My Stunning CEO Wife

Chapter 5319 Devil Qi Enters the Body

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"But don't say..."

After Li Gang had warned Li Tian and others, he saw the group of Youli demon flames rushing towards the silent body on the tail of the black demonic energy.

This time, before Li had time to stop Li Tian, ​​the fairy sword had already flown out.

The power of dried plums!

The second style of the Dry Plum Sword Art, the flower will fall thousands of miles!

Once released, in an instant, the frost fell from the ground, and plum blossoms bloomed, like a sea of ​​flowers blooming in the ice and snow, but the faint plum fragrance seemed to carry endless murderous intent.

When the fairy sword was about to hit the magic flame, the shadow of the magic flame became erratic, and it dodged the attack of the fairy sword with a slight flash.

Long River of Sword Qi!

The magic flame dodges, which means that the attack of the fairy sword is effective against it. Li Tian was overjoyed, and launched the sword move again without hesitation.


Countless golden stars gathered, condensed on the tip of the sword, burst out with dazzling light, and rushed straight to the magic flame.

Youli Moyan seemed very annoyed at Li Tian's difficulty, and was unwilling to show weakness. The flame suddenly grew stronger, and the traces of Yin Qi became more obvious.

A small flame separates out and slowly rises into the sky. The fragrance of the fairy sword comes quickly, and the slow moving speed is completely different from that of the fairy sword.

But it was such a small flame that not only blocked Li Tian's attack, but even hit the fairy sword and flew back backwards.

The flame flicked its tail, and it was clearly a dark surface, but the few people saw a hint of human mockery.

Yes, it's just ridicule, mocking Li Tian's overthinking.

"Come again!"

Li Tian was angry, and was ridiculed by a small flame. Even if it was the legendary You Li Demon Flame, he would have to fight.

Kingdom of Swords!

The golden stars all over the sky exploded, and the fairy sword in his hand drew a sword flower, and the whole sky was shrouded in his sword intent. The infinite murderous aura locked on Youli Demon Flame, and once again came to kill with great momentum.

The magic flame suddenly flew into the air, slowly spun, and the flames were thrown out, blocking all Li Tian's attacks with incomparable precision.

"Clang clang clang clang..."

The sound of collisions is endless, and the magic flame seems to have an extremely powerful defense, but Li Tian's powerful sword moves can't do anything to it at all.

The strength of this magic flame is unfathomable.

After some fighting, this has become the common understanding in everyone's heart.

As if he felt that it was meaningless to fight someone whose strength was lower than his own, Mo Yan swayed in the air, aimed at Silent's body again, and burrowed past.

At this time, the cloud of black demonic energy had already penetrated into Bu Yan's body, and Bu Yan's face was covered with blue lines, which was terrifyingly ferocious.

Mo Yan's speed didn't look fast, but Li Tianfei's swift sword couldn't stop it at all.

In a flash, the magic flame quickly got into the body of Wu Yan.

"Don't talk about danger."

Moyan submerged into Buyan's body, and the stunned Buyan groaned unconsciously, his body convulsed in silence, as if he had endured great pain.

Li Tian didn't care about Li's previous warning any longer, he picked it up and said nothing, let him sit cross-legged in front of him, stretched out his hand to inject immortal power into his body,

Want to help him force the magic flame out.

Needless to say, he was no more than an ordinary person, and with such a heavy demonic flame penetrating into his body, even if his physique was weird, it would be difficult to please him.

Li Tian's celestial power had entered the body once before, and when he came in again this time, he walked around the body of Buyan familiarly, and soon found the position where the magic flame was entrenched.

In Dantian.

The black magic flame fell under the silent dantian, and his body was already filled with the magic energy that had poured in before.

Protect the silent dantian.

With just one glance, Li Tian quickly made this decision.

The dantian is one of the most important places for a cultivator, if it is occupied by the magic flame, the consequences will be disastrous.

Xianli quickly swam along the meridians in Buyan's body, and surrounded his dantian in groups before the magic flame swallowed it, forming an eggshell-like defense.

Being thwarted by Li Tian repeatedly, Mo Yan seemed to be irritated, and suddenly swelled up in Bu Yan's body, releasing devil energy and rushing fiercely towards Li Tian's immortal power.


It's like a hot fireball meeting water, black magic energy colliding with white fairy power, black and white colors are intertwined, and black gradually expands.

Li Tian's immortal power was swallowed up.

But in the blink of an eye, the black mist completely eroded Li Tian's immortal power, and even rushed into Li Tian's body in reverse along the route of immortal power.

As fast as lightning, Li Tian had no time to react, so he was hit.


The few people around saw Li Tian's complexion changed, and he groaned in pain, his body convulsed as before, and his face was surrounded by demonic energy.

"No, the magic energy has invaded Xiaotian's body."

Li was the first to see what was going on, and told Li Tian's current situation in one go.

When the devilish energy entered his body, Li Tian only felt a cold feeling crawling all over his body, and something bumped left and right in his body, stirring Li Tian's body from hot to cold, so uncomfortable that he was about to explode.

"Go back to the inn first, and then think of a way to save Xiaotian."

Li Tian has always been the backbone of everyone, and they are used to listening to Li Tian's orders. Now that Li Tian suddenly fell down, everyone panicked and formed a circle at a loss.

Still, Li made up his mind decisively and ordered Li Hu to carry Li Tian on his back, while the others picked up Buyan and the box, and hurried into the inn.

In the inn room, seeing Li Tian struggling in pain on the bed and Bu Yan who was unconscious, everyone's heart ached.

"If you want me to say, it's all the fault of this beggar. Why don't you come out and make trouble? Now it's all right. Even the boss will suffer."

There was nowhere to vent his panic, and the fat man turned his finger on him without saying a word.

Feng Xia was even more straightforward, she was about to throw him out with her silent neck in the blink of an eye.

"That's right, it's all the fault of this beggar. If it wasn't for him, how could something happen to Brother Xiaotian."

"Stop arguing. I know Li Tian. He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He has to save Bu Yan even in danger. He must have his own reasons. You just throw Bu Yan out like this. Li Tian woke up. Maybe you will be blamed, so let's think about how to save Li Tian now."

Frowning sharply, he lowered his voice and said, although it was just a black shadow, everyone could still see displeasure from him.

"Then how can I save it? He has the devilish energy entering his body, and the only way to do it is to force the devilish energy out."

Fengxia crossed her arms, stood beside the bed and said.

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