My Super God QQ

Chapter 1204: Almost beep

The road ahead is difficult!

The degree of bumping of the Shenjing spacecraft, as it gets closer, it seems that it will soon be scattered directly, and various components continue to make a "creaking" sour tooth sound.

"If this spaceship breaks, can we still come back?"

Hai Weiheng is not afraid of authenticity.

"Yes, I still have a shuttle..." Li Qing wanted to say confidently, but remembered that the Shenjing spaceship's sturdiness was already very strong. If it was replaced with that shuttle, wouldn't it still be broken? Awkwardly converged his confidence.

Hai Weiheng smiled bitterly and could only let his master continue to be capricious.

Facts have proved that their luck is still good!

Coming soon, the Crocodile still hasn't opened his eyes, and hasn't put them in his eyes at all.

"Thanks to the strong man of the Huntian Divine Clan. If it weren't for him, we might not be able to come to this place yet." Hai Weihenghe said with a hand, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

"Yes! Sai Weng lost his horse, knowing that it's not a blessing~" Li Qingruo felt genuine.

In the end, their spacecraft stayed on such a huge crystal mother ore star in the state of disintegration at any time.

From a distance, it's shocking!

Is this the most precious treasure in God Realm? Why are there so many here? !

Li Qing opened the cabin door and flew over, followed by Hai Weiheng, carefully watching the crocodile of Hades, as if fearing that it would open its eyes at any time and shoot them with crushed bones.

"Good, good~"

After checking the quality of the planet, Li Qingmei smiled and was very happy, just like a mortal who won the lottery special prize.


Hai Weiheng exclaimed in a low voice.


"Something seems to be drilling out..." Hai Weiheng pointed at the spar on his side. Li Qing was puzzled and walked over to see that the spar on his side was very transparent and there were black bugs like centipedes Being walking around, drilling from the inside out.

The plush ground is very disgusting, especially on the body, with large and small triangular mouths all over, the beneficial teeth are constantly swallowing, and finally in the sight of the two, with purple light, it breaks through the mother crystal of the Jingjing, and faces Li Qing They bite over.

Purple light?

It is actually a legendary strong bug!

"No way……"

Due to the previous example, Li Qing can almost foresee that he will encounter countless images of bugs rushing out of it.

Fortunately, after Hai Weiheng killed the bug, nothing else was found for the time being.


All the crocodiles of the **** of darkness directly ignored these creatures, otherwise, they could never live here until now.


Li Qing wanted to put the planet away, so he came up with great freedom.


This huge planet composed of Shenjing mother ore disappeared directly.

That is, at the same time, the crocodile of the Hades suddenly took a breath, and the terrifying wind took their souls. If the wind before it was just wind, then this time it was a storm.

"Master, run quickly..."

Hai Weiheng, who had been paying attention to the crocodile of Hades, suddenly exclaimed, his voice was a bit exhausted and twisted.

He grabbed Li Qing, then flew towards the Shenjing spaceship, grasped tightly, and came to resist that suction.

The Shenjing spacecraft has always maintained its power and is resisting this suction...

Li Qing turned his head, and saw that the Crocodile really opened his eyes. It seemed to be angry at the sudden disappearance of the planet. The nose breathed and the whole starry sky trembled with this breath.

Especially, it is staring at the position of the planet, that is, staring at Li Qing and Hai Weiheng...

On the occasion of a great deal...

Li Qing opened the QQ movie, put out the planet in his memory, and put out a huge image of a planet.

Thanks to his function, the crocodile of the Hades suddenly stunned and stopped breathing and sucking.

What's more shocking and desperate for Hai Weiheng is that their ship finally disintegrated, but Hai Weiheng wasn't allowed to go dumbfounded. Li Qing had grabbed him. There was no way to teleport. The space here was too strong. He Can only hold him, rush to a small, but can hide behind a star, behind it.

"Master, no way, if it **** again, we will be sucked into its nose, and we are done!"

"Bet a bet!" Li Qing's forehead, full of cold sweat behind him, can only bet now.

The Crocodile is not stupid!

It seemed to have paid attention to this star, and after watching it for a while, it found something wrong and roared angrily.

And Li Qing, the star they were hiding from, was swept away by a huge sound wave, far and wide, which is millions of light years...

Li Qing only felt as if it had been torn by countless knives, washed all parts of his body, and bleed through seven holes, fainting in front of his eyes.

Hai Weiheng is almost the same. His loyalty allows him to block Li Qing in the back and cover the upper part of his head with the block...

It's terrifying. The crocodile of the **** of darkness, like a mystery, just roared, let the starry sky tremble, and countless planets were directly roared out.


It didn't take long for Li Qing to wake up.

When I woke up, the whole body was in pain. Li Qing opened his eyes and realized that he had only one eye left, and could not open it a little, and then looked at his body through the gap between his eyes.

The hands were blown to pieces, exposing jade-like bones, and the internal organs were still there, but the body was full of blood, that is, blood without skin, which was very infiltrating.

Looking at Hai Weiheng again, it is even more terrifying...

Because he was standing in front of Li Qing in the interim, he now almost disappeared except for the head, that is, the brain, and was rotten.

If it were a mortal, this would definitely be a dead end!


With a painful groan, Li Qing quickly used his consciousness to get out the ginseng fruit in the QQ hard drive. Fortunately, it was not placed in the storage ring, because his hands were rotten, how could there be something left on his body.

With a bite and no teeth, Li Qing can only grind slowly, and from time to time, his broken mouth will drop the flesh again.

damn it!

Li Qing has never been so miserable, so close to death.

When Li Qing's injury recovered to his face, he quickly bitten Hai Weiheng and entered QQ Book City.

Just inside, the entire starry sky was again tyrannical. In the roar, a large number of planets exploded directly.

Fortunately, Li Qing came in early, otherwise, they will also become a broken part.

"Haiweiheng, Haiweiheng..."

Nowadays, Li Qing can only call on his mind...

It wasn't until I received the contact between the master and the that Li Qing was relieved. Hai Weiheng didn't hang up. The mythical strongman really was a bull.

It's just that Li Qing doesn't know how to save him. Without a mouth, he can't use ginseng fruit treatment. How can this save him...



Feitian City, on an island...

"Sima Yi, how have you studied the fruit?"

"Sir, haven't I already researched something similar to Shimofeng disease?" Sima Yi looked at Mr. Shuijing with a smile.

"Then why are you still studying?"

"Because I want to develop a way in which we humans will not be harmed. In addition to this, all aliens will be directly infected, and there is no cure for diseases..." Sima Yi smiled, showing his white teeth, very sunny, But it is also very sinister, it can not help but horror.

(End of this chapter)

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