My Super God QQ

Chapter 210: Change brought by strength

In a dream!

This is true of all old people, and some of them rubbed their eyes, seeming to be afraid that presbyopia could misread people.

But they were right. The two soldiers fell to the ground, and the young man in front of him was so breezy, so nothing happened. Even, he even dug his nostrils.


Speaking of digging his nose, Li Qing deliberately deliberately laughed at their ridiculous confidence.

This action is so mocking, so hateful!

Therefore, all of these old people breathed more quickly, as if they all had a heart attack, and they were all blushing and red ears.

"Come here, come here, kill this kid, I'll take care of something!"

Nao Feng shouted loudly.

Immediately, four more guards came in with guns. These guards are different from his guards. These guards are wearing camouflage clothes and have words on their chests to protect them. Only they have the right to bring guns and shoot them here.

"Old Feng, are you more confused and more confused? You don't have the right to shoot these guards except from the outside! Let me come!" said the old man from the Ministry of Commerce. , Gave Zhu Lao a glance.

That is to say, Mr. Zhu has the right to order these guards to shoot, they do not have this right.

"You come?"

"Oh, of course I have to come!" said the old man, and shouted to the outside, "Ting Feng, come in!"

They are all great people, and naturally all have guards or bodyguards. It seems that this style of court is similar to this kind of existence.

So, another man in his fifties came in.

This man has no soldier's breath, but is more like a warrior. The walking posture is very stable and the steps are step by step, with a strong sense of strength. He was wearing a white, loose training suit, with ordinary looks, and the most special of them were his eyes, as sharp as a goshawk and a vulture.

"Feng Wei? Isn't this the top expert in their family?" Feng Lao frowned at once, secretly.

Feng Wei, a master of the family behind the old man of the Ministry of Commerce, is also well-known in Kyoto. No wonder, this guy is so confident. Compared with his soldiers who have no guns, these warriors are more useful.

"The court wind is here!"

"Take this kid, don't hurt too much, just take it!" the old man from the Ministry of Commerce ordered.


The court wind just responded, suddenly, and had already spun to jump into the air, high ground, kicking Li Qing.

He was like a goshawk, a goshawk that wanted to dive and feed, with a fierce breath, and his feet were like pecking at Li Qing with his sharp beak.

Before the feet arrived, the strong wind had arrived, and Li Qing's hair flew without wind.

"The day after tomorrow's top master? Huh!"

Li Qing instantly judged his strength, it was another punch.

One punch!


One punch can break everything, as long as the strength is enough, why not need that fancy move, one punch is enough.


The fist collided with his foot.

There was a terrible airflow spreading frantically from all directions.

This will make these old people feel terrified. In order to avoid entanglement, Li Qing tried his best. That is the fist of these ten successful forces, Li Qing estimated that he had a few tons of strength, and he smashed his leg bones at once, and the person directly hit the ceiling and flew away.

"Wow la la..."

The ceiling was originally made of wood. In the face of this violent destruction, a lot of dust and wood chips were dumped and scattered.

"No, it's impossible, how can you..." The old man in the Ministry of Commerce, his whole eyes are stupid, pointing at Li Qingdao blankly. Then, the reaction was shocked on his face: "Don't you say you are congenital... …"

As soon as the word "congenital" came out, all the old people were shocked, as if there was a spring thunder on his head, all of them were stunned and his throat was dry.

Congenital, that is the strongest in Kyoto.

As long as it is a large family living in Kyoto, each family has the strongest one in town.

If there is no congenital strong man sitting in the town, it is just a small family. Even if the power is strong and the financial power is high, it cannot be the name of the big family.


Because the innate strongman itself is a huge weapon!

They are almost not afraid of gun bullets. They are more like a sword hanging over the heads of many people. They can deter small children in the bright places and can be like daggers in the dark. They are not afraid of stabbing people to leave evidence.

After all, they are all high and high, high walls and iron gates, they can't stop them.

Huaxia’s national system also sent people to try to put them all into the case, in order to control them well, even to monitor them, but these families are too powerful, they do not cooperate, the national system has this The plan was not passed and was useless.

For example, let's say these seven old people, seven people, four of them belong to the family.

Such is the development of society, and the root of people is selfishness.

When the great men of China established this country, the officials who worked hard for the country and made a high position were okay. They were born in a poor family, they knew how to care for the people, and did not take the people's needles and threads for the benefit of the people. But over time, the benefits of power and money have changed them...

As a result, as if the ancient Han dynasty, various large families that could fight against the state reappeared.

The social development of mankind seems to have entered an endless loop! No one can change!


After Li Qing showed such terrible means, these old people no longer dared to look at Li Qing's gaze again, otherwise they all brought dignity.


How have they seen such a young congenital powerhouse? It's a monster!

Even the Xuanyuan family in Kyoto has never seen such a genius.

If Li Qing is just a congenital strong, but Li Qing is so young, he is afraid that there is a master? Thinking of Li Qing's master, he could make his apprentice so young that he could be promoted to a congenital strongman, and create such a small monster. They finally had more scruples in their hearts, and they dared not underestimate Li Qing.

The scene fell silent for a while.

The eyes of these old men are turning, and it seems that they have changed their minds, thinking about the means of seizure.

But Mr. Zhu laughed, and he was extremely happy.

"Okay...I have long looked like you are not like ordinary people, I didn't expect to be a warrior, top-level, very good, very good, hahaha..." He said with a big relief. stand up.

Don’t look at Mr. Zhu’s high position, but he is not a member of the family. The most taboo is those who come and go. However, the young man in front of him is actually that kind of person. Then the situation of this matter has undergone a fundamental change. He no longer has to fear the interference of some factors.

"Master Zhu has won the prize!" Li Qingwan smiled smirkfully.

With such a smile, it seemed like he was showing off. Who didn't know that he had just domineeringly and punched people out of the house with fierce punches, and now this reservedness is clearly showing off by Guo Guoguo. At least, those old people think so now.

"Do you have a teacher?"

Zhu Lao's title changed, he asked.

Don’t blame other people’s reality. This society is inherently realistic. There is no family relationship. At first, who can show unrealistic ideas.


Li Qing's lies came and he obviously felt the changes of these people.

Have? !

Hearing this answer, all the old people set off waves in their hearts.

really have!


They dare not imagine that there is such a strange person who can teach such a congenital strong man at such a young age.

The most unfavorable, the other party's master is also the most top of the congenital strong, right? In that way, they all seem to have to be treated with caution. After all, it is really not good to use the power to deal with the innate powerhouse, it is still the top kind.

It is said that the country also has a secret security department, and now the head of that department is also the most powerful.

For this secret security department, they dare not easily provoke, and the other party only follows the orders of the head of China.

"Well, very good, they were just kidding you, just give the old man a face, don’t mind doing it? After all, they all gave the same blood lessons. As for this suspension technology, we must know that our country is protecting intellectual property rights. In this respect, discipline and criminal law are still very strict. So, you can do it with confidence, and still follow our previous agreement, how?" Mr. Zhu smiled slightly.

There is something in his words, it seems to be saying, just expose the matter just now, don't make trouble again. In the past, our agreement still counts, come as before, give a Qing thought about it, nodded, and give him a face!

Seeing this, the seven old men shook their heads helplessly, and their old faces could not be hung, so they found an excuse to disperse. Although some of them were not stubborn, they also had to plan carefully and not dare to bully Li Qing so weakly.

Even, the other party's background and strength can threaten their lives. They may be at risk if they are not careful.

"By the way, Yan Yan's girl has been nagging at you. If you have time, go find her to play with it?"

"Tang Yanyan" is a granddaughter of his old friend. In front of Grandpa Zhu, it looks like a granddaughter.

Just one sentence, Li Qing can feel that this old man Zhu seems to want to use this to lure himself.

He guessed right.

At this time, Mr. Zhu was even thinking about whether to call back his granddaughter and granddaughter abroad. To know such a brilliant young man, it was difficult to find a lantern!

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