My Super God QQ

Chapter 1003: Hellman

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! That is why, Li Qing achieved his goal at this banquet, and everyone was almost happy, leaving first.

He heard the location of the fairy prison, and even heard where some rebellion would be.

For example, the rebellion of some races is imprisoned in No.1 Immortal Prison. Those who want to come to the Zunlin clan are no lower than theirs, and they must be there.

"Cousin, I will rescue my father at night." After returning home, Li Qing immediately said.

"So urgent? Is there always a plan for Zhou Xiang?" Li Lan seems to have received the news from his uncle, not surprised, but worried.

"No! It can't be delayed any longer. I just heard the warden say that the emperor is going to plant a sculpture again recently, and I'm worried..." Li Qing didn't say anything, because it was so amazing.

Kind of carving?

When Li Lan heard this, he was frightened and anxious at the same time.

What does this mean? That is, Immortal Emperor intends to add more statues to those Taiyi Jinxian statues.

From where to add the quantity, Xianyu is definitely the first choice. Then, if unfortunately, Li Qing’s father was made into a statue. It may be easier for Li Qing to rescue him by then. He took the statue directly home, but that would definitely make Zhang Min cry to death. .

"That must be faster! I will accompany you!" Li Lan said, also anxious, walking around in the house.

"No, if your cousin wants to help me, just leave here, it's better to be a big fan, let everyone know that you have left, and I will shoot again when that time!"

"You mean, if you rescue your uncle, I'm afraid the emperor will think of me and then you?"

No loss is a wise man, and it's clear at one point.


"But with Tianxianjun, I doubt that he has guessed the identity between us, what if he tells you?"

"Oh, isn't this right? At night, isn't it true that Cheng Tianxianjun got mad at me? I still threatened to sue him! When you said that if uncle was rescued by me, if he doubted me, could I Directly say he wanted to frame me because of hatred?!" Li Qing smiled, confident and charming, very handsome, almost to the extreme.

"Hahahaha, your cousin, this trick is absolutely impossible, you can count this matter, it is simply resourceful."

"I just thought of it~" Li Qing scratched his head embarrassedly.

after an hour……

It was already late at night and Li Lan left. Why, Li Qing will know? Because before he left, he seemed to vent his anger and ruined a house in Tianxianjun's mansion.

The loud noise was almost heard by the people of Lingxiao mainland.

"Exactly, attract the attention of others!" Li Qing immediately thought of this and started to set off, changing into a bird flying towards the location of the fairy prison.

Immortal Prison No. 1 is located under a huge lake.

This lake is called "Tianyi Lake".

It is the most magical lake in a fairy court, because the lake is full of heavy water.

A day of heavy water, a drop of water is comparable to the weight of a mountain.

Therefore, this lake is used to suppress all Xianting recidivism, it is a lever, I do not know who made the idea.

In addition to the suppression of the lake, he heard from the immortal officer that there were twenty Taiji Jinxian towns guarded here, divided into four directions.

Fortunately, Li Qing didn't want to break in hard, so when he arrived soon, he became a flea again and was close to the lake.

It was just about to approach that time, and all the consciousness swept across in all directions like a heavenly net.

Simply seamless!

Li Qing was almost swept by the consciousness. Fortunately, he was very clever. When the consciousness was about to sweep to himself, he dug directly into the ground and moved to the lake continuously on the ground.

"Fuck, it's iron..."

Then, as he kept approaching, he found that there was no dust, and some were hard ground made of steel.

This is embarrassing!

The thief is awkward!

After Li Qing bumped into the head, he stared straight in front of him, then he jumped on the steel ground after thinking for a while.

Why is he suddenly bright and upright?

Because, he thought, prison, even if it is fairyland, this kind of place is definitely not very clean, and it is normal for things like fleas to appear. If they didn't check themselves very much, then definitely.

With such a risky attempt, Li Qing rushed into the gate where the two guards entered.

Before approaching, the two guards were still there. Li Lan broke the place where he was taking the Tianxianjun mansion.


Immortal prison is very dim, only the light from the faint beads magic weapon.

As Li Qing heard and heard, it is not only dirty, but also stinky. There is something like Guan Xianren.

Avoiding the sweep of the consciousness, Li Qing kept walking inside.


It was when he arrived here that Li Qing discovered an important thing and didn't do it himself.

This is why he doesn’t know what his cheap dad looks like...

By then, who will he save!

I'm afraid, he is the first robber in history who doesn't know what a prisoner looks like, wants to rob him?

Li Qing wanted to contact his uncle. Then, the prison could not be transmitted. It is normal to think about it. Otherwise, is it still a prison?

Reluctantly, Li Qing can only choose slowly to look at it one by one.

At this look, he frowned.

In this prison, there are men and women, old and young, even monks, monsters, and strange people.

Just like a person, he has a lot of eyes on his body, blinking in the night light, very strangely dangling.

There are also blue-skinned people with big eyes and thieves.

There are also people who look like apes and are tall and tall.

As for the monster, it looks a bit like a beast, but it has limbs and torso similar to human, but the head is not the same as the hands or feet.

"All monsters you've ever caught? It's impossible, this is not a prison, it's a monster research institute, I'm in the wrong place?" Li Qing was a little embarrassed. If he remembered outside, he saw a sign and wrote one. He must be withdrawn at the number Xian prison, otherwise what will happen if something happens.

Fortunately, those monsters and weirdoes seem to have no power, and even look very weak.

"Hey, who are you!"

Suddenly, a child's voice came into Li Qing's ear. Li Qing turned his head and looked like he was a three or four year old monk.

Eyebrows are beautiful, and she looks very beautiful. Not only that, but the thief was also clean, staring at Li Qing, and said incredulously.

As he said this, the prisoners on the side opened their eyes and looked in the eyes of the little monk, but they could not see anything.

Only when the young monk realized that he was in trouble, he closed his mouth tightly and looked at Li Qing with embarrassment. It seemed to be saying, sorry, I said too quickly.

It was at this time that the consciousness swept away, and Li Qing quickly hid under the prison, that is, under the fence.

In less than ten seconds, there were two black soldiers in lacquered bodies, dressed in spears, who came over and looked around cautiously.

Fortunately, no one said anything, so he patrolled again.

"Brother, you are very born, how come this way, God, save me!"

At this The man with eyes all smiled at Li Qingdao suddenly.


The young monk stared at his big eyes, apologizing to Li Qing.

"It doesn't matter~"

What can Li Qing say, it is inevitable to care about the children, plus the other party also admits that the attitude is good, Li Qing shook his head and left.

"Hello, don't go, take me with me!"

Cried the man with many eyes behind him.

Li Qing was so angry that he could only come back and send a voice to him: "You call twice, believe it or not, I will kill you, don't think I won't, now you lose your strength, I squeeze you and you die Antlike."

"Come on, haha, we all have a mark on it. If I die, the mark trigger will definitely be a great alarm, and you won't be able to leave at that time." The man said jokingly, and a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Fuyan, why are you so bad!" The young monk said for Li Qing: "Are people obliged to save you? Let's go and leave quickly, otherwise it will be bad to attract people~"

"Go, I'll call if he goes again!"

"You guys!" The little monk sulked with rage.

It seems that he is taking this responsibility on himself, and he threatens the man with many eyes on him: "If you do this again, don't blame me for being polite~"


With that said, the young monk actually sang a song.

As soon as the music opened, it seemed to be Sanskrit singing, which made people feel comfortable and gave up troubles.

So much so that Li Qing thought of chaos in his mind, and seemed to be asleep.

"the host!"

The system quickly reminded.

Awakened, Li Qing quickly bit his tongue, and then recovered.

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(End of this chapter)

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