My summons are weird

Chapter 52 51. Goblin's Rage

Along the way, except for the team of goblins he encountered at the beginning, Lu Yu did not receive any resistance, and explored the border of the map very easily.

In the future, there is already an area not recorded in the map provided by Duke Guy.

Similar to Lu Yu's prediction, the structure of the underground palace has undergone some changes in the past half month.

If these changes are not compared with a map, it is absolutely impossible to recognize them by memory alone.

For example, a large groove at a corner in a certain place disappeared and was replaced by tamped loess.

For another example, a new road suddenly appeared where there was a dead end.

It was indeed too quiet. If the duty of the first team of goblins I encountered was to be vigilant and pass the message to the companions, then after they were wiped out, other goblins should take their place and set up an ambush.

But no, the entire underground palace only echoed their footsteps, and the roar of the wind blowing from the depths of the underground palace through the corridor.

Well-prepared, Lu Yu opened the backpack, took out a charcoal pencil and a piece of white paper and handed it to Lulutis, who would record the area they walked through next.

After walking for a long time with his head depressed, Lu Yu was already feeling hungry. Although he was in the underground palace and couldn't confirm the time, he still judged that it was at least noon based on this.

The map drawn by Lulutis highlights a large number of unknown areas, but both Sigrid and Lu Yu are getting more and more confused.

If there is no goblin in a period of time, it may be that the other party is planning a trap and attack. Then it is obviously abnormal that they can't hit a goblin while shopping in the underground palace for nearly half a day.

"It always feels so quiet. It seems that there are no goblins in the underground palace. It is very different from what I guessed before." Sigrid, who was opening the way ahead, suddenly sighed with emotion.

Not only did Lu Yu feel hungry, Sigrid's stomach growled, and Lulutis even performed ASMR in the chat room.

Driven by Lu Yu's magic power, the two sunny dolls floated around and acted as sentries.

After asking Sigrid to extinguish the lighting crystal, Lu Yu used basic fire magic to ignite a wooden stick he picked up as a temporary lighting tool.

The exploration will continue, and the lighting crystals need to be saved.

Since it is a field exploration, there is no need to pay attention to what to eat.

Some bread made by Lu Yu himself with noodles, some jam spread, three or two slices and a bite of fruit juice, it is considered a meal.

Lu Yu and Lulutis were guarding Sigrid, the strongest combat force, and they were all in a hurry to prevent the goblins from attacking.

However, Lulutis has more hands, so she can separate out a few tentacles and take the opportunity to eat.

Lu Yu didn't have so many hands, so naturally he had to eat last.

While eating, everyone exchanged the status quo in a low voice.

To sum it up in three words, something is wrong.

The underground palaces dug by goblins are all underground in the Luotan Plain, and these underground palaces are connected to each other, so there are goblin sentries everywhere. Once there are intruders, goblins will come to support them from all directions, and even block them. The upper entrance of the residence, surround and kill the intruders.

Now they can't touch one of them, which can't be explained by luck at all.

"Could it be that the goblins mobilized the people here to go to other places?"

Sigrid's words made Lu Yu subconsciously want to touch something.

What Lu Yu didn't expect was that Sigrid's guess was correct.

The Luotan River, which is constantly running across and bred many races on this land, is located in the underground palace near a swamp on the other side of the river, and a tragic fight is going on.

Maroni was hit by four or five blow darts on his shoulder, and the wound had already started to fester. He could feel his arms getting weaker and weaker, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

The magician in charge of supporting at the back of the team ran forward to cast a healing spell on Maroni, and finally suppressed the spread of the poison, but just after taking the wound medicine, the screams from the front continued one after another.

The three shield guards in front flew back and knocked over several companions.

The shield was deeply dented by this blow, squeezing the shield bearer's palm, and the entire arm might have been destroyed.

Maroni had laughed at the fact that the goblins made most of the underground palace so spacious, and only those dead ends with traps in ambush were built so cramped and narrow, which was completely unnecessary.

Because goblins are short in stature, they can dig a dog hole to live without any need for an underground palace.

Answering the joke are three adult-sized goblins.

The muscles full of strength swelled slightly when exerting force, and every time they swung the metal sticks, the shield guards in front of them would be numb from the shock.

Under the berserk attack of the wind and rain, the shield guards who stepped forward to defend were exhausted, and they had no time to retreat, and were hit by an iron bar on the front door.

"Goblin Berserker, no, this is already a monster that can only be dealt with by fine steel and mithril!"

The adventurers hired in the team quickly found Maroni and asked him to retreat.

The area where Goblins fought Maroni and others was located at a crossroads in the underground palace. It was very spacious, so the melee started after entering.

Now if he wanted to retreat, he had to abandon the elite family members who had been involved in the battlefield, which made Maroni hesitant.


The miserable howl made Maroney look up.

A man from an unknown family was hugged by a group of little goblins on his thighs, unable to move his feet at all, and was thrown on him by more and more little goblins.

The goblin stabbed him viciously with a knife, but because the knife was not sharp, it could not quickly create a fatal wound, so Maroni was horrified to see that the goblin scratched the wound with his hands and opened it with all his strength. Grabbing his flesh and blood, tearing him apart bit by bit.

Looking at the organs being thrown out continuously, Maroni's stomach churns.

The first time he killed someone was on the edge of the family territory, in the forest at the junction with the snow mountain.

In order to consolidate the reputation of the Nott family in the territory, my elder brother would often spread false news, such as the territory being invaded by monsters and wild beasts, the merchants being intercepted and killed by thieves, and so on.

Maroni, who accompanied Winter Hunt, killed a lone adventurer under the guidance of his brother, and charged the adventurer with robbery.

Maroni, who saw blood for the first time, was also very uncomfortable, and felt like vomiting like now.

This feeling has disappeared with age, but now it strikes again, and it is difficult to suppress.

He personally killed many goblins, and he also killed criminals in the territory, but it was the first time he saw such a tragic death, making people uncomfortable.

Maroney was going crazy watching the people around him keep getting desperate.

"What's wrong, it shouldn't be like this!"

After discussing the results last night, for fear of falling behind, they took a short break and hired a large number of adventurers to go out of the city together.

With the help of magicians, they guided the rushing water of the Lotan River into the entrance of the underground palace.

A large number of goblins were drowned by the river before they could warn or escape.

The hour-long flooding of the river exhausted all the magicians who assisted, and the effect was very obvious. Goblin corpses began to emerge from the entrance of the underground palace.

Just when Maroni and others were beheading and beheading, the water level of the underground palace dropped rapidly, and the corpses that should have overflowed to the entrance were brought back into the underground palace one after another.

After spending so much manpower and energy, Maroni really couldn't bear to part with those heads.

In desperation, they had no choice but to form a team and break into the underground palace, looking for the goblin who was taken away by the current.

When they found the location where the goblin corpses were piled up according to the stagnant water in the passage, the experienced adventurers in the team immediately reminded Maroni not to harvest the heads.

Because this group of adventurers suddenly discovered that there was no stagnant water behind the mountain of goblin corpses in front of them.

If the goblins have a mechanism to block the rushing river and fully open the drainage system to divert the water, then who activated the mechanism?

Maroni, who sensed something was wrong, also wanted to retreat, but they were already standing in the middle of the intersection unintentionally, and countless goblins suddenly rushed out of the three passages, surrounding them.

There was no problem with his plan, and the goblin drowned smoothly, so why was he the one who was in a dilemma.

And when did the goblins become so smart that the dungeon they designed had a special mechanism to prevent it from being flooded?

The iron rod held high by the Berserker Goblin forcibly cut off the head of another shield guard, and the bloody slurry was sprayed on the nearby people. This terrifying scene greatly reduced their desire to continue desperately.

They came here to harvest goblin heads to gild themselves, not to die themselves.

Thinking of this, before Maroni gritted his teeth and said to retreat, they were already running in the direction they came from.

The fleeing nobles abandoned their entourage to be torn apart by goblins.

The goblins were not relieved, they chased after the nobles like crazy, throwing weapons constantly.

Those who ran at the end of the line were covered by intensive attacks, and before they had time to struggle, they were overwhelmed by the swarming goblins.

"Why, why are they still chasing after me!"

Maroni, who ran out of the underground palace, called his companions who were stationed outside to take the harvested heads and retreat, but the goblin went straight out of the underground palace.

Goblin resisted the discomfort after seeing the sun, and rushed towards Maroni with red eyes.

In the past, goblins seldom left the underground palace where they were best at fighting, and came to the ground to pursue the enemy on their own initiative. Whenever they appeared, it was a sign of an upcoming war.

The appearance of several goblin berserkers was also discovered by Mithril adventurers on the Luotan Plain.

They are elite adventurers hired by Duke Guy to kill high-level monsters. Most of the time, they have to go deep into the underground palace to see such burly goblin berserkers.

Not to mention, they also found goblin priests and goblin mages in the goblin army.

"Goblins are going to take the initiative?" A Mithril adventurer froze.

"But, that's why, it's spring now, the food is abundant, and it's far from being so bad that we must replenish food through raids."

"These people are the group of nobles? They are the latest topic of conversation in Black Shield City."

"Could it be that these guys did something to drive the goblins crazy?"

"Captain, shall we save?"

The leader of the Mithril adventurer team leader hesitated for a while and sighed.

"Although I don't like nobles, since they come to kill goblins, they are our own."

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