My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: "Fire God" Wang Lin's pinnacle of life

If the three major structures of the world are time, space and matter.

Well, a black hole is a destructive existence that stands on the opposite side, enough to destroy these things.

"It's the same as Xiaohui..."

Li Qing's eyes narrowed, but he didn't think about it. This swordsman is so powerful and possesses this ability.

"So at first, the courage of that great elder dare to rebel against him? Is it that this is the black hole he has only recently promoted?" Li Qing suspected.

"Black hole, it turns out that this is the most powerful reason for Yixiao Pavilion?" Dashuang squeezed his fists tightly, which seemed to be very stressful, because the legend of black holes is too wide, which is the largest and the most in the universe. Horror killer.

Everyone prefers to encounter meteorite rain or turbulent flow in space rather than encounter this black hole.

"It's really a big change in the world! Unexpectedly, the black hole will also be controlled by people..." The temple hall master shook his head.

"Jiangshan has talented people out..." Guoguo is also like an adult, and praised: "It is the so-called back wave of the sea that pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach. This is suitable everywhere! I don't know if it is Xiaohui. Come out and compare it, what will be the result."

"Surely Xiaohui loses..." Li Qing smiled bitterly: "What strength is he, what strength of others... However, I believe that if Xiaohui is given time, it will not be worse than the person in front of him."

"That's not it. My dad must be no worse than the people he cultivated." Guo Guo smiled and turned his eyes into crescent moons.

"Just your mouth is sweet"

Li Qing touched her head and loved it.

"I see your uncle, why is your mouth so stinky, come, get the uncle, do it well, otherwise, I will kill you!!!"

On the earth, Wang Lin grabbed a blue blood female and kept her head in her arms.

Just now, he was actually scolded by this blue-blooded woman from the eighteenth generation of ancestors to his generation, and I don’t know which lump was learned on the earth.

He was so angry that he would destroy her in the most insulting way!

As Li Qing expected, the blue blood people finally invaded the earth, and when the earth's army was destroyed to only one-tenth, Wang Lin was like a **** and rescued everything.

His evil fire had contaminating properties, and when his flame was thrown into the blue blood tribe, it lit up the whole sky.

In this way, after exclaiming the carnival, the people of the earth gave him a very nickname "Supreme Vulcan".


After Wang Lin got this title, he couldn't help himself because he always remembered that he envied Li Qing's world-famous things.

At this moment, he has also gained global recognition and become the savior of the earth. He is satisfied. It can be said that all the unwillingness on the earth is fully satisfied.

"So this is the power of merit!"

Wang Lin felt the feeling of being shrouded in golden light, and then bowed his head below a blue blood woman was vomiting, and I was a little embarrassed to think about it!

"Go, don't take photos, don't teach bad kids!"

Just looking up slightly, he saw that the satellite on the earth was spreading this scene to all people on the earth, and his old face was red.


Unfortunately, just now, a satellite turned the camera towards him, so everyone around the world saw this jaw-dropping scene.

Seeing this scene, the men who watched live TV all smiled conscientiously.

But women, children don’t understand, old people bite, girls and young women blush to their ears.

It's too shameful. Why is Vulcan like this?

But although they felt very shy in their hearts, they didn't think that Wang Lin was anything like silver swings, and even thinking that they were giving Vulcan like this, and some women's legs and even their legs were slowly moistened.

"Say, how many of your blue blood tribes have come to death?"

After thinking of killing these invading people, Wang Lin went back to Immortal Realm.

"Um, you king... Um..."

The woman tried to struggle and scolded. Wang Lin saw that her life was still the same, and she continued to press her head down with her hand.

She is the chief of a fleet and the most powerful chief on the planet. At this time, she is giving herself this way. Wang Lin's psychology is really enjoyable.

Turn on the phone, Wang Lin operates to enter the news live.

That is, on the live broadcast platform, Wang Lin saw a bunch of barrage, which made him even more cool.

As he thought, now on the barrage, all of them are calling his hero. Besides these people, some women have already expressed their love wildly, wanting to have monkeys, elephants, and even kings for Wang Lin. Lin's inflatable doll.

"This group of silver babies are wives..." Wang Lin sighed: "How can it be so casual, don't they lose their faces in the wind?" Wait, I will spoil you!"

Wang Lin was excited and happy, he decided to open his live broadcast.

That is, after Wang Lin opened his live broadcast and was discovered by the satellite, the server of the live broadcast company was directly overcrowded and collapsed.

Panda bear live broadcast, yes, this is the platform on which Wang Lin and Li Qing live broadcast.

At this time, the platform was crashing because of the server, and the company's CEO was roaring with excitement and anger, letting the technicians fix it quickly. Not only that, but also thinking about which friendly company to look for and borrow the server to avoid crashing again.

Who would have thought that, without him, soon, zf sent someone to send the ten top servers for their temporary use.

After Wang Lin shuddered comfortably, the live broadcast started again smoothly.

Wang Lin said to the phone: "Love my cheers, like my laughter, and want to make me play and scream..."

It has to be said that now the whole earth has become a world respected by the strong, but there is no choice but to suffer huge disasters!

Not to mention, Wang Lin is now, their savior.

So a woman rang on the earth, no, even a man screamed with his mouth.

What is a winner in life? !

Sitting on the company's ceo, becoming Gao Fushuai, and marrying Bai Fumei, it is almost beyond the universe. Now Wang Lin is like this, is it a winner in life?

"Hello everyone, I'm Li Qing's brother. I came here because Li Qing said that the earth is in trouble. It turns out that he guessed right and my ability is enough to protect the earth, so within half an hour, I will make them big The troops are killed directly. Of course, you still have to cooperate with me. If you still find the remnants of the blue blood people, please remember to tell me that I will eradicate clean and then leave the earth."

Wang Lin's speech attracted countless people to welcome the barrage.

All of their barrage were shouting heroes, shouting Vulcan, crying and shouting to help Wang Lin warm the bed.

Compared to Li Wang Lin is a big silver stick. He immediately said in the live broadcast room that if anyone likes himself and wants to have a good marriage with himself, they all go to Ice City. There, he will have a cheerful interaction with many of his female fans.

As a result, Bingcheng became the most lively place on the entire planet, and countless beauties swarmed.

Some of them want to fly to the branches to become phoenixes, others just want to simply look at the fire **** Wang Lin, and more want to get intimate contact.

Think about it, a **** actually lies on his body, sweating hard, they can't restrain the original impulse, and they want to reach the ice city immediately.

These people have all kinds of occupations, students, nurses, teachers, flight attendants, even a prime minister of the Ulank country, she directly ignored everything and took a plane to Huaxia.


Wang Lin made a big noise this time, and he didn’t know how many women to deal with by then...

Those who are short of books can check out my old book "Rebirth of Dharma God"

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