My Super God QQ

Chapter 165: The use of QQ classroom

"What! The finished product?! Good, I'll be there right away!"

Xia Mo Can Yue at the cosmetics company was receiving people, received a phone call, and spoke aloud in excitement, regardless of the business he was just about to negotiate, and left the man in a hurry and drove over.

The speed soared to 120, which was as fast as her heartbeat.

But she still didn't think it was fast enough and wanted to hurry up!

Finally reached the destination.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing the finished product, the motorcycle suspended in midair, the forehead was covered with sweat, and she trotting in was immediately dumbfounded.

Because it's too dang!

It's unbelievable!

how can that be!

This was her first thought.

The transportation equipment suspended in mid-air has subverted the scientific concept of her life!

She began to doubt whether the knowledge and common sense she had learned before were wrong, otherwise how could something resist the omnipotent gravity and float up.


Very shocking!

It took more than half an hour for her to return to normal, and her eyes were bright. She immediately invited Li Qing into the conference room to discuss the matter.


"No matter what kind of technology products, there will be a new product launch plan before mass production. You see, how about we also get one? Release this product three months in advance, and go on sale after three months?" Her beautiful eyes, constantly A fascinating glory suggested.

At the first time, she wanted to launch this product of her company, as if she had picked up a fun toy and was anxious to show off to the children.

With finished products, it is natural to develop conferences.

Like the previous Xiaomi, Apple phones and so on, there are press conferences, this is the means to increase product awareness.

Of course, leaving three months left has many advantages.

First, arrange as many production lines as possible.

Second, there is a hunger marketing strategy.

Third, in these three months, more advertisements can be launched.

This is destined to be an epoch-making, detonating the world, and the technological products noticed by all human beings, of course, must be grand.

Imagine how many people's beads will be detonated by the appearance of this suspended motorcycle, and she will be so excited that her body will be soft, and she will have a quick **** and a pretty and shy face.

"Sister Xia, your plan is absolutely OK, I have no opinion. But now there is a problem before me, that is, some professional knowledge, I don't know how to pass it on?" Li Qing said with a headache, very ashamed.


Things are made by Li Qing alone, and the production volume cannot be improved at all. Then, he needs to teach this technology to others, one by one, and continue to pass on to expand production.

"You don't need to worry about this. All technical engineers in the factory have signed a lifetime contract and a commercial confidentiality agreement with our factory. They will not only be lifetime employees in the factory, but also dare not pass on the technology. In that case, they will Faced with legal sanctions, imprisoned for decades." Xia Mo Can Yue has not realized this problem, happy and authentic.

"I'm not talking about this? It's these technologies. I don't know how to pass it on to others!" Li Qing knew she couldn't understand what she meant and explained it again.

Li Qing now faces an important problem, that is, he does not know how to be a teacher, and gives the technology to the following people.

After all, there are some things that can only be understood, not to speak.

Not to mention that his technology was instilled into the brain rather than learned by himself, which caused a problem, and he did not know how to pass it on to others.

"Ah! That's it?" Xia Mo Can Yue was also stunned, his joyous expression froze and turned into dumbfounded.

Obviously, she never thought about this problem.

"What should I do?" She was nervous.

If the production capacity is insufficient, what business?

"You don't have to look so desperate, let me think of a way to give me a few days!"

"Really there is a way? Haha, well, I believe you! Then I will arrange this conference, you rest for a few days, think about it, and after you have a solution, we will open this conference again." Xia Mo Can Yue fully believes Li Qing.

When excited, she hugged Li Qing: "It's all up to you!"

Li Qing was stunned and nodded.

Being able to make up the ground lotion and make the suspension motorcycle, her trust in Li Qing has reached an endless limit, even a blind step.

"it is good!"

In the next few days, Li Qing tried to use various methods to teach technology to the following engineers.

Teaching people is not that easy, otherwise, would there be a professional place like normal university. Not to mention that these technologies are across the ages, there are some law formulas, and they don’t even understand the basics of gravity.

Suddenly, every day Li Qing scratched his head and scratched his head, and lost hundreds of hairs.

Helpless, he had to ask the QQ system.

He also has no way to go, so he turned to the qq system because he did not want to rely too much on the qq system. But don't say, ask, the qq system immediately gave Li Qing a surprise, there is a solution.

The solution is to use qq classroom.

"Yes!" Li Qing's eyes lit up, suddenly bright.

"Qq classroom" is obviously the function of teaching and teaching knowledge.

Before, he thought that only he could use it, but now, as soon as he heard the qq system, he suddenly knew that he had misunderstood it. It is quite possible that everyone can use this thing.

How to use it?

According to the guidance of the qq system, first of all, Li Qing is going to get a black background cloth for projection!

Then, you need the qq mobile phone sent by the system, enter the mobile phone function, with a projection function.

Turn on the function, immediately, on the projection function, there is a QQ penguin, this is a QQ penguin wearing glasses and holding a teaching stick.

"Master, hello, I am a teacher of qq class."

Li Qing was overjoyed and immediately summoned all employees who could learn this core technology.


"The day before yesterday, Li Gong taught us, I just think it is like a book of heaven, are we too stupid?"

"I also don't understand, and today I don't know how to teach?"

"Hey, don't say it, be careful that Li Gong hears anger. Maybe today, there is not necessarily a new way?"

"That is, although Li Gong has not taught us, but he has also worked very hard. We don't want to say bad things behind his back. This is unethical."

"Nothing bad, I'm not in a hurry~"

"We still have a positive energy mentality, wait and see!"


All technicians felt complicated when they heard Li Qing's call.

There is excitement, but more is anxiety, afraid of returning from disappointment.

The excitement is that most of them have already had an incomparable interest in this new point of knowledge. In one sentence, it is almost as fast as "the word is heard, the day can die".

But Li Qing taught many times, they couldn't understand, which made them really uncomfortable and wanted to cry!

This is like having a beautiful woman stand naked in front of you, but a younger brother has a bloodline but can't find the hole to go through. Very painful.

They are afraid that this is the result again today.

Sure enough, just when they entered the chamber, they saw a background cloth and a projection, they were all stunned.

In particular, the above projection is still only QQ penguin, which makes people even less confident.

They calmed down, rubbed, and disappointed in all eyes.

How can Li Qing not know their thoughts about their looks?

So he smiled and said, "Are you disappointed to see this QQ penguin?"

"Li Gong, why are you doing this?"

"IMHO, we don't seem to be missing this auxiliary tool?"

"A little disappointed, hey~"

"Li Gong, aren't you teasing us?"

They questioned one after another, some did not believe, and some even had contempt hidden in their eyes.

Is this the best way to teach?

Just kidding!

Funny is not so funny! Are we grumpy too?

"Come on, everyone is quiet, let's let this penguin teach you about gravity..." Li Qing stretched out to the background cloth.

QQ penguin teach?

Everyone was even more puzzled, and there was a feeling that the dog was getting older, which was extremely strange.

Some even wanted to say: "Why don't you get a pig to teach, it's still bigger and you can see clearly!"

Li Qing knew their thoughts and pressed the qq phone.

The qq penguin on the screen immediately seemed to be given life, leaping high and jumping in front of the background cloth.

Actually still "3d"?

Everyone was a little surprised, but with the tone and movement of the qq penguin, they were finally shocked, and there was an uproar in their hearts.

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