My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: One for the future generations

"Can that be sent to the past?"

"I don't know, because even now the machines that travel through time and space have appeared, but they are still very unstable."

"Is there such a machine?"

"Yes, this machine has already appeared in the Research Department of the Federal Institute of Science and Technology, but the experiment has been unsuccessful several times. I want to try it. Can I send this QQ system directly, but I have no authority? Close to the Research Department of the General Academy of Science and Technology."

"Then how did you send it over? Also, you sent it over. How did QQ find him?"

"I will set up an external device that will allow him to find humans who are close to my blood, and in addition..." he said a lot of things about technology.

Li Qing listened with confusion.

In the end, he wasn’t sure whether the 37-year-old young man sent the QQ system.

He wanted to use his own strength to help him pass, but Li Qing was worried, if he had changed his fate again?

In the end, Li Qing used thousands of thoughts to think about various possibilities and solutions, and finally decided not to help him.

He decided one thing.

That is, in this world, living for hundreds of years, he has to pay attention to monitoring his children and grandchildren, and see who will send the QQ system to himself in the past.

Hundreds of years?

Yes, of course it may be enough for a few years!

Anyway, he is in the future, as long as he goes back to the time he left, it doesn't matter how long Li Qing stays here.

Thinking about this, Li Qing moved back to the place where the middle-aged man was.

Since Li Qing wanted to live, to find out who sent his future grandchildren and how he sent them, then he needed funds to live.

So where do you get some money to spend?

Li Qing thinks about the richest man from the whole earth.

The Childs family, yes, this family is the most invisible rich on the planet. If Li Qing goes there to get some money, it must be the next one to use, it is not a problem.

The consciousness covers the entire earth, and Li Qing quickly found such a family, and the reason why this family can be recognized is that the family logo is used within their family.

Located in a suburban castle in the United States of America...

Li Qing teleported and appeared again in the castle, in a middle-aged room that looked like a host family.

"Oh~ McGard..."

When Li Qing appeared, it was like a ghost, so the middle-aged man jumped up.

"Don't be surprised, I'm here, I just came to you to get some money. Of course, if you can arrange my next life, then, I can promise you a condition, any condition..." Li Qing said , Very domineering.

"Crazy, where did you come in!"

The patriarch of the Childsd family jumped up and down. At first, he thought that Li Qing appeared directly in the office, but he felt something was wrong behind him. How could this happen.

The only explanation is what abilities the other party may possess, and only special functions, such as invisibility, can be explained.

"Come here!"

He pressed a button under his desk, and the entire ancient castle sirens rang loudly. In his eyes, Li Qing was not afraid, but he just smiled and found a chair and sat down boldly.

"Wait a minute, you will know that even if it is a power man, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

He saw that Li Qing did not show any intention of hurting himself, and he felt much more comfortable, but after a while, he thought again with his teeth gritted.


How could Li Qing be so rude to his patriarch, it was just to death!

As the patriarch thought, in less than a minute, the door was directly broken, and a team of ten people rushed in. Armed with the most advanced technology in the world to form a firearm, he entered with a murderous aim. Li Qing.

In addition, they also have various devices, such as heat detectors, which is enough to dispel the extravagance of people with invisible capabilities.

"Take it away!" the patriarch said impatiently: "Handle it!"

He was too lazy to care about what a Chinese person came to do, just take it away and deal with it.

But he shouted and continued to work with his head down, but he heard no sound. He raised his head and couldn't help but stunned.

I saw that the team that came in still stood there, like a fixed statue, indifferent to his orders.

"What's the matter, Lyle, are you afraid that you don't want to do it anymore? I don't want to do it. I will send you to the Desert Triangle Snake Force... to pull him down..." he shouted.

"Don't waste your energy..."

Li Qing said, spitting out the fruit he had just picked up from the table next to him, and spitting it on the face of the black man headed by them.

Black people are indifferent...

"who are you?!"

Finally, he was so startled that he stood up from the chair again, straight, and his hair continued to numb, as if all stood upright.

"I’ll say it again, it doesn’t matter who I am, I just want you to arrange my next life. If you do well, I will promise you a condition!"

Li Qing is naturally random.

This caused a great uproar in the heart of the Chessld family patriarch, which could not be settled for a long time, forming the most powerful opposition.

One is terrified, and the other is light and windy.

"Don't believe it yet?"

Li Qing waved his hand and everything in the room floated, including the patriarch of the Childs family.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Childs family finally realized what he would expect...

Scared, he fell to his knees and said in awe: "God, are you a god?"

"That's right, how is it all right now?"

"God, you said that as long as you need, we can provide it to you."

"I don’t like to bully people, let me tell you, what is your family need, I can give you a chance to fulfill your wish, any wish..."

If it was just changed, and the head of the Childs family heard this, he directly wanted to kill Li Qing. If their Childs family would not work, who could do the whole earth?

But now, after seeing Li Qing's methods, he slowly felt that this was an opportunity.

"What wish?"

"Yes, even if it increases your lifespan."

Li Qing said casually, but it was he who heard the words, his entire breath was rapid, and his face was bloated extremely red.


Three days later, Li Qing appeared again in Xiamen, the middle-aged man, that is, Li Kun's courtyard.

When he arrived, a large number of people had gathered in the yard.

There are seventy or eighty people in the courtyard, downstairs, and upstairs. .

And Li Kun entertained them constantly, as if the family was doing happy events, lively and lively.

"Li Kun, who are you talking about? Why should we all gather here, if it's just that you are a prosecutor, then the reason is ridiculous." A gray-haired old man, hesitated With crutches, ask Li Kun.

"I suspect that he is a member of our family, and it is very likely that he came back to find relatives. In addition, the main reason for calling you back is that he said he is senior and hopes to see you..." Li Kun gave Lift your spectacle frame seriously.

"Then there is no need to find us all?"

"He said that his generation is older than us. In addition, he said he would give us a rich man..." Li Kun remembered the conversation that day, seeing that the clan was persecuting, he could only say this.

"Hahaha, big generations? In this, I am afraid that I am the oldest..." A middle-aged man about fifty years of age stood up: "But, you said he can give us a rich man. What is it? Wealthy people in our family are not without government officials, but also at the provincial level. Why did he say that he can give us a wealth? I see, this wealth means that I am afraid Can it suit you..."

"Me, uncle, this..."

"Say! Hum, if it weren't for this I happened to be traveling in Xiamen, and I would definitely not come."

"Uncle, don't say it, maybe that person is really our elder!"

"Huh, who is out of my family, I don't know?" The middle-aged man said proudly.

"Then our family is poor, if he can help us..." A young man in a vest says about thirty, it looks very dismal.

"Yes, maybe he is really rich, even if he is not an elder in the family, and can give me money, then I will recognize him as an elder, hehehe..." said a little girl who was dyed green on her head.

"To shut up……"

"I don't care, the elders will give me money!"

"You are ashamed!"

The scene was a mess.

Some people think that Li Qing is a liar, and Li Kun's doing so is just a nonsense.

Some people gradually believe in Li Kun, because Li Kun is a good person and thinks that he said that this person may have come from outside. If they want to give them a fortune, even if they give some money!

Suddenly, Li Kun saw a young man, Li Qing, who walked outside the door and shouted with joy.

"Here he comes..."

Then, everyone's sight, with the addition of seventy outside, all focused on Li Qing.

This is a very handsome boy with extraordinary temperament. Originally, this was very impressive.

But just after seeing the costumes on him, everyone sighed in disappointment, showing disgusted eyes, and then looked at Li Kun with contempt or anger.

"Okay, Li Kun, you said that this man will give us wealth, are you blind, or bully me to be blind?!" The middle-aged man who said that he was the most senior, could not bear the anger in his heart and exploded. Shouted loudly.

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