My Super God QQ

Chapter 1101: Doubtful

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"Qq? You know, it seems that there was such a software when the network age began to be born hundreds of years ago. But, the vicissitudes of the sea, not only the reality is changing, the network is also constantly changing, so the qq update cannot keep up with the times. , Gradually being eliminated... Now that the qq server is still running, it is said that all fans of this industry are running it with their own funds." She frowned, thinking.

"Oh, what communication software do you use now?"

"After qq, it's WeChat, and then Teng Xun's super letter. Now, just wearing this, you can see the other party without any information." Then, she took a bean from the skirt. The granular thing was slightly pinched with the slender fingers, and it was continuously enlarged, and finally became a wearable half glasses and ears, and hung up.

Even if it is not worn by Li Qing, you can see the image appearing on the lens. Well, she reached out and pressed it up, and an image appeared in front of her. It was directly a 5d projection. This seems to be true. The wind blows through and even the dust penetrates directly. It is really hard to imagine that this is just an image.

"Qingyao, why don't you go home? It's late, the weather forecast is waiting for a heavy rainstorm, come back soon, I will cook the soup for you, just wait for you to come back." The image is an old lady, concerned Watching the girl.

"Okay, Mom, I'll go back soon. It's okay, you're going to sleep first. I'll drink it when I go back." Lan Yao smiled like a sunbeam and smiled authentically.

"Well, then I asked Xiaolan to cook it for you. Xiaolan seems to be running out of electricity. You come back and remember to charge it. Hey, the robots are getting harder and harder to use, and I don’t understand..." The girl kept talking, the girl didn't rush, smiled, and nodded patiently.

It wasn't until the girl at the end finished listening that Li Qing hung up and just smiled, as if to say, this is the method of communication today.

"Thank you!" Li Qing nodded and sincerely thanked: "It turns out that your name is Qingyao and my name is Li Qing."

"Hello, Li Qing, nice to meet you."

Although Li Qing was a bit shabby and old-fashioned, she still stretched out her hand with a smile, and Li Qing could only hold it with her.

Just by reading the name "Li Qing" alone, she was not surprised. Li Qing knew that it seemed that history really changed, and it is likely that the people in power directly tampered with history.

As for why tampering?

Li Qing has no idea yet.

"It's late, do you have a place to live?" She looked at the sky and it seemed to rain: "Do you have money?"


Li Qing was a little hesitant, let alone the previous RMB, and now he couldn't even find a piece of gold, and he could only possess treasures ten million times more expensive than gold.

"I have no money, I only have this."

Li Qing took out a fairy stone.

"Ah, what a beautiful jade!" She opened her small mouth in surprise, and couldn't believe it, because in her view, the jade was extremely beautiful, and there was white light flowing inside.


Li Qing is still watching around.

But in the eyes of Qingyao, this is a stranger's confusion about big cities.


Suddenly, lightning flashed across the sky, making the whole city bright as a day.

Qingyao looked at the sky and was a little anxious.

"No, this thing is too expensive. Let me talk about whether you can sell it for money. Even if you want to sell it, you may be deceived." Her eyes pondered and entangled: "Otherwise, you go I stayed there for one night, and I will sell this piece of jade tomorrow."


How could Li Qing want to sell such a fairy stone, but for the time being he hasn't found his clue, he can only nod.

In addition, he was also a little curious about how people live now. Just look at it anyway and think about it while walking.

Li Qing followed her and went to her home.

"Why did I just call him home? He wouldn't be a bad person? Oh, my mind... But, shouldn't it be a bad person? Where would a bad person have such a beautiful jade on his body, it must be that he came from the country Yes, then this beautiful jade is inherited from ancestors. Yes, yes, it must be like this. His expression is dull from time to time, a little silly, and should not be like a bad person..." Qing Yao walked in front and tangled.

Li Qing walked behind and looked at everything curiously.

In the future, technology will become completely different.

The streets are full of robots made of various metals, humanoid and pet-shaped, as well as a variety of beautiful and cool flying machines, and some are spaceships, but they are relatively rare.

Most common ones are suspension motorcycles and suspension vehicles, which are free from gravity and paddling freely in the sky.

The buildings on the side of the street are also made of crystals. Li Qing just doesn't know what this is.

"What is this building?"

He didn't understand and asked Qingyao directly.

"Oh, this is a soft crystal, a building material developed with both extremely hard and very soft sides, the soft side is facing inwards, and the hard side is facing outwards. In this case, many people at home, such as Children will not hurt when they hit the wall. In addition, this material can achieve an earthquake resistance level of 20, which means that if an earthquake occurs, it will never endanger the safety of our residents." She answered Li Qing in detail Road.

Along the way, she kept answering Li Qing, a little curious, but her heart was more stable, this should not be a bad person, at most it was a big brother who just came from the country.

However, even the bad guys. In her home, there is also an all-round robot "Little Blue".

These types of robots are just ordinary robots in the outside world, which can help their owners to buy things and various abilities. At home, they are owned by the government's personal house "house". Powerful.

This is the robot of the future.

In order to prevent the robot from doing bad things, in the brain chip of the robot, they are restrictive, and only within the scope specified by the government, that is, in the house of their owner, the authority is the greatest, allowing It generates powerful force, prevents violence, and protects the safety of the family’s property.

That is to say, if you buy a robot and you bring it to the outside, you let it attack people, it will not attack, there are force restrictions, so the society will definitely be in chaos. Only if you take the robot home, can the robot have full authority, and what you call it will do.

Following Li Qing's journey, he has learned what technological changes will take place in the future. Let's not mention the life aspect first. Now the military aspect can be extended to Mars.

There is also a huge city built on Mars. At that time, when the earth’s resources are scarcely exploited and the population density is too large, tens of billions of people will be immigrated to live on Mars.

"Just developed to Mars, that's okay..."

Li Qing nodded, thinking in secret.

If they are allowed to develop beyond Yu and meet those alien races, then the earth may have fallen into a long-term fall.


"Mars is a very beautiful city. With the development of science and technology, the planet has undergone a major transformation, the air quality is very good, and the plants will grow better than the earth. Now, many people want to emigrate to Mars. Well, because the federal government said that as long as it is the first group of people who are willing to go to Mars on their own, they will get a large number of preferential and incentive policies from the government."

"Mars, then, apart from Mars, has the earth changed to another planet suitable for human survival?" Li Qing chatted casually.

"Yes, after investigation, I recently discovered that the Kepler planet may also be transformed, suitable for human survival. It is only a little far away, there may be tens of thousands of light years away from the earth, if the wormhole jumping ability has not yet developed to a certain extent. If it is a degree, it may be difficult to want to immigrate in the past. By the way, I heard that there has been another planet recently, and there is still life on that planet. For this reason, the alien’s argument has become fierce again, many of the United States’ Scientists have been sending signals to the universe and want to find aliens..." Lan Yao's eyes are full of expectations for the future, bright and bright.

"Ah, that won't work!"

Li Qing blurted out in surprise.

If the earth's technology is now exposed to those alien races, then, the earth people are only likely to be abused and captured, and send a signal to find aliens, is this not looking for death?

"What doesn't work?"

"Boom" the world thundered again, and the heavy rain suddenly fell.

"Ah, it's raining heavily, no longer, we seem to have to take a taxi..." Lan Yao gritted his teeth and tapped his finger on his glasses communicator.


"Yes! Otherwise, we will be spoiled~ You don’t know how bad the air is today, this rain is transformed by the air, and 70% of it is showered on people The probability of making people sick."

"Is the air worse than this? No wonder I feel a little chest tight"

Li Qing shook his head.

He wondered again. He remembered that after the invasion of the monster beast race, the earth was infused through the aura of the monster beast race. The air was already turned upside down. Why is it still so bad? Is it possible that technology and industry have made the air quality of the earth worse again?

Less than half a minute, a flying car parked beside them was a taxi, and the driver was a robot.

Point the glasses at the robot and click. Qingyao motioned to Li Qing to get in the car together.

After crossing the sky, they went to Qingyao's house.

Sitting in the car, Qing Yao's eyes were full of worry.

"It's a mess again, hey, I don't know enough money for those people this month."

(=one second to remember)

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