My Super God QQ

Chapter 240: Flying knife

The QQ memo has always been a function of reminding Li Qing of danger!

Although these dangers have never happened, Li Qing believes that they must be accurate. So, at the sight of the memo beating, Li Qing's heart also jumped into his throat.

Is this reminding myself that I want this rune?

Li Qing thought like this, just clicked into the memo, but it was blank, and there was nothing recorded.

"Senior, I need this "Qingxin Zhen Ling Fu"!" After thinking for a while, Li Qing finally pretended to be indifferent and asked for this Fu Lu.

It's also weird!

Li Qinggang said that he wanted the Fulu, and the memo stopped beating on his own, as if he was telling Li Qing that it was right to do so.

"Do you want this rune? You don’t want to be punished by the poor Daoyou. Although the poor Dao sells your stuff, everyone in the group knows that I am honest and happy, and never hang out. This Fulu has never been poor. Are you sure you want it?" Ding Shishan asked suspiciously.

He did not doubt Li Qing, but he was afraid that he would take it and think that he was losing. When the time came, he would hurt his reputation and he would naturally have to confirm it again and again.

From then on, it was enough to see that he didn't pay much attention to this symbol.

"No, Senior, I like this Fulu very much, just this one!" Li Qing smiled slightly and promised.

In this way, the Dingshishan talent assuredly said: "Well, then you and I will be clear!"


"That Fulu user must input your true energy before binding it for your use." Next, he taught Li Qing how to use it.

Li Qing instilled true energy into the Qingxin Zhen Ling Run as he said. Suddenly, a transparent halo emanated from it and enveloped Li Qing's body.

The halo is blue, like water.

Even now it is blue and white, it is vaguely visible, and it looks very beautiful under the sun.

"I feel calm and comfortable in my heart!"

As if there was a blue lake in his heart, Li Qing was still a little restless and suddenly calmed down.

"How about? Although Fulu said that it only has an auxiliary effect, it is more meditation than what we usually use. What's more, it's much easier to use! At least, it will make us not afraid of getting mad when we are practicing."

Li Qing nodded and agreed.

Of course, he is still thinking about what the memo means.

"Come and come, since the transaction is completed, let's celebrate! Haha, Xiaoyin, go and get my treasured Ganoderma Monkey Wine!"

Ding Shishan people seem to be in a good mood after selling "Yinyuexin", and they will celebrate when they pull up Li Qing.

Li Qinghan didn't have his enthusiasm, so he drank with him.

It was so dark that Li Qing drove the car from that little owe and took it down from the mountain to the hotel.

Live Taoism?

He never thought about it!

The Taoist temple was broken, but he wasn’t abandoning it, but it was really a bit smelly inside, with a smell of sulfur, a strange smell of plants, a smell of fur...

Hearing Xiaoyin explained that this is what his master ancestors usually need to use. The inner leather above Yinyuexin is made of some animal skins.

"Your ancestor's refining ability must be very strong?"

Li Qing thought for a while and said.

"That's right, my ancestor said that on earth, his refining ability is definitely the first, but in the cultivation world, it is a grain of sand in the misty desert, and Mao is not counted. However, on the earth, He really hasn't met his opponent." Speaking of which, Xiaoyin was a little proud.


"Today, thank you very much."

"Why did you say this suddenly?" Li Qing puzzled.

"Because, my ancestors and his elders used our cultivation resources in order to refine that silver moon heart. If you buy them in time, I am afraid that we will not have spirit stones for cultivation for a while." Xiaoyin expressed gratitude.

"Does your ancestor have no inventory?"

"Oh, there are fewer and fewer spirit stones on this earth. How can there be so much inventory? My ancestor said that if there weren't too many spirit stones now, this silver moon heart would definitely be more than this price. Last time."

"Haha, didn't I earn it?" Li Qing laughed.

"That's not there. Thanks to the help of my predecessors, my master doesn't need to look for the spirit stone outside. He can come back and continue his cultivation."

Li Qing remembered this. He had always seen Xiaogan and his ancestors. The Dingshishan people had never seen Xiaogan's master. It turned out that Xiaoqian's master was out looking for cultivation resources!

The two drove and talked...

Seeing the car enter a forest, suddenly a tree in front fell down.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing remembered naturally that he had encountered a raccoon, but that time, it was the raccoon that made the tree fall.

"Fuck me!"

Seeing the tree about to hit the car, Xiaoying turned the steering wheel sharply, and the car directly hit another tree on one side.


The two collided. In the loud noise, the front cover of the car was lifted, the power was extinguished, and a blue smoke flew out of the engine.

Both were not injured.

One, both have some strength.

Second, the airbag jumped out in time.

Xiaoyin whispered, and was about to drive the door, when Li Qing stopped him in time.

When he looked at Li Qing, he asked. Li Qing made a silent gesture with his index finger, and suddenly turned his head.

Yes, just as he turned his head, a sword went straight through the glass, and he stabs Li Qing.

This sword is very sharp.

At least it penetrates the glass as lightly as tofu.


In an instant, Li Qing could feel that he seemed to be ambushed by others.


He turned the knife into his palm, carried the crazy heart Sutra, put the true power on his palm, and pushed it towards the sword.

The hand was okay, the sword was pushed away, and Li Qing kicked directly towards the car door.


Li Qing's foot, with a force of several tons, not only kicked the door directly, but even people outside the car were directly hit by the door and flew out.

He looked at Xiaoyin again, and Xiaoyin was already panic-stricken, like the ants on the hot pot, so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Hey, it's a younger brother who grew up in a cradle without fighting experience.

Li Qing sighed and said to him: "You are hiding in the car, I will go out and see!"

The next second, he had rolled out of the ground like a monkey, jumped twice, and rushed into the forest.

Facts have proved that Li Qing's move is really wise.

As soon as he rushed into the forest, there was a gunshot. If it weren't for his behavior, he would be shot directly.

After rushing into the forest, Li Qing released Atan from the pet space.

When Li Qing thought about it, A Ri suddenly knew his thoughts. He squeaked twice and jumped into the tree with his teeth open.

It went up to detect the enemy's position in secret.

Li Qing watched it jump to the tree, turned the monkey brain around, and immediately pointed to the south.

Looking at Li Qing, there was a thick weed, and there was something moving in the weed.

"Go to hell!"

For those who wanted to kill themselves, Li Qing's reaction was very ruthless. With a roar, he gathered a fireball he could do and threw it in a half-meter diameter.


As if the bomb exploded, the weed flew directly out of two screaming figures.


Suddenly, another voice came from behind Li Qing.

Li Qing turned his head to look, it was too late, a flying knife was stuck on his back.

Fortunately, he was wearing Yinyuexin and did not plunge into it, and fell to the ground.


There was such a surprised voice in the distance that Li Qing saw an old man in a white robe appearing in a forest about 100 meters away from The old man was wearing a white robe, very tall, Skinny, with his hands behind his back, a great master, using his nostrils to look at the proud look of people.

He did have proud capital, only to see him standing there, as if it were a sheathed sword, radiating a golden sharp breath all over him, scraping the surrounding trees and rattling.

"Metal congenital powerhouse?"

Li Qing looked at the breath and judged secretly.


There was a gunshot.

Within this tenth of a second, Li Qing judged that the gunfire came from the direction of the car he was sitting in.

Then he saw a bullet from the void, spinning and shooting at the old man.


It was Xiaoqian who shot, maybe he was carrying a gun on his body, and at this time, he was trying to help Li Qing with the gun.

Seeing the bullet fly halfway through, the old man's eyes flashed cold, and then, his white robe moved, as if he had shot, a little cold mans came first and flew towards the bullet.


Li Qing could hardly describe how unpleasant the sound was, as if the knife had passed through the glass.

Immediately, he was shocked to see that the bullet was actually cut in half, and the strength of a willow-like knife was directly exhausted and violently penetrated a camphor tree before disappearing far away.

Flying knife vs bullet?

The bullet was cut in half?

Seeing this scene, Li Qing's heart was suddenly raised high, his eyes gradually dignified.

"Who are you?" Li Qing said.

"You ask Lord Yan to go!"

Next second!

At three o'clock Han Mang was in an irregular shape, traversing the void, and even fast enough to bring a series of afterimages and shoot at Li Qing.

The target pointed sharply, head, neck, heart...

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