My Super God QQ

Chapter 999: Retreat and strengthen soul

"Young Master, don't be afraid, Master is here!"

The old man didn't notice the words of the two, but just looked at the white-faced boy, calling out as a faithful old servant.

"This is in the show!" Wang Lin muttered in his heart.

"Dad, save me!"

The white-faced boy was overjoyed and responded.

Only middle-aged people looked at these people with cold eyes.

Although there are many people, and there is a Promise Battleship, then he believes that as long as he is exposed, these people must obey his son.

Thinking of this, he angered again: "Leave me alone, haven't you heard? Finally give you a chance."

"Okay, I didn't find you. You guys are fine. You will be sent to your door automatically..." Wang Lin laughed: "If every time there is such a good thing, it's pretty good."

"It's a big tone, who do you think you are, do you know who our grandfather is? Our grandfather is the Feng Yushen who is under the throne of the Immortals!" The old man with kind eyes and good intentions came out and shouted, a prestige. The look of demeanor.

"What the **** is the imperial messenger?"

Wang Lin was puzzled and asked the fairy soldier on the side.

"It is similar to the lord of the city!" Xianbing responded: "This kind of imperial servant is mostly in Nanzhanbuzhou, where the bird does not shit, unless it is a big city, it is called the lord, if it is a small city. At most, they are called imperial envoys, or the mayor if they are awkward."

With that said, this fairy soldier looked down upon the proud look of Nanzhanbuzhou.

"Oh, it's just like a little official!" Wang Lin nodded in understanding.

"Yes, yes, anyway, there aren't any big guys in South Bianzhou."

Regarding Wang Lin's failure to take them seriously, he has been ignoring their shouting behavior, and the other party can't help it.

Until he waited for Wang Lin to speak, it was a sentence: "Whoever killed all is General Red, so you have to trouble you~" said, bowing to the General Red.

In any case, he should have some superficial exercises, otherwise, would it be difficult for the general to be a man?

The red man opened his eyes and looked at the people without even standing up, and slapped forward with a slap.

In the sky, a huge palm print appeared instantly, with the power of wind and fire bursting, and it slowly fell down like the peak of Juyue.

The movement of the four directions seems to be terrified, and it has spread towards the four directions. It has shocked the mind before it has fallen, giving people a feeling of overwhelming disaster, even if it is not under the palm, it also makes countless fairy soldiers look Great change.

As for the other party, it was terrified.

"It's actually Taiyi Jinxian, it's impossible, the other party is also an army, that's a general in red?" The middle-aged man headed was frightened, his heart hung in his throat, his face pale as paper, and he quickly called: "Ah Ah, I don’t know if the Lord is here, please be merciful, because it’s the one who rides the sky!"

It is a pity that Wang Lin laughed in response to him: "I'm sorry, we are the fairy prisoners, ha ha ha..."

A palm down, except for a few people who used magic weapons to hide or carry it down, all others were photographed directly turned into minced meat, and they couldn't die anymore.

And the middle-aged man and the old man are still there.

Middle-aged people have powerful defensive artifacts, while old people are usually kidnapped by pits. They have a lot of oil and water, and have fairy artifacts that can be avoided.

It's just this avoidance that they no longer have the complexion, but a look of fear and embarrassment.

The middle-aged man glanced at the dead fellow. At this time, he dared not be arrogant any more. He could only bow his head and carefully said, "I would like to ask General Red Clothes, do we have any misunderstandings? Explain it to your satisfaction, but I still hope you let the child go, and the child is not sensible."

Now, they dare not show up again, but a good negotiation, even a posture of bowing, suddenly, so many fairy soldiers can not help but despise.

"Your son is not sensible? This chicken can really get up to make a woman, can have a son, and is ignorant when he is young, old things, your face is really thick!" Wang Lin pretended to be surprised, and then ridiculed Road.

It can be said that the middle-aged man's face is red.

However, he still has to explain, even when compensation is made, Wang Lin has already spoken again: "General Red Clothes, you don't have to talk to them more, just kill them."

This made the other party startled and angry.

They think they are like ants, let anyone call out to kill!

"It's too much to deceive people!" The middle-aged man roared: "Aren't you afraid to ride the Celestial King to trouble you?"


The general in red had already started again, photographing them.

"Leave the old man?" Murong Fengrou said hesitantly.

That old guy, they want to avenge themselves with their own hands. Because he almost caused himself and two to explode and die, this hatred must be retaliated.

One palm did not die, two palms, three palms...

In the end, there was only the old man, and everyone else was shot dead by the general in red.

The old man was left because the general in red heard Murong Fengrou's words and thought that he was Li Qing's wife, even if he had a good relationship!

Su Xiaoxiao also expressed his thanks in due So, the general in red got the favor and nodded and continued to keep his eyes closed.

In order to let the two sister-in-laws breathe out, Li Qing deliberately gave up a Promise Warship to let them clean up the two.

A young master, an old man who kidnapped them.

"It's none of my business, old age is also a duty, ah, forgiveness..."

The old man knelt down and begged for mercy. However, Murong Fengrou was thrust into his mouth with a sword, not only the tongue, but also his teeth.

Seeing this, Wang Lin was a little scared himself. The woman became angry and was even more vicious than the man.


"Five layers of Qilin to Ren Qingyun tactics, how long will it take to rise to the eighth floor..." Li Qing sat cross-legged in the ancestral ground, almost wailing in his heart.

At first, Li Qinggang started to think like this, but when something magical happened, he found a position on the top of the void, and mysteriously continued to show power, as if to nourish his soul, all kinds of sentiments were passed into his through this power Mind.

In this way, he almost fell into a feeling, unable to extricate himself.

Most of these sentiments are old people and young people. Li Qing seems to be just like them, being on the scene and feeling everything happening to them.

Happy and joyful, sad and sad...

Gradually, his soul continued to grow and grow.

"Thanks to the ancestors and ancestors of Zudi, thank you!" On the side, Li Qing's uncle kneeled on the ground and meditated with a pious expression.


Li Qing was closed here, and he was also on the sidelines to avoid what happened.

That's it, almost a day and ten days, Li Qing was promoted to the sixth floor of Qilin to Renqing Yunjue.

Two more floors...


The new week is here, ask for firepower support

(End of this chapter)

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