My Super God QQ

Chapter 1045: true! Taiyi Jinxian Battle

Genius remember the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! This person looks like a handsome middle-aged guy, with a slender figure, wearing a silver-white robe embroidered with a real dragon, and there are still lips left Two skimming beards.

Looking at him standing in the middle, Li Qing guessed a little, thinking that he might be the Chengxianjun.


Seeing that he disappeared, Li Qing had already been prepared and disappeared instantly.

Therefore, not only did he not catch his neck, Li Qing's counterattack came immediately.


As if the fighter plane passed the low-pitched sound of explosion, Li Qing's leg brought a residual image and pulled towards his neck.

"Not at all!"

The middle-aged handsome guy, that is, taking Tian Xianjun's eyes closed without hiding, his right arm bent and his elbow hit Li Qing's right leg.

This is a pure physical collision!

If someone's body is relatively weak, or the strength is weak, then it must be the one who loses.


The two phases collided, and the terrible waves spread in all directions.

Even the six Taiyi Jinxian, not far away, were afraid of being affected, and disappeared instantly to appear 10,000 meters away.

Their worries are not unreasonable.

As if the moon hit the sun, there was no response when the air wave hit the void, but when it hit the ground, the ground exploded directly.

In that case, it seemed like a meteorite fell to the ground, hitting the ground, and exploded into the earth and the earth, and it was shocked to a radius of 10,000 meters.

Immortal Army...


"Ah, what a voice!"

"My God, what's the matter!"

"There is power to fight!"

Shouts came one after another, as if the ants were exploding, countless people rushed out of the camp and looked at each other, all seeing shock in the eyes of the other party.

In the dark, many lights were lit, and everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw that the two golden lights turned into two huge figures, like giants who had traveled through the ancient times.

Full pressure!

This caused the characteristics that Taiyi Jinxian should have had, and turned into such a look.


Just like a fairy, when you first get promoted to a golden fairy, there will be a faint golden light behind.

And Jinguang forms a giant shadow, then it is the special ability of Taiyi Jinxian.

"Who is it?"

"Furthermore, it must have been our celestial prison army and the Tiancheng army! Damn, bullying us, looking down on us, and constantly harassing us! Come on, kill those regular army..."

"We often call us wild breeds and thieves who are guilty of death. These regular troops really hate them, killing those dogs!"

"Always think that I'm tall, yes, kill them, let them know that even if Grandpa's **** are stinky, they can die..."


On the side of the Immortal Prison Army, countless crowds were angry and scolded.

Similarly, on the side of the Celestial Army, everyone supports their Taiyi Jinxian.

Otherwise, how could it reach the Emperor Xianting, this influence is too bad, originally it is a force that belongs to him. When did your own forces attack each other, is this not equivalent to weakening his power? This wind can't be long, so that Cheng Tianxianjun and Li Lan are recalled together to mediate them.

"Unexpectedly, your ants are actually Taiyi Jinxian, impossible?!"

With such a blow, Li Qing did not lose, nor did he benefit. Even if he used the triple heaven of the Seventh Heaven of Bliss, the power accounted for countless times, and it seemed that it did not benefit.

But after the two broke out, the other side looked at Li Qing in disbelief, and there was a trace of dignity in his eyes.

"Oh, why, isn't it possible, or are you afraid?"

Li Qing chuckled lightly.

Is this the strong man? Compared to the elders of Yixiao Pavilion, Li Qing knew that the water of Taiyi Jinxian was so deep.

Obviously the big elder, he can die with one punch, however, the guy in front of him passed by one leg, unscathed.

"Fear, what is it, kidding, this fairy king in this hall, will be afraid of you such a humble, from the criminals?!" Cheng Tianxianjun sneered.

Suddenly, all the people over Li Lan glared and angered.

"Don't be happy with your mouth, I'm afraid you will say it, you say that I am a mediocre, I will not lose a piece of meat~" Li Qing shrugged, indifferently.

Seeing that Li Qing was not irritated by himself, he could not hold Tian Xianjun's face, and said three times: "Good."

"Now, I will let you know that even if you are a Taiyi Jinxian, it is no match for me!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly shouted, "Take the fist of God!"

These four words, such as the tips of the four heavenly swords, touch each other's heart, leaving everyone with a spirit and trembling.

A self-confident force, an unprecedented momentum, burst out of him.

This is a firm, indestructible thought, and also a bizarre great force.

At the same time, he bloomed unparalleled, as if the pressure of the ocean hung in the sky, the impulse was so high.

Like a god, he took a step and the sky shook.


At that time, it seemed that the heavens were crushed, and everything was cracking!

This astonishing singular momentum gives people the illusion of moment, as if an eternal **** came into the world, covered with golden light, wanting to overwhelm the world.

The word "fist" falls!

His fist slammed into Li Qing.

This fistful of fighters, with the immortal spirit of the immortal king, permeating Changhong, hunting in silver and white robe, the war spirit he showed through was turbulent.

At this moment, he looked solemn, his eyebrows seemed to burst out of a soul mark, ancient memories were opened, and groups of scary pictures were presented.

There are scenes of his powerful battle against the beasts, there are horror pictures of Blade Mountain's blood...

These pictures are very thrilling.

A terrible breath flows, a **** is resurrected in the picture, a figure of Wei An is manifested in the sky above the sky, and gradually, all kinds of patterns appear in the whole world, all stepped on by him!

"This is the power of the avenue!"

Li Qingxin mentioned his voice.

"Quick This is almost a punch, his famous skills, even the Emperor Xianting also joke, can be the same punch as him!"

Li Qing heard Li Lan, the cheap cousin's exclamation.

"Using the cut gourd?"

"Still have that shroud?"

"Use Wushuangjie?"

Thinking about it, Li Qing is useless, because, he does not want to expose his strength. If the day before yesterday, he will fight with each other, but if you let him know his strength and go to heaven, he may expose his strength.

So, Li Qing thought about it and finally entered the QQ Book City.

"It's impossible to hide!"

Tian Xianjun's eyes widened violently, and suddenly a force ripped Li Qing.

The feeling was like there were countless hands holding Li Qing in the void, keeping his body in place.

"I'm **** up, it's so powerful!" Li Qing exclaimed in his heart. This was his first time. He wanted to enter QQ Book City and was dragged by external forces.

Can't get in?

Li Qing hastened to use Wushuangjie!

In that case, the other party could not attack him, however, just before he wanted to inspire, a figure in front of him appeared.

His cheap cousin "Li Lan", at this time, his body also inspired terrifying blood, such as ten thousand real dragons rushing open, then, after these ten thousand real dragons opened, a ghost appeared on his body, is Qilin roared.

Like coming from all ages, Qilin has a strong breath on his body.

Wisps of red light flew out, interwoven with real dragons. It became the center of heaven and earth, and even the sun, moon and stars revolved around it.

Suddenly, the void of all things is quiet, as if they were all frightened by the power of Kirin!

Next second, the two collided...


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