My summons are weird

Chapter 130: 129. Bad Guy Lu Yu

Sera reported her future itinerary to several bishops, and her next stop will be the Sligo Empire.

Prince Colton of the Sligo Empire will get married in the near future. Considering that the other party's invitation was directly thrust into his face, Sera decided to take a trip.

"It seems that Sierra really doesn't intend to make a statement."

Seeing Sera's back going away, several bishops sighed.

However, this may be the best result in the minds of all pope candidates. Sera has too much influence, and the side she supports will have a great advantage. Now that she has left, she can enter the stage of relying on her own ability.

However, Selah's overly large influence has made many high-level leaders of the Theocracy a little worried. Most of their power and influence come from the God of Radiance and the Theocracy, and Selah's influence comes more from herself. .

On the way out of the meeting, Sera encountered a team of newly blessed Halo and missionaries, and the two seemed to be waiting for her specially.

"God's Chosen One."

Sierra glanced at the two kneeling on one knee and was amused.

Logically speaking, missionaries only need to salute, why did they kneel down with Halo?

"Anna, Isco, the celebration banquet is about to begin, if you don't go early, won't you be afraid that other people will snatch the delicious food?"

The missionary Anna smiled shyly: "We stayed here to thank God Chosen for his fulfillment."

Saying that, Anna kicked Isco.

The immature Isco was a little nervous for a moment, and was actually dumb.

Seeing Isco like this, Anna felt funny and angry at the same time.

Seeing the performance of the two, Sera smiled and said, "Are you trying to show off in front of me?"

Only then did Isco come back to his senses, and shook his head again and again: "Thank you, Lord God Chosen, for giving me the opportunity to participate in the halo selection again."

"I will definitely protect Anna and escort her back to the Theocracy safely."

Isco is an unlucky guy. When Serra was traveling to Shortland, he was accidentally injured by a monster in the wild when he was preparing for the halo competition. Later, he got drunk because he used alcohol to disinfect the wound. As a result, he was reported by competitors with ulterior motives for drinking maliciously during the selection process.

Drinking alcohol itself is not a big deal in the Holy See, but Halo has strict requirements. Entering the list declaration stage is equivalent to entering the vision of the God of Radiance. During this period, you must have the minimum respect for God.

Alcoholism undoubtedly proves that Isco is not religious enough.

Isco's name was about to be taken off the list of the halo competition, but Anna's brain was still active, and with the convenience of her clergy, she waited until she didn't touch the fish and went to Serra normally to the Holy See.

Sera didn't want to take care of this matter at first, after all, it was stipulated that, even if she was chosen by God, it was impossible for her to open such a big back door.

"Isco doesn't drink at all, he was just tricked, I can swear by my priesthood."

"What is your identity with him?"


With the faltering answers, the dodging eyes, and the gradually turning red face, Sera understood the reason why Anna risked being kicked out of the list of missionaries and wanted to find herself.

Sierra doesn't always fish, just like this time, she carefully investigated the cause and effect, and confirmed that Isco is a guy who can sleep on the ground with two glasses of wine, no different from a dead pig.

Such a guy drinks too much... It is estimated that the store that opened a liquor store in Theocracy can smash its own signboard. After all, they only sell strong alcohol, and low-alcohol alcohol that cannot make people drunk is about the same as slop.

God's Choice is good at this point, Sera spoke, and Isco's halo competition quota was restored again.

Isco did not disappoint Serra, and finally succeeded in breaking through, and was picked by Anna to be by his side, which was not in vain for Serra's kindness.

"We heard that God's Chosen asked people to search for a place called Yas not long ago, but we couldn't find any effective information. We will definitely help you pay attention to this strange place name during this trip." Anna, who was very grateful to Sierra explain.

Then Anna must be disappointed. According to the information Sera has received, Yas is too far away from the Theocracy, so that when the information arrives, Lulutis can only get a trivial part.

This is a long distance where even information is difficult to transmit normally.

But Sierra didn't hit Ana, but smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Sera was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly thought of something, turned her head to the two who were about to whisper, and asked, "How far has your relationship progressed?"

"Huh?" Isco was stunned.

Anna blushed, not knowing how to answer.

"Tsk." Sera said to Isco in a tone of hatred for iron and steel, "Anna is so active, are you going to pretend to be deaf and dumb?"


Seeing Isco's at a loss, Sierra was very satisfied.

Presumably, they will have more topics to talk about before they leave.

Sentimental love is awesome, just standing on the sidelines and watching it makes people feel happy.

Back home, Sera ordered Benlong to open his mouth and asked her to check his mouth. After confirming that there was no problem, she patted Benlong on the head and brought him fresh fruit.

After entering the room, locking the door, Sera, who checked the mechanism of the little fox, found a surprise.

"There is information about Lulu!"

Serra was overjoyed and read it right away.

The information is still fragmented, but because Lulu also uses the method of continuous transmission, Sera can complete some key information missing during the transmission process through comparison.

Through patchwork, Sera knew that Lulu had left Yas, arrived at a place called XXsen, and found a magic circle here.

Although the information here is badly broken, Sierra still knows the following link. The magic circle they found is very likely to be a natural ultra-long-distance teleportation circle.

Sela clenched her hands in excitement.

If the teleportation direction of this teleportation circle happened to be in the direction of Mera Continent, wouldn't he be able to see Lulu soon?

But the next second, she was worried again.

What if... it's the opposite direction?

The current information is so broken, if it is sent in the opposite direction, wouldn't it be impossible to convey the information?

The probability of half and half made Sera a little anxious.

She was patient and continued to read the message, only to find that the second half of the message suddenly felt a little strange.

The broken information in the second half is to introduce Lulutis' current team, a dragon maid whose name cannot be made up, a monster related to the fog, and a human named Lu Yu.

Dragon Girl is a small melee expert, and seems to be managing the property in the team.

The information about the monsters related to the mist seems to be missing in large sections.

Lu Yu's introduction was the longest.

Lulutis talked in detail about her encounter with Lu Yu, the cooperation between the two, and some things that happened during the trip.

Although most of the places could not be read, but from the undamaged places, Sera read a breath keenly.

"Looking forward... no, she is a seventh-level magician, can she yearn for such a man?"

"Admiration?" Sera quickly overturned, "What has this man done deserves Lulu's admiration."


"Lulu, you can't be, you're in love!"

As soon as the thought came to her, Sierra frowned.

Lulutis is pure. If she hadn't been pure, she wouldn't have been oppressed by the Solon Empire to the point of wanting to escape, and would have been discarded after being used by Tanya, a scumbag.

It can be said that if Lulutis's talent for learning magic and IQ are divided up to deal with daily interpersonal relationships, she will not be turned into a social fear.

A simple social fear is easy to be trapped by sudden tenderness and recognition, because she seldom gets the care of others. Once she meets one, she will wish to take out everything she has and let the other party know that she cares about her.

Sela's fists cracked.

The pride in Lulutis's words could not be more obvious, as if she was showing off that she has found a very good friend, and this friend is very reliable.

Sera just complained about Lulutis in the past, saying that she is a kid who has no friends and can't grow up.

What is hidden under the pride and complacency is clearly a strong sense of identification with Lu Yu.

This youthful love atmosphere is really unpleasant!

"Lu Yu..."

"Lu Yu..."

Sierra silently recited Lu Yu's name in the room. If words could kill, then Lu Yu should have become a sieve by now.

Sitting on the chair, the wedding invitation on the table came into view, which was sent by the Sligo Empire.

Serra clutched the invitation in her hand, crumpled it up, and tossed it into the trash can in the corner of the room.

After a while, Sera gradually calmed down.

She wanted to send a message to keep Lulu on basic alert, but suddenly thought that with Lulu's trust in Lu Yu now, maybe the two of them listened to this message together...

Sera hugged her head.

"My Lulu...don't be fooled by bad guys."

The villain in Sera's mouth, that Lu Yu who was remembered by God of One Nation so much that he recited his name a dozen times silently, is now practicing wind magic under the supervision of Lulutis.

Lu Yu, who reads Vanessa's advanced wind magic every day, still needs to be tested in actual combat, and Lulutis naturally assumed the role of the sandbag.

"Aren't you full? I don't feel anything at all."

After receiving such comments from Lulutis one after another, Lu Yu stopped training and walked to her side.

"Lulu, when will you realize that I'm only a second-tier magician at the moment, and even Huo Gu struggles with your skin. Do you still expect me to break your defense?"

"And there is a problem with your training method. I have no positive feedback, and I have no way of knowing whether I have improved. Against you, it is all 'unbreakable'. Your words are all damaging to people's confidence..."

"Can you quantify the scale so that I have an intuitive feeling about my own strength, don't always hit me, at least give me some positive feedback."

Seeing Lulutis' bewildered look, Lu Yu sighed.

"I hope you understand that everyone has a threshold. If you just hit someone and don't give them candy, a normal person's mentality will go wrong."

Lulu hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry... this... Actually, this is the way other magicians teach their apprentices. I haven't taught anyone before, so..."

Lu Yu didn't mean to blame Lulutis, he just said frankly how he felt during the training.

Communication is very important. If you do not communicate in time when problems arise, you will inadvertently leave small knots that cannot be solved.

Lu Yu and his party did not leave the Silent Mountain Range immediately, but rested here for a while.

Long-term travel, exhaustion needs to be healed in time, the comfortable environment of Vanessa Cabin allows everyone to relax and enjoy the few leisure time.

The fog demon goes to dig the magic crystal every day, hugs and sucks it, as if to make up for the regret of not being able to eat delicious food.

Sigrid went out every day to have cordial and friendly exchanges with those monsters in the Silent Mountains. Seeing that the scars on the shiny round shield increased, but Sigrid was unscathed, Hogu actually asked about Does Sigrid want to try to learn magic.

Although it is not easy to practice both magic and martial arts, once it is improved, the increase in strength is unimaginably huge.

As mentioned earlier, Lu Yu has been taught by Lulutis all the time, but Lulutis' teaching is not very ideal.

The magic power injection of the teleportation magic circle has already started, and it is estimated that the magic circle will be filled tomorrow night. While waiting for the magic power to fill up, Lu Yu, who is no longer training, is still holding Vanessa's wind magic advanced manual to read.

The increase in strength was too slow, which made Lu Yu feel a sense of crisis.

However, this is not the kind of world that fights monsters and upgrades. All upgrades are gradual and can only rely on accumulation. Therefore, Lu Yu can only increase the intensity of knowledge acquisition and training.

Under the warm yellow lighting crystal, a cloud of black mist floats slowly.

"Lu Yu."

Lu Yu, who was reading a book, caught a glimpse of Lulutis not far away, but hearing her voice, she seemed a little depressed.

Thinking that Lulutis was still struggling with what he said today that she can't teach, he quickly explained: "I really don't mean to blame you, it's just that I'm stupid and can't keep up with your teaching, if you only know this way, I can adjust my mentality to cooperate with you."

Lu Yu also felt that the questioning in his tone today was too strong. He practiced for too long and was beaten all the time. He was inevitably a little angry, so he immediately apologized.

"I know it's my problem. You're right. Apart from giving you the knowledge you can acquire right away, I don't know how to teach actual combat magic to improve your strength."

Lu Yu said: "Oh, if you don't know it, you won't. Let's think of a better training method together. As long as you promise me, don't always use your standards to measure me."

"After all, you are a genius, and I am not. Although you have always said that I recover my magic power very quickly, which is considered a natural talent, but I am indeed a bit stupid in magic, and the slow improvement in strength is proof."

"Lulu, after learning magic, I realized that you are really powerful."

Lulutis said proudly, "Of course."

"Remember our agreement?"

"Let you become a sixth-level magician, or just wait to die?"

"In order not to waste your rice, we have to work hard." Lu Yu laughed at himself.

Lulutis hesitated to speak, and murmured silently in her heart.

"It's not bad..."

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