My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: Let you go?

"Is this Superman's hometown? Ha ha..." Li Qing looked at everything around him, and then looked at the guy who didn't wear the pants in front of him, contemptuous.

"Superman is fictitious~" Xia Mo Can Yue's eyes were white, cute and extremely authentic.

"Superman can be fictitious, but Kryptonians actually exist. To be honest, I wonder if anyone on Earth has ever visited Krypton or traveled from Krypton to Earth? Otherwise, they will know that this seems a bit What a coincidence?"

"It's possible, just like in the legend of the earth, there is a Buddha in the fairy world." Xia Mo Can Yue analyzed seriously: "I always feel that in the underworld, who seems to have mixed these together. Because, this The coincidence is really amazing!"

"So, who will it be?"

Li Qing closed his eyes and rubbed his chin.

He has thought about this question many times, but he has no answer at all.

Occasionally, his mind flashed through his own QQ system. His own QQ system is also of extraordinary origin. So, yes, which of his descendants gave it to himself?

"After the QQ system upgrade is successful, you must buy a future time scroll to check!"

Thinking of this, Li Qing decided in a dark manner that he was so capable now, and it was time to investigate, otherwise he would feel itchy.

Probably for a few more hours, until the sun was about to set, the guides said they were coming to their mercenary regiment...

"This place is also true. The space quality is very strong. It is difficult to tear the space cracks. Instead, they have a strong flying ability..." Xia Mo Can Yue said.

After Li Qing tried it, he had to tear open the space and went straight to it. But after the trial, he discovered that the Void Barrier was very strong and could not be torn open at all.

Then fly with your own fairy?

No way!

It may be that the energy here is not fairy energy, but also a lot of complex energy. Li Qing does not want to waste the fairy energy in the body. It is still a little trouble to absorb it. Just visit the scenery of Krypton.

"Adult, here~"

Finally led them to their mercenary corps station, at this time, the guide's face worried.


Li Qing looked at him, he seemed to stop talking.

"Sir, can you just let me go here?" He finally said with courage.

"Hahaha, did you bring us, traitors, afraid of being killed by their blame?"

"Admiral wise!" he said quickly, nodding like garlic.

"Relax~" Li Qing waved his hand with a smile: "When this matter is over, no one will accuse you of killing."

Hearing this, his body trembled, and his expression was extremely ugly: "Adult, the head and deputy head of our mercenary regiment are all A-level strongmen, or shall we go?"

"Go? Lead the way..."

Li Qing waved his hand, as if an invisible whip was pumping on his back, and immediately his back skin was flaking.

He screamed in pain and had to continue to lead the way.


Before Li Qing and theirs arrived, there was a burst of laughter in front of them.

Then, in front of a white villa, a total of more than 20 people were watching Li Qing.

Upon seeing this, the guider was so terrified that he sat down on the ground directly, his eyes blank, and murmured: "It's over, this is over, the head and deputy heads are here, we are over."


Li Qing waved again, pumping on his shoulder.

The pain caused him to jump up directly and could only continue to move forward.

"Very good, Pullman. You did a good job. Although you said that two brothers died, you brought them in. You did a good job!" The Red Devils smiled and said to the guide, but in the tone, no one could hear. Is this a good thing or a nonsense?

"Deputy head, I, I..."

The guide, that is, Pullman nodded and smiled, it was even uglier than crying, I do not know what to say.

"go away!"

A strong man dressed in black practice clothes is impatient.

The strong man was about two meters tall. His muscles were dark, and each piece was like a black rock, full of explosive power, and his head with golden hair, like a lion, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

After scolding Pullman aside, he looked at Li Qing curiously.

"Your Excellency..."

"The leader, he killed the two of our brothers." The deputy leader, the Red Devil, said.

"Let him sign a name first..."

The head of the mad bear mercenary group, the strong man with the nickname mad bear frowned, said.

"Head, don't use it, it's done, he has a lot of fine coins, and he has killed our brother..." The Red Devils were unwilling to say, he thought Li Qing was here, he could start work, but didn't I think so.

"Are you the leader or am I..."

Mad Bear stared at him.

Even if he is not reconciled, the Red Devils can only retreat, just looking at his head, a glint of badness flashed in his eyes.

"My name is Li Qing, what's the matter? Just hit it if you want to, don't talk nonsense, wait a minute to get your **** out!"

Li Qing's face is indifferent, so he beats, and he is never afraid of anyone.

"I think you are looking for death!"

The Red Devils shouted at the words, so they shot.

Li Qing also wants to kill all of these people, saving them annoying.

But who knows that in the next second, the man named Mad Bear actually trembled with a slap and stretched out-his backhand was pumped fiercely on the face of the Red Devil.

The Red Devils were drawn, no, everyone, including Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue, was stunned.

"Will you hit the wrong person?"

Li Qing was puzzled and almost laughed out loud.

"Head of the group, you hit the wrong person..." The Red Devils were crying aggrievedly, so many people were watching, where did his face go!

If it were not worse than the head of the regiment, he would have to rebel immediately. But now he is inferior to others, and he can only be wronged.

But I did not expect that the other party, that is, the mad bear came directly to such a sentence.

"Yes! You are the one..."

Suddenly, everyone in the mercenary regiment was in an uproar.

Li Qing looked at him puzzled.

This was so unexpected, it was a bit confusing.

Until he carefully asked Li Qing: "Is it Li Qing from the fairy world?"

"Yes! How do you know?"

Suddenly, the mad bear laughed: "I have been admiring the name for a long time, but I don't want it. Your Excellency came here, and the misunderstanding is completely a misunderstanding..."

"Leader..." The deputy leader still looked dumbfounded, and didn't understand what was going on: "But he killed our two brothers. If we don't help the two brothers to get justice, it's hard for us to explain to the following?" "

"Account a wool, whoever wants to die will explain it. I'll make it clear to you here. It doesn't matter to me. Even if I don't want this mercenary regiment, it doesn't matter to me!" He ran up to Li Qing's back, indicating that he was on Li Qing's side.

This gave Li Qing a strange mood that kept the dog away.

"Well, since the head of the regiment doesn't want this mercenary regiment, then I..." He gritted his teeth reluctantly. Of course, he was happy in his heart, because he had long wanted to be the head of the regiment. It was the sleepiness that brought the pillow.

"Wait a minute, Yves, Kirk, Dale, you come..." Mad Bear cried again.

Three celebrities belonging to him had no choice but to follow him with a puzzled and angry face.

They didn't understand what was going on, but the habit of many years still let them walk to the edge of the mad bear.

"As for other people, come here if you believe me, and feel free if you don't believe it!" Kuangxiong thought for a while, and said to other people.

The others did not come, and even looked at the mad bear with anger, eyes full of suffocation and anger.

How could their leader be like this? This is really hurting their hearts!

"Okay, Master Li Qing, except for the four of us, it's none of our business. You can do it at any time..." Mad Bear nodded and bowed his waist.

The three cronies who stood beside him were puzzled and angry. How did this leader of his own group change like this, just like a person.

They wanted to come up and ask clearly, because on that side, their usual brothers were looking at themselves, thinking that they were not loyal...but when they were going to ask, Li Qing started.

Just stretch your palm...

I'm afraid the breath is rising, blowing everyone's eyes, and the clothes are cracking.

In the next second, a golden giant palm covering the sky appeared, as if the whole sky would be pressed down!

No matter how they resisted and how to attack, they were finally suppressed by this giant palm.

The earth shook violently three times.

Originally everyone believed that it was an A-level strongman, and actually all the people there were turned into meat sauce with one hand...

In this way, these three talents looked at their heads with a look of horror.

"This adult Li Qing is amazing. He came from the fairyland, and by relying on the adult alone, he made several races and returned to his old nest in disgrace...His name is Li Qing, have you remembered?" Mad bear was terrified. Patted his chest, then channeled to the three pros.

At first, the three close friends could not have imagined it. Afterwards, after his reminder, his eyes were suddenly rounded, and the mind was stunned.

It's him? !

Oh my If they weren't heads of groups, then today they have to die.

Looking at the dead people in front, think about yourself again, their legs are soft, and they almost didn't sit down on the ground.

"How did you recognize me?" Li Qing asked Mad Bear.

"I didn't recognize it in front of me, but I have a habit of asking the name of the other person no matter who provokes me. I had a lesson before." Mad Bear scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Oh~" Li Qing understood and smiled: "But, I didn't seem to say I would let you go?"


The face of Mad Bear and his three close friends changed dramatically.


I was in a bad mood yesterday. I watched the ticket and subscription collapse. I'm sorry

(End of this chapter)

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