My summons are weird

Chapter 337 336. He just wants everyone to be happy

As the most powerful productivity in this era, magic has shown its high efficiency. Lu Yu's big bowl and manta rays are responsible for helping to carry materials. With the cooperation of magicians who are proficient in magic, several towers have risen from the ground.

The towers are connected by magic circles, which are interlocking to build a more rigorous protection system. At the same time, Sera also pre-arranged the magic circle of the puppet "Reincarnation", waiting for the right time to start. Considering that it may be remodeled in the future, sufficient space has been reserved in the tower.

The work of renovating the territory is going on vigorously. A large amount of stone and wood is transported from the abandoned mine at the southern end of the Red Flame Mountains. The idlers are polishing and processing the stone and wood under the command of the original construction team and the current civil engineering team.

The search for minerals ultimately ended in failure, and the results of several explorations disappointed everyone.

The decline of the city-states around the Broken Gold City is not without reason. The rich mine veins have long been emptied by the predecessors, and today's mines have become the lairs of monsters.

The exploration team members carefully searched for a long time, and only found some ore fragments remaining in the cracks of the rock wall, as well as a small amount of magic crystals. The only thing they found was that the stones kept near these abandoned mines were of good quality and very suitable for construction. .

Lulu was very disappointed, and she offered to explore several large mines.

"I am a seventh-level man, and my use of magic power is superior to theirs. Maybe I can perceive something different?"

Lu Yu and Sera stopped her, they all knew that Lulu was just preconceived by the "possible mineral deposits" fascination, and her high expectations made her unwilling to accept the reality.

Regardless of whether there is a mine here, the environment and location are satisfactory enough. There is nothing to be dissatisfied with. It is nothing more than buying more before closing completely.

The craftsmen's appliances purchased by Cordzone are arranged, and the huge furnace is working day and night.

Sera and Lulu have screened out a batch of valuable coins from the huge amount of money in Clorence's treasury, and the rest have been recast.

Lu Yu and others have no way to determine whether the metal currency in the next era will still be hard currency, and whether the price of Mera metal will fluctuate greatly, so they can only adopt the most clumsy method, half of which is stored and half is consumed.

A large amount of food and seeds arrived in the territory from Solon and Theocracy. Captain Hal, who had just come to Mera, thought that Lu Yu, a "terrible" employer, would not have any entrustment in a short time, but within half a month He was chartered twice in a row, and the strong sense of happiness made him forget the strange cargo he had delivered.

Along with the transaction, some problems also emerged.

First of all, the Gouzhi coast is far away from the territory. Although there is a bay on the east side of the territory, near Port de Maurice, the Ecclesiastical State, the sea conditions near this area are more complicated, and it is impossible to park a boat. Seek far away.

After transporting a batch of vacant magic crystals back to the territory with difficulty, Lu Yu felt a little distressed when he saw the members of the combat team who were so tired that they collapsed on the ground.

"I asked, the unnamed bay on the east side really can't berth a boat. Even if a powerful sea storm hits suddenly, ships will not go near this bay as a last resort. There are many reefs there, and the draft is slightly lower. If it is deeper, it will run aground. The important point is that there have always been sea tribes living in this area. The route opened by Port De Maurice depends on the protection provided by the Church. I don’t think all sea tribes in this area will Give the greatest tolerance to ships that break into your own territory."

Sigrid obviously did her homework, she took out the photo scroll presented by Laurent, and showed Lu Yu the dense reefs and strange vortexes near the bay.

Port Demorris under the snow-capped mountains is the largest port near Lu Yu's territory, and the port city-states west of Broken Gold City can only pale in comparison.

Even at such a short distance, the boat departing from Port De Maurice had to detour... This made Lu Yu really uncomfortable.

But there is no better solution at the moment. Whether it is negotiating with the Sea Clan or building a port, it will take time, and the arrival of the magic tide is likely to cause many changes in their plans.

"Let's buy more than a dozen Pegasus. They must have excellent bloodlines and sufficient endurance."

As long as the magic wave starts and the territory transformation is coming to an end, Huogu will be able to officially move into the territory, and the problem of insufficient transportation capacity can also be alleviated to a certain extent-Huogu should not mind being used as a truck, he has quite a spacious back, then Even a small tree can take root in it and survive tenaciously...

The three large warehouses on the ground are already full of grain, and the mountain-like pile of grain makes everyone who enters it feel refreshed.

Lulu often wanders into the warehouse when she is tired from refining medicine, and she must be refreshed when she comes out again.

Lu Yu understands this feeling. When he is irritable, he also likes to go to the supermarket to hang out. Even if he doesn't buy anything, he will feel better.

Lu Yu, who had let go of his mind and body, recovered his energy in the warehouse, and he summoned Xiao An again.

After trying for a period of time, Xiao An has been able to coordinately load "cargo" in his body with a level of magic power equivalent to his own.

This time, what Lu Yu wanted to try was to complete the summoning directly in Xiao An's canopy.

Feeling the fluctuation of magic power, Xiao An immediately tied the tentacles around Lu Yu's wrist and waist.

Slowly, she was expressing fear.

Lu Yu rubbed her big head: "It's okay, it's okay, it will be soon... But if the position is not found correctly, there may be some mistakes... Sorry, bear with me."

Xiao An instinctively wanted to shrink back, but she was obviously not as fast as Lu Yu's calling.

The summoning ceremony of magic power circulation appeared inside Xiaoan's canopy. Lu Yu tried his best to restrain the formation of the summoning ceremony and cut off the magic power input into it.

The invisible magic power channel that the summoning ceremony wanted to borrow continued to shrink as Lu Yu restrained it, and the next second...

Like a flood peak crossing the border, Lu Yu's containment ushered in a huge rebound, and even greater magic power surged out, and the summoning took shape in an instant.

All of Xiao An's tentacles were wrapped around Lu Yu's body, and she seemed to have lost all her strength as she could swim freely in the air. The strong anxiety made her rely on Lu Yu's strong "pillar" to resist the attack. Sudden fear.

Lu Yu could feel that the little dark body that was completely glued to his body lost some softness and became a little stiff. Inside the dark red canopy, a dazzling green light flickered.

The light jellyfish looked around in bewilderment, and carefully touched the transparent film that separated herself from Lu Yu with her small tentacles...

Xiao An's body trembled wildly, and the tentacles that were tightly bound Lu Yu lost all their strength, like a girl in a long skirt who was wronged. She "sat" on the ground little by little, and the huge skirt spread out on the floor. like a statue.

"Xiaoguang, please don't move around."

Stopping the active jellyfish from continuing to torment Xiao An, Lu Yu began to observe and think seriously.

It worked, but not quite.

Lu Yu's idea is to keep the unfinished summoning ceremony in Xiao An's body—of course, it is also possible outside the body, which may mean that she needs some special carrying organs.

In the constant attempts, Lu Yu has never been able to stop the final formation of the summoning ceremony. The only breakthrough is that he is now able to accurately put the summoned object into the body of another summoned object.

Before, the operation was always unsuccessful due to subtle fluctuations in magic power, but suddenly it was successfully completed. Lu Yu looked at the surrounding grains that were full of grain...

"Decompression seems to be really useful."

The slight sound of breathing caught Lu Yu's attention, and he turned his head slowly. Lulu was standing not far away with her hands in her hands, with a subtle expression on her face.

While dispersing Xiao Guang, Lu Yu hugged Xiao An - it looked huge, but Xiao An's weight was not much heavier than a doll, so Lu Yu hugged her easily.

"Are you here to decompress too?" Lu Yu, who had gained a little, was in a good mood and asked curiously.

"Yeah, every time I see so much food at home, I feel very good, and the irritability of researching potions is gone... But your way of decompression seems a little different?"

Lulu stared at the shivering Xiao An who was struggling to wrap around Lu Yu desperately, the corners of her mouth raised.

"I also came to see the food, but I tried it on a whim in the middle, and it really has a different result."

"Results?" Lulu's curiosity was aroused, she leaned forward to look at Xiao An, and then asked seriously, "Tell me about the results."

Lu Yu, who was immersed in joy, hadn't noticed that Lulu's eyes looking at Xiao An were not so beautiful.

After listening to Lu Yu's description, Lulu suddenly realized, relaxed physically and mentally, and poked Xiao An's face with a smile.

Xiao An hesitated for more than ten seconds, and then stretched out her doughy tentacles to Lu Yu when Lu Lu and Lu Yu started the next conversation - she seemed to want to touch Lu Lu too.

"" she murmured.

Seeing Lu Yu dancing and dancing while describing, Lulu naturally became happy for Lu Yu.

Although she can't understand the details of the summoning very well, it's good that Lu Yu is happy.

I don't know when it started, the person who always needed to teach the details of magic has become a leader in another field. She can no longer provide help in that area, but needs to rack her brains to keep up with his thinking.

Maybe one day in the future, summoners will really need the experience he summed up, and follow the traces he left to start a new era of summoning.

No...not maybe, but definitely.

Lulu firmly believes that Lu Yu can do it, she believes without reason.

Sierra, who was busy holding the Twilight City Atlas, was standing on a hill, and Mi Lai beside her smiled and offered her a glass of green juice.

After taking a sip, Sera lowered his head and glanced at it, then smiled helplessly: "That guy, Varen... the taste is really complicated this time, what did he try again?"

Millai said: "Sigrid personally went to Sligo for him and bought a lot of domesticated slimes at a high price. During this time, he almost slept with the slimes. I heard that This time, the slime is water-type, and the flavor of the juice from feeding tends to be... maple syrup?"

"I didn't drink the maple syrup. It tastes a bit like the snacks that the nuns fed me when I was young. You should remember that it is the kind of hard candy with white frost-like powdered sugar on it. The taste after eating ...Perhaps it was because I ate better with Laurent later, I don’t even have a sweet impression when I recall it.”

"It's a very complicated evaluation. Whether it tastes good or not, maybe Mr. Warren would prefer to hear a direct evaluation."

Serra thought for a moment: "Human, if you have eaten better ones, you will feel that the previous sweetness is tasteless, so my evaluation is that there is a lot of room for improvement... It's not that the taste is bad, but that I have a stick in my mouth."

Sera is addicted to sweets, which Lu Yu and Lulu didn't know until they came to the territory.

The two recalled it carefully, and found that when Sera invited them to eat offerings, most of the pastries that Sera threw to him were sweet pastries. Combined with what Laurent said, "Specially configure Serra's favorite flavors", maybe they just chose sweets offer up...

I don't know if the God of Radiance likes sweets?

"It sounds the same as Lord Lu Yu. He must have eaten a lot of delicious food, so he has such a rigorous and strict evaluation standard for food."

Sera sighed: "I can't compare with him. If you have seen him chatting with the chef about the sauce for a long time, and at the same time enjoying it, he also cooks stir-fries and learns to make pastries, you will know that when it comes to food, We are far from him."

Lu Yu was as serious as he was when he was cooking. Even someone as easy-going as Laurent didn't come into the kitchen and say, "I'll cook with you." The two young chefs once thought it was the master Dissatisfied with their craftsmanship, decided to knock them...

At first, Sera felt strange and puzzled by Lu Yu's behavior, but as time passed, she got used to Lu Yu cooking everyone's dinner himself.

No matter how busy he is, as long as the mist demon and Sigrid remind him that it's time, he will put down everything in his hands, go into the kitchen, and try his best to cook exquisite dishes in the smoky atmosphere to satisfy their taste buds.

As picky as Sierra, she can’t say anything wrong with the dishes produced by Lu Yu—Sigrid’s cooking speed is second to none, but if you start slowly, there may only be soup left... She has always been reserved, facing those The soup that can be used as a rice bowl can only be ignored, and Lu Yu is cheaper every time.

"Why do you like cooking so much?" Sera asked Lu Yu, "Is it just because of your picky mouth?"

Lu Yu's answer was still fresh in her memory.

"I just like to see how happy you are when you eat... For me, that picture is really beautiful and full of satisfaction."

Apart from liking Lulu as much as herself, this stinky fish is easy to get along with, Sierra thought at the time.

"Oh...that seems to be Lord Lulu and Lord Lu Yu."

"Where, where?" Sera overlooked the hill, looking left and right.

Following Mi Lai's finger, Sela's fist hardened.

Lulu took Lu Yu's hand and walked out of the warehouse. The two smiled brightly...

Serra decided to take some words back.

"Lu Yu, you really are still a stinky fish."

"I've worked hard to set up the magic circle here, you go and play with Lulu!"

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