My Super God QQ

Chapter 1035: return

The recruitment of humans on the earth has been carried out for as long as three months...

There are hundreds of millions of candidates worldwide!

One hundred million!

Although people in power in some countries on the earth are reluctant to take away so much of the population, Li Qing can only think of Li Qing’s strength to eat this bitter fruit.

It was not until the gathering of hundreds of millions of people that Li Qing collected them all into the chemical cabin.

It is a good treasure that Li Qing can see without loss. After hundreds of millions of people have flowed in, the small world has continuously expanded on its own. It is best to accommodate everyone.

Places to eat, businesses, and training are organized.

It is among these hundreds of millions of people that women make up the majority. There are as many as 70 million, all of them are women, and most of them are young women.

"Is it really so popular?" Li Qing felt a little embarrassed when he touched his nose. Otherwise, if it were not for his unique charm, it would attract so many people.

Then, when he went to the real world, Li Qing joined all his family again, and he was ready to return to the fairy world.

Regarding Li Qing’s father, he did not tell Zhang Min. He believed that if there was a chance to rescue the cheap father, then it would be resolved, saving Zhang Min from worrying.


"Although I have to admit it, the air in Xianjie is indeed much better than the following..." After coming to Xianjie, Li Qing felt the changes in his body again.

In the lower realm, he not only feels uncomfortable, but his strength will have a feeling of fading.

Because, all of his body is immortal, and the air pollution in the lower bound is definitely going to regress, how can there be progress. This is like getting easy from being frugal to being extravagant, and being difficult from being extravagant to being frugal.

"go home!"

Li Qing looked forward to their feeling of coming to the fairy world and coming to the new home again.

Especially Li Qing, when he told all the people on earth, there was no danger. How do they feel when they are a group of lucky children? It should be a pleasant surprise!

In a teleportation, Li Qing disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the palm of the fairy country.

It was just at this moment that he saw a group of people constantly attacking the Immortal Kingdom.

"What's going on?! Uncle Grandpa?"

Seeing that the protective cover of the Immortal Kingdom in the palm was being shaken continuously, there was a scene that would break at any time in the next second, Li Qing was anxious and swept away.

That is, thousands of miles above, Li Qing saw an old man in black confronting his uncle. It seemed that his strength was terrifying, and the uncle did not even dare to distract him from helping him.

"Come out, or when the protective cover is broken, it is when you are buried!" A group of people below attacked the protective cover.

"It's already like this, don't you come out yet? It's impossible, you really want to be buried with this city?"

"When you come out, all the men will die, all the women will play first and then kill, then play and then kill!"

"I kill before playing!"

"Quickly give away the fairy city, spare your life! Otherwise, when the time comes, the man will kill, the woman will sell the blue building for ten thousand people to play!"

When I yelled at him, there were endless slurs.

The most powerful one is a top Daluo Jinxian. Next, there are seven Daluo Jinxian and some golden...

"Your group of beasts, when my boss comes back, you will all die! I tell you, the reason why you can do this is that my boss is not here. When he comes back, he will make you regret it!" Ling The strange thing about Li Qing is the voice from the city, it seems to be Xiaohui.

At the beginning, wasn't Jie Yu presided over? It's impossible, what happened to Jie Yu?

Li Qing was in a hurry.

"Who is your boss? Ha ha, it's hard to be a Taiyi Jinxian too, even if we are not afraid of him!" The other party laughed arrogantly and arrogantly: "If it's just right, we will exhaust all the nets and save us a waste of energy. Find him!"

"is it?"

Li Qing's voice passed into their ears and appeared above their heads.


The other party looked up in surprise.

The next second, Li Qing's Taiyi Jinxian was full of momentum, as if the giant Yue suppressed.

It was at this moment that everyone's face changed drastically, like dumplings, falling to the ground one by one, and the big Luo Jinxian turned to escape.


Li Qing has appeared behind him, a palm penetrates his heart, and then stirs, smashing all his fairy babies into pieces.


Li Qing withdrew his hand without blood on his hand, and he exploded directly.


Seeing that Li Qing was so strong, he killed their most powerful big Luo Jinxian as soon as they appeared, and they were so scared that they would disperse.


Li Qing swiped with his right hand, and in a posture of holding a sword round, everyone was cut immediately.

"Wang Lin!" He let Wang Lin out and said coldly: "It's all up to you to make up!"

"Hahaha, can I finally use it?"

Wang Lin's hand ignited a milky flame and burned towards their fairy baby.

At the same time, Li Qing's consciousness turned into a storm, impacting Taiyi Jinxian who confronted his uncle.

"So strong!"

Only when Li Qing's consciousness hit the other party, he found that he was a bit like a motorcycle hitting a truck, not only did not hurt the other party, but also rebounded back by himself.

But Li Qing's consciousness attack still made some achievements. While the other party distracted, Li Qing's uncle went all out.


Thousands of thunders exploded at the same time.

The two did not move at all, and the 10,000-meter range between them directly collapsed and collapsed in the void, and continued to spread in all directions.

If you look up now, you can see that the sky has cracked, as if to collapse.

Endless fears directly shocked all of their hearts, so that their souls would be scared out of their minds, and they would be so frightened that their legs would soften.

Wang Lin was scared and pale, almost kneeling down.

Even if Wang Lin is already the Daluo Jinxian, however, in the face of Taiyi Jinxian, he still can’t bear the consciousness and that coercion. It can be said that Taiyi Jinxian and the following grade are simply worlds apart, saying that they are ants. The difference with humans is also not excessive.

"I must be promoted to Taiyi Jinxian!" Wang Lin gritted his teeth, bleeding all the roots of his teeth, swearing.

He had an idea that he wanted to find his own chance, and with his ability to "swallow", he would not necessarily be worse than his brother.

The winners and losers are also listed above!

Li Qing's uncle finally won the game, and the opponent ran away and disappeared instantly.

In this way, Li Qingcai entered the city with his uncle and Wang Lin.

That is inside, learning of what happened recently, Li Qing's eyes darkened, flickered suddenly, and became dark again, and then, an unstoppable anger burst out.

"who is it!"

His face was red and bloody, a blue tendon on his forehead rose out, and there were a few tendons connected to the sun nest on his face, all twitching There are countless forces, so there is very little doppelganger. "

Li Qing's uncle was helpless.

He was going out to find out who it was, whether it was a ghost arrow or other forces invading the Immortal Kingdom, while worrying about being attacked by someone when he left.


Whoever let Li Qing's men are all low-powered people can't help at all.

"Uncle, help me to guard, I will check, this person I don't personally raise his bones, I can't relieve the hatred in my heart!" Li Qing's icy voice, as drilled out of the cold winter hell, is unbelievable Straight into the bone marrow.

"Sister Jieyu, are you okay?"

Looking at Jie Yu's pale face, Li Qing was heartbroken.

Even if she has been insisting on saying that it's okay, almost, Li Qing's anger at the bottom of his heart continues to grow like a beast.

After chatting for a while and making sure he was fine, Li Qing got all his relatives and placed them here.

After all, Jie Yu needs someone to take care of, and Li Qing’s relatives take the best care. Those other people should not be let out. Li Qing must first resolve the influential talent line.

"Is this the arrow?"

Li Qing looked at the arrows that wounded them. I don't know where the arrows were made. Li Qing cut off with a sword and could only make a small missing corner.


Duan Yue's fairy baby floated on the side.

"Did you see who it was..." Speaking of which, Li Qing paused: "What object was launched?"

"No! I just feel weird. I can shoot arrows in the paper, this..." Duan Yuesi thought about it, even if he had no body, only the fairy baby would still tremble.

Too evil, so strange!


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