My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: Chaotic fate

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"Hey, buddy, Kung Fu is good, which school, I didn't expect such a year, and there are people who learn martial arts, 啧啧!" A young man wearing a white taekwondo costume with a white cloth tied to his head, came out more and more Dao, his face looked upright.

"Am I studying martial arts?" Li Qing smiled.

"Okay, no matter if you learned martial arts or not, now we hurt our brother, pay 10 million, and then cut off our limbs... In that case, your dog's life is uncertain, and our boss will leave you behind. "He smiled and looked back at his boss.

His boss was wearing a suit and uniform, a gentle look, and even wearing silver-colored glasses. If you see it on the street, you really can't see it. This is a triad boss, and I will definitely think it is a white-collar worker somewhere.

"Our boss agreed, how?"

"Is Taekwondo still famous in China now?" Li Qing looked at his clothes, curious.

"What?! You tamad, I'm talking to you, can't you hear?"

"Answer my question!" Li Qingdao said.

"I'm going to your ma..." He said, he lifted his legs and pressed towards Li Qing: "Laozi black belt nine segments, you are looking for..."

The word "death" has not been finished yet. Li Qing has arrived directly afterwards, kicking on his supporting leg, he is like a spin, flying out of the air and falling more than ten meters away.

A burst of exclamation, coupled with riots.

Seeing that Li Qing was so fierce, many people suddenly felt fear and kept going backwards.

You know, the one just now is the strongest in their company, commonly known as the red stick beater. In this way, he was kicked off.

"Boy, you are too much!"

There was surprise in their boss' eyes, but they did not retreat. Instead, they took the first two steps and pulled out the gun from their hands.

It is not a pistol, it seems to be a gun that can emit some kind of energy. The head of the gun is conical, and it is covered with silver metal.

"what is this?"

Li Qing looked at the gun and asked curiously.

"Laser decomposition gun, as long as it is hit, then your body will collapse and be directly broken down into countless pieces. At that time, as long as you swipe with a broom, your body will float with the wind without a trace. This It's a high-end product I made from the army, hehe"

"Army? Is there someone in your army?"

"Oh, my uncle is the ninth army, afraid..." He wanted to see Li Qing afraid.

But it is not over yet, Li Qing has no face, just interrupt him.

"I came here for a debt. Now, if you clear that debt, then you will be safe. If you don't know, I'm sorry, I will help you to demolish this company today!"

Listening to Li Qing is not only not afraid, but also to dismantle their company. Everyone thinks whether Li Qing is crazy. If they have a military background, they would not dare to do this kind of business.

Their boss directly laughed: "Good, then I will send you to heaven first!"

With that said, he caught the gun in his hand.

Li Qing stretched out his palms and reached the front. He wanted to see how powerful this decomposition power is and whether he could decompose himself.

What he did was purely curious about the extent to which the technology of the earth had developed. If he could deal with those races that could cope with the universe, he would not have to worry about it if he could, but he could also feel heartfelt happiness for the power of the earth.

court death? !

Upon seeing this, they all think that Li Qing is crazy. No one has ever dared to do this. This is not what a madman is.

They could almost see Li Qing decomposing into a dusty place. Their boss smiled, and after preparing to shoot this shot, they were about to turn their heads, and said cleanly.

But in their eyes, strange things happened.

The gun hit Li Qing's palm, but it didn't work. More than that, the other party had a disappointed look.

My God, he actually behaved disappointed.

Their thoughts were directly subverted, and they felt like they were dreaming. .


Seeing their boss, they thought they had a problem with their guns. They shot at one of their younger brothers without screaming, and his younger brother turned into dust.

"It's a bit peeled!"

Li Qing shook his head and smiled with dissatisfaction.

This laugh was full of great fear in the eyes of everyone. They were like ghosts, showing infinite fright. Everyone's heart was like being directly clamped by a vise, fear, suffocation, and the pain was going crazy.

"Who the **** are you?" Their boss no longer had the calmness of being talented, and kept going backwards, his face pale as paper.

"Well, lend me the money owed by the Qingyao family. I haven't happened this today." Li Qing thought about it.

Their boss was too scared to recover.

Li Qing had to sink in.

On the spot, the boss almost scared his urine and quickly let his hands go down.

Ten minutes, after finding out, Li Qing directly tore off his hand, then, with a wave of his hand, all of them were killed.

The most annoying thing in his life is this kind of social scumbag. Only by killing can he purify his eyes. Afterwards, he returned to Qingyao's house and put the loan notes on the table. Nothing happened.


The next day...

"Early!" Qingyao was a little surprised to see Li Qing still using vr, and then said.


"Huh, what's going on with this loan?" She was shocked to see the loan on the table.

"Someone knocked on the door last night and sent this over. I don't know what happened." Li Qingdao said.

Qingyao took the loan and went to call. Li Qing did not care, but continued to search.

Just yesterday, he found a more important clue, that is, he found an elder named Li Qing on a website. They lived in Xiamen.

Has Xiamen been rebuilt? Li Qing was a little puzzled and went to this person when he was ready.

"I'm going to Xiamen..." Li Qingdao said at dinner.

"But you don't have money now, nor..."

"It's okay, I will earn it. After a night, I have probably recovered some memories." Li Qing made up casually: "Also, this thing is for you, hand it to the auction house for auction."

Li Qing gave her a piece of fairy stone, but didn't give it too much. It might be a disaster for her. As long as Li Qing checked it last night, he could definitely sell a piece of fairy stone for a high price.

"Ah? Auction?"

"Yes, I'm gone!"

Li Qing opened the door and was about to leave, but Qing Yao chased it out.

"No, no, I'm still not sure that you just leave alone. Otherwise, I'll go to Xiamen with you. Now that I have a little more ample, I can relax easily. I haven't been there yet."


Thinking of Xia Men, he didn't know where he was, Li Qing nodded.

They got on the aircraft and flew directly to that place. Today's aircraft are more than ten times faster than airplanes.

Within an hour, they stopped over Xiamen.

Regarding finding the address of that post, Li Qing still had a little bit of trouble understanding how to find it, but Qing Yao helped him find this place.

This is an ordinary small courtyard, covering three floors, should be a well-off family.

Knock on the door, say hello, and take the way to find someone, they enter.

They were received by a middle-aged man, about forty years old, of ordinary looks, and dressed quite casually, as if they were not going to work today and were making tea in the yard and let them in.

After inquiring, Li Qing found that he was really right. The family who lives in this village seems to be his descendants.

Because, according to Li Qing's thinking, he has such a great ability that his children and grandchildren shouldn't be in the fairy world, or the real world, but also a powerful person on the earth!

How could it be so ordinary? Live in this place?

Is it possible that it was caused by the suppression of the enemy?

They dare not stay in the fairyland, so hide back on earth?

What about yourself?

Is the future self dead?

Also, Miss Sister, Yan Di, Xia Mo Can Yue?

The most important thing is that this family is obviously an ordinary family, how can it be able to send things to its own side from the future? It seems that today's technology is not good?

Li Qing is in a state of confusion, and there are hundreds of questions that cannot be solved. How could his destiny develop like this?

"Cough, there is an elder named Li Qing on our ancestors. According to the ancestral spectrum, his mother is Zhang Min. At first, they lived together so well..."

"Yes, yes, your elder, how many sons does he have? What is his name? How many wives does he have?" Li Qing asked anxiously.

"Wife? Hahaha, young man, are you kidding me? The regulations at that time allowed only one wife to be married. At that time, my elder lady seemed to be..." said, he seemed to have forgotten and picked up My own omnipotent eyes, worn on my face, searched: "The time is a bit old, I check the ancestral spectrum, you are right to find me, if you find my cousin cousin, they are not clear I’m the only daughter of this generation who knew..."

He searched while searching for something.

Li Qing's face was shocked~ felt incredibly incredible.

what happened? !

He felt like he was not coming to the future earth, but another parallel world.

How is it like this?

It shouldn't be!

In Li Qing's mind, the middle-aged man spoke again when he was in a mess, and his heart was turbulent.

"Portrait of Li, my elder ancestor, only has one son."


Li Qing almost exclaimed in silence!

Ask for a recommendation ticket for the new week. One of your recommendation tickets may change the author's life and luck. Great gods, waste that few seconds, get rid of...

End of this chapter

(=one second to remember)

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