My Super God QQ

Chapter 1005: Taobao

"Go sell things first, which one has the best reputation?" Li Qing asked, thinking for a while, and added: "You rank."

"Ming Pavilion, Zhengqi Tower, Fengqi Tower, Fengwen Pavilion..."

"Okay, then go to Zhengqilou."

"No, didn't he say that the credibility is the best, is the Mingge first?" Hedingtian was puzzled and asked strangely.

The tour guide was also dumbfounded.

"Oh, first, there must have been promises to you. If they get any benefits, they will definitely give you dividends, right?" Li Qing smiled lightly.

In an instant, the tour guide's face changed slightly.

Hedingtian suddenly realized that he was giving thumbs up to Li Qing again.

This is like going on a trip on the earth. The tour guides will introduce good shops for you to buy. This is because they have the benefit of dividends, so they can do their best.

And if you want to avoid what happens because of quality problems, then don't listen to them. It is best to ask them directly. There are several good ones in this store. Directly refute the one they highly recommend and choose the second one.

Zhengqi Building...

There are five floors in total, and the light of themselves, together with the lights decorated by them, will illuminate the whole building brilliantly.

It was very smooth. Without any twists and turns, Li Qing sold what he got from Wanshengbaoge and some things he got from the dead.

Unexpectedly, the price is still very high, there are actually five top grade immortal stones.

"Not bad, there are five pieces of high-grade fairy stone." Hedingtian is satisfied.

But Li Qing is still dissatisfied.

"Is this price too low?" Hedingtian thought that his brain was still not good enough for Li Qing, so he asked directly, not suspicion.

"Yes, compared to the establishment of the Qing Emperor Gate, it is still too much money, it is a lot of money."

"What about then?"

"I think about it again."

Li Qing's mind was turning around, and his eyes kept looking around. Suddenly, he saw the fairies in the stall, and his mind flashed.

"I seem to be able to find the treasure by identifying the value of those things!" Li Qing thought so.

He has a QQ bookstore. Before, he could read the books inside to understand the origin and value of some treasures, but now, it is more convenient because he has a book spirit.

Then, treasures that others cannot see may be picked up by him.


Li Qing immediately went to those stalls.

There are too many of these stalls.

"Two guests, do you want to pick up the leak?" The tour guide was also a wise man, and suddenly saw Li Qing's thoughts.

"Yes! How do you know?"

"Oh, as long as it is the first time you come in, most of you will have this idea, you are not the first one."

"Then? Do you have any advice?" Li Qing wasn't annoyed when she was upset, and asked again.

"Well, there is indeed one thing to tell the guests, that is, those forces, the forces that purchase items, they will send some appraisers to come up and search for them, as long as there are good things, they will generally be taken away."

Li Qing nodded: "It turned out to be the case, but it's nothing wrong."

"Then, do you want to pick up the leak?"

"Pick up, even if you can't pick up, is your knowledge so good?" Li Qing smiled, his face full of confidence.

No one can pick up the treasure, it is because they have no skills, but Li Qing now has a knowledgeable book spirit, can you compare?

Just as they walked to the first stall close to them, Li Qing made Shu Ling ready. If something was a treasure, he would immediately tell Li Qing.

The first stall...

Li Qing scanned it again, and when the tour guide thought that Li Qing would take a look at it, Li Qing went to the second stall again.

He glanced again and walked to the third stall again.

In the fourth booth, Li Qing had inquired about the value of a thing, but he just shook his head and left after hearing the fairies' offer.

In this way, the tour guide was very interested at first, thinking that Li Qing was a hidden appraiser. Later, he directly thought that Li Qing was boring and was shopping.

"Is there no good treasure?" Hedingtian asked.

"Well, there is one in front, but the asking price is too high, and I just don't want to ask." Li Qingdao.

Until this road was finished, and then went to the other side, Li Qing suddenly looked.

"Master, there is something good!"


"North side!"

Following the guidance of Shu Ling, Li Qing found a stall.

The boss is a middle-aged man with a very lascivious look.

Li Qing squatted quietly, picking and picking, and suddenly picked up a teapot: "How much is this thing?"

"Guest knows the goods, this is the fairy tool used by a Taiyi Jinxian almost ten thousand years ago, but it's just a defeat after being defeated by someone, it is what it is today." The middle-aged man pretended A kind of honest and honest look, but just the fine light shot from time to time, people think that his camouflage technology is really poor.

"It's not too bad, just a small horn is missing from the mouth of the pot." He Dingtian interjected.

"Oh, Daoqi, is that too expensive?"

"It's not expensive, you just need a piece of high-grade fairy stone, er, mainly for the value of collection. You should know that the Taiyi Jinxian was also famous." The middle-aged man smiled.

Shu Ling opened his mind in Li Qing's mind: "Master, this fairy looks like a tomb thief, and most of the things here are a bit dead."

Li Qing nodded secretly.

Of course, his goal was not for this teapot, he just did not let this middle-aged man see his goal.

"It's too expensive, what about this thing?"

Li Qing picked up a bead again.

This bead is a bit like a marble on the earth, but inside it is a long black goo.

According to Shuling, this thing is mixed with a huge amount of dead air, and it seems to be a very powerful body of Taiyi Jinxian. When the body was dying, he became a meditator because he was dying. Lead to the situation in this bead today. As for what it means to meditate, it means that if you die, you can still maintain your spiritual wisdom and memory and continue to practice in Hell. It is possible that you will return to Immortal Realm in the future and inherit your own realm and strength.

At the same time, it is a very evil thing, if it is used as a murder weapon is very scary.

Of course, Li Qing didn't want it because of this, but he felt the temptation of the shroud, as if this thing was useful to it.

It must be useful!

The body of the top Taiyi Jinxian after his death!

Even if it is useless to the shroud, it is also a rare thing.

"What is this thing?" Li Qing pretended not to understand and picked up the bead.

"This thing is incredible. It also came from a very old period, but it is a magic weapon used by the demon repairers. You feel the deep death energy, this is definitely a good treasure." He Yi The decisive look.

But he didn't know it. In this way, Li Qing suddenly knew that he was in Mongolia.

Otherwise, what you say is completely different.

"It seems that he wanted to sell a high price!" Li Qing got such a message that this guy just didn't want to sell a low price, so he made up this way.

So if that's the case, don't blame me...

To talk about editing, Li Qing is also okay, so he made up immediately.

"Oh, it seems that Xiongtai doesn't understand this thing. This is obviously not a powerful magic weapon, but a kind of treasure for the dead, similar to the coffin." Li Qingdao said.

"Ah, it's impossible, could I be wrong?"

"It's a mistake. Believe it or not. You look carefully to see if the black thing inside is a corpse? I want this thing. In order to preserve the body of a friend of mine, there are a hundred inferior immortal stones. Leave me without selling!" Li Qing said with a determined look.


He just decided this guy.


Today, I have recovered a bit, and I can only start to think about the latter. Thank you for those brothers who have always supported this book. It can be said that there will be no book without you.

(End of this chapter)

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