My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: "Cosmic" traffic jams and crowding

"Evasion" is not Li Qing's style. Throughout his life, did he not fight from the edge of life and death, relying on fists to fight out? If he avoids it, he can't get to where he is now.

Not to mention, the earth is Li Qing's weakness, he can't just watch the earth destroyed once.

"So what should I do? Contact Lola and ask about the situation."

Coming out of QQ Book City, Li Qing was careful because at any time the attack might fall on his head. It has to be said that these cosmic races are also very insidious and cannot be guarded against. If Li Qing cannot enter the QQ system at any time, I am afraid that he will never know how many times he died.


Taking out the Shenyu Rune, Li Qing contacted Lola.

"Yes, master!"

"How about you, have you arrived on earth?"

At the beginning, Li Qing wanted to give the Shenjing spaceship to Lola, let her go to the earth as soon as possible, place the super-rotating stellar cannon on the earth, and protect the earth. However, Lola didn't ask for it. She believed that her master needed this thing more. Only with this thing could Li Qing escape escape and kill more smoothly.

The fact is that there is a Shenjing spaceship, and Li Qing uses it, I don’t know how many encirclement and assault. Of course, the Shenjing spacecraft is also scarred. If the speed is still not so strong, Li Qing will have to think about throwing it away.

"Master, I arrived. As you have ordered, I have given this thing to the No. 1 chief of China."

"Well, very quickly, then that's all right!" Li Qing didn't expect her to reach the earth so quickly, and instead remembered that she hadn't been in the QQ Book City for a long time to avoid chasing and killing, and it shouldn't be too bad.

"That master, am I going back to you now?"

"No, if you have an alien race to invade the earth, I will immediately tell me the battle situation. I want to know the specific power of the super-turned stellar gun."

"Yes, master! Master, you must be careful~"

Li Qing nodded, and then pinched the communication.

Seeing that his QQ store still has trillions of prestige, Li Qing spent 100 billion to buy "Wanhua God Noodle".

"Always try it. If they can't find me if they are not careful, the problem will be solved?" Li Qing was not willing to give up this 100 billion, because according to Lola, those who want to kill themselves The reason why a person knows where he is is because his soul is locked, and the mask only hides and changes his face and figure, which is useless.

But now, Li Qing doesn't want that much anymore, so buy it and try again.

When the reputation of 100 billion disappeared, a dark golden mask floated in front of Li Qing.

"Wanhua God Face, is it a product of God?"

Li Qing looked at the mask and frowned, and he found that there seemed to be something about divine power, all of which was dark gold, as was the case with this mask.

A very simple mask, as if printed directly from dark gold metal, Li Qing thought to put it on his face. Originally looking at the shape and size, it was a bit unsuitable, but just after it was applied to Li Qing’s facial skin, it automatically melted like water and clung tightly to Li Qing’s face.

At the same time, Li Qing's mind moved slightly, which is also the origin of receiving this mask.

"This mask was created by a god. The words of this mask can not only cover a person's breath, appearance, body shape, but also have the ability to change. As long as the mind is moved, what kind of race does Li Qing want to become, Whatever you want."

"So, will the message of the soul be covered up?"

Li Qing decided to try it.

He directly changed into the appearance of a Jingji tribe. He used to be haunted. He, who was constantly changing his position, no longer ran, sitting directly on a piece of planet, waiting for the next bunch to kill himself.

After half an hour...

Two peculiar spaceships came and went from a distance. They seemed to find Li Qing. Their speed slowed down. They even stopped a little when they passed Li Qing's side, and finally left here.

In another ten minutes...

It was another black, ugly skull-shaped spaceship, coming from a distance.

In the cockpit, a bald man is using a communicator, and on the other side is a communicator.

"Where is his position now, is it nearby? Why can't I find someone?"

"Sorry, now I'm not too sure, there is something wrong with the treasure we locked..."

If Li Qing is here, he will definitely laugh.

problem occurs!

Yes, his face of omnipotent gods seems to cause the Jingji tribe to lock his treasure, and there is a problem, sometimes it is not there.

In other words, it seems that the Wanhua God's face interfered with the lock of the Jingji tribe to his soul, and sometimes there is no.

"Damn, then you tell me quickly, I came from a very far place, shit!" The bald man screamed in anger, but he gave up a big business and came here.

If he let the goal run, then he would get nothing and run for nothing.

"Wait a second!"

"how long?"

The Jingji clan reported a period of time, which seemed to mean that Li Qing's position could only be determined once in about three hours.

"Three hours?!" The bald-headed man was angry again and scolded: "This time is enough for a Shenjing spacecraft to fly from one galaxy to another. You are fooling, am I? Let me tell you, Lao Tzu is from the Red Roof Skull Group!"

The Red Top Skull Group is a pirate organization and a well-known force within Yu Yu.

If he hadn't dared to speak or even threaten the Jingji clan like this before, but now the Jingji clan has suffered heavy losses, and the bald man is no longer in awe.


Suddenly, a famous middle-aged man spoke behind the bald man.


The bald man turned his head.

"A creature found in front is probably the guy we are looking for, but now, we have deviated from the interstellar coordinates of the Jingji Report for hundreds of light years."

"Immediately approach the past!"


"You said it would be our goal? Will it come from the same purpose as us?"

"The captain said it was possible."

"Look at the situation first, it is best to ask!"

"it is good!"

When their spaceship approached Li Qing, they discovered that there were two people, not only Li Qing, but also a 27-year-old young man standing beside him.

The young man is very handsome and has a strange and handsome look. The most special thing is that his eyes radiate colorful light. People can’t help but immerse themselves in it, as if seeing the best things in the world. .

Mirage Dragon.

Yes, Li Qing summoned it.

They stopped beside Li Qing, perhaps because of two people. Unlike the situation provided by the Jingji tribe, they had a man and a woman. At the moment, the bald men thought they were also going to kill Li Qing.

That is, when the bald man relaxes his vigilance and asks Li Qing about them, the Mirage Dragon shoots and uses the illusion ability to control them.

"Where do you come from?"

Li Qing kept asking him questions one by one.

After asking each question, he learned most of the situation.

This bald man seems to have come from the endless Xinghai, that is, the ladder, just to hunt down Li Qing, and there are other things about the Jingji who have locked him sometimes.

"Go, now take us to the endless Xinghai!"

Li Qing was overjoyed and calmed down.

Since the Jingji tribe used coordinates to find themselves, instead of relying on their faces and looks, he will now go to crowded places to see how they find themselves.

Nowadays, where there are the most people in the universe, of course, there are endless star seas, and countless people want to climb the ladder of God's domain.


When Li Qing came to the endless Xinghai, he was dumbfounded.

Before entering the Xinghai, he saw dense, numerous spaceships.

is it a lot? Correct!

As long as you look out, all the spaceships are in all directions, almost squeezed so that no gaps exist, and it is more terrible than the traffic jam on the earth.

The loud noise made the sound waves directly useless. After Li Qing entered the Xinghai, his ears were directly filled with huge sounds, and he could no longer hear the voices of others.

The bald man's spaceship is constantly squeezed inside. Li Qing wants to ask why it is squeezed. However, he did not hear the bald man.

But the Mirage Dragon directly used the spiritual relationship between the owner and the pet to tell Li Qing that in the center of this endless Xinghai, a land of God has appeared, and that is where the ladder is.

As long as you enter the land, you can queue up to the ladder.

"Is it like this?" Li Qing nodded, not stopping her bald head.

But this squeeze, contrary to Li Qing's expectations, was squeezed for nearly a month before they drove the spaceship inside.

"Your uncle, is this a traffic jam in the universe?" Li Qing couldn't help vomiting.

This is too disgusting. One month is a month. The unexpected thing is still in the universe starry sky, which is synonymous with "boundlessness".

There are really thousands of grass and mud horses running through Li Qing's Then, he saw a shining continent from a distance.

The light radiated from the soil, as if even the soil of this continent was treasure.

Standing high and looking down, there is an endless variety of cosmic creatures on the mainland.

These cosmic races are still very crowded like in the void, even on a continent, they are lined up and lined up in a long line, which can't be seen at a glance.

The void is an endless spaceship.

Land is an infinite number of racial creatures in the universe.

This formed a contrast, er, it was still very crowded and dense.

"Too many people! Oh my god!" Mirage Dragon shouted in surprise: "It's afraid there are tens of billions, hundreds of billions of creatures line up here?"

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