My summons are weird

Chapter 666 Chapter 661

Chapter 666 661. In the Darkness

The wind howled, the torrential rain poured down, and the icy sea water slapped Lu Yu's body hard. The bitter and salty smell made him open his heavy eyelids. The swaying vision and strong tinnitus caused his perception to fail. Ten seconds later , The little strength accumulated in his body made him stand up supporting his lead-filled body, the pain made him stagger on the soles of his feet, and his eyes, which were dazed by the rain, were still blurred.

He spat out the sand that he had eaten into his mouth at some point, and he breathed hard. It was like a white rain curtain covered by gradual gunfire hitting his exhausted body from far to near. It hurts.

Lu Yu is very cold, the howling wind and the crazy rain are taking away his only body temperature, he can clearly feel his body becoming stiff, his fingers are numb and cold, almost unable to bend after soaking in water for a long time .

The lost memory fragments in the drowsy brain are being pieced together. This is a sudden accident. It happened when he, Sera, and Lulu were trying to crack the outer magic circle of Moaning Island and sneaked into the interior of the island. They underestimated the harsh weather conditions in spring in the northern waters of Durdeland, and they chose to shield the magic power in order not to be sensed by the magic circle-in the end, this was stupid.

He shook his head, trying to recall more, maybe because of the violent impact, maybe because his thoughts were too chaotic, his body was too tired, and there were still sporadic details that had not been captured.

Lu Yu subconsciously summoned Gundam, and the failed summoning made him once again convinced that he had not fallen into some kind of weird trap.

The defensive magic circle on the outer edge of Moaning Island seems to have been triggered by the celestial phenomena. Several huge eddies stir the sea water. They connect with each other, like the mouth of some giant worm, forming a line of defense that makes intruders daunting.

He suspected that it was these vortexes that were activated at the same time as the magic induction circle of Moaning Island, which caused him to be so embarrassed, and was thrown into the island by the vortex.

The communication statue was intact, but the message transmitted through it was lost in the sea—the invisible resistance distorted and disintegrated the magic message.

Knowing that he couldn't get in touch with Sera Lulu for the time being, Lu Yu casually summoned the little Shougong, held it in his arms, and released a small-scale fire-attributed shield to absorb the warmth.

The mist stirred up by the rain blurred things in the distance, and behind the heavy rain, only gray outlines could be seen.

"There is a house, but it looks like it has been abandoned for many years."

After exploring the way first, he brought back good news. In a potion master's home court, which is obviously not a good person, Lu Yu carefully controlled the speed of using magic power to avoid revealing his whereabouts, and also to deal with possible emergencies.

It was indeed an abandoned house, and the wooden door, which was already dilapidated from the sun and rain, made a "click, click" impact under the ravages of the wind, as if a ferocious beast was beating impatiently outside. The roof made of masonry has gaps, and the rainwater drips along it, making the inside of the house damp and slippery. Gray stone bricks covered with moss were scattered all over the ground, and some tightly tied sacks in the corner contained some feed and grain powder, but most of them were moldy. When I arrived, the long pole that had been broken had the shadow of a fishing rod.

Considering that before landing on the island, Savy said that Moaning Island was once the private domain of a group of nobles, maybe this place near the sea was the small warehouse where they stored fishing supplies back then.

The warmth provided by the guard palace and the magic shield revived Lu Yu's almost hypothermic body, and he returned again, and the small water droplet that accompanied him as a guide turned into a Q version of him——in such a harsh celestial phenomenon, enriched The water element has become the best protective color for the water droplets, and it is difficult for ordinary magicians to notice its existence even if they stick their faces.

"Did you find anything?" Lu Yu put Shou Gong on the back of his neck, so that the warm current would spread all over his body.

"There are no living things within the range of perception. The water droplets found an abandoned building complex. The structure is similar to ours. Maybe the wind and waves are too strong, or the sea breeze is corroded, and there are not many wooden structures left. Besides, there is a It is a small manor with a rough terrain like this."

Xuyu's wings stretched out its tentacles, and carved on the already dark stone bricks.

The magic power was filled again, the physical condition returned to the original state, and the explosion scars on the back that were basically healed no longer hurt. Lu Yu decided to go to the abandoned manor to have a look. No matter how bad it was, he didn't have to feel the sea breeze pouring in through the crack of the door there.

The moment the door was pushed open, the roaring wind tore apart the long-standing wooden door, and the connected wooden boards were torn apart in mid-air. With the sound of "wooing", they disappeared in the blink of an eye, and they were regarded as free.

It was as if a giant hand was competing with Lu Yu. Every step he took was very difficult. Even with the protection of a little manta ray, he still felt that his steps were weak, and he felt that he could gain the ability to fly as long as his feet were off the ground. Feeling the impulse in Lu Yu's body, there seemed to be a voice in his mind urging him to "jump up".

The vines attached to the surface of the manor wall were dragged by the wind, swaying lightly, like a charming woman reaching out her hand, trying to attract the attention of her sweetheart.

The heavy wooden door that hadn't been pushed open for many years was a bit brittle due to the corrosion of the sea breeze. After a while, the tentacles pulled the handle with a little force, and the flying sawdust stuck to Lu Yu's face. The water droplets that had turned into a water shield against Lu Yu's heart quickly squirmed onto his face, sucking up all the sawdust with his body.

The door opened, and the suite played by the storm blasted into the quiet mansion. The dilapidated and quiet mansion seemed to have returned to the past where there were endless banquets.

The magic crystal full of cracks could no longer provide effective lighting, and the light and dark jellyfish came out in response, and the translucent body released a charming halo, dispelling the darkness that surrounded Lu Yu.

The prop armor engraved with the family crest gave Lu Yu a little fright. In a trance, it thought it was a person.

It was a display wall, such as the honorary vessels that symbolized the family's honor were still placed on the shelves, and the assortment of family crests and utensils showed the past glory of the family.

Lu Yu casually picked up a ceremonial sword to admire. The family emblem was just in the center of the hilt, and the composition of two leaves connected like sword blades was quite artistic.

He thought to himself that the nobles repeatedly described the past glory on weekdays, as if it was an honor that should not be desecrated, but they were also the ones who abandoned it like a shoe.

The small light floated upwards, and the light illuminated the huge portrait hanging on the stone wall. It was a young man dressed in a slightly unrestrained way. He was wearing a formal dress with stubble on his face, holding a slender wooden statue similar to a staff With the other hand, he twisted the leaves of some kind of plant, and spread his hands forward, as if he was about to embrace something.

This style, which is completely different from the serious bust portrait of the aristocrat, continues to the next portrait. Wearing a monocle, with deep eyes, the middle-aged man in a black robe is facing forward with a smile. The dark green long tube-shaped container of the object, the garden in the background is overgrown with weeds, and the vines are overgrown in the distance.

The line of sight continued to move to the right, and Lu Yu, who was about to continue looking, was interrupted for a moment.

"The basement also doesn't have any living things, it's empty and can run." Xu Yu gestured upwards, indicating that he would go to check the upstairs.

Lu Yu's perception swept around when he entered. There was no magic fluctuation, but he was always rigorous.

Feeling the water dripping on his body, Lu Yu thought of Lulu for no reason... What a strange association.

When the communication statue was turned on again, the transmission of magic power was still distorted. It was rumored that Gaslow hired a very powerful magician with a lot of money to design the magic circle. It seemed that the commission was extremely high.

Being extremely bored, he picked up a staff on the display wall again to check it out, and stroked the node of the staff where the family emblem composed of three leaves was located. Lu Yu was very curious whether this kind of ritual utensil could exert the power of normal magic utensils .

Thunder exploded, and lightning shone into the hall through the dirty windows.

The body of the stick with metallic luster swayed abruptly in Lu Yu's sight.

The long-term accumulated experience made the body move before consciousness, Lu Yu turned around, and jumped back suddenly with the help of the staff.

The sharp thorns integrated with the darkness pierced Lu Yu's heart, and the shield formed by the condensed water droplets stopped the thorns from approaching at the last moment. The light and dark jellyfish that reacted fell down in unison, and the stream of elements shot out by the tentacles sent the sharp The thorn was cut off and turned into a black liquid that dripped to the ground.

As if it had life, the scattered liquid quickly condensed and flew towards the direction where the spikes were fired.

An opaque sphere is suspended in mid-air, and the wriggling granular bulges on the surface are enough to make patients scream in dense terror.

Lu Yu, who was used to sensing his surroundings with magic power, blinked his eyes in astonishment. Even though he was on the verge of death just now, the existence of this sphere still made him feel unreal.

It did not make any sound, but appeared suddenly, and the magic induction was invalid, as if there was nothing in front of Lu Yu, perhaps because of the opacity, the shimmering light cast by the jellyfish flowed on its surface, as if the edge of the picture had never been seen before. The edges and corners are trimmed clean.

The black ball fell to the ground like a water polo, "water splashes" splashed everywhere, and the dark slime sprayed to every corner. The furniture, templates, and even portraits made rustling sounds, and the armor on the display wall floated up. The ritual long sword that Lu Yu had played with appeared on its arm made of black mud.

The furniture was kicking and bouncing, like a clown dancing happily at a party to please the dignitaries.

The people in the portrait cast huge shadows, and the black mud made them incarnate, becoming warriors who could raise weapons.

"What the hell is this!"

The Devil-eating Tree broke through the ground, and due to the terrain constraints, its body could only pierce through the first floor of the ceiling. Light and dark jellyfish, geckos, and little manta rays rushed forward collectively, blocking this magical night in the museum. Artifact carnival, these alive objects are rushing madly, aiming at Lu Yu.

The neglected Devil-Eating Tree took a deep breath. In order not to expose Lu Yu, it limited its scope of influence to the mansion, swallowing a huge amount of magic power into its body in an instant, and the branch that pierced the ceiling immediately formed A few eyeballs appeared.

The black mud didn't disappear, and the devouring magic power of the Demon Devouring Tree didn't affect them at all.

Lu Yu couldn't figure it out, isn't it magic power that supports the activities of these monsters? What else can drive them to survive in such a strange posture?

Seeing that the shaped summons were completely unable to cause effective damage to the black mud entity, Lu Yu waved his hand violently.

"Flesh chariot!"

As soon as the cart hit the ground, the bone wheels crushed several flying dinner plates, turned into a dump truck and smashed armor, tables and chairs.

To no avail, the black mud that left the host expanded rapidly, and they were either wrapped or stuck to the surrounding objects and pieced together again into a twisting and wriggling distortion, rolling towards Lu Yu.

"Give it to me!"

The whole army of chariot tentacles attacked, some turned into sharp claws that ate prey, submerged into the black mud and tore vigorously, while others turned into straws, sucking liquid of unknown nature into the body.

The two charges divided the black mud into puddles of wriggling slimes, and the trucks that worked back and forth like sweepers sent all the black mud into their bodies, and transported it to the body by various "pipes". The tumors on the back were dealt with intensively. Through the pipes, Lu Yu could carefully see the black mud that was still struggling and wriggling in it, as if there was an individual consciousness.

"What the hell is this..." Lu Yu's scalp was numb.

The fleshy chariot, which can corrode prey and convert it into energy, is working at full capacity, and the sticky rolling and chewing sounds make Lu Yu's belly churn. As a summoner, he also feels the feeling of the fleshy chariot at this moment.

The Flesh Chariot's mood swings are extremely obvious - it also feels very uncomfortable, and it seems to have eaten the most difficult food among the chariots with its iron stomach.

The magic power scanned the surroundings, and the mansion without the black mud fell into silence again, but Lu Yu's hair stood on end, and his intuition told him that there was still something weird here.

The pitch-black hands pushed aside the wooden floor crushed by the flesh and blood chariot, and grabbed Lu Yu's calf.

The defenseless Lu Yu leaned over, his claws penetrated into the skin, and blood spurted out immediately.

The flesh and blood chariot resisted the discomfort in digestion, stretched out a large number of tentacles to support Lu Yu, and the powerful tentacles tore apart the black hand that blasphemed Lu Yu.



The sound of the soil being pushed and penetrated was heard one after another, and the flesh and blood chariot quickly lifted Lu Yu to a high place, and the light cast by the small light made Lu Yu's heart almost stop beating.

On the surrounding ground, pairs of pitch-black palms swayed like crinoids. They quickly touched the bone wheels of the flesh and blood chariot, and then... Pale arms stretched out from under the bone wheels, like pulling carrots, trying to hide The monsters in the ground are dragged out.

A black severed hand jumped like a broken earthworm. After a few seconds, it turned into a black liquid and seeped into the ground again.

Hiding in the cab, through the film-like translucent window, Lu Yu once again saw black spheres suspended in mid-air, this time, there were two of them.

The black mud fell to the ground, connected with thousands of black hands, squirmed, deformed, and a human form emerged.

Under the bright headlights, "Lu Yu" was smiling at him in the flesh and blood chariot.

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