My Stunning CEO Wife

Chapter 15 Breaking up the company


Li Tianzhen has made up his mind to leave here, because it makes him uncomfortable.

Although life here is relatively ordinary, it is not as crazy as outside, and is in danger at any time.

But there is also a fatal shortcoming here, that is cold.

Everyone here seems to be hostile to him. Although he is powerful, he also has a sensitive heart. He doesn't like this kind of place, and he hates it very much.

But when he saw these two sets of clothes, something suddenly moved in his heart.

In this world, perhaps only Qin Yuhan would buy clothes for him.

Qin Yuhan bought all of Li Tian's clothes for him, because Qin Yuhan knew his height very well, and every time he bought clothes that fit him well, including the one he was wearing.

Seeing this, the movements of his hands suddenly stopped.

Sometimes it may take a long time for a person to despair. But if you want a person to find a glimmer of hope in despair, then a moment is enough.

"Yuhan, I want to think about it for a while, um, no way, I wasn't angry just now."

After making a decision, Li Tian discovered a problem. He was hungry, very hungry.

"Wang Ma, is there anything to eat in the kitchen? I'm starving to death!"


Half an hour later, Li Tianzheng was devouring food, Wang Ma and Lin Yi looked at him in disbelief.

This guy has already eaten six or seven catties of beef in the past half an hour, not to mention drinking some water.

"Grandpa, eat slowly."

Seeing Li Tian like this, Wang Ma kindly reminded him.

"Hmm... I haven't eaten for two days, and I'm starving to death."

What Li Tian said was a little unclear, but Lin Yi and Wang Ma still heard clearly.

Haven't eaten for two days? Even if the relationship between Wang Ma and Li Tian is not good, she felt distressed when she heard this. She glanced at Lin Yi and found that Lin Yi seemed a little embarrassed.

is not that right,

I had a quarrel with Li Tian at noon yesterday, and tonight, I was short of a meal, two full days.

After eating this meal for a full hour, Lin Yi finally stared straight at both eyes, thinking how much Li Tian's stomach can eat.

Wang Ma took out all the stock in the refrigerator, and barely made Li Tian full.

"Uncle, are you... are you full? If you are not full, I will go shopping again?"

Not to mention the shock in Wang Ma's heart, she has seen edible food, but she has never seen edible food like Li Tian.


Li Tian hiccupped, then patted his chest, and finally took a sip of water.

"Okay, I'm finally full, Wang Ma, what did you just say?"


Hearing Li Tian said that he was full, Wang Ma simply didn't ask, but then, she was going to be busy.

There was nothing in the refrigerator, so I had to go out and buy some, otherwise what would happen if Lin Yi wanted to eat.

After saying hello to Lin Yi, Wang Ma walked out.

In the entire room, only Lin Yi and Li Tian were left sitting there.

"You just called to leave?"

The two were silent for a long time, and Lin Yi opened his mouth to break the situation.

"No? How can there be?"

"Then what do you mean you can arrive in three days at the latest?"

"No, I didn't say that, you heard wrong."

Lin Yi didn't believe Li Tian's answer, but she didn't dig deep into the content. After all, what Li Tian did had little to do with her, at least for now.

"How can you drive without a license?"

Since Lin Yi planned to have a good talk with Li Tian, ​​she decided to start with this matter.

It's okay not to talk about it, but Li Tian feels angry when he talks about it.

"It's not the woman from the company who agreed to let me drive, but was stopped by the traffic police halfway, and then she left me and left."

Li Tian talked about this matter, but after thinking about it just now, he didn't care much about it.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi frowned.

She never knew what kind of job Li Tian was looking for outside. When she heard that Li Tian was driving without a license for the company's business, she immediately thought of some leather bag companies.

Obviously, Li Tian didn't even have any academic qualifications, so how could he enter a regular company.

"What kind of broken company are you in? I let you come to my company and you still don't want to. Even if you work as a security guard in my company, it's much better than your company?"

To be honest, Lin Yi doesn't feel much towards Li Tian now, she was dissatisfied before, but after chatting with her mother for a while, she gradually accepted the reality, instead of being dissatisfied, she might as well put down her little emotions and watch See how you get along with Li Tian.

As long as a conflict doesn't break out once every three days, Lin Yi feels that she can accept it.

Hearing Lin Yi say that his company is broken, Li Tian has nothing to refute. He knew that Lin Yi also had his own company, and the Lin family was considered very rich. In comparison, the company he worked for was really not that good.

"Our company is okay, but some people are a little more cautious."

Li Tian didn't know why Lin Yi had changed so much today, but he was able to chat with him calmly. But it's definitely a good start.

"It's better to resign. I'll arrange a job for you in the security department. It's a very easy job, and the monthly salary is more than 4,000."

Lin Yi thought about it, and said what she said last time.

More than four thousand? Brother's current salary is just over 6,000, okay? With the bonus at the end of the year, it's close to 10,000 less.

"This... Let's forget it, my company is not bad, and the work is very easy."

Li Tianzhen didn't intend to reject Lin Yi, he really likes his current job, so many girls, okay, what's the point of being a security guard?

Hearing Li Tian's refusal repeatedly, Lin Yi felt a little unhappy. He has done this for his own sake, so he can't take a step back? As for whether the two of them could continue talking, Lin Yi became unconfident.

"What's so good about your broken company? Li Tian, ​​I really want to talk to you to see if we need to be like strangers in the future, but I have already arranged such a good job for you. Why do you Don't want to?"

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