My summons are weird

Chapter 970 960 Ordinary Heroes

Chapter 970 960. Ordinary heroes

After setting up the defense system of the Harmony Islands, the morning light stayed for another half a month for the sake of the sea slugs. During this period, Lu Yu and the others once again transformed into three briquettes and personally standardized the prayer and sacrificial system of this group of not-so-smart children— —They don’t want the planarian clan to almost perform a blood sacrifice here one day.

Serra gave the sea slug high priest the name "Tomato" by the way. This child with the color of tomatoes and scrambled eggs, like tomato and egg drop soup walking in the ocean, received the stamp of approval from the real owner.

The fish people also happily accepted the appearance of a new group of companions on the edge of Harmony Island and shared the underwater "pasture" with them.

As for the huge, rare and magnificent black pearl, Lu Yu took it from the altar in the name of giving it to a friend and placed it next to Aesop's throne with his own hands.

After watching the whole process, the sea slugs were not very smart, and they also had some comedian brains, but they still understood that the Lord and the Lord of Harmony Island had a close relationship.


Suddenly rising and then falling suddenly, this wonderful title has been recognized by more and more people since it was popularized by Maeve. Vanessa is also a frequent user, and now Ina has also joined in.

Lu Lu herself continued to play cards with Ina in an unusually calm manner, calmly replying "What are you doing" to show that he was listening.

"You're leaving soon, right?"

"Seems to be."

The mothers have completed the finishing work for the magic circle, and the new mansion built by the craftsmen and civil engineering team for Aesop has also been completed. The early summer charge, and now it is approaching the end of summer, this warm reminiscence has indeed come to an end in terms of time.

Thinking of this, Lu Lu raised her head and glanced at Ina. This elf, whose body shape was no different from that of a human adult, was actually not much older than him mentally. She seemed a little depressed when they were about to part ways just after becoming friends.

Cellululu has also been preparing to say goodbye in the past two days. She has just become playmates with many elves on Harmony Island, teaching them the fighting skills learned from the new Green Sister.

"gave it to you."


"Cards." Lu Lu took out a few pairs from the self-made card box. "There is a card in it that I told you was made and signed by Nihil, the god of the puppet country, as a souvenir for you."

"So, will you come back?"

"Chen Xi left a large communication circle in Hesheng, the one you saw with your own eyes." Lu Lu did not answer directly.

Ina stared at Lu Lu steadily, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised.

It is the joy that comes from having a wish fulfilled.

Lu Yu and Aesop watched from a distance. After smiling at each other, Lu Yu told the time to set off again.

"As I said before, if Harmony suffers a natural disaster, Chenxi will have a place for you."

Aesop nodded slightly and asked, "Where are you going to the next stop?"

"Jeffrey's Seabird reconfirmed the direction and we planned to continue in the direction of Thoresen."

After a brief hug, Aesop said: "I will write a letter and ask you to bring it to your father."

"Tell him everything is okay?"

Aesop nodded: "It also tells him that I am leading my brothers and sisters to live happily in the way I like. The rights he always talks about are still not as important as my family in my eyes."

The Silent Mountains, the forbidden land of Thoresan.

Forbidden demons, ferocious monsters, purple giants that spit out streams of light, all kinds of experiences make this mountainous area that cannot be penetrated by magic full of mystery.

However, everything is in the past.

The magic tide brought about earth-shaking changes. Natural disasters tore the earth apart, destroyed the forbidden magic veins that had not been evacuated by Lu Yu, and completely liberated the sleeping magic veins. Abundant magic spewed out, soaking the data to their heart's content. A low-lying area that has not been infiltrated by magic for hundreds of years.

This magical forbidden area in the eyes of the Thoresans has regained its vitality. Looking down from a high place, people can already be seen.

Lu Yu and others found a place suitable for mushroom growth and planted special mushrooms with Vanessa's scent.

"May my voice guide you to come to me."

At the moment when the mushrooms and the land are closely integrated, a sigh seems to ripple across hundreds of years.

"Rest in peace, my friends."

Vanessa, who is walking on the road of faith, can finally answer the questions raised by the hungry and cold children who were abandoned here.

"Where is our Lord God?"

Now, here it is.

She has gone further than anyone imagined, and answering this question takes more time than expected.

Thoresen, the elf country where Vanessa was born, is still in charge of Aesop's father.

The magic wave has also brought a heavy blow to this place. Perhaps due to overwork, the handsome Elf King in the past is no longer heroic, and his eyebrows are always filled with depression.

When he saw Aesop's letter, his hands were shaking. He asked about Aesop's whereabouts, but received only a cold answer from Lu Yu.

"He didn't want me to tell you."

After Aesop left, the Elf King was still unable to find a suitable heir, but the children around him were already afraid of him like a tiger, and they were afraid of speaking and answering.

There was once Aesop lubrication, and his relationship with other children was far less tense, but he used this to deny each other's ability...

Sitting slumped on the throne, the Elf King's eyes lost focus.

After a long time, he expressed his gratitude to Lu Yu for the news.

"Twenty years later, Your Excellency Lu Yu is still as young as before. It's really...bewildering." The Elf King sighed, "It's like the past is reappearing, like a dream."

"Yesterday, I took my child through the streets of Thoresen and told him about what I saw and heard here. It felt like the past was like smoke, as if it was yesterday."

"I heard that only older people will lament the spring and autumn and reminisce about the past."

"A puppet master who locked himself in reincarnation once said in his notes that only by constantly recalling the past can one find the impulse to move forward." Lu Yu said, "Climb toward higher places and focus on higher places. If you do this, you will eventually get lost on the way and become a soulless puppet chasing your goal. Only by recalling the origin deep in the depths can you help people find themselves."

"He must be a great transcendent sage."

"No, he's lost too."

It is not easy to unite knowledge and action.

After a brief silence, the Elf King asked: "Your Excellency Lu Yu, do you often recall the past?"

"Remember the passionate self that you once had, so that you will not be defeated by decay." Lu Yu said, "Don't lose the next Aesop. This advice should be regarded as the wonderful fate you brought me in the Silent Mountains back then, and the relationship with Aesop." Ask for the gift of meeting."

The Elf King sighed.

He stood up and slowly knelt down towards Lu Yu.

"Thank you for the sage's guidance, and thank you for the knowledge given by Chen Xi."

"The crop seeds and knowledge I gave Thoreson can make this place rich again. As a king, do what you should do, and don't leave any more regrets for the rest of your life."

On the empty island, Lu Lu, who had just finished painting based on Ina's memory, caught a glimpse of Heather who was baking potatoes not far away.

"Sister Heather, I remember that you are from the Grand Empire?"

Olga, who was having a barbecue with Heather, suddenly remembered: "Yes, we will be in your hometown soon, and I never mentioned it... How do you say that in Dawn Language?"

Lu Lu reminded: "I feel timid when I'm close to home."

"Yes, you are shy about being close to home. Speaking of which, you rarely mention your past in Grand..."

Olga, who finally reacted, shut up in time and gave Heather the potatoes she had already roasted, so that she could calm down her uneasy heart with delicious food in advance.

Heather pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Me and everyone in the Knights of the Stars have been members of the Morning Sun for a long time. If there is a hometown, it is here."

Grand, there used to be a group of idealists who helped each other and maintained a narrow upward path, so that learning and magic, promotion and rewards were no longer the privileges of the nobility.

All ideals came to nothing with the death of the group leader.

If Heather had any emotion towards the country below the sky island... it would probably only be sadness.

Perhaps it was fate that favored them, a group of people with passion and ideals, that allowed them to meet Lu Yu again, and finally boarded the morning ship that matched their former ideals.

In the morning light, everything they pursue can be realized.

This comforted their hearts that were always tortured by regret and sadness.

Cellululu, who was full of energy, ran all the way. As soon as she found Heather, she immediately asked her to be a tour guide for herself, Xinlu and others.

Olga wanted to give some small hints to Celluloid, but she didn't know how to say it.

Just when she hesitated, Heather stood up with a smile and calmly accepted the guide job.

She has a strong sense of identity as a Chenxi person, and she also wants to see what this country that once sweated, spilled blood, and nourished an ideal banner has become now...compared to what she was forced to leave. , is it better?

Heather took Cellululu on a guided journey to find the answer, while Lu Yu stopped in front of a block in Grand, looking for the buildings in his memory.

After searching for a while to no avail, he found a tavern and planned to make some inquiries. However, as soon as the question was asked, the drinkers around him suddenly fell silent and looked at Lu Yu as if they were looking at a monster.

Everyone kept this question secret, and no one was willing to discuss it. It wasn't until Lu Yu left the city and came to the suburbs that he got the answer from an old farmer.

His Majesty, Cornwall, was assassinated.

The assassin calls himself the house cat.

For Lu Yu, he has a more familiar nickname - the cat-faced murderer.

Ever since Cornwall came to power, the Grand Empire has been in constant turmoil, with civil unrest happening all over the place.

The leader of the Star Knights was poisoned.

He massacred the ministers and nobles who opposed him during the prince's time.

Exploiting ordinary people and doubling taxes in disaster years.

Those who owed taxes were demoted to slaves and required to work regularly and sell their blood to repay the taxes.

Logically speaking, such a rule cannot be strong, but Cornwall knows very well what the foundation of rule is. After firmly winning over most of the nobles and magicians, this man came to Grand for the first time when Lu Yu The prince, who had a lot of criminal records at the time, continued his stable rule until that morning four years ago.

One person and a short knife. The domestic cat, who said he wanted to run away from home and become a wild cat, but then returned to Grand in circles, mingled with the crowd. The domestic cat, wearing a replica magician's robe, suddenly burst into flames.

A knife cut his throat and a knife penetrated his heart, turning the Prince of Cornwall, who continued to knock the bones and suck the marrow out of the people of Grand, into a cold corpse.

Everything that happened in the flash of lightning left the magician and the inner guard with no time to react, but after all this was done, the house cat calmly put down the blood-stained dagger and was captured without a fight.

Lu Yu's body was shaking.

The old farmer still said what he least wanted to hear.

Three days after the assassination, the house cat was quickly executed by the son of the Prince of Cornwall, who succeeded him to the throne. He was beheaded in the square and his body was exposed as a deterrent.

However, that night, some Gelang people who were grateful for his righteous deed risked their lives and stole the body. No one knows where the body was buried to this day.

"Why do you want to come back and be a house cat again..." Lu Yu covered his face, "Didn't you say that you wanted to leave and look around and be a wild cat?"

He calls himself a murderer, but the first time he took up arms was to seek justice for the ordinary people who died in vain in the black organ trade.

The second time he took up arms was to protect the huge Grand from being tortured by the tyrant.

After searching by the Dawn Messengers, they still found some clues for their lord.

Dissatisfied with the style of the Cornwall clan, Lu Yu stood in the Baipeling Castle, which was independent from Grand. He stood with his hands behind his hands. Magic power like a sea surged out of his body, constantly washing away every magician present, making them dizzy. Dizziness, nausea.

The strength of Lu Yu's magic power has exceeded the limit of everyone's understanding of magic power. Just standing in front of them, all the magic power in his body resonated with it uncontrollably, and his heart beat like a war drum.

Potus, the lord of Baipe, was a young man of the same age as Lu Yu when he came to this world. After being glanced at by Lu Yu, he lowered his head in fear.

"Some people say that the assassin nicknamed the House Cat is buried here and was familiar with you during his lifetime." Lu Yu got straight to the point, "He is an old friend of mine. I want to meet him."

Seeing the magicians in front of him looking at each other in confusion, Lu Yu emphasized: "No one on this continent can touch me. I want to kill you without any effort. What do you have to hide?"

Lord Portus swallowed: "You, who claims to be his old friend, are you called... Lu Yu?"

After being stunned for a long time, Lu Yu saw Portus taking out a letter from the bookshelf and handing it to him with both hands.

Lu Yu opened it, and the letter read clearly at the beginning.

"This is the path I chose. Please don't be sad for me."

"My friend...please allow me to call you that, but Lu Yu, you should be my friend."

"It doesn't matter if you think it's not the case. I know that you are a nostalgic person and will return to Grandland one day. Looking at this chaotic land, you will definitely wonder where I am now. A magician like you must be There is a way to find traces and see this letter."

"I left Grand and wandered around, but I always felt empty and uneasy in my heart."

"I suddenly realized... I may no longer be able to leave the land beneath my feet. No matter where I go, in my dream, I still see the street where I grew up as a child, and the scene of the fruit tree in the courtyard laden with fruit... I missed home, so I became a house cat again.”

“Cornwall has rotten the country to bits and if this continues, the war with Thoresan is bound to be started again and this time, lots of kids will be taken to the battlefield.”

"Remember the story I told you? I was a deserter many times, escaping from my responsibilities. Just because I killed some villains, I was called a hero by you and got someone as good as you and Heather. appreciate."

"This time, I don't want to escape."

"I don't know where killing Cornwall will make things go, but this country can't be worse than when I did it. Someone has to do something, why not me? Maybe my death can make more people People, stand up to Cornwall.”

"Before leaving, I buried some fruit wine under the maple tree in the territory. Although I don't know when you will come, please enjoy it. In terms of winemaking skills, I am still somewhat confident... I know you don't Drinking, but please forgive me, this is all I can show off, you won’t mind, right?”

"If you can, please give Baipo some help. This land needs a shelter to accommodate the Grand refugees. Portus is the person I am optimistic about. He will grow into an excellent lord and may be a good leader in the future." A good king."

"A murderer who wanted to be a wild cat and eventually came back to be a house cat, here you go."

Lu Yu read this letter, dictated by the domestic cat and handwritten by the secretary Bai Poling, over and over again.

After a long time, Lu Yu set his sights on Lord Portus.

"What would you do if you were given the reign of Grand?"

Portus was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously: "Cultivate your health, cultivate fertile fields vigorously, and let people have enough to eat."

Lu Yu stared at the other party deeply: "Remember your answer. If you can't do it, I can take away what I give you."

Everyone in the Lord's Mansion was trembling. They thought of something and raised their heads.

Lu Yu chose to trust the domestic cat's judgment and decided to fulfill his last wish in life.

"I will help you become the king here, I will give you the knowledge to make the land rich, and I will give you new crop seeds to feed your people. What you have to do is to make people like house cats feel at ease. , live a peaceful life.”

Portus' head was buzzing, and his instinct told him that the words of the magician in front of him were too arrogant, but his instinct made him slowly kneel on the ground - Lu Yu's majestic look made him unable to restrain the urge to kneel down.

"Remember, Grand's changes were brought to you by him." Lu Yu said sadly, "Don't let his blood flow in vain."

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