My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 268 Plan failed

The fourth floor of Feng City’s underground base is still very large. In order to find the Zombie King as soon as possible, Gu Ming and the others divided their forces. Gu Ming and Han Mei joined the Wangcai team, and everyone else brought some female robot bodyguards to share. Team 7 was formed, and their main task was to clean up the elite zombies and look for the Zombie King. Gu Ming gave each of Tang Ming and Hou Wentao a bracelet so that they could contact everyone when they found the Zombie King.

"Honey, where are we going now?" Han Mei chopped off a zombie's head with a knife and dug out its brain core. Han Mei asked Gu Ming curiously. They and Dong Dawei's team had been moving along a passage since they separated. , most of the elite zombies encountered on the road were eliminated by Wangcai, and then Gu and Ming dug out the brain cores. Only then did Han Mei know that Wangcai, a seemingly ordinary dog, turned out to be such a terrifying mutant beast. Elite No zombie is its enemy.

"Let's go to the central area first to see if the Zombie King is there." Gu Ming guessed that the Zombie King should be in the central area, which used to be the location of various official agencies of the Feng City Base, as well as some important equipment and facilities. There, if the Zombie King is very intelligent, it should be safer to hide there. Of course, this is not necessarily the case. These are all Gu Ming's guesses.

After listening to Gu Ming's analysis, Han Mei also felt that it made sense, so the two of them and one dog moved towards the central area while dealing with the zombies they encountered on the road.

There are several passages to the central area, and Gu Ming and the others took one of the largest passages. Because there is no human thermal power, the entire passage is in darkness. Han Mei can see things clearly with a night vision device. Gu Ming's eyes have night vision function, so he doesn't need to wear night vision goggles. Han Mei has known this for a long time, so she doesn't find it strange.

It took Gu Ming and the others less than half an hour to reach the central area. They encountered more and more zombies here. However, under the hunting of Gu Ming and the others, no zombies could cause any damage to them, because they didn't know the zombies. Where is the king? I don’t know if it has escaped. Gu Ming can only search room by room, which is very time-consuming. Gu Ming does not dare to separate from Han Mei Wangcai. Safety still needs to be done. The first priority was that even if he didn't kill the Zombie King, he couldn't waste his life casually. It would be more than worth the loss. He couldn't imagine that if the tank system disappeared after his death, he would lose his life. How do our relatives survive in this increasingly perverted apocalypse?

"Let's go. The former office building of the Management Committee should be in front of us." Looking at the three floors in front, Gu Ming, who had been here before, said to Han Mei. He didn't know that Han Mei had been here before, but Han Mei He didn't say anything, just nodded to show his understanding.

Gu Ming asked Wangcai to go in front. Wangcai reacted faster to the elite zombies' sneak attacks. Usually, the zombies were dealt with by Wangcai before they could take action. Gu Ming and the two did not dig their brains anymore. Nuclear, it's such a waste of time. Gu Ming could see from the tablet that the fighting outside was fierce. The entire suburb was in a state of raging flames. More than two thousand people outside were sniping at the zombie groups that escaped to the outside. Not enough for two people. The defense line of more than a thousand people is not that big. There are big loopholes. There are many zombies spreading in all directions. Gu Ming has no way. After all, it is impossible to eliminate millions of zombies 100%. He can kill three points. Secondly, he should snicker. Of course, the most important thing is to kill the zombie king.

The two of them and one dog searched floor after floor, but no zombies were found, let alone abnormal zombies. Although the zombie king Gu Ming didn't know what he looked like, he was different from ordinary zombies anyway.

Gu Ming and the others came out of the office building of the management committee. He thought about it and felt that this efficiency was too slow, so he said to Han Mei, "Amei, wait a minute, I'll ask the space carrier to control an unmanned aerial vehicle." When the plane comes in, we will use the drone to patrol and see which part of the entire central area is more abnormal. The place where there may be anomalies is where the Zombie King is."

Han Mei also felt that it was too slow to search each house like this. The situation outside had already begun. Zombies had begun to escape to the underground base. Before long, there might be hundreds of thousands of zombies in the entire base. By then, even those zombies Even if you stand and kill them, they won't be able to finish them all.

Gu Ming contacted Chunqin directly, actually asking her to tell Pangu to control an invisible drone to come in. Fortunately, they were not made to wait for long. In less than ten minutes, the drone arrived in front of Gu Ming and the others. Although Han Mei didn't look surprised at the sudden appearance of the drone, what she was thinking in her heart was that Gu Ming indeed had many technological products that were beyond the times, such invisible products that could not be seen by the naked eye. Drones, Han Mei knew that Xia State officials did not have such a thing at all.

After a few random operations, the drone flew into the air. Gu Ming opened the tablet and called up a picture. This picture was the picture transmitted by the camera under the drone's fuselage. The drone was patrolling the central area. The speed is not that fast. Gu Ming and the two mainly look at the number of zombies on the ground. Gu Ming and Han Mei said, "The zombie king should keep the most elite zombies by his side. After all, intelligent creatures may be afraid of zombies." Damn it, are you right?"

"Yes, your analysis makes sense." Seeing the confident look on Gu Ming's face, Han Mei knew how to speak. Just praise him. Sometimes men are so childish.

"Amei, look there's something unusual about that place." The drone stopped in the sky above a building. Han Mei saw that the screen on the tablet showed dozens of zombies below, and these zombies were different from the ones they had just encountered when they came in. Those elite zombies. If the two-meter-tall stature of the elite zombies is exaggerated, then the zombies below are almost the same as the Hulk zombies. Gu Ming thought of the Hulk zombies he killed in Taoxian County. Those zombies were similar to it. Well, fortunately, his current strength is much better than before, and Wangcai's strength is even more powerful.

"Let's go there." Gu Ming knew how the place got there. If he guessed correctly, the original place there should be a library. Of course, it turned out to be the Feng City base where books collected from the school were stored. The place is said to be a library, but in the apocalypse there is not enough food to eat, and not many people have the heart to read books, so this library has always been used as a place to store books.

Gu Ming guessed that there should be some books inside. It might be that when everyone at the Fengshi Base moved to the Shashi Base, some places did not have ancient books. This library is one such place.

The two people and the dog soon arrived not far from the library. The Hulk zombies had sensed their arrival. What else was there to say? The two sides started fighting directly.


He punched away a Hulk zombie. This kind of zombie that he had nothing to do before was now just a little troublesome for Gu Ming. Gu Ming saw that Han Mei was fighting hard and knew that her strength was compared to the Hulk zombie. It's still not enough to watch.

"Wangcai, stay with Amei." Gu Ming shouted to Wangcai, who had been killing Hulk zombies, asking him to protect Han Mei.


Wangcai said it was received. It jumped to Han Mei's side, and then bit the zombie who was attacking Han Mei to death. The Hulk's neck was bitten off by Wangcai like crisp ice.

"Thank you, Wangcai." Han Mei touched Wangcai's head, and Wangcai wagged his tail comfortably.

This pervert, Gu Ming complained in his heart when he saw this scene. Since Han Mei was protected by Wangcai, he no longer had to focus on Han Mei, so he speeded up, Gu Ming's In Han Mei's eyes, the figure seemed to be teleporting. It suddenly appeared here and then appeared in another place. No zombie was his enemy, and soon all the zombies on the scene fell. , no one is standing, but even if they are killing these Hulk zombies outside, there is no movement from the Zombie King inside. Is there no Zombie King inside? Gu Ming thought with a little disappointment that if there was no Zombie King inside, then their efforts this time would have been in vain.

Gu Ming first asked Wangcai to eat the brain cores of all the zombies on the ground. After it was finished, he took Han Mei and Wangcai to open the door of the library and walked into the library. Sure enough, Gu Ming saw the bookshelves inside. There were still books. Gu Ming took a closer look and found that most of these books were about humanities and literature. There were relatively few books about other engineering subjects. They might have been selectively picked out when the Fengshi base was relocated.

The entire library has three floors. Gu Ming and the others searched the first floor and found nothing. When they came to the second floor, they saw a dozen books on a desk and an open book. Gu Ming picked up the book. The opened book turned out to be a history book of the Xia Kingdom, which talked about the five thousand years of Xia Kingdom's history. Then he looked through other books and found that they were all history books from various countries in the world. Gu Ming also saw a book on the table. A ball pen. There were no traces of the ball pen on these history books. He wrote on the book with the pen. Sure enough, the ball pen couldn't write with water. In such a low temperature state, any pen is useless. The pen water inside has long been Frozen to ice.

"Amei, do you think the person reading here is the Zombie King?" Gu Ming put the book on the table. He looked at the surrounding bookshelves while talking to Han Mei.

"I don't know, and I'm not sure, but even if the zombie king's intelligence has evolved like ours, how can it recognize words? Doesn't it have memories of its friends when they were humans?" said Han. Mei looked in disbelief. You must know that official scientific research has found that after humans become zombies, their brains are completely different from humans. Whether it is the brain, the blood in the body, the heart, etc., they also have an extra brain. Core, it can be said that the body structure of zombies is very different from humans. She does not believe that zombies will have memories of human times after evolving intelligence.

"What you said is very possible, but what I am sure of is that this zombie king is super afraid of death. It may have followed millions of zombies out of the base before we came in. It may have escaped by now. We are far away from Feng City." Gu Ming clicked on his bracelet and told the others what he had discovered so that they could retreat.

Two people and one dog went to the third floor to inspect, and sure enough, nothing was found. The zombie king had really escaped a long time ago, but I don't know where it had escaped. Keeping it would be a disaster after all.

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