My Super God QQ

Chapter 222: Flying sword, flying out of shock

Ask, has anyone seen a flying sword? If you want to come, no one must have seen it!

Even if he knew the existence of Feijian, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

After all, Feijian is a legendary thing.

So much so that the old man would have fallen, his people would be frightened by this, but because of the appearance of the flying sword, they attracted all their attention.


In their vision, the sword is flying!

It seemed to have its own life, flexibly circling in the air as if it were a bird, and then happily returned to Li Qingping's outstretched palm.

be quiet!

Everyone said nothing, their eyes were rounded, and their eyes were dumbfounded.

It's really quiet!

Originally, this should not be the case. One of their uncle's grandparents died, and at least they should cry a few times!

But, they are still quiet!

An unprecedented sense of surprise is constantly stimulating their brains and setting off stormy waves. Of course, apart from this surprise, more is fear, and endless fear spreads in their hearts.

It was like a plague, spreading one by one. Everyone's heart shivered after thinking of something.

What did they think of?

They thought that Li Qing has a flying sword, isn't that a legendary fairy? Even if Li Qing is not a fairy, then the master standing behind him is a fairy?

Are the gods their enemies?

Do not!

After thinking of this, their hearts undoubtedly sank to the bottom of the sea, full of death and despair.


When they were frightened, no one found that, far away, the surveillance in a corner also saw this scene.

The monitor is connected to the network, and through signals, it is connected to an underground base dozens of kilometers away.

Underground base, an office room.

There are two large and heavy network servers in this office. Between the two servers, there is a computer. A woman with a cold face sits in front of the computer.


Claw San was sitting on the chair, watching Li Qing fighting with people indifferently. Suddenly, she saw Feijian and stood up with a scream.

Even if she thought of covering her mouth, the scream still rang throughout most of the base.

Her scream attracted many people watching, they thought the base was invaded, and countless people rushed here.

After seeing that Claw Three was fine, they left with various expressions.

As long as Scale didn't get permission, he opened the door from the outside and walked in.

"What happened? I remember that according to your temperament, if it wasn't something that happened, it shouldn't be so gaffey, huh, let's say, what's going on!" Scale Yi thought that something uncontrollable happened, even though there was a smile However, the expression in his eyes is very solemn.

Claw III closed his eyes fiercely, as if adjusting his shocked thoughts, and Scale 1 didn't bother her.

It took only a minute for her to open her eyes, but despite the adjustments, she still spoke in shock: "Li Qing, Li Qing has problems."

"Ah!?" Scale shook his heart slightly, his face changed greatly: "Could it be that he was sent by some people?"

"No, no!" Claw San realized that because of his fear, his words were a bit messy, and he quickly explained: "He has a problem, not because of who he is standing on, but because he has a problem. "

"What do you mean?" Scale tightened his eyebrows, still confused.

"He owns a flying sword, a flying sword. He directly used the flying sword to kill the two innate strong men of the Wang family..." Claw Sanyou said.

"Ah?" Scale Yi thought he had heard it wrong: "What are you saying, scrap sword?"

"It's a flying sword, a flying sword! Okay..." Claw III thought that Scale 1 might not believe it. Fortunately, she had a video, so she released the video.

The video shows the moment when Li Qinggang threw the sword...

After the sword was thrown out, it was clearly clear, but just after the sword shook sharply, the flight path of the sword could not be seen on the screen. It was too fast, and the video could not keep up with the speed. Sword directly through the eyebrow hole.

Then, as soon as Scale saw the old man blocking Li Qing's flying sword with his sword, another old man fell down.

Finally, Scale clearly saw Feijian hovering slowly in the air and returned to Li Qing's hands.

As soon as Scale finished reading, the whole person was stupefied and stiff.

No adjective can be compared to his extreme shock at the moment.


He was shocked for more than ten minutes, and then he exhaled slowly and long.

"Is there a problem?" Claw San said happily.

Just now, in the words of Scale I, there was also a meaning to laugh at her. I didn't want Feng Shui to take turns, so it was Scale I's turn so quickly, as a woman stingy, of course she should report back.


Scale focused on his head and turned away.

"Wait a minute, deputy, don't you have anything to say?" Claw turned around and shouted.

It's impossible for Scale to say without a point, he just turned around and left, what does it mean.

"Yes, upgrade him to the highest S rank! And summon all S ranks, all come back for a meeting!"

Scale 1 dropped this sentence and left Claw III's office.


"How powerful is the invigorator?"

Ever since Wang Lin knew that Li Qing was a self-cultivator, he had a dream every day, imagining which day he could fly the sword in the air.

Yu Jian, if picking up girls, it must be beautiful?

Standing on the sword, flying towards the girl, which girl is not scared and immediately embraced?


The more he thinks, the happier and more excited he is, and the faces of various female stars float in his mind.

A few days ago, even if he had a little money in his pocket, he did not dare to say that he wanted to play with female stars, but now, he has a goal, a more ambitious ideal. Before this ideal, female stars are really nothing.

"Xiao Linlin, what are you laughing at?"

On the side, a beautiful woman with light makeup and OL outfit sneered unpleasantly.

"Oh, nothing."

Wang Lin looked at the gold worshiper and was too lazy to tell her ideals.

With this kind of sports car for him, just come back to her "Hipi" money worshiper and talk to her about ideals, isn't that just a waste of time?

"Say it!"

"Really not!"

Wang Lin was too lazy to talk to her, and when she saw that she had to break the casserole, she asked. In the end, Wang Lin's eyes glared so that the woman was afraid to say anything.

"Don't say it without saying it~"

The girl whispered grievously.

If not, she wouldn’t let fishing if she saw Wang Lin as a son of a golden turtle. However, after being caught, she certainly was not willing to part because of the quarrel and she could only endure.

That's right!

This is the true status of most money worship women after money worship.

For money, they can abandon even their dignity, even if they wanted it before, but they can only abandon it if they are not willing to be reconciled later.

She did not dare to make Wang Lin angry.

Seeing that she was unwilling and angry, but dared not to say anything, Wang Lin only felt that the thoughts in her heart were smooth, comfortable and extremely happy, and she couldn't help but looked up and laughed.

He is happy!

He has a sense of pleasure that has reached a high place in life!

Before, when he was a student, how could he have such pleasure. Even if you encounter such a beautiful girl, I am afraid that you will feel inferior, and you dare not say anything!

Now, for such a beautiful girl, he came when he called, and went when he called, without any psychological burden!

"This is life! No wonder some people once said that being a person must work hard to be the best, so that you can live the life of a real person-driving the top car, drinking the strongest wine, and punishing the most beautiful woman , The predecessors would not bully me..." Wang Lin closed his eyes happily and murmured.

"what are you talking about?"

The beauty couldn't hear clearly, confused her pretty face, and asked close.

"Oh, I said, the most beautiful woman!" Wang Lin replied casually.

"Hate, dead face!" The beautiful girl stunned, and immediately stunned, "Then am I beautiful?"

"Beauty, beauty is bubbling, especially your little cherry mouth..." Wang Lin looked at her mouth, and evil intentions rose from her belly, pressing her head in front of her belly.


"An LV bag!"

The beautiful woman who wanted to pretend to hold her eyebrows immediately smiled, helped Wang Lin take off his pants, and printed it on Wang Lin’s younger brother with the lip gloss that had been carefully applied for an hour.


Wang Lin laughed wildly in his heart.

A seemingly illusory evil thought is born from the mind, from the character, and gradually grows...

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