My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 119 Searching



"Do you know what you are?"

"Sir, I am the artificial intelligence program of the tank system.

"Do you know who made this tank system?"

"Sir, I don't know."

"Then do you know why this system selected me?"

"Sir, I don't know."

"Do you know what the future of mankind is like?"

"Sir, I don't know."

"Damn, you don't know anything, let's just call you artificially retarded."

The chariot is driving on the dark land like a giant beast. From a distance, only two lights can be seen moving. Of course, the world is not quiet. There are many zombies or mutant beasts actively roaring. Just wait. It was difficult for Gu Ming to hear their cries in the chariot. Only when he was attracted by the chariot's lights from time to time, or bumped into the chariot, or was blocked in front of the chariot and was crushed, could Gu Ming feel that he was not so alone.

Bored to death and not wanting to watch a movie, Gu Ming took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, sat down in the cab, opened the beer and drank, and then chatted with Pangu while drinking, but he didn't know that Pangu was restricted by the system manufacturer from time to time. , asking it doesn’t know anything, like a fool.

In fact, what is the future of mankind? Gu Ming is not that great. He has never thought about saving mankind on his own. If he is that great and wants to be a saint, he can hand it over to the country when he first gets the cheat. People are selfish. , not sure whether he would be kept in captivity or put on the operating table, Gu Ming could only stay in bed and molest his growth.

It's just that there are intact eggs under the nest. If intelligent zombies appear, then the situation of mankind will become more difficult in the future. Regardless of the harsh environment, zombies alone can destroy mankind, not to mention that mutation is not guaranteed. There will be no intelligent beasts, who can say for sure.

As long as a smart zombie is found, Gu Ming plans to capture it alive and hand it over to the officials so that the officials can be mentally prepared. Gu Ming believes that the officials will deal with it. Maybe people already know that there is a wise person among the zombies.

To be honest, Gu Ming is not a scientist, he is just an ordinary person who was lucky enough to get a plug-in. With his undergraduate education level, he does not know where the future of mankind is. How many years will it take for this ice age environment to end, zombies and mutations? How will the beast evolve in the future? Will the earth become a three-pole struggle for hegemony in the future?

Stop it, stop thinking so wildly, Gu Ming drank the beer in the can in one gulp.

“Sir, we’re at the position you mentioned.

"Turn off the lights."

"Okay, sir."

Gu Ming picked up his weapon, opened the door and got out of the chariot. He stood in the snow and his knees were covered with snow. However, it had no effect on Gu Ming's physical fitness, which was comparable to that of the Hulk. He could easily stand in the snow. walk.

The traces of the convoy passing by in the past few days have been completely covered by snow, and the corpses of the zombies that were hit or crushed to death by the truck were not left behind. I wonder if they were taken back by their companions for food. This is very possible, after all. Zombies also need to eat food. If they can't find so much food to eat, it's not surprising that they eat the same kind.

It turned out that the waste car obstacle that was hit by the truck had not been returned to its place. It was not known whether it was because the smart zombie was hit by the truck, or it had given up, or it was not the fault of the smart zombie at all. Gu Ming thought secretly in his heart. .

There was nothing to be found on the road, so Gu Ming could only search nearby. Fortunately, he had night vision, otherwise it would be a death-dealing activity in such an environment.

There were no zombies or buildings within a few hundred meters. Even if there was a road leading to human settlements, it was now covered with snow and there was no way to find it. Gu Ming had to expand the search area and asked Pangu to release a A drone is searching for it, but I don’t know why the infrared heat-sensing instrument on the drone cannot detect the zombies. I wonder if the zombie’s hair blocks the zombie’s heat dissipation.

Two hours later, Gu Ming found a village two kilometers away. He did not enter the village immediately. Although Gu Ming's strength had improved a lot, he did not dare to say that he was invincible on earth. Who knows whether zombies or Will mutant beasts evolve into super powerful monsters? Gu Ming estimates that his current strength is similar to the Hulk zombie he killed in Taoxian County last time.

The village was very small, and the houses were scattered unevenly throughout the village. It seemed that there were only a few dozen households in the village. Gu Ming walked around the village and found a small forest in the northeast of the village. There were bursts of roars coming from the small forest. When he heard the sound, he knew it was the cry of a zombie. Gu Ming cautiously groped closer to see more clearly.

The grove was not very large, with a large crater in the middle. The area around the crater was about the size of a football field and only half of the charred tree trunks were left. Gu Ming guessed that it might have been caused by a meteorite.

Some zombies were lying motionless and sleeping on the edge of the pit, and some were moving in pairs and breeding, but I didn't know why they all stayed here. Gu Ming guessed that all the zombies in the village were here.

Gu Ming climbed up a tree and looked at the big pit. He saw that there was indeed a meteorite in the middle of the pit, and a zombie that was much larger than the other zombies was leaning on the meteorite. This zombie was smaller than Tao. The hulk zombies in the county are smaller and should not be as powerful as the hulk zombies.

Although he still doesn’t know whether the mutant zombie is intelligent, Gu Ming knows that there must be something wrong with the meteorite and it must be good for the zombies. Otherwise, the zombie group would not all stay here, but the mutant beasts Not one was seen. Could it be that meteorites are only good for zombies? In fact, what Gu Ming didn't know was that it wasn't that no mutant beasts came, but that all the mutant beasts that came were killed by the mutant zombie and became food for the zombies.

Gu Ming did not disturb the zombies. After he got down from the tree, he came outside and asked Pangu to control the chariot through the drone to drive to the edge of the village without getting so close. Gu Ming wanted to get rid of the zombies, especially the mutated one. Lure the zombies out and kill them with the cannon on the tank so you can get the unusual meteorite.

Blood is the best attraction for zombies. Gu Ming took out a 500 ml bag of human blood that had been prepared from the tank refrigerator. This blood was donated by some people in the Yuanxin base in the base hospital for credit points. Doomsday In the past, people often went to blood banks to donate blood for money, let alone in the apocalypse.

After Gu Ming hung the bag of blood under the drone, he went to the edge of the grove, climbed into the tree, and then pierced a small hole in the bag with a needle, allowing the drone to fly above the zombies.


Because of the stimulation of blood, the entire zombie group was boiling. The drone lowered its altitude and teased the zombie group in front like a peerless beauty seducing men. The zombies surged and the zombie group was led out of the woods by the drone and headed towards the battle. The chariot went in the direction of the car. The chariot there was already ready for massacre under the control of Pangu. However, Gu Ming made a mistake in his prediction. The mutated zombie was not seduced by the blood and was still there with the meteorite. It seemed that the meteorite was attracted to it. The power is greater, it seems that I have to do it myself, Gu Ming thought to himself.

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