My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 102 Quantum Computers Are Available

Specifically, this quantum transistor uses a special shape of silicon material for heating and oxidation, leaving only a very small non-oxidized area to form a 10-nanometer "silicon island", which can only pass one electron, thus forming a quantum transistor.

A typical computer transistor needs about 100,000 electrons, while a quantum transistor needs only one electron. Therefore, its volume is only 1% of the traditional transistor, and the power consumption is only one hundred thousandth of the traditional transistor.

Ye Fan bought the material in large part because of a new type of quantum transistor that can operate at room temperature.

At present, most quantum computers that exist in laboratories can only operate in ultra-low temperature environment. If they can operate in room temperature environment, the operating cost and maintenance difficulty will be greatly increased.

This is an optimal choice for Ye Fan, who wants to build a thousand quantum computer clusters.

In terms of hardware that cannot be avoided, there is also a quantum storage device. Ye Fan holds that thing in his hand, just like a Zippo lighter. The volume is very small. The modified quantum storage device can be easily installed in the quantum storage device. on the computer.

In ordinary electronic computers, such as computers, information or data is stored in binary data bits (bit), and each data bit can only be one data, either 0 or 1.

And physicists at the University of Michigan, based on the predecessor L.K. Grove's theory, created a database for storing and retrieving data in the quantum phase of atoms.

In the University of Michigan experiment, a computer randomly assigned data to a quantum state in a cesium atom.

Using ultra-intense laser pulses to store information in the assigned quantum state, it takes less than 1 nanosecond, or one-billionth of a second, to amplify the inverted quantum state when the same atom is hit by a second laser pulse. And suppress all other states in the wave packet, so that large-scale data can be recorded.

This thing, in simple terms, is equivalent to a memory stick of a computer, providing running memory for a quantum computer.

And completely different from computers, quantum computers no longer need anything like hard disks, and all data is stored in high-speed running memory.

Quantum memory is a faster and more advanced method of data storage and retrieval than the binary of an electronic computer, because the mechanics of quantum are rules that allow many locations to be searched and modified simultaneously.

This could give a quantum computer 1000TB of running memory and storage, and 500TB of data per second for random data writes, integer data writes, etc.

After installing the quantum storage,

Ye Fan picked up another quantum well laser the size of a ballpoint pen.

This is the use of advanced semiconductor epitaxial growth technology by scientists, using semiconductor light-emitting materials with a thickness of only a few dozen atomic layers as quantum wells, and making them alternately grow between light-confining materials as quantum barriers, resulting in a series of Quantum confinement effect.

Experiments by scientists have shown that quantum dots composed of a pile of materials with a diameter of less than 20 nanometers or a length of about 60 silicon atoms arranged in a string can control the movement of very small groups of electrons, and do not interfere with the exotic Quantum effects contradict.

For such a small quantum well laser, the supplier's quotation is as high as 200,000, and it is also very difficult to buy. Because of the ban on sales, Amiken won't sell it to us at all.

In the end, it took a huge amount of money to buy this thing.

There is no way, there is nothing that money can't solve, if there is, it is that money has not been given enough.

After the quantum well laser is installed, there is also the quantum interference element sensor, which is a new type of sensor. Compared with the quantum computer three-piece set, this thing is not very difficult to buy.

The quantum interference element sensor adopts the optimized design and high-performance Josephson junction technology, which is the best high-temperature superconducting quantum interference element sensor in the world.

In the previous research, the device parameters were optimized to make the Josephson junction reach about 10Ω resistance, the critical current is about 20μA, and the double-crystal bonding technology was used to replace the general 24° and 36.8° with a 30° inclination angle.

Therefore, this high-temperature superconducting quantum interference element sensor can improve the resolution of geomagnetism from one part in three hundred million to one part in a billion.

For some specific components, in addition to the quantum interference element sensor, there are also quantum effect devices.

In the history of human research on quantum computers, the development of quantum effect devices began in 1985.

In recent years, scientists have overcome many difficulties and made breakthroughs in the development of quantum effect devices.

Although the fabrication methods of quantum effect devices are various, the principle is basically the same, and all of them use electron crowding control without exception.

A quantum-effect transistor replaces the FET's channel with an "island" that is isolated from the source and drain by a thin layer of material. The FET's channel acts like a conduit between the source and drain when When a transistor conducts, it allows electrons to pass through.

And this "island" is also like a gap between two turnstiles, limiting the space for electrons to pass. The turnstile acts as a layer of insulating material that only allows electrons to pass through at low speeds.

Because these quantum components have been completely modified by the high-precision cutting-edge assembly line, these things do not need to be as expensive as when they were bought.

When I first bought it, there were some components that had to be stored in a liquid nitrogen environment. Some components were also very sensitive to the surrounding static electricity, so you needed to wear insulating gloves and insulating clothing to get started with assembly.

But after the transformation, these quantum components are just the most common components. Although the price is high, it is only one of the parts, and it is not as delicate as before.

As long as the workers are given an installation process, which is equivalent to giving an instruction manual when assembling the building blocks, then everyone will assemble step by step.

Just like assembling a computer, as long as you are willing to learn, you will definitely be able to learn. As long as you follow the instructions, don't force miracles, don't connect some wires randomly, then there will be absolutely no problems in installation.

After three hours of assembly, the world's first quantum computer that can be used for civil and commercial use, even for military use, was launched at Datang Heavy Industry.


PS: Thanks to the "unnamed it" boss for becoming a Dharma protector! Thanks to "@MDK:LY", "Mo Li", "Mr. YP", "Sun and Moon", "Huike Technology Eternal Empire", "X", "Cherish this love", "Don't be sad in the cool night", "Crossing the Clouds and Covering the Rain", "FFF Group~Black Crow~Zero Ambassador", "Xianyin", "Mo Ran", "Dust Wind" and other bosses' rewards!

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