My Super God QQ

Chapter 1004: Find Guoguo

Accidents often happen at completely unexpected moments!

Just like now, Li Qing has just turned into a butterfly and wants to hide in, but she encounters a woman who is too beautiful to describe in words to bathe.

So, the butterfly bleeds, Li Qing's nosebleed.

"Hey, where is the little butterfly, still blue, so cute."

What Li Qing changed was the most beautiful butterfly on earth, the bright goddess butterfly. Because it is the most beautiful and the most impressive nature, Li Qing becomes such a butterfly at random.

The entire wing face is like a white sea with many white waves, its colors and patterns are very spectacular. The whole body is purple-blue, and the entire wing surface is like a blue sky inlaid with a string of bright auras, bringing light to the world.

"Little Butterfly, come here!"

She stretched out her arm like jade, and swayed that finger.

Feeling a rush of suction, Li Qing was already drawn when he was thinking about struggling or not.

Fortunately, she didn't think of getting Li Qing in her hand, but stopped by the edge of the barrel. Li Qing had to flap her wings and stop at the edge of the barrel.

"Wow— simply-- I can't stand it anymore!"

It was so close that Li Qing's nosebleed could not stop.

Too perfect body!

That snake waist, that peach tun, formed an amazing curve, especially when she put her legs outside and scrubbed underneath, Li Qing had never had such an uncomfortable moment.

The chicken is hard!

Li Qing felt that there was a monster in his chest who was about to rush out. If he rushed out, it was when he turned into a werewolf...

"Seven seven, have you washed it?"

There was a sound outside.

"Almost ready, what's wrong?"

"After washing, go wash the pavilion master, where the girl is coaxing the pavilion master, not long, you hurry up!"

"Good, then I will hurry!"

Saying, Qiqi, the girl who was washing, flew anxiously directly from the bucket and jumped to the side.

Li Qing is naturally a feast for the eyes, because that figure really makes people unable to remove from the body, unless it is a woman, no, even a woman may not be able to move away.

"Little Butterfly, follow me~"

Li Qing was also fascinated. She didn't take off at this time, but she was attracted to her index finger again as soon as she was attracted by her force again.

"Then let's take a look at their cabinet master. I don't know if it's Guoguo..." Li Qing heard their previous conversation, and there was a word "coax", which reminded him a lot.

Wearing her apron and small trousers and a layer of black gauze on the outside, she took Li Qing out of the house.

All the way through the quiet flower path and alley, she finally stopped in front of a small house.

It’s a small house because it’s very strange. The whole house is a cute rabbit outside, which is like the style of some kindergartens on the earth.

She pushed the door open and Li Qing heard the playful laughter of children.

In addition to this, there are several horrible things. The consciousness that is not lost to Li Qing is constantly sweeping back and forth, that is, Li Qing stays in her hand and is not swept.

"It's almost the same as the tightly defended reincarnation pavilion..."

Li Qing was a little surprised.

But in an instant, his eyes widened, because he saw a child.

That kid is not Guoguo!

It's just that this child is not Guoguo, he also knows it, is the Fire Lotus Immortal.

Li Qing froze.

A surprise rose from my heart.

Fire Lotus Immortal is here, so is it not to prove that Guoguo is also here?

However, in addition to seeing the Fire Lotus Immortals, there are three female dolls in Li Qing, but no trace of Guo Guo can be seen.

Li Qing really wanted to pounce at this moment, and asked the Fire Lotus Immortal, where is Guoguo.

"How about the patriarch?"

The woman who brought Li Qing, that is, Qiqi, asked what Li Qing wanted to ask.

Now, Li Qing has 90% assurance that Guoguo is the patriarch of the reincarnation pavilion, that is to say, she is indeed a reincarnated female fairy.

It was just such a guess that Li Qing was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, the female orphan he adopted at the time was actually a helm among the several mysterious forces in the fairy world. Then, wasn't Guoguo the top strongman in the past?

Oh my God!

"Pavilion lord, I ran to find her little turtle and said I would wash it with the little turtle. Wait a minute, wait a minute... Yeah? Where did this butterfly come from, so beautiful~" It was a beautiful woman, and she noticed when she noticed Li Qing.

Li Qing was a little nervous.

Because he is afraid of being seen by others, if he is seen, he does not know that he can retreat from here. After all, this is one of the most powerful forces in Immortal Realm, and surely Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not that simple.

That is, when the beautiful woman was approaching, the Fire Lotus Immortal also saw the butterfly, and then, with a suspicious look in her eyes, she rushed over first.

"Little Axe ~ Boom Boom~"

Her milky voice was authentic, she stretched out her tender hands and blinked at Li Qing.

Long time no see, she actually understood how to speak and made great progress!

Li Qing quickly flew to her little hand, because, at this moment, Li Qing thought that he must be right to fly to her hand.

That's right!

After she received Li Qing, she ran away, hiding from the side and not approaching her. Those big round eyes blinked and did not blink, staring at Li Qing with death, as if to see what was coming.

She felt a familiar breath, which she had when she was born, so that she had a deep memory.

"Come with me, little master~"

"Don't do it~"

Just when the beautiful woman wanted to get together to see, suddenly, there was a conversation outside the door.

Li Qing is familiar with both voices.

One is very fond of, and the other is very resentful.

Because one voice is Guoguo, and the other voice is when the lower realm was looking for Guoguo, and Li Qing was beaten up, looking down on Li Qing's woman.


The door was pushed open.

Li Qing saw her good daughter, that is, when she saw her, Li Qing thought of the scene in which she gave herself a stone as a talisman. She was excited and her eyes were wet.

She was still so big and cute, but her eyes were more agile, as if she could talk, holding a little white turtle like jade, and was being held by the woman and walking inside.

At that moment, the beautiful woman and seven or seven all went over.

Then they entered the back room, and there was a pool of jade liquid in the back room, which was constantly rising with warm mist and whiteness.

As they walked, they pulled off their clothes, revealing a proud figure.

"How about Xiaolianlian?"

Suddenly, Guoguo's voice came out.

Fire Lotus Immortal slowly entered the back room, that is, inside, Li Qing almost did not have a nosebleed, and his resistance was much better.

"It seems that in order to serve Guoguo, they have to take a good bath before they can come in!" Li Qing thought in this way, so it was not so exaggerated and nosebleed.

Li Qing is waiting for them to take a good bath. Only after the bath will he be in touch with Guoguo.

"Come down, hey, that butterfly is so beautiful~ Guoguo likes~"

Guoguo also noticed Li Qing, but it was not clear that it was Li Qing.

That is, she was about to run over from the pool and was hugged by the woman again, forcibly hugged, and asked Qiqi and the beautiful woman to bathe Guoguo.

Washing is a bit slow!

Li Qing looked at these beauties and saw that the anger was rising, which was very uncomfortable. However, he did not dare to act rashly, and he had a Of course, now I can clearly know that Guoguo is doing well, unlike in the dream, he asked Li Qing to save her, then Li Qing also Can be assured.

Almost an hour...

Li Qing looked at the pores of these beauties, and then they helped Guoguo to take a shower and quit one by one.

That is, when they withdrew, Li Qing couldn't help but transform into another.


Guoguo was scared and looked at Li Qing and almost fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, Guoguo~"

Listening to her calling her father, Li Qing's eyes were wet, and then rushed over to hug her and kept spinning.

"Dad, is Guoguo dreaming?"

She looked at Li Qing, and then her small hands tightened Li Qing's neck tightly, and then kissed Li Qing's face constantly.

"Dad, I miss you so much, Guoguo really misses you!" As she said, she cried loudly and cried, her shoulders trembling all the time: "Guoguo thought Dad wouldn't have any Guoguo..."

In this way, Li Qing is sour and soft all over, but he hates that he didn't go to Fairy World earlier, otherwise Guoguo will not be sad.

"Dad, I don't want to wake up. Guoguo wants his father..."

She kept crying, and Li Qing could not persuade him well.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door, and Li Qing's secret path was not good, so he had to be transformed again. The door was opened. The woman who had beaten Li Qing in the lower realm had already come in, and then looked at Li Qing with dumbfounded eyes.


She looked at Li Qing like hell.

As a fairy, her memory is very strong, she clearly remembers that this is the father the little master recognized in that dirty lower realm!

how come?

How long was it before she actually ran to the fairy world.

"Come here!"

She opened her mouth and shouted in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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