My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 433: Being Targeted Again

Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, but people often can't do this. What people can do is that everyone is in danger, and it has nothing to do with themselves.

Originally, everyone was a victim in this matter, but after being exposed to such confounding remarks, they became perpetrators instead?

The speech you gave at the United Nations General Assembly before, saying that this is a conspiracy by aliens to exterminate human beings, was swallowed by you?

"I'm too lazy to care about them. It's fair and easy, let them make troubles on their own." After Ye Fan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ye Fan frowned deeply.

Now that such remarks suddenly appeared, it must not be accidental, but a carefully brewed conspiracy.

Otherwise, such remarks should not have come out at this time, and rumors had been flying all over the sky in the second half of the natural disaster day.

And this kind of remarks can be said to be very vicious, not only completely invoking the grieving people, but also shifting the finger of blame to their own side.

Those who can come up with such remarks and implement them are absolutely impossible to be idlers.

After all, it is very slim to rely solely on personal behavior to spread the word on the Internet in a short period of time, and the effect is very slow.

"Origin, can you find out who is spreading the rumors?" Ye Fan put on his glasses, leaned on the sofa, and took a sip of his tea.

"Good master, I express my deep abhorrence for such despicable and shameless remarks, and I will definitely do my best to inquire." At this time, Ye Fan's glasses also sounded an angry voice.

After a while, Origin found some clues on the Internet.

Ye Fan connected the signal source of the holographic projection at home with the origin, and after a while, a list and an organization icon were displayed.

This icon is a blood-red half moon. It looks very simple and boring. However, if this picture is placed in the war-torn Middle East, people will all change their expressions and avoid it.

"Blood Moon" Organization: This organization is the most brutal among the many secret intelligence agencies of Ameijian. It is famous for its bloody methods and cruel punishments. However, this organization has always denied any connection with Ameijian.

The real forces behind it are the two giant consortiums ranked No. 1 and No. 2 by Amejian. The consortia often use the "Blood Moon" organization to provoke wars between the two countries or large-scale tribal conflicts. Sell ​​weapons.

This organization organizes killing and extorting goods all the year round, doing all kinds of evil. In some backward and remote countries, this organization is frightening.

The founder behind the scene is Andri, who is fifty-three years old this year. He used to be a gold medal agent of the CIA.

Below the introduction of the "Blood Moon" organization, there are lists one after another, like a mind map, sorted by name, position, and contribution.

Each list is accompanied by a photo that includes not only their names and ages, but also their current addresses and personal financial accounts.

On a small window next to it, there is also sorted personal information.

The first picture shows a young man with a brown back and a handsome look.

His name is Mosfell, he is 22 years old, code-named "MOSS", he is the person behind the largest public opinion guidance platform in South America, and he is also a top hacker.

He was the first minor to be jailed for hacking, and MOSS has attacked top-secret organizations including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an agency of the American Defense Department whose intrusions gave him access to Username and password for highly confidential mail.

In the record of MOSS, he also hacked into the computer of NASA (America National Aeronautics and Space Administration),

And more than $1.7 million worth of software was stolen.

The software stolen by MOSS supports the physical environment of the International Space Station, including temperature and humidity control. After discovering the intrusion, NASA had to immediately shut down the entire computer system, causing damages amounting to $41,000.

Later, he was sentenced to ten years in prison. In prison, a terrorist organization called "Blood Moon" found him, and he began to work for the "Blood Moon" organization.

Later, he captured many confidential websites one after another, made great contributions to the "Blood Moon", and is now the number two behind-the-scenes figure of the "Blood Moon" organization.

The second picture is of an Asian man wearing glasses, with a bald head and a pair of black glasses, making it impossible to see what is going on in his heart.

His name is Afalal, he is 35 years old, and he is the third person in the Blood Moon organization. He is a professional planner, and his greatest joy is planning all kinds of crazy plans.

He was once wanted by the CIA for three years for planning and executing a big explosion in the center of New York, and was finally arrested in New Zealand.

Before being secretly executed, Blood Moon found him and gave him a lot of benefits, and allowed him to continue his "dream" in the Middle East.

Under his bold and crazy plan, he often caused heavy casualties to his opponents. Basically, every time the members of the organization can retreat safely, he is a criminal with a high IQ that people can't catch.

The third picture is a tall and tall man from China. He looks gentle and elegant, with flowing blond hair. He looks like a handsome prince in a fairy tale, but it also has the meaning of a "thug in a suit".

His name is Bin Ang, he is 27 years old, his parents died since he was a child, he lived on the street and was bullied, resulting in extreme psychological distortion, and now he is the number one killer of the Blood Moon Organization.

He is a chilling killer with a smiling face. Bin Ang is not only interested in killing the target, but also in the perfection of the art of murder. In his view, death is the most important moment in a person's life, and he will Let every deceased shine like a shooting star.

Using the gun in his hand as a paintbrush, he swayed the cruel art he pursued to his heart's content, tearing the hearts of the victims and shocking the onlookers. He recklessly took pleasure in the eerie plays he produced, so that the word "horror" has the most suitable messenger.


One after another, the list pictures explain how crazy this evil-doing organization is and how crazy its members are.

"It seems that this time it was targeted by an ignorant and arrogant organization again." A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Fan's mouth.

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