My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: Human step 1 in the universe stage

"Array method" is the most powerful attack method in Immortal Realm.

It can gather the power of the world and explode more powerful than the individual.

It can be said that it can be regarded as a kind of power in the fairy world.

In Li Qing's hands, the formation, it debuted in the universe, and is destined to shine and blind the eyes of all races.

"Do you feel that this world can't be broken easily? Surprised? Surprised? Surprised?" Li Qing chuckled and narrowed his eyes.

Hearing the contempt of these Kryptonians just now, how could he not be angry, just angry with some mortal people, it is really unnecessary.

Faced with this situation, the insults have all fallen behind, and only violence can solve everything!

At this time, in the eyes of all Kryptonians, Li Qing and they have disappeared.

No, it is as if they have entered another world.

It was at this time that they heard Li Qing's icy cold wind like hell, as if passed down from the universe above and into their ears.

"It's useless if you know it's useless. It's naive! Break everything apart, break your eyes!"

In the battle, a young man smiled with determination and scorn, and his eyes burst into two aurora, as if to cut the world into pieces.

But when his two aurora shot into the array, it was clearly useless.

The world is still dark, filled with the breath of death and silence.

"No, this is impossible, my broken eyes..." The youth dumbfounded.

At this moment, he heard someone screaming, his voice was too high and sharp, and a little distorted: "My power, my power is constantly eroding... Damn, the breath inside, in Absorb my power..."

"The sky is falling? No, this is all illusion, ah--"

"The earth is down, falling into the hopeless sky?"

"What's the matter, what the **** is this place, a lot of undead..."

All kinds of voices and words filled the world. They could not see each other, but they heard all the words of panic.

Like the epidemic, this fear and panic slowly spread to everyone's hearts.

Do not!

Even those who are observing this place in the dark can't help but feel cold and numb.

Although they did not know what happened to the ten people who were stuck in the formation because it was dark, they could feel the panic in their voices, the kind of almost desperate fear.

The palace...

The Kryptonian's face is getting ugly.

The National Teacher was on the side, his mouth twitching a little, seeming to be angry and frightened.

To their kryptonians, the kryptonians should of course be the strongest in the universe.

But just this Li Qing threw a thing, they saw that the entire world seemed to be sucked in that direction, and that place became dark. The top ten S-class strong among their kryptonians The screaming, screaming, and crying out in vain...

"what is that?"

Finally, the king of Kryptonians couldn't help asking.

The national teacher smiled with his face open and shook his head, he didn't know!

Although he has the pride of the Kryptonians, he has to say that if he enters that world, he is not sure that he will be better than those S-class strong.

You know, that's the top power on their krypton star!

"It's worthy of being produced by QQ Mall. It seems that this formation is the most powerful formation in the legend?" Li Qing secretly said.

A breath of silence spread to all directions, even if he was outside, he could feel the power of despair.

That kind of silence, as if the sky collapsed, the ground collapsed, the starry sky could not stay, restricted by space, and destroyed by years...


After half an hour...

After screaming, the screams began to fall, from high to weak, until the silence, Li Qing withdrew the formation.

The ten people had disappeared, but the only ones left were the blood stains of Seven Beaches. It is conceivable that this was left by the death of seven S-level strongmen. There are also three S-level strongmen, which should be directly annihilated, pitifully.

Li Qing sighed as he looked back at his position.

"Unfortunately, this array is not like your own array, you can only use it once, but it should be enough for you to leave an indelible impression on everyone on Krypton..."

Li Qing thought, glancing in all directions.

Even if it is hundreds of kilometers away, those who are hiding in the dark can't help but take a breath, because they feel that they have been found, and in their eyes, Li Qing is like a demon and is found to be How is it going?

Fear rises in the hearts of countless people.

Even if it is the five kills of Krypton, they are the most powerful of the royal family and the most top-notch existence of Krypton. They can't help but tremble in their hearts and feel the terror of this person in front of them.

This battle situation quickly spread out from the mouth of everyone to all directions and to the entire krypton star.

It is conceivable that tomorrow, at the latest tomorrow morning, then, it is very likely that countless people on Krypton will know the name Li Qing as a demon-like name.

"Next, you should not underestimate humans..."

Li Qing smiled, ignoring the dull bear, and went straight into the hotel again.

However, A Tan and Phantom Dragon had known their masters for a long time. Although they were a little surprised, they quickly responded, and immediately followed them into the hotel room.

"Oh, by the way, you are welcome to come back again. There are many treasures in my hands. The **** fruit for the mad bear is only one of my most inconspicuous treasures. But remember, you want to take it, but also look at you Have you fate..."

Li Qing entered the room, but his voice was heard again.

As if he was declaring war, as if he was invincible, he fell into the ears of all powerful people in a mad mile.

In an instant, his words set off an uproar.

Countless Kryptonians think Li Qing is too arrogant, is this not contempt for their Kryptonians?

It is provocative!

Does Li Qing want to cause a racial war?

Or does he think he is a **** and can despise the entire universe?

Li Qing didn't care what other people thought. He only knew that he should be able to earn a large amount of reputation. Thinking about this, he continued to study the creation of the soul world with satisfaction.


Li Qing's story, as he wished, was spread throughout the entire Kryptonite, and other races in the civilized world also received news.

"Is human being so powerful?"

Gradually, they knew a race, that is human.

This is learned from Li Qing's deeds.

His thing is like a hurricane in the universe. First, after krypton swept through the riots, he spread the aftermath to various civilized universes.

"Human?! A new race? Is there such a strong one?"

It can be said that Li Qing played the first battle of mankind, playing majestic and loud, so that mankind began to take a big step on the stage of the universe.

Of course, more people are born with greed in their hearts.

Regardless of the source of the nuclear star, they now think of a treasure that can enhance their own strength, and Li Qing has it in his possession.

As a result, some of the krypton stars who did not appear out of power also appeared and went to the imperial city.

Some foreign races also knew this and went to the Imperial City.

Even in the universe, those who think they are top powerhouses are also rushing to Krypton.

This is like Li Qing releasing bait. Now, countless people are interested in his treasures. At the same time, Li Qing is also beneficial. The more powerful people he kills, the higher his reputation will be.

is not that right?

Just one night and one morning ~ ~ Li Qing saw his reputation soar.

Originally it was 300 billion yuan, and I also bought some things, but in the end, more.

Today, it has jumped to 450 billion, and it continues to increase.

Suddenly more than 150 billion, this business is doing well...

While Li Qing was still pondering this business, the king of Krypton Star let the five kills contact Li Qing again.

So, Li Qing thought suddenly.

"Huh, isn't it Krypton that I came for Xia Mojie? Why did it become like this, I really am, shouldn't, shouldn't..."


Recommend tickets, subscribe... Li Qing is crying in the toilet, uncles, righteous can help me by pulling out your legs...

(End of this chapter)

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