My Super God QQ

Chapter 1205: Seni's excitement

"How can you be sure that they will make me die better than life? Maybe they are afraid of suicide, but instead they feed me with good food and sleep?" Li Qing asked: "And, when the time comes, I can say that things have been handed over I’ve given it to you, it has nothing to do with me. At that time, if I might have any treatment, you will also have a copy..."

After talking, Li Qing sneered.

A little suffocated!

It was actually imprisoned for the first time.

He made himself uncomfortable, then he certainly made him uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because Li Qing said something reasonable. He froze at the moment, and there was a shock in his eyes, and then he roared angrily, "Dare you!"

The word "dare" hit the ground. When he scratched with his empty hand, Li Qing was sucked into his hand and pinched his neck.

How strong Li Qing's flesh is, he knew for himself that it was harder than God Iron.

But it was his arrest that Li Qing was pinched without resistance.

A dark golden power imprisoned him and prevented him from moving.

This is the power of the Divine Realm, as if the cultivator meets mortals, mortals have no resistance.


Li Qing felt that his neck was about to be cut off, his breathing began to be unblocked, his blood was blocked, he couldn't flush his head, his thoughts were gradually blank, dizzy, and he wanted to vomit.

"I **** your uncle!"

But Li Qing still struggled, scolding hoarsely from the throat with difficulty.

Li Qing has always been a hard bone.

Otherwise, you won't be stabbed to death when you don't have a QQ system, or you won't be so hard along the way. But it was this kind of hard bone that made him stronger and stronger, and perseverance like a grass eventually thrived into a towering tree.

unyielding! fighting! Burning will always be his firmest melody when he opposes oppression.

"I think you are looking for death!"

He said, furious like a beast, directly pulled Li Qing's hand off his shoulder.


Li Qing's pain was so distorted that his facial features were twisted together, very terrible.

"Does it hurt? If it hurts, ask me for mercy? Ha ha ha ha..." He looked at Li Qing like this and laughed.

"I... I beg your uncle!" Li Qing stopped immediately, squeezing out this sentence again.


At the next moment, Li Qing's left shoulder was ripped off again, and the blood spewed out like a spring, scattered around.

Li Qing was trembling with pain, like an epileptic seizure.

"Please, me?" He laughed again.

"I, I you, your uncle, your father is your ancestor!" Li Qing still gritted his teeth, bleeding all his teeth, squeezing out such a sentence.

"Stubbornness, kneel down for me!"

He grinned coldly and cut his left palm towards Li Qing's leg.

"Brushing" the sound of cutting meat, Li Qing's legs broke on his knees, and when he fell to the ground to kneel, Li Qing shook his head and rolled directly to the ground.

"I won't let you die..."

"Okay! Then I will fulfill you!"

The next second, his hand grabbed Li Qing's heart directly.

When he stretched back again, Li Qing's heart had appeared in his palm, bloody, still beating.


Watching his own heart appear in the hands of others, and then looking at his chest where he lost his heart, Li Qing couldn't help it anymore, and he became terrified, just swearing and roaring.

Gradually, his body began to be cold, extremely cold, cold inside the bone, cold into the soul...

He was very uncomfortable, and his mind began to pop up like a movie reflection, one after another.

"Master, master!"

"Who is it?" Li Qing thought weakly, responding.

"I am a Mirage Dragon!"

"Are you dead too?" Li Qing's consciousness was dark, only to hear the sound a little trance, constantly echoing everywhere.

"No, Master, I'm not dead... Master, don't interrupt me, listen to me, you have entered the illusion, the other party seems to invade your mind to control you, you must bear it!"


When Li Qing heard this, the dark consciousness space suddenly lit up.

"Yes, illusion, now I am reminding you through the owner's QQ system, you must hold on, otherwise, you will be destroyed by fear. At the end, the soul will be planted by him. When the time comes, you Will be like a slave."

"Is it like this?" Li Qing's consciousness space is getting brighter, that is to say, his spirits are cheering up.

It turns out that everything is fake!

Li Qing has never encountered it before. Such a powerful illusion has even been deceived.

Of course, it may also be that this piece of God's forbidden place stayed for a period of time. He has a very bad inertial thinking and gradually forgets it. This is a strong man from God Realm. Other people can't use spells. He can.

"So what should I do now? Phantom Dragon?"

"His illusion is much stronger than me, and I can't help it for now. The only thing I can do is master, you have to carry it!"

"Okay! I was thinking about letting him eat a pot, **** it!" Li Qing said unwillingly, but he suffered a series of tortures, even if it was fake, it made him hate his teeth.

Revenge is not overnight!

Li Qing wanted to kill him, so he kept thinking about ways to kill this guy.

Nine days and ten extinctions?

No, two guys from the Jingji tribe can escape from the **** armor made of the material of the **** domain, so this guy from the **** domain is even more of a word.

Overturned stellar cannon?

Li Qing also felt that it was not appropriate, especially for such a big thing. If Li Qing carried it out, he might have been discovered by him.

Broom star?

It's okay, but, as if this broom star, even God Armor can block it, then this guy doesn't seem to be very safe.

Planet Ruin Stone? !


Suddenly Li Qing thought of this thing. This thing is definitely the most terrifying thing he has ever seen. The more powerful the explosive power is, the more violent it will explode.

One may not be enough?


No, Li Qing thought of using 50 pieces at once, because there are not many things here that can produce a chain, which is similar to a geometric growth explosion. Then, let them collide with each other in an explosion in quantity, it will definitely be more terrifying.

Uncertainly, even the continent below could be blown up.

So, after the explosion?

Can I enter the QQ Book City? It seems that this is the most critical...

Li Qing's thoughts changed a lot, and that was the case. Instead, he let him ignore the cold pain.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it's a day, maybe it's a year outside...

Suddenly, in his eyes, he found himself back in reality.

He still holds the "magic book" in his hand. Li Qing recovered, and the book fell directly to the ground.

Looking up, the guy stared at himself like a poisonous snake in a terrible, angry way.

"You are fine!"

"It's so-so~" Li Qing said with a smile, but the gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Really can't cooperate well? If you give me something, I won't let you lose. I can give you some treasures in the Divine Realm..."


Li Qing had just thought that if the planet's ruined stone exploded, if it affected the bottom, would it really be okay, so I just read on.

At this look, he gritted his teeth.

I saw that Senyi, the winged human race who had bet on his life, was bullying, grabbed her leg directly, and then used her other hand to lift her skirt.

It's a beast!

You know, it’s really the size of a man’s slap now, but he can be such a beast. In addition, his women don’t care, but they seem to be saying something on the side, and their faces are very interested and happy.

The lion leader didn't care anymore, so they let them bully and cry. This scene showed Li Qing's anger.

"It is not impossible to cooperate!"

Li Qing immediately responded to the man of the gods.

"Say!" His eyes lit up.

"Help me get that person, I want to kill him!" Li Qing pointed at Sen Yi, who had to kill him. If he had accidentally revealed his identity, he would have been killed alive.

He hesitated for a moment, nodded, and extended his palms below.

Originally, countless people under the ladder couldn't even get on the ladder, even if they had broken their heads, but he ran forward in his palm, and Senyi flew uncontrollably, screaming while flying.


"Look, look, he's flying, my God, this is what happened!"

"Can't fly? Hell, how is he?"

"Look, there is a dark golden awn, which is the strong man of the **** realm, it seems that he made it. Does he want to **** this winged human race?"

"Does he say that he has taken a fancy to this guy and wants to save him from the ladder and go directly into God Realm!? It's not fair! We worked hard here, fighting to get to God Realm, but he was fancy , Sent directly to God Realm?"

"How could this be?!"

"People are more dead than popular, and I don't know what **** luck he's gone~"

"I want to go up too, choose me, choose me!"

"Sir, let me go up too, even if it makes me your servant, I will definitely do my best."

"I'm going up too..."

It looks like a frying pan. Everyone is yelling at the Everyone's eyes to Sen Yi are envious, jealous, and hateful.


Which one is worse than him?


Many people are crazy because of jealousy, and crazy because of jealousy. They just hate themselves and hate themselves, so their lives are not so good.

Seni was inexplicable, especially when his body was out of control, he was almost scared and didn't scare his urine, but his heart suddenly became active after hearing the cry of those below.

Can you actually go to God Realm?

"Ahahahaha..." He danced with excitement, even in the air, and he was extremely excited and rampant with a laugh, and looked at the people below, also proud, very incomparable.


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(End of this chapter)

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