My Super God QQ

Chapter 232: 1 things to do

Seeing that the black robe also died under the flying sword, the claw three's cold and pretty face finally showed a smile in the surveillance of tens of miles away.

"The handsomeness of the sun and me is beyond your control..."

Claw III whispered this whisper, laughter could not stop, the louder the laughter.

The press conference ended in a terrorist attack.

After that, the national system immediately asked CCTV to release a news item and issued a strong condemnation to the main messenger behind the terrorist attack.

Of course, Li Qing did not pay attention to these, he just remembered the "Mercenary of Immortals", and followed them to return to the special department of the country set up in Kyoto.

On the way, he took out the wound that was covered with ground fluid and applied it to his body, and called Xia Mo Can Yue to report his safety. Xia Mo Can Yue was relieved to learn that Li Qing was fine.

After chatting for a while, Li Qing hung up the phone. Because such a big event happened at the press conference, Xia Mo Can Yue is now at ease and has to start busy with follow-up questions, including posting an announcement on the Internet explaining what happened this time.



Upon entering the basement of the special department of the country, there was a burst of applause and applause from colleagues. They all looked at Li Qing as if welcoming the return of the hero.

They have men and women.

The man's eyes are full of admiration.

The female look is full of worship and a little appreciation.

This time, Li Qing finally saw the Minister of the Special Department, a red-faced old man who looked like a young girl with white hair.

He was a little short. He was actually wearing a white Taoist suit. He looked ordinary and stood in front of everyone.

"This time, thanks to our new member "Li Qing"! Otherwise, most of our brothers in the special department will lose their lives there, and I thank you on behalf of the brothers of the special department!" He said Li Qingju bowed.

Li Qing can make the old man do this, and quickly return the gift.

Hearing the scale said that the old man was always closed and rarely came out. He would not be alarmed if he called for help this time. In addition, the old man's character is also very indifferent, but this time, he can bow to Li Qing, proving that he still values ​​the special department.

After about half an hour outside, they entered the meeting room and summed up the next time.

"Minister, this time, we lost four A-level members, and seven other members were seriously injured and have entered the hospital." Yiyi reported.

"Did you not let Mumu cure them?" the old man asked with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Mumu was also seriously injured!"

"Okay! Those who passed away, remember to give their families generous compassionate money, and then bury them in the heroic tombs!"


The heroic tomb is a cemetery specially built by the special ministry, as long as it is a hero who died for the country.

After half an hour...

The old man told everyone to leave, leaving Li Qing alone.

"Li Qinghua, I see your flying sword and I know that you are a cultivator. Can I ask, who are your descendants?"

Listening to scale said, the old man should be 108 years old this year, so it is normal for him to call a doll.

"Minister, sorry, my master will not let me mention his name!" Li Qing said with a lie.

"Oh! It seems to be a master in the hidden world! Even the legendary flying sword can be given to the apprentice..." He said sadly: "Sigh, if you have a chance to meet, please consult in person!"

"Minister, is Flying Sword hard to come by? Also, would you say that you are also a person of the cultivation world?" Listening to his words, Li Qing's heart also had many questions, and asked simply.

"Feijian is of course rare. You know, I have lived in such a great age, and it is the first time I have seen the existence of Feijian from your hands. The legend created by myself!"

"That's it!" Li Qing's eyes widened, so he knew how rare Feijian is to the earth today.

The old man sighed, and continued to say: "As for the cultivation realm, I dare not climb high. For those of us, the cultivation realm is that we are not qualified to enter. Even if we are qualified, there is no way to enter."

"Uh, doesn't the meaning of Cultivation Realm mean the same thing as Jianghu?" Li Qing thought that becoming a Cultivator would naturally fit into a place called Cultivation Realm!

"Oh, you will know by then!" He smiled slightly: "I believe that since your master can take out the flying sword and give it to you, he must have the ability to take you into the realm of truth."

Li Qing stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly.

If he really has a master, that’s not bad, but these serious things are all taught by the qq system and given to him! However, after all, in the sense, the qq system can really be regarded as his master.

After chatting for a while, Li Qing got a lot of information from the realm.

If the real world is not accessible to mortals, even if they have become monks, there is no ability to enter. If there are still invigorators on the earth, they are all loose cultivation. At the same time, in various places in foreign countries, there are various high-level existences similar to those of comprehension.

For example, the man in black robe today came out of a dark parliament in Europe and was called the dark mage.

At this time, Li Qing asked curiously, if these powerful foreign countries have reached a certain point of cultivation, will they also enter the realm of cultivation? The available answer is no. Even if the minister has not entered the cultivation realm, he can be sure that they cannot enter the cultivation realm no matter how powerful they are. There is no such thing in the cultivation realm.

"Then, they can't succeed, they can only stay on the earth for a lifetime, and they can't live without being strong?" Li Qing couldn't help but wonder.

The old minister also told Li Qing a lot about the comprehension.

Li Qing has benefited a lot.

If he hadn't learned from his mouth, Li Qing didn't know that the realm of comprehension was so difficult to go, and there are still many composers on earth.

in the afternoon……

It was not until 4 or 5 that Li Qing left here and went to the Wiener Hotel in Kyoto.

Wiener Hotel is a six-star hotel.

Yesterday, he had already booked a box with his water friend, the woman who was the hotel minister.

As soon as he entered the hotel, he called and a woman in a black ol uniform hurried out from inside the hotel.

She was in her early thirties, very beautiful, with shoulder-length hair and short hair, giving the feeling of a young woman with ripe peach.

When I saw Li Qing, her eyes lit up suddenly and held out her hand: "Hello, my name is Wang Yan. I didn't expect to be handsome when I watched you in the live broadcast, but I'm even more handsome in reality! If I were older, I Definitely chasing you back!"

"Haha, no! My real name is Li Qing!" Li Qing felt a little embarrassed about her being so direct. After shaking her hand, she scratched her head.

"Giggle"~ Seeing Li Qing blushing a little, she laughed and shivered: "Okay, I have already arranged a banquet room, I will show you to see it! In addition, I also let people put it outside A red banner, but no one has sent it yet."

"The banner?"

"Yes, the anchor meets, and then they can point them to the banquet hall on the 12th, or they might be afraid they won't find it."

This is how Li Qing reacted and thanked: "It made you bother giggling, don't be polite with me, I can also be your fan, this is what I should do."

Li Qing toured the banquet hall with her. This hall can hold thousands of people. At this time, the hotel's waiters are constantly setting up the buffet, which Li Qing had requested earlier.

The buffet is on both sides, and there is a dining place in the middle. In addition, there is a high platform for performances.

The whole banquet hall is very gorgeous and high-end, let's say the tableware is actually sterling silver, not to mention the decoration inside.

Li Qing didn't care about this, just thought it was spacious and bright enough.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that something strange happened about the expenses." Suddenly, Wang Yan remembered something like that.


Li Qing thought she wanted to say something like price.

Unexpectedly, she actually told Li Qing that the cost of this issue has already been paid by some people for 5 million.

"This will not work!"

Li Qing asked Wang Yan to tell the hotel owner.

He can't let the water friends invite this guest, as the master, of course he has to let him come.

So, Wang Yan called their boss, and as a result, their boss actually said that if Li Qing did not accept the money, then the boss would treat him. The meaning is very obvious, that is, how not to let Li Qing give out the money.

Wang Yan turned his face towards Li Qing, and his eyes seemed to be asking, what should Li Qing do.

"You help me to ask, who is the one who pays!" Li Qing's Jianmei frowned. He had a strong curiosity and wanted to know who it was.

Thanks to the "love dragging less" righteous father's 588 coins to reward, domineering and mighty! The new week is here, I beg you all my righteous fathers to read the recommended votes, thank you very much, Li Qing!

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