My Super God QQ

Chapter 1130: Wang Lin this old bao

Just like the increasing proportion of the geometric ratio, Li Qingsi and the horror place are constantly expanding to the extreme, so that the spaceship under the seat can flee wildly.


The explosion was beyond his expectation and made him feel the breath of death.

As for someone asking, can you directly enter qq bookstore? No, Li Qing has thought about it, it is a helpless move, otherwise, if you enter the qq book city, and then appear on the spot, the world here has been blown into the void, and what to do if there are space cracks everywhere, then when it comes out , May be divided into corpses in minutes.

"Run away..."

He let out a scream of exhaustion from the bottom of his throat.

Boom Boom Boom

The smell of smoky smoke spreads outwards, and the entire devouring world explodes around a point, and each time the power increases geometrically, a village explodes, a town explodes, and a city explodes.

In the end, the whole world shrank suddenly, bursting wildly...

What picture is that?

Does the big universe explode?

Li Qing can't see it anymore.


When the last explosion happened, Li Qing's eardrum could not bear the sound wave and was blown up. His mind was blown to a blank, and his whole body was blown up from the seat.

This made Li Qing startle himself, his heart stopped beating, his breath suffocated, and his body's blood boiled.

Yes, Li Qing clearly felt that the entire universe seemed to have been affected!

Fortunately, he saw that the qq token was constantly beating wildly. He seemed to be reminded that he no longer dared to hesitate and fled desperately. Finally, he saw that it was too late to escape before entering the qq book city...

As soon as "huh" entered the qq bookstore, Li Qing was breathing: "Next, next time, it is definitely time to do it, otherwise, this will kill people..."

It is a pity that the ruined stone of this planet has no fixed stone function.

It's also easy to handle. There are many such time bombs on the earth.

Because the explosion outside was too terrifying, Li Qing entered the qq book city, did not expect to be able to go out in a short time, so he looked for books about the universe.

"Where does the universe come from?"

"Life of the universe?"

"Introduction to Starry Sky Race?"


Li Qing constantly scanned his book with his consciousness. Suddenly, when he saw this book, he introduced it to the starry sky race introduction and completely immersed his mind in it.

He was not clear, however, that the outside world, that is, the world where the entire universe had contact with the Devouring Clan, had become troublesome.

"It's over? Are the news sure?"

In a certain world of the universe, a horn-eater sitting on a huge throne is asking about his men, his face full of shock.

"Wang, this news came back from above and arrived after being examined and confirmed by layers, Wang, you can rest assured!"

"Call me the order, immediately pull the camp and prepare to return."

"Wang, are we going to give up this place called Immortal World?"

"How can we do it without giving up? Is it possible that our world is gone? He is warning us by taking away the opportunity to devour the world!" The king of the horned clan clapped on the table case with his right fist. It must be pressed tightly, so that the void continually makes a "crackling" popping noise, that is to say, a series of space cracks appear like filaments, completely cutting the table in front of them and smashing it with the wind.

The strength alone can pinch the cracks in space, and one can imagine how terrifying the strength of this king is.


The horn eater nodded and stayed.

"Wait, send me to check to find out who did this, and then leave a group of people to kill this guy." Speaking of which, the corner of the mouth of the horned king showed a sinister and cruel smile: "To At that time, Immortal World was still ours."


Jingji World...

This is a country where science and technology civilization has reached its extreme. As long as it is a science and technology thing, the major worlds in the universe must purchase from them.

Compared to the fairyland, this world is planet-shaped, but if Li Qing sees this planet, he will definitely feel terrified. Because this planet is extremely large, so large that the entire universe may not be able to find such a large planet, the inside of the planet is still fully mechanical and high-tech.


It seems that the planet has been hollowed out and replaced with high-tech mechanical products, full of industry and technology.

At this time, in the heart of the planet, in a round room like ufo, the biggest meeting of the world of essence is taking place.

Several of the world’s federal elders are constantly discussing the issue, and each one is blushing.

"The technology that blows up the world that engulfed it must have been revealed from us. I suggest to investigate the matter thoroughly. If this matter is not strictly handled, the elite world may be the next engulfed world!" Patting the table, Thunder roared angrily.

"Not so serious?! Besides, when I look at the scene of the explosion, the power is very powerful, but it seems to be different from our explosion. Please come here, this is an explosion in the form of a stepped growth power, strictly come Say, I'm afraid it's more powerful than our molecular explosion..."

"Elder Gro makes sense, and is ashamed to say that this kind of power may not be available in the ultimate bomb in our development, even if it is a black ion collision. Of course, there are Reverse matter is the technology we have."

"I think it's a kind of molecular infestation technology. It's really weird. We just have a vague idea about this technology. How did it come out? It's impossible. Someone has explored a world stronger than our technology in the universe?"

"Check! Try your best to find out if this person has obtained such things in his hands. Even if you can't get it, you must know the news, where it came from."

"Since the other party is from the fairyland, it's easy to handle, as long as we promise them and give them shelter, I'm sure they will be willing to hand over this thing."

"It's better to break the jade than the tile. This is a sentence from a small world in a tribe of our world. I think this should be the people in the fairy world?! So Elder Tunas said What is lacking in consideration is that violence can't solve the problem after all. Only our brain, our intelligence is everything, or be careful!"

"Agree to take shelter of them in exchange for this technology. If this technology comes out, presumably all our force terminal strengths will be greatly improved."

"Oh, I didn't know who was smiling at Immortal Realm at the beginning. Laughing at them is not self-controlling..."

"Turnas, you shut up for me."

A large number of Jingji people also regard Li Qing as their goal.

Of course, when he was regarded as a target, on the other hand, they were also frightened by the explosion that devoured the world. When Li Qing had not returned to the fairy world, they began to move, and a large number of troops returned to their own world. , Reluctantly, but helpless.

This news was sent back to Xianmeng. Everyone in Xianmeng didn't believe it, but at the same time, people of all ten races were retreating. They immediately realized that it is very likely that Li Qing has succeeded.

His success made countless heterogeneous people think that Li Qing's impossible impossible, all blushing and red ears, as if slapped by tens of thousands of people in life.

What a shame!

They were too full of words at the beginning, and they all said that the people of the fairy world were delusional. If they could destroy the world that swallowed, how could they have the courage to invade the fairy world? Now, the devouring world has been destroyed, just like slaps on their faces, hitting thieves loudly.


It wasn't until he stayed there for ten days that Li Qing returned to the universe.

"My Fuck"

As soon as he came out, Li Qing was startled and almost encountered a space crack.

Then, he looked up and swept in all directions, a little bit stunned, as he thought, the whole world has been destroyed, replaced by patches of space.

He is far away here, and where the world was originally engulfed, it was completely replaced by a huge space crack that was long and invisible.

It is conceivable that the engulfing the world is finished and directly obliterated.

Space cracks are like the wounds of the universe. After the explosion, they will slowly recover and disappear. This is the way of recovery of the universe. By then, I am afraid that no one has ever imagined that a huge and ancient civilization has appeared here before.

"I don't know, how many people I killed... Fortunately, this is not my world. If I kill people in the fairy world, I am afraid that all my merits will disappear." Li Qing said secretly in his heart.

He began to return, calling Wang Lin out.

Wang Lin looked at the world that was filled with cracks in space, and was silent for a long time.

What is cattle ratio?

A punch hit a planet? Li Qing directly used his magic weapon to destroy one side of the world, that's called Niu Bi!

This is similar to the threat of nuclear weapons on the earth. Presumably, all races in the fairy world have received news and have begun to retreat? !

The journey back was boring. At Wang Lin’s suggestion, they again invited the five women from the original chemical cabin to help them be full of popularity and excitement, because the universe is really boring. Many times, What I saw was completely black, and nothing else.

Li Qing's expression sometimes trances, it seems strange to think of countless lives dying in his own hands.

Seeming to understand Li Qing's mood, Wang Lin came up with a bad idea, drank a drink, and fell asleep.

"Okay, drink!"

Li Qing turned himself into a mortal state, and he hated this state too, so he made a drink with Wang Lin.

In the end, Li Qing couldn't resist the torture of alcohol. He fell on the table and was thrown into the house by Wang Lin. Immediately, Wang Lin went to the back cabin to help Li Qing find a woman.

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