My Super God QQ

Chapter 162: Trouble, find another home

"I don't get it. Your son is young, so it's naive. You are such a big person, so naive..." Li Qing said to Jie Cheng's father, Jie Andao, "Love cooperation, not cooperation." Just pull down, hum, silly boy, don’t know who gives you confidence..."

Li Qing's face was disdainful and sneered.

This made Jie An seem insulted. Now, he cried angrily: "What do you say, do you say it again? Believe me or not, I won't let you out of this gate? I might as well tell you, Zhang The biggest boss in the city has a good relationship with me. Believe it or not, let them catch you and take out the technology bit by bit from your mouth? By then, you will get nothing!"

"Boss? Ha ha ha, go call, you don't go call, it's my grandson!"

After Li Qing finished speaking, the cold light flashed in his eyes, murderous.

Obviously, these two guys just thought they were just ordinary students, and they came here to bully themselves, threatening to suppress everything. But who is Li Qing? Not only the boss of the underworld, but even the gangsters Skog who has been killing the sea, are they afraid of being threatened by them?

It's ridiculous!

"Okay, you wait, you wait for me, I will let them swallow you up without even a bone!"

Jiean made a phone call.

Jie Cheng went on to say: "This society is very dark. You may be young and don't understand! One word of advice, you should obey softly. As long as you get 10% more, then nothing will happen. If you are tough, Then, when the time comes, you will break all your bones and make you hard!"

"If it weren't for Lin Ge's sake, your bones would have broken me!" Li Qing lowered his face, and said it was as cold as it came out of his mouth.

This tone was really cold, plus his eyes were faintly murderous, and a deterrent shrouded Xiangjie.

Jiecheng was terrified and took three steps backwards.

So, he just reacted, very surprised and angrily said: "Well, you are an egg and you want to touch the stone with us, right! OK, you are finished, you are really finished, you, you..."

Speaking of which, he turned and yelled at the stunned technicians: "What else are you looking at, he threatened me and went to beat him!"

The technical staff did not move. This kind of thing was not within their professional scope. Not to mention, Li Qing's technical and technological level had completely shocked them. At this time, they had only worship and admiration for Li Qing's psychology.

Even Lin Lao took the initiative to stand up and pointedly pointed at Jie Cheng and their father and son: "Sorry, the chairman said that no one here except Master Lin Chengxing and him, no one has the right to instruct us. Now, you give me out! "

He was angry, very angry, so angry that he blew his beard.

Seeing this old man's words fiercely blaming himself, Jie Cheng, this young master, is also a little unbelievable, because he thinks he is the young master of the Jie group.

How dare your employees yell at yourself?

"You just turned the sky! Believe it or not, I fired your squid, huh?!" Jie Cheng shouted counterattackly, his expression terrified.

"If Jieshi really has you in charge, then we will not work here! Although the old man is poor, but there is ambition, there is no need to eat your bowl of rice, huh!" Engineer Lin said hardly.

"Don't don't, Lin Lin, don't be angry with your child. He's still young and ignorant..." Bian'an seemed to have finished the phone call. When he saw this, he hurried up to persuade him and made a look with Jiecheng .

Jie Anke knows clearly that in front of him, Lin Lin is definitely a doctor-level fruit in terms of machinery.

If he ran away, then the old man would definitely find his own way.

"Dad, but he!"

"Shut up!" Jie An slapped his head in a slap, and apologized constantly to Engineer Lin.

He is not a stupid person either, and he is not like Cheng Cheng. The reason why he lied to Li Qing is because his interests are at play. He still looks down on him and thinks he can't jump anywhere! Engineer Lin is definitely a talent. He can't blaze others for no reason.


Engineer Lin hummed heavily, and ignored it.

"Li Qing, I have made a call. Now you should follow suit! In fact, for people, more than 70% give up 10%, which is nothing. Why do we have to fight against us? You may not imagine the serious consequences of this price, and you will definitely regret it. On the contrary, if you obediently obey, you can earn 60%, which is enough for you to be carefree and squander a lifetime, why not Want to fight?"

A few months ago, Li Qing encountered such a thing, I am afraid I really have to compromise.

But now, he is not afraid at all. Instead, he sits in a chair, and I sit here as soon as I see how you deal with me.

"I think you will regret it!" Li Qing sneered.

"Shao Lin?"

An engineer stepped back and quietly called Lin Chengxing to inform about the situation here.

Lin Chengxing was outside, when he heard the phone, he was stunned. Then the whole person was very angry and hurried to drive.

"It's too deceiving, it's deceiving too much!" he said repeatedly in his mouth. On ordinary roads, the car had reached a speed of 120 per hour.


After half an hour!

A middle-aged man in a black suit coat with a naked upper body who apparently looks like a social person is coming, followed by four younger brothers.

"Atang?" Jie An shouted: "How about your boss?"

"Our boss is negotiating a business with someone, so we are called, who are we going to clean up?"

Seeing that they really called the underworld came, Li Qing was completely cold-hearted, picked up the core disc, and went to the door without anything else.

He wants to leave here, since they don’t want to cooperate, then, some people are cooperative.

"Put down that disc!" Jie Cheng shouted sharply.

"I made it!" Li Qing stared at him coldly.

"But it seems that the materials are all provided by us?" Jie Cheng said.

Li Qing turned his head silently, and ignored him and walked directly to the door.

"Stop him!"

Jie Cheng shouted.

The middle-aged man of the underworld, with a few younger brothers, stood in front of Li Qing.

"If I were you, I would leave things obediently..." The middle-aged man smiled, his face calm and calm.

But next second, his calmness was replaced by shock.

Because, Li Qing has already started.

Everyone didn't even see his specific actions. The four younger brothers he had brought down.


This made him startled and angry.

Li Qing didn't want to listen to his nonsense. He lifted one leg high and swept it on his head. He immediately twirled his entire body and flew out.

too fast!

Too fierce!

This force is really breaking the table!

Not to mention the people who are eating melons, even Jie An and his son are too scared to speak.

Li Qing took the disc and left with a big swing.

Li Qing was sitting in the car with his eyes closed, feeling a little annoyed.


Originally, I thought that if Lin Chengxing was to help, he could just sit back and wait for the money, but he didn't think that he would be dragged down by the group after all.

This business must be amazing!

Even if they agree for the time being, the people of these groups will surely continue to make monster moths, dragging their feet and simply finding another one.

"Brother, why are you leaving?"

Lin Chengxing called and said anxiously.

"Hey, man, I believe in you, so I will find you to cooperate. But, look at the faces of those in your family, it’s shameless, there is no way, I can only find someone else to cooperate, that is It’s a little sad, I’m afraid it won’t be able to share your money!”

"Don’t say anything about money, it’s because my brother is wrong. I’m sorry for you! Hey... But, brother, I think you should think about it, because it’s purely because of the world. Sincerely their father and son are making trouble, and my grandfather is very optimistic about you."

"Is that so?"

Li Qing was unexpected. It turned out that Jie Cheng and his father and son had made trouble.

However, turning your head to think about it, it would be inappropriate for Jie's family to pass it to his son instead of his grandson.

The two chatted on the phone for about half an hour before they finished talking.

In the end, Lin Chengxing was also persuaded, thinking that he was really inappropriate to cooperate with Li Qing. However, he recommended a person and let Li Qing try it out, saying that this person has a strong background, and he will not lose to Jieshi in cooperation with him.


"Xia Mo Can My sister, Jie Yu also has a good relationship with her. She is a strong woman, she is very clever, she has a deep background, and she is a good partner to cooperate with! Look, if it doesn't work, I'll go and mix it with you. Now in this family, I can't stand anymore!"

Li Qing thought of the unusually temperamental beauty, who was definitely the goddess's president in the eyes of the hanging silk.

"Well, I will consider this matter carefully. I will go back to Xiamen first."

Li Qing now has to return to Xiamen first to arrange his own mother, because he does not cooperate with the Jieshi Group, then the people of Leiku will definitely not protect his mother, he must make a proper arrangement.

So, where should my mother arrange better?

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