My Super God QQ

Chapter 1001: A Probe into the Secret of Kunlun

"Wang Lin, where are you?"

Li Qing couldn't wait to share this joy with Wang Lin.

When he wanted to come, Wang Lin was set on which woman's bed at this time. Then, Li Qing's phone call definitely made him embarrassed. Later, Li Qing gave him this good thing again, making him angry.

Who knows, when Li Qing called him, he told Li Qing that others were in West Kunlun.

"How did you run there?"

"I always think that our Chinese myths and legends are too great, so I took a few sisters to explore here and have fun by the way." Wang Lin hey thief smiled: "How to say, speak noblely, Just find a fairyland to fight in the field, will you come?"

"give me the address!"

Li Qing teleported directly to Kunlun Mountain in the next second, and then swept his mind to discover Li Qing's location.

Kunlun Mountain, which was the place where the formation was concealed at the beginning, when Li Qing entered, Wang Lin was sitting on the side with all his leisure.

It was a sofa, and there was a bed. Wang Lin slumped on the sofa. There were women squeezing her shoulders, and her legs were being knocked by two women. She was enjoying the exception.

"What's going on? A **** smell? It's impossible, which girl is coming to the aunt?"

Li Qing smelled an unusual taste.

"Halo, what do you think, auntie, can I bring it to play?! It's a bit of a sin here, and then some old dead still depend on it here. I secretly slay a killer to me and I got rid of it! "When Wang Lin said this, it was as casual as eating and drinking.

Li Qing couldn't help but be silent and speechless for them.

Do you guys stay well here? Just want to provoke Wang Lin.

Even if they are highly respected and self-cultivating people, they are now killed by Wang Lin, and Li Qing has no intention of hosting justice for them.


Helping relatives is not helping, Li Qing is not a Virgin Mary, it is such a selfish person, not to mention Wang Lin who first attacked by the other party, and he will die if he dies.

"Then, besides those people, did you find anything?"

"Hey, I just found the guy who made the show last time!"

"Master Tianxiu? Didn't you die?" Li Qing thought of this guy who was constantly casting spells in the secular world and buying up people's hearts.

"Now dead, hahaha, that is him, I found a realm in the realm."


"Yes, there is a small world in this small world. No, the small world inside is bigger than the outside world. That is the real Kunlun Mountain. There must be a big secret in it. Unfortunately, my strength has never been able to enter. While still thinking of a way, you come..."


Li Qing nodded, then looked at the group of women behind Wang Lin.

Li Qing is very speechless. At first glance, this group of women has Chinese, cold, stupid, Russian, American, and even Li Qing saw a black girl.

"Nima, what a taste!"

"Do you think this girl is not pretty?"

"It's okay!" Li Qing looked at the black girl. It was indeed beautiful like Black Pearl, but Li Qing imagined that he couldn't talk.

"You have to try everything!"

"Why don't you try the ladyboy from that kingdom?"

"Yes, I tried one, the body structure is completely female, it is top-grade goods, except for the throat knot, you can't see it as a man. I have played it. I feel a little struggling and weird. It feels really good!" Wang Lin Ge praised.

Li Qing was disgusted and almost didn't spit him: "Fuck off, what do these women do, bring it in?"

"It's okay, let them be at this level, and believe that they should know the dangers inside, instead of going into the treasure hunt and throwing their lives inside!" Wang Lin doesn't care about it, in fact, he is indirectly warning them, don't Follow them to death.

Seeing that they didn't dare to say anything, the two became companions, led by Wang Lin and continued to walk deep inside.

In other words, Li Qing saw two mountain peaks, and there was a gap between the two mountain peaks.

There is a protective cover in the gap, thinking it is the real reason why Wang Lin can not enter.

"I'll try!"

Li Qing tried to punch the protective cover with one punch, but it just waved twice, completely useless.

You have to know that Li Qing is now a Taiyi Jinxian, which can't get in, so it's really mysterious.

"Give me!"

Li Qing tried his best. This time, he made a total of hundreds of hits in one second.

That is, it has been concentrated at one point. The protective cover was finally bombarded. No, it was not broken, but a gap was exposed. Li Qing quickly grabbed Wang Linsuo in the stunned **** and penetrated it.

"Wow, this is even more fairyland than fairyland!"

Upon entering, Wang Lin marveled.

I saw it was a rugged ancient mountain road, covered with simple bluestone strips, there should be tens of thousands of steps.

The giant height is so high that it goes straight into the peaks of the sky and directly into the sky without seeing the top.

Dim, full of vitality and immortality.

Actually, they also saw a white fairy crane constantly flying in the mountains, screaming from time to time.


Wang Lin was alert.

Li Qing grabbed him and was about to teleport to the top of the mountain, but when it was about to teleport, a huge coercion fell from the sky.

"who is it?"

Wang Lin was frightened and exclaimed.

His whole body trembled, and he just felt dizzy and was about to vomit out. His whole body became weak and wanted to pass out.

"It may be the prohibition of this small world... don't be afraid, you don't feel anyone!" Li Qing immediately pushed back the coercion.

"Take the mountain road, then!"

Li Qing pulled him and walked up the mountain together.

Thousands of stairs ~ ~ in the realm of two people should be able to reach soon, but they walked for more than half an hour, still can not see the peak.

"There is another formation..."

Li Qing began to have a big ignition, impatient, and threw a punch to the front.

This time, Taiyi Jinxian's firepower was fully opened. However, in addition to breaking a ripple, a punch was offset by a certain force when it was about to hit the stairs.

"What a weird place, if you come with me, I'm afraid I want to go back now!" Wang Lin flinched a little, looking at this fairyland in horror.

"Don't be afraid, it won't work when the time comes. I'll just throw you in the bookstore."

"That place full of books is not impossible, then wait until there is danger!"

They went on.

When they finally reached the top of the mountain, they saw a piece of fairy palace jade.

This building is in Genting, just like the fairyland on TV.

"Search it, if there is anything good, it is your own!" Li Qing smiled.

They searched immediately, but originally they imagined that there should be a lot of treasures, but no treasures were seen along the way.

In the end, the two gathered in front of a pool and looked at the pool, a bit stunned.

When the wind blew, the water in the pool was calm. Some silvery water was as calm as a mirror.

"You didn't find anything?"

"No!" Wang Lin shook his head.

"Is the Queen Mother's Yaochi?" Li Qing looked at the pool in front of him, and suddenly, a punch hit the pool.

The pool exploded, and Li Qing and Wang Lin saw a beautiful crystal palace appear inside.

Thanks to the brothers who voted, the righteous fathers who subscribed, this book was first published on Genesis Chinese Network!

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