My Super God QQ

Chapter 204: Hot hands

When Li Qing's breathing was fast, Xiaoyan's wheezing was so unimaginable that the whole face was as red as singing.


Even Li Qing could hear his gasp.

"Warm, let you chill, warm..."

Singing and singing, suddenly, the most advanced black sister also danced.

A seemingly scentless fragrance slowly rose with her dance...

If someone can observe carefully at this time, they will surely find that the whole room is filled with red mist.

"Sister Black, didn't you say that, depending on your skills?"

Upon seeing this, the beauty who came in behind whispered unpleasantly.

"Isn't there two of them~ You wouldn't even be close to this, don't you give it to me?" The **** woman glanced at her in a wide variety of styles.

So, the beauty behind continued to sing with satisfaction.

Her voice didn't know when it had turned into obsessive sound, and occasionally, a slight pant with a squeaky voice, an ambiguous atmosphere was infinitely and unconsciously amplified.


At last, Xiaoyan couldn't help it, bent down like a bow, and tensed her muscles violently, bouncing towards the black sister.

"Oh, young is fierce!"

The black sister was not surprised but smiled, and smiled, just when Xiaoyin was about to pounce on her, she stepped on the miraculous and light step, and evaded the past.

The girl who sang was unseen, and continued to sing there.

There was a trace of anxiety in her eyes, because she found that Li Qing's concentration was so strong.


Both women are using evil magic to lure Li Qing and Xiaoyin.

Xiaoyin may have a **** flesh, and has long been tempted to turn into a wolf without reason.

On the other hand, Li Qing, besides the continually strengthening of the light in his eyes, he breathed in a hurry, but had no other actions, as if there was something restraining his impulse.

"Isn't this kid trying the joy of fish and water, men and women?"

Sister Black also felt strange and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, even if he hasn't tasted the joy of fish and water, I can let him show the impulse that a man should have!" As he said, she didn't know where she took out a fan of white feathers, and when she started, she sang Dance with that fan.

The fan stroked her fragrant shoulders, stroked that jade-like neck, and stroked down...

She would turn her body from time to time, facing Li Qing sideways, and then use the fan to stroke her body, as if to draw out her perfect curve.

But Li Qing was still sitting on the couch, even if he was short of breath.

"Why can't you seduce it? Strange? My singing, but it used ten percent of the charm skills!"

"Bai Ling, don't drag it anymore. Didn't we just hear it next door? Is there another Taoist coming? Quick battle and quick decision, I will help you!"

"You help me? Are you so kind? You don't want to grab me? If he is really a virgin, it's a good practice furnace. At least it can enhance my skills for at least two years~" Bai Ling, the vigilance on the singing woman's face.

The black sister gave her a white look: "I'm afraid that the Dingshishan people are coming, we can't take them away."

After that, she actually snapped her fingers and the lights began to flash.

Not only that, she slowly took off her clothes.

She takes off, so does Bai Ling!

Soon, they took off their underwear and twisted all kinds of seductive **** poses. The arms and thighs of the white flower were entangled with each other. The tempting sound of temptation and the puffy breath could stimulate all men. Adrenal hormones soared to the limit.

Seeing it, Li Qing also became gasping. Seeing that he was about to stand up.

Suddenly, the fulu that he put in the pocket of his clothes lit up, and a transparent halo emanated from it, covering the periphery of Li Qing's body.

The halo is blue, like water.

Gradually, the blue halo continued to permeate Li Qing's head.

That is, under the influence of this halo, Li Qing's evil thought that had been slowly ignited was suppressed.

It may be that the lights are dimmed and suddenly turned on. The two women did not notice Li Qing’s abnormalities. They were still struggling hard, and from time to time they showed extremely tempting expressions, twisting the wonderful body like a cat.

"What's wrong with me?"

Li Qing was awake, and then he saw this "guanglu bizarre" scene in front of him.

The two girls were dancing in front of his eyes.

Not to mention, after Li Qing was awake, seeing this really felt a little bloody. On the spot, there was a feeling of blood rushing all over the lower abdomen.

"Sister Black, he seems wrong?"

Seeing that Li Qing still didn't pounce, Bai Ling was a little suspicious and asked the black sister.

"Oh, who can stop our double-dance ecstasy, joking, waiting, and he will be completely lost in a moment." The woman confidently said: "At that time, he must not kneel obediently on our ground Under the pomegranate skirt."


Bai Ling thought about it and nodded.

The two continued.

But at the end of this song, Li Qing suddenly applauded as they continued.


The applause was not big, but it was in their minds like thunder.

At the moment, the two seemed to be frightened, and they could not stand steadily and almost fell.

"You, you are not affected?"

Bai Ling screamed.

The black sister was also inexplicably surprised.

"Influence? Ha ha, you dances, really, it's not as good as those hibiscus action love movies, do you want to stun me? Forget it..."

Li Qing has guessed their intention.

They are very likely to stun Li Qing and Xiaoyin and do bad things.

As for what to do, Li Qing is still not sure, but when he thought that he had almost lost his mind just now, he was in a cold sweat.


If he is really lost in his mind, then he is very likely to be a mermaid. It is not necessarily whether he will be steamed or braised.

Fortunately, there is that symbol...

Thinking of this, Li Qing thought of the qq memo again.

According to the reminder of the qq memo, it must be that Li Qing's life safety will be reminded. Then, these two women are likely to have killed his life.


The man named Black Sister suddenly shouted.

"What's impossible?"

"Under this world, no one can wake up after hitting our double-dance ecstasy!"

"Yes, my Bai Ling and Hei Feng may be in the ranks of monks, but no one can stand up to our name, but no one has been able to resist our ability!"

It turned out that these two women, one named Bai Ling and the other named Hei Feng.

"But, I'm sorry, you really can't fascinate me~" Li Qing shrugged, spreading his hands, and then made a reflection: "Maybe you are a man and a woman, just like the Fusang Kingdom* , Popped up, maybe I was really fascinated..."

Li Qing's words really hurt their hearts.

Once they made them proud and invincible ecstasy, it actually failed. Li Qing was even more excessive. They also compared their ecstasy with love action movies, which made them really angry.

It was this anger, that the black phoenix actually took out a small bamboo tube from his ear and blew a pink smoke towards Li Qing.

And that Bai Ling did the same.

Li Qing has not responded in time, the whole room has been filled with these pink, with a different smell of smoke.

"Fuck me!"

Li Qing quickly stopped breathing.

"It's useless, even if you don't breathe, your skin surface, your ears will breathe too!" Heifeng laughed with flowers and branches shaking Ling doesn't care either, even if you don't Look like breathing.

"Hey, don't go too far! For the sake of you two being women, get rid of me right away, or else you will blame me for killing the flowers!" Li Qing scolded.

He is really getting angry!

"It's up to you, giggle..." Heifeng looked unbelieving.

Bai Feng also smiled with great pride: "Hot hands destroy flowers, wait a minute, I must let you kneel and lick my toes!"


Looking at their triumphant appearance, and letting themselves lick their toes, Li Qing stood up suddenly and punched past.

Must be quick and fast!

Therefore, Li Qing is extremely fast!

The two women were still laughing. Suddenly, the black phoenix was hit and screamed and slammed into the door.

"Impossible! How can you still have internal strength, shouldn't you be soft and burnt?" Bai Ling screamed: "You--"

Before finishing the speech, Li Qing's hand had been stretched out and pinched her neck, making her words stop abruptly.

"Say, did the Murong family send you?"

"You won't do it! I'm so beautiful..." Bai Ling exclaimed.

And at this moment, Li Qing suddenly felt something strange about pinching her hand on her neck.

Reaching her neck with her left hand and touching it, she lifted a layer of leather. It turned out that she was actually wearing a personal leather mask.

After the skin mask was peeled off by Li Qing, it was an ugly woman.

"Fuck me!"

Li Qing was dumbfounded.

The next second, he was angry and felt like he was being fooled and shouted: "Don't think you are shit, I won't step on it!"

One punch blasted on Bai Ling's stomach, so that she squirted out and hit the wall before falling to the ground.

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