With a wave of his hand, he took away all the medicinal materials in this place without exception, without even looking at weapons, gold, silver and the like.

In his eyes, these things are nothing more than dirt.

"Are there any other strongholds nearby?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"No, there is only one in each city, and there is another one in the small town of Yiling next door."

Tang Yuan murmured.

"Go to the small town of Yiling."

Jiang Shi said.


Tang Yuan responded dully and immediately walked outside.

"Wait a minute, where is your poster now? Isn't he also in Yiling Town?"

Jiang Shi asked suddenly.

"No, the poster is sitting quietly in Qianlong Temple, away from the city."

Tang Yuan murmured in response.

"That's fine, let's leave as soon as possible."

Jiang Shi smiled.

Then the two of them quickly left the place. Under the leadership of Tang Yuan, the two of them rushed quickly towards the small town of Yiling next door.

Just like Xuanwu City just now, after entering the stronghold of Yiling Town, Jiang Shi didn't waste any time and put away all the medicinal materials in the treasure house.

After looting this stronghold, it's not over yet.

Jiang Shi ordered Tang Yuan to take him directly to the third city.

In this way, the two of them moved quickly and rushed towards each city without stopping.

One Zhongyi Building stronghold after another was quickly looted by Jiang Shi.

All kinds of treasures that had been accumulated for many years were quickly emptied by Jiang Shi, and they were all put into the ring.

His net worth has also skyrocketed.

In the blink of an eye, seven strongholds have been looted in succession, and the materials for the Blood God Pill have been collected for five copies.

Finally, Jiang Shi stopped completely.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue looting, but that all seven strongholds in southern Zhongzhou have been looted by him, and he will go to the hinterland of Zhongzhou.

For him, the hinterland of Zhongzhou is by no means a safe place.

He had raided seven strongholds in a row, which might have aroused suspicion. If the unpredictable owner of the [Loyalty Building] was alerted, he would definitely be the one to suffer.

Therefore, Jiang Shi made a decisive decision and stopped immediately.

Looking at Tang Yuan who was still sluggish in front of him, Jiang Shi had a slight smile on his face, pinched her chin with his palm, and said, "What a peerless beauty, I feel pity for her. It's a pity, it's a pity, if we are not enemies, then How nice it would be.”


Without any hesitation, he pressed a finger between Tang Yuan's eyebrows. In an instant, Tang Yuan's brain collapsed on the spot, her eyes darkened, and her slender white body fell to the ground on the spot, motionless.


Jiang Shi's body flashed, and without stopping, he disappeared from this place in an instant, as far away as he could.

at the same time.

Deep in the mountains and forests.

A remote and quiet ancient temple in the mountains.

The tall and burly [Lord of Zhongyi Building], dressed in black robe, sitting cross-legged on a futon, is facing the ancient Buddha with a green lantern, his face is peaceful, and he is cultivating his mind and nature.

He has practiced for thousands of years and has great strength. Countless people have died under his hands.

In a distant era, he single-handedly caused endless murders and caused a bloody storm throughout the world. Later, he washed his hands in a golden basin and retired from the world.

Every once in a while, he would come to Qianlong Temple to meditate and gain a short period of peace.

The bell rang, clear and melodious.

In the vast snow, there is a unique tranquility.

Footsteps sounded outside, a little hasty and pattering.

It seemed that someone was coming at an extremely fast speed, and it could be seen that the person was in a hurry, as if he had encountered some great panic.

Soon, a man in white robe appeared with a pale face. He saw the landlord sitting cross-legged in front of him and walked quickly past.

"Something happened, Master. Tang Yuan's soul lamp went out, seven strongholds in the south were looted, and everything in the treasure house was gone."

"What did you say?"

The middle-aged man in black robe didn't seem to hear clearly, and his expression was startled.

"Tang Yuan is dead, seven strongholds in the south have been looted, and everything in the treasure house is gone!"

The man in white robe struggled to speak and repeated again.

"Who did it?"

The middle-aged man in black robe finally reacted, his face was shocked and angry, and he asked.

"It's Tang Yuan!"

"Fart, let me ask you who did it?"

The middle-aged man in black robe said angrily.

"It's Tang Yuan. Everyone in the seven strongholds saw that Tang Yuan took Mr. Wu into the treasure house. Afterwards, everything in the treasure house was gone, and all the soul lamps of Tang Yuan and Mr. Wu were extinguished!"

The man in white robe panicked.

This has simply become an unsolved case! !

The face of the middle-aged man in black robe suddenly darkened, and he stood up suddenly from the futon, exuding an indescribable terrifying aura.


He suddenly shook his sleeves and said in a cold voice, "What Tang Yuan? Someone must have impersonated Tang Yuan. Has Tang Yuan's body been found?"

"not yet."

The man in white robe responded in panic.

The middle-aged man in black robes had a turbulent mind, and his face was uncertain. He closed his eyes and felt it, and began to use an extremely profound spiritual method.

Tang Yuan is one of his most proud disciples.

He once left a spiritual imprint on Tang Yuan.

As long as the mental mark remains, he can track Tang Yuan no matter where she is.

After a series of deductions, suddenly, the eyes of the middle-aged man in black robe suddenly opened, and it was ghastly. His right hand curled up, wrapping the man in white robe, and his body left the temple in an instant, and rushed towards the distance.

This rush, I don’t know how fast it is.

Fast and lightning-fast, constantly teleporting.

The scenery in all directions is changing rapidly.

The terrifying scene made the man in white robes frightened again and again. Soon he could no longer see the surrounding scenery at all. He only felt that the oncoming strong wind had turned into a knife, stabbing his body in pain.


The body of the middle-aged man in black robe stopped again, his face was cold, he looked at the corpse in the front, and then threw away the man in white robe.

The white-robed man's legs were weak, and he finally stabilized himself. He looked horrified and looked forward, saying, "Tang Tangyuan's body!"


The middle-aged man in black robe snorted coldly, his eyes were like a torch, and he could see all the injuries on Tang Yuan's body at once, and said coldly, "Tang Yuan was controlled by someone before. Someone controlled Tang Yuan's body with a profound soul secret method. Forcing Tang Yuan to do something she shouldn't have done."


The man in white robe said in shock, "Who is it?"

The middle-aged man in black robes had gloomy eyes, and countless thoughts were rapidly surging in his mind.


A figure appeared in his mind.

"Damn it, I looked down on you!!"

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