My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 238 Alarming the Demon Sect

With a slap, the white-browed Venerable flew out on the spot, shattering the air and flying to an unknown distance. Then Jiang Shi, without stopping, rushed towards the blocked city area in front of him.

The body of seven or eight meters tall looked like a real wild beast. He raised his palms and thick veins twisted crazily on his arms like living creatures.

Ignoring the shock of the people above the city, Jiang Shi directly struck the blocked city in front of him with one palm.

Great destruction and collapse of the sky!

"Stop him!"

"The great formation is in motion, endlessly alive!"

Everyone on the top of the city shouted in surprise.

Huge flags immediately rotated rapidly in the city head area, exuding terrifying power, as if treating the void as an iron curtain, and began to quickly block it.

However, facing Jiang Shi's heartfelt attack, it was of no use at all.

Under Nirvana, you are invincible!


Amidst the huge roar, endless air waves rolled towards the surroundings, like a terrible troll crashing into it. Not only did it smash the entire formation into pieces, but the area at the top of the city also trembled violently. He was struck by him on the spot. One blow made a huge hole.

In the city head area, the expressions of the Heavenly Demon Cult masters holding the big flags all changed. They felt a violent force like an overwhelming mountain, crushing towards them, and then wrapped around their bodies and rushed directly in all directions.


As soon as they met, everyone vomited blood.


Chen Long, Pang Ban, Old Man Kumu, Xuan Daozi and others all stopped shouting and rushed forward.

The figures moved very fast and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Such a large city gate could not block the river rocks at all.

The White-browed Venerable coughed up blood, his arm was broken, and his face was full of horror. His entire huge body suddenly jumped out from the ruins in the distance.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how could this happen? How could he have such strong demon blood in his body?"

Venerable White Eyebrow's voice was horrified, and he couldn't figure out the specific reason even if he tried hard to think of it.

The Heavenly Demon True Blood must be an orthodox successor of their Heavenly Demon Sect, practice the Heavenly Demon Sect's orthodox mental method, and communicate with the Heavenly Demon every once in a while, in order to be given the True Blood by the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

But it is extremely difficult to get the Demon Ancestor to give you true blood.

He must be an extremely talented person!

Moreover, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor will also look at the age of the other party. At least for an old guy like him, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor will not even pay attention to him.

So far, only four of the younger generation disciples of their Heavenly Demon Sect have been successfully given true blood by the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, and have been directly established as holy sons by their Heavenly Demon Sect.

Known as the Four Saint Sons of East, West, South, and North!

But even the concentration of the demon's true blood in these four saints was far inferior to Jiang Shi just now.

At that moment, he even felt a kind of oppression originating from his soul, making his body tremble and unable to think of any resistance.

It's like facing the demon ancestor when he was young!

"Is he a member of our Heavenly Demon Sect?"

Venerable White Eyebrow murmured, shuddered, and said in horror, "He must be a member of my Heavenly Demon Sect!!"

How can it be?

Who could have produced such an absolute genius?

Suddenly, Venerable Baimei took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and made an immediate decision. He must return to the headquarters as soon as possible and talk to the leader about this matter.

"Return to the clan!!"

Venerable White Eyebrow roared loudly and immediately rushed towards the teleportation array in the city.

East of Bailong City.

Thousands of miles away.

In a hidden valley.

After Jiang Shi broke out of the siege, he quickly landed in this area. As soon as he landed, he turned his palm and two dark red scarlet flags appeared.

Nether Blood Flag!

He waved the flag directly towards the area at the entrance of the valley, and an invisible force suddenly came out, directly covering the entire area at the entrance of the valley.

The Netherworld Blood Flag, known as sealing the sky and locking the earth, can form a space of its own, but unfortunately he only got two of them.

Blocking areas like valleys is okay, but once other areas are blocked, the number becomes too small.

After locking the valley, Jiang Shi immediately sat down cross-legged and began to integrate the techniques in his mind.

As for Xuandaozi, Chenlong, Old Man Pangban, Master Kumu and others, they began to sit down and speed up their healing.

Fortunately, Xuan Daozi exists and can constantly refine healing pills and other things for them, so that a group of people will never be burdened by serious injuries.

The outside world is abuzz.

All kinds of news are still spreading rapidly.

The scene that happened at the city gate also spread quickly, and for a while, it once again aroused the discussion of countless people.

There is no doubt that Jiang Shi's reputation has reached the peak of his popularity!

The large and small forces that had dealt with Jiang Shi were all shocked at this moment.

Whether it is the Yang family where Yang Tiandao lives or the Bai family where Bai Tongtian lives, everyone is panic-stricken and restless day and night.

Nothing else.

Both of these two families had taken action against Jiang Shi a year ago.

Yang Tiandao and Bai Tongtian even went after Guo Jiangshi personally.

Now that Jiang Shi has grown to this point, if there is a liquidation, no one from the two families will be able to escape.

Everyone is scared now.

inside the room.

Yang Xinjia trembled and knelt down in front of an elder of the Yang family, with tears streaming down her face. She was extremely frightened and said, "Grandpa, you love Jia'er the most. Can't you even protect Jia'er?"

"It's useless. The head of the family is dead and no one can stop Jiang Shi anymore."

An old man wearing a snow-white robe, with a sad look on his face, said, "I sent you to the Shiwan Barren Mountain for the sake of your family. Who made you blame Jiang Shi for your past sins?"


Yang Xinjia cried in horror.

The Hundred Thousand Barren Mountains were the most dangerous and terrifying place in the entire Southern Territory.

Countless people die every year.

The Supreme Elder sent her there, and it was basically no different from executing her.

"Father, mother!"

Yang Xinjia's eyes were filled with tears, and she turned to look at the middle-aged man and woman on the other side.

The middle-aged man and woman also showed bitterness and looked away without looking further.

"Go ahead and hit the road."

The old man in a snow-white robe waved sadly.

Several servants of the Yang family came over immediately, supported Yang Xinjia, and walked outside regardless of her painful crying.

A similar scene is rapidly unfolding among other forces, large and small, in White Dragon City.

All the forces wanted to immediately cut off all ties with Jiang Shi.

I was afraid that Jiang Shi would suddenly come to the door.

Even Venerable Baimei of the Demon Sect was defeated. This kind of strength has truly become a climate.

In the dark and mysterious ancient hall.

Pots of green flames burned rapidly on each pillar, causing the entire hall to be enveloped in a layer of green light.

In the main hall, people gathered together and the atmosphere was suppressed.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look up.

The frontmost area.

On a colorful throne.

The burly old man in black robes, with a gloomy face and splayed beard, looked like a lion with explosive hair, and he was quickly looking at a jade slip in his hand.

"Asshole, what a bastard!"

His voice was angry, and he threw the jade slip in his hand towards the ground and said, "The Thirty-Six Alliance actually took refuge with the Seven Heroes of the East China Sea. Who are they, the Seven Heroes of the East China Sea? They actually dare to interfere in the affairs of our Heavenly Demon Sect at this moment. , I finally defeated the Thirty-Six Alliance, but a mere Seven Heroes of the East China Sea dare to take advantage of me right under my nose, I’m really looking for death!!”

He slapped the jade table with his palm, and the aura on his body surged unpredictably.

"Master, please calm down. Behind the scenes of the Seven Heroes of the East China Sea, there are people from the bottom of the sea supporting us. This matter should not be rushed, but should be dealt with slowly!"

An old man in green clothes next to him said in a serious voice.

"Undersea people?"

The leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult, Ying Tianxiong, said with a solemn face, "A group of little people who only know how to hide and hide. If it weren't for the sea protecting them, I would have beaten them long ago. This group of people who don't know whether to live or die, not only do they not know how to hide and retreat, Wei, you actually dare to take the initiative to cause trouble!"

His heart was extremely unwilling and he was pacing back and forth.

"How's it going with Master Qinglong?"

The Demonic Cult Leader asked.

"Venerable Qinglong has now basically wiped out all the remaining enemies around Qilin City and is preparing to return."

The old man responded.

"Don't let him come back. Let her stay where she is immediately and keep an eye on the movements of the Seven Heroes of the East China Sea."

The Demonic Cult Leader said.

"Yes, leader!"

The old man cupped his hands and suddenly felt something in his heart, saying, "Master, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

The Demonic Cult Leader asked.

"The Holy Son of the East was secretly plotted by the Seven Heroes of the East China Sea. He is poisoned and is in danger. I'm afraid... I may not be able to bear it anymore."

The old man's expression changed.


The Heavenly Demon Cult Master's face darkened, and the specific face of Dong Shengzi from before appeared in his mind, and he said coldly, "Send the [Nine Transformations Restore Yuan Pill] from the sect to see if he can survive this test?"

"Yes, leader!"

The old man cupped his hands and said.

"It's all gone."

The Demon Cult Leader waved his hand, his tone was cold, and he gently rubbed his eyebrows with his broad palm, feeling exhausted.

During this period of time, in order to win the [Thirty-Six Alliance], he almost forgot to eat and sleep, even he, the leader, spent a lot of energy and concentration.

Even not long ago, he fought many battles with the leaders of the Thirty-six Alliances, and he definitely spent a lot of effort during this period, but he never expected that in the end, he would be tricked by the [Seven Heroes of the East China Sea].

"Teacher, Lord Baimei wants to see you."

Suddenly, a congregant wearing black clothes rushed over from outside and said with his fists clasped.

"White eyebrow?"

The Demon Cult Leader raised his eyebrows and said, "Let him come in."

"Yes, leader!"

The black-clothed leader responded and quickly retreated.

Not long after.

Outside, an old man wearing a purple-black robe, with snow-white eyebrows, and a tall and thin body, like an eagle, rushed in quickly. However, his blood and energy were disordered. Even if he had tried his best to suppress it before, he could still see two people. The cheeks are slightly white, especially the arm area, which is tightly wrapped by a white bandage.

"I have met the leader, the leader is blessed with great blessings, and enjoys immortal blessings forever!!"

As soon as Venerable Baimei came in, he immediately kowtowed and said respectfully.

"Bai Mei, how did you do this? Aren't you in charge of the White Dragon City area? Is there anyone who dares to continue to rebel?"

The Heavenly Demon Cult Master's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at Lord Baimei. His sharp eyes were almost like lightning, captivating people's hearts.

"Master, something has indeed happened."

Venerable White Eyebrows suddenly raised his head, with a look of shock on his face, and said, "I still feel a little bit evil when I think about this matter. I am not sure about it, so I came to the leader specifically to discuss it!"

"What's up?"

The Heavenly Demon Cult Master frowned, a little confused by the appearance of Lord Baimei.

"May I ask the leader, have you secretly accepted any successors?"

Venerable Baimei asked boldly.

"No, except for the four great saints from the East, West, South, and North, no outsider is my direct disciple, and I will never secretly accept a disciple."

The Demonic Cult Leader shook his head directly.

"That's a hell of a deal!"

Venerable Baimei looked shocked and said, "When I was in White Dragon City, I met a young man named Jiang Shi. He was extremely powerful and extremely terrifying. He severely injured his subordinates with just one move. I set up the Five Elements Banner." The formation was broken through by him in an instant. More importantly, this young man had been fused with the Heavenly Demon's true blood, and the amount of Heavenly Demon's true blood that had been fused was far beyond imagination. Even the four Holy Sons combined could Not as good as him!"


The face of the Heavenly Demon Cult Master also changed suddenly, and he said, "He has so much Heavenly Demon's true blood fused into him? Didn't you sense it wrong?"

"Leader, my subordinates may be able to detect errors in other things, but the True Blood of the Heavenly Demon will never be wrong. This young man really contains too much of the True Blood of the Heavenly Demon. He must be a member of my Holy Cult!"

Venerable White Eyebrow couldn't help but speak quickly, "I just don't know which venerable disciple he is? His strength is really terrifying. I guess even if the four great saints come out together, they won't be able to compare with this person!"

"That's really strange."

The leader of the Demon Cult had a gloomy expression on his face. He glanced at the White-Eyebrowed Venerable and said, "Your strength is not weak. I can directly and seriously hurt you with one move. This kind of strength is rare, too rare. Now is the time when the Holy Cult is employing people." At this time, this guy is actually wandering outside and not returning to the church to listen to the propaganda. It is really too much. Where is he?"

"He just left White Dragon City, but he shouldn't have gone far yet. He is probably still wandering around White Dragon City!"

Venerable Baimei said quickly.

He returned by the teleportation array, and the time spent before and after was extremely short.

Jiang Shi couldn't have gone too far in such a short period of time.

"I am going to meet him personally and find out whose disciple he is?"

The leader of the Demon Cult looked indifferent and said, "Now the East China Sea is using troops. How can this kind of strength be wasted outside?"

"Yes, leader, come and lead the way!"

Venerable Baimei spoke quickly.

The two of them left here immediately, one after the other, and headed outside.

At this moment.

Jiang Shi still didn't know that he had been targeted by the Demon Leader.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged, with thousands of pieces of information intertwined in his mind. After a hard day's deduction and integration, finally, the three major techniques were completely integrated into one.

His eyes suddenly opened, flashing with a bright and dazzling light.

Then his entire physical body began to change. Pieces of flesh, bones, and meridians were rapidly transformed and merged continuously. Even every drop of blood seemed to contain aura.

Name: Jiang Shi

Cultivation: fourth level of blood elixir

Kung Fu: The Most Holy Art of Heaven and Earth (Third Level)

Martial skills: Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Kung Fu (perfection), Wuxiang Fanying (perfection), Lightning Step (perfection), Great Destruction and Sky-Collapse Hand (perfection), Black Ice Finger (perfection), Four Ultimate Avatars (perfection), Four Absolute Heavenly Evil Technique (Perfection), Sacred Heart Soul-Destroying Technique (Perfection), True Soul Extermination Technique (Third Level), Nine Heavens and Nine Dragons Reincarnation Technique (First Level)

Talents: Hundred Times Dragon Elephant (799999000 pounds), Enlightenment (analyzing skills, fusion skills), Guiyuan (purifying blood, recovering injuries), invulnerability to all poisons (immunity to poison, ignoring poison, blood detoxification), insight ( Ignore hallucinations, improve wisdom, and improve spirit), Run Thunder (absorb thunder and lightning, master thunder and lightning), Copy (copy super-grade martial arts, have a high probability of copying stronger martial arts), Camouflage (changeable, fake and real), Lock Dragon ( Suppress the power, ignore the power), eat the soul (devour the soul, transform the soul, use the soul)

Reputation value: 8900 (When the reputation value reaches 10000, the next talent can be unlocked)

The practice has completely changed.

It became the Nine Heavens and Nine Dragons Reincarnation Kung Fu.

It not only retains the respective characteristics of the three peerless miraculous arts, but also adds a new ability based on the original ones.


The so-called reincarnation means that the physical body is incomparable, automatically absorbing all external forces, and can weaken the blows of external forces to the extreme!

This is definitely an extremely incredible ability.

In addition, his physical strength has also increased from 499 million jins before to 799 million jins now.

This is equivalent to adding 300 million kilograms of strength!

"The goal of one billion is getting closer and closer. When I break through the next level of blood elixir, I should be able to reach one billion kilograms of strength."

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed and he looked at his arm.

He carefully felt the powerful feeling in his body, and stood up from the mountain peak again. He looked around and said, "Xuan Daozi, have you mastered my next Blood God Pill?"

"Little friend Jiang, in addition to superb alchemy skills, the refining of the Blood God Pill also requires the absorption of endless heaven and earth essence. With the Netherworld Blood Flag blocking it, it is extremely difficult to refine the Blood God Pill. You need to open the blockade. That’s all.”

Xuandaozi came from a distance and said.

"Do you want to lift the blockade?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

Such trouble!

Once the blockade is lifted, the movement of the Blood God Pill can easily cause trouble.


Xuandaozi responded.

"Okay, I will temporarily contact the blockade."

Jiang Shi weighed it carefully and nodded.

Anyway, we are now thousands of miles away from Bailong City, and the terrain is hidden, so there should be no chance of another accident. (End of chapter)

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