My Super God QQ

Chapter 1102: My name Xianzun

"You didn't disappoint me! The whole fairyland will think you are honored!!!" Taoist Hongyun came to Li Qing in excitement.

Beside him, stood the middle-aged Taoist who sent Li Qing and Wang Lin into the fairy prison army.

At this time, this middle-aged Taoist heart surged. For many years, he has never seen his teacher show such an exaggerated expression, but this time, this teacher, who seems to be unchanged forever, is moved for Li Qing.

"Thank you! You didn't make me wrong. The whole celestial disaster of the fairy world was broken by you. I thought that most of this fairy world would be destroyed...Thank you!"

The patriarch of Yuetian Pavilion also came and bowed and thanked.

She still vaguely remembered watching the sky at the time vaguely, seeing that the Great Tribulation was approaching, and the entire fairyland would be destroyed by this disaster for most of it. She didn't expect such a annihilating disaster to be eliminated by a single person.

It's so amazing, so incredible, Li Qing can be called the benefactor of all the fairyland.

"You're amazing!"

The lord of the temple looked at Li Qing and bowed to express his respect.

Although Li Qing said that there is a magic weapon that can destroy a world, but for this brave and forward, fearless spirit, it is worth his heartfelt admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"You are very good. I have never admired a person, but now you are, it is you!"

"I used to hate you, how do you say it? Now that hate has turned into admiration, thank you for saving us from fairyland."

"A lot of different species burned and looted in our fairyland. A lot of blood and tears brought terrible disasters. I thought I would face all this. You saved them and saved us. Thank you!"



All major forces have come up and thanked Li Qing one by one.

Even if it is usually arrogant, at this time, it also shows the respect of the heart, because, even if they are proud, they think that they may survive the great disaster, but their family members and friends will die. It is enough for him to thank Li Qing by saving his men and friends and relatives alone.

Li Qing glanced at the audience. There were a total of 88 forces, which was not the same as the number of Hongyun Taoists. Then, undoubtedly, he must have been wiped out by those aliens when he went to devour the world. Many forces.

In contrast, they are lucky and escaped, this is their luck.

Only Li Qing didn't see the two, one was the buddha of the Western Buddhism and the other was the Great Emperor of Heavenly Court, that is, the guy who claimed to be a god.

"It's not the same thing here. Why don't you sit down in the poor road?"

Seeing everyone thankful, Hongyun Taoist suggested.

When everyone moved, when they arrived at the town of Luo Yuanguan, there had already been a banquet set up and placed on that square.

Under the proposal of the Lord Pavilion, they asked Li Qing to talk about this trip. Everyone is a human being, and they will always be a little curious about these different species.

Li Qing nodded, and immediately clarified the point of leaving the fairy world.

When they heard that there was a starry sky monster not far from the fairy world, they did not understand what the starry sky monster was, only Hongyun Taoist's expression changed.

Then, Li Qing said that the starry sky monster is the monster of the entire biological chain standing at the top of the universe, and they all showed a terrified look.

Of course, some people do not believe that Li Qing is alarmist and Hongyun Taoists stand up to testify for Li Qing.

"This is handed down from the ancients. It has been long enough to be traced back to the barren ancients. You can know it by sweeping your consciousness!"

He took out a red scroll of unknown animal skin. When the scroll came out, it seemed that the wild and fierce beast came through time and space, and the breath turned into a shaped black soul, which turned into a behemoth. The sky swallowed the world and bite towards everyone.

In an instant, everyone has a creep, like the horror of ordinary human beings encountered by tigers...

"Dirty Beast, Dare"

Hongyun Taoist's eyes glared slightly, and he passed by, the breath of the wild beast dissipated invisible.

Just such a scroll, there is such a fierce air, one can imagine how terrifying and powerful this beast was during his lifetime.

"The breath of the starry monster..."

Li Qing didn't look at the scroll, it was obviously that the Hongyun Daoist wanted to hold other people to watch, just frowned slightly.


The Hongyun Taoist smiled and said, "This volume is made by a saint from the ancient times. The meaning of the saint is that it is a higher order than us, who already understands the nature of the world and even explores the universe. How do you say it? In front of the immortal interface, they are the existence of gods. What is recorded in this volume is that the saint, after leaving the immortal world, met the starry behemoth and beheaded and left behind."

Li Qing nodded.

It seems that Immortal Realm has fallen into many levels compared to the previous floods, and can kill the star monsters face to face. This strength Li Qing also admires.

Take Li Qing's current strength as an example. If you don't use the planet Destruction Stone, then Li Qing doesn't know where to kill and where to start from the huge giant beasts in the sky.

After everyone circulated it, as expected by Li Qing, almost everyone looked like hell.

If Li Qing is the only child in fairy world now, then the starry sky monster is simply the most pampered darling of the universe.

Why are they the most spoiled?

As long as they are born, they have the power of Taiyi Jinxian, and they do not need to practice. As long as there are countless planets for them to eat in the starry sky, as long as they continue to eat, their strength will grow crazy. Especially their longevity, as long as they are not killed by it, they almost have eternal life.

What is this darling of the universe?

People are more beasts than beasts.

Li Qing began to talk about his own knowledge. He also hoped that the people in the fairy world would go out and become stronger, and it would be better for humans to have unlimited life.

Because of what?

Because I am part of the human race, of course I hope everyone is like a dragon!

Non-my races, their hearts must be different, when the human race is exposed to the eyes of other powerful races, if the human race does not progress, it will be eliminated by the universe, then, now is the great reform of the fairy world. The blood of the human race continues to spread infinitely in the universe.

When Li Qing was talking to these powerful tycoons about what he saw and heard, and discussing what Immortal Realm should do next, there was the threat of Li Qing to let all alien races retreat from Immortal Realm, like a storm. To countless corners of the entire fairy world.

"Did Li Qingxian save us?"

"Yes! Thank God, thank Li Qingxian for saving us, otherwise, what can fairy world do!"

"Li Qingxian Zun saved me and other immortals. In the future, we should be respected. Whoever disobeys, kill them!"

"Thank you Li Qingxian..." Many people shed tears when they said this. Most of them were people killed by relatives and friends. They knew how brutal and horrible the foreigners were.

"Great grace, great unforgettable!"

"Yes, Li Qingxianzun's great grace, bear in mind!"

"The old man will go home and set the card of longevity for Li Qingen..."

"I decided that our town will build a statue of Li Qingxian. He saved our entire town. In the future, we will worship Li Qingxianzun except for heaven. No one has any opinion?" A mayor thought of this. Facing some residential roads in the town.

Apart from some towns, Li Qing’s idol was also erected in a large city. This kind of thing was only a few at the beginning, but as others set up, they also have such an idea, and this event is constantly fermenting...

Li Qing is also known as "Xianzun", which is recognized by the entire fairyland, and generally only the most virtuous people in the fairyland will be called this way, even the Hongyun Daoists don't call it this way.

In the end, Li Qing's immortals stood together with some immortals who made outstanding contributions to mankind.


In the past, there were some immortals in Immortal Realm who made huge contributions to Immortal Realm, such as Vulcan, which is not just Wang Lin's name. Instead, it deserved its name. The first fairy found fire in the whole fairy world. After he discovered the fire, he did not need to drink the mushroom blood.

This time, Li Qing's idol was also standing by them for saving the whole fairyland.

It can be said that this time Li Qing is not only known to all people in the fairy world, but also has reached its peak of reputation.

The name of the leader of Xianmeng is truly deserved.

Suppose now that if someone jumps out and says that Li Qing can't be the leader of the Xianmeng, his strength is too poor, so even if many forces agree, it will definitely be drowned by all the human saliva of the fairy world.

Gradually, the grateful thoughts of all the people in Immortal Realm turned into a ray of light that no one could see and could not understand, converging on Li Qing.

Some people claim that this is the power of faith!

It is also said that this is a personal mind!

Some people even claim that this is the power of merit!

Li Qing himself is not However, he found that his qq system should be stuck in an upgrade and unusable state, but there are a number of reminders constantly appearing.

"Ten points for merit!"

"Eight points for merit!"

One reminder after another appears constantly, and there are not many reminders of merit, but water can converge into streams, streams can converge into rivers, and rivers can become seas...

If it weren't for the qq system that is no longer available today, Li Qing would like to see how his power of merit has soared.

"Little friend, a little presumptuously, the poor Dao would like to ask, do you still have such a spaceship that can shuttle the universe? If so, can you let a ship for the poor Dao?" I am embarrassed.

"Why, there is no such magic weapon to travel through the universe in the fairy world?" Li Qing puzzled.

The next thought, he thought, can he make a profit by selling the spaceship? Hey...

End of this chapter

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