My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 285 Goodbye

Gu Ming only watched the screen for more than ten minutes before he knew what the Katyusha troops were doing below. Unexpectedly, the roots of the giant tree were spreading to all directions. As long as he thought of the abnormal ability of this giant tree, Gu Ming He was very worried about whether the other party's tree roots would cross the border and reach the Xia Kingdom. However, he was relieved after carefully observing the growth rate of the tree roots below. He estimated that the growth rate of the tree roots only increased by forty meters a day. The growth rate of the trunk was not that fast, but he thought in his mind that if he compared the height he saw when he came last time to the current height, it would grow an average of twenty meters per day, which means that the growth of this giant tree The speed is growing at an accelerated rate, which is a bit abnormal, Gu Ming thought to himself.

If this giant tree continues to grow at the current acceleration, then the entire earth may be surrounded by this giant tree in more than ten years. By then, the earth will completely become a tree, and humans will still be able to grow. Is there room for survival?

Gu Ming observed for another half an hour, and then asked Pangu to send out several drones to reconnoiter the environment around the giant tree. He found that all mutant beasts within a radius of several kilometers with the diameter of the giant tree were extinct. He guessed that it was not the trunk of the giant tree. , but the Katyusha troops led by Seripova cleaned up the mutant beasts around the camp for the safety of their own camp. Although the ability of this giant tree is very abnormal, Gu Ming discovered last time that as long as he did not actively provoke it, it would It will not take the initiative to attack. This kind of Buddhist character seems to be easy to get along with. However, with the growth rate of this giant tree, the living space of other creatures on the earth will soon be occupied by it.

I don't know if its growth rate is related to meteorites. In the past, Gu Ming guessed that its growth rate and ability were related to meteorites, but he was just guessing.

Seripova was squatting on a branch of a big tree, holding a special sniper rifle in her hand. She led a team out to hunt mutant beasts as usual, which could not only reduce the threat of mutant beasts to the camp, but also increase For food, the meat of mutated beasts is very important to them. Exercising the body every day consumes a lot of energy. To improve physical fitness, it is necessary to replenish energy, and mutated meat is the best food. Everyone has to eat twenty A few kilograms of mutated meat, if each soldier is allowed to eat, each person can eat fifty kilograms of mutated meat every day, so no amount of mutated beast Sheribova is too much.

Due to the continuous hunting by Katyusha's troops, all the mutated beasts around their camp have been wiped out by them. Seripova can only take her men to hunt farther away. Fortunately, the most indispensable thing in the Siberian forest now is various mutations. Beasts, even if they kill so many mutant beasts every day, it feels like the number of mutant beasts replenished from other places has not decreased much. Of course, I don’t know if their killing aura scared those mutant beasts. The mutant beasts coming from far away They rarely come close to their camp anymore, which is one of the important reasons why they hunt farther away.

Seripova aimed her sniper rifle at a mutant deer five hundred meters away. This mutant deer was more than two meters tall and five meters long, and its antlers were several times larger than before the apocalypse. If there were any mutations in the forest, If the meat of the beast is the most delicious and the most popular among the Katyusha female soldiers, then the mutant deer must be the first one. The mutant deer is full of treasures. Even the internal organs of Sheribova and the others are not willing to throw away. Let the chef think of ways to prepare a few dishes to eat.

Although it was five hundred meters away and there were some trees blocking the way, Seripova's sniper ability was definitely the best among the Katyusha troops. She pulled the trigger when she saw the mutated deer walking out of a big tree. trigger.


The sound of the sniper rifle equipped with a silencer was very low. The bullet coming out of the gun barrel hit the mutant deer's head. The mutant deer soon died and fell to the ground. Sheribova just waved her hand towards the tree, and from A black shadow appeared out of nowhere and ran quickly towards the mutated deer that fell to the ground. The black shadow below was the fastest female soldier in Katyusha's army. She was the best person to pick up the corpse. Within a few seconds , she saw a dark figure carrying a huge object running back. She nodded to the leader on her tree, and put the mutated deer carcass into a large box. This box was where Seribova came out to hunt and pack the prey carcasses. , there is a cart under the box. Once it is full, Seripova will lead the female soldiers to pull the cart back. If a cart is filled, it usually weighs more than three thousand kilograms, which means that the food for a day is almost the same. enough.

Seripova's female soldiers were scattered in the area around her. Some of them were fighting mutant beasts with cold weapons such as machetes. These were people who were good at fighting with cold weapons. For the current mutant beasts, the enthusiasm before the end of mankind was In addition to heavy weapons, only a few weapons can cause some damage to these mutant beasts. Sniper rifles must be specially made to kill mutant beasts, not to mention other light weapons such as rifles and pistols. Even these specially made light weapons It can only cause damage to a small number of relatively weak mutant beasts, but cold weapons made from meteorites can cause great damage to zombies and mutant beasts, not only because the cold weapons made from meteorites are extremely sharp, but also because they are made of brains. The zombie virus extracted from the core is refined into weapons using special methods. It can cause a kind of bleeding damage to zombies and mutant beasts that can only appear in games. It feels a bit fantasy. It is not only done in the Mao Xiong Kingdom, there are others. Countries with official bases will operate in this way, otherwise the physical evolution of human beings will not be as advanced as those of monsters, and there is such an ultra-low temperature and harsh climate environment outside. If humans do not have the advantage of weapons, then humans are not far from extinction. .

An hour later, the carcasses of the hunted prey had filled the cart box. Shelipova used the walkie-talkie to notify everyone to return to the camp. Just as she stood firm after coming down from the tree, she felt something on her head. She immediately looked up at the sky. Through her protective helmet, she saw an aircraft that looked like something from a science fiction movie. She had seen such an aircraft before. This was the aircraft of Gu Ming, the leader of Xia Guoyuanxin Base. Yuanxin The base is also the current only trading partner of the Woolly Bear Country, and can be said to be the most important source of materials for the Woolly Bear Country.

During this period, due to the abnormality of the giant tree, the Mao Xiong Kingdom contacted Gu Ming through the quantum transmitter. However, the Far New Base has ignored them, which made the Mao Xiong Country a little frustrated. Shelipova knew the leaders above. What are they planning? They want to ask Gu Ming's Far New Base if there is any way to curb the accelerated growth of the roots of the giant tree. After all, the giant tree is not only a threat to the Bear Country, but also all countries on the earth. To avoid the threat of giant trees, the underground wired communications between the Woolly Bear Country and other big countries have all been broken due to ultra-low temperatures, and there is no way to find out what went wrong. In other words, all countries on the earth that still have official powers have lost it. Without contact with other countries, they have completely turned into isolated islands. This is why the Bear Country wants to contact the Yuanxin Base. In addition to asking Gu Ming if there is a way to solve the root problem of the giant tree, they also One purpose is to contact the officials of the Xia Kingdom through the Far New Base. Emperor Pu believes that the giant tree crisis can still be solved by gathering global power.

The female soldiers under Seripova were still very alert. When Gu Ming's aircraft lowered to a height of more than 200 meters, they were discovered. They all dropped the ropes pulling the cart, and they headed towards their superiors They approached, but were stopped by Seripova with a wave of her hand. She signaled that the person coming was not an enemy. The female soldiers quickly stopped, but they did not pull the cart again, but waited for the aircraft to land.

Gu Ming did not let the aircraft land directly to the ground. After all, there were many trees below and there was no open space for the aircraft to dock. When the aircraft lowered to a height of more than 100 meters, he jumped directly from the aircraft's open hatch and used a tree. She slid down the tree more than 100 meters high and reached the ground. She saw Seripova standing in the open space wearing a helmet. Through the glass of the helmet, Gu Ming could see the cold and complicated expression on her face.

In fact, Shelipova is quite conflicted about Gu Ming, the benefactor who saved the Bear Country. After all, the Bear Country lacks supplies, and the supplies traded from the Far New Base just make up for the shortage of Bear Country. It’s just that Far New The materials in the base are not free. The Furry Bear Country paid for brain cores, beast cores and meteorites, and the price was set by the Far New Base. It can be said that the Furry Bear Nation has no choice at all. Someone above proposed to kidnap Gu directly. Ming, the leader of the Yuanxin base, was rejected by Emperor Pu. After all, if the kidnapping of Gu Ming failed, then the Mao Xiong Kingdom would have no future at all.

Someone in the upper echelon of the Mao Xiong Kingdom hinted that when Shelipova had the opportunity to see Gu Ming again next time, she could pay a certain price to make Gu Ming prefer the Mao Xiong Kingdom. Shelipova knew very well what that upper-level leader meant. , she is not a child, this is asking her to sell out her sex, which is the greatest insult to a soldier, but she feels very sad whenever she thinks about the life of the people in the base now. Has Xiong Country fallen to this point? Was it doomed from the time of the disintegration of the Soviet Union? Seripova didn't know, she only knew that the country of the Bear was still facing internal and external troubles.

"Hi, Sir Seripova, it's nice to see you again." Gu Ming didn't know that the other party was thinking about a lot of things the moment he saw him, and his mood was even more complicated.

"Hello, Chief Gu, do you know what brings you here?" Shelipova stabilized her mind and said with a faint smile.

"Well, something happened, but this is not the place to talk, can I go to your camp?" Gu Ming spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Well, please come with me." The roar of mutant beasts could be heard in the distance. Shelibova made an inviting gesture to Gu Ming, indicating that he should follow her and others.

Soon a group of people left from there and headed towards the Katyusha troop camp.

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