My Super God QQ

Chapter 247: Then-kill!

"Is this breaking the battle? Are you sure that it is not the demolition?! No wonder, no wonder the Taoist name is "Dingshishanren". It turns out that his Taoist ability lies in the soil system!"

Li Qing's body quickly stood firm to avoid falling, but his heart was in a state of uproar, and he couldn't let it go for a long time.

It's amazing, this situation!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Qing would have thought it was an earthquake caused by nature.

The roar of the ground is still increasing, and finally, like thousands of beasts roaring, deafening.


In his vision, the extremely majestic towering in front of him, the black mountain began to collapse.

As if squeezed by horrible gravity, it collapsed from the mountainside, countless sand and stones splashed, and the sky was dusty...

It is strange to say that the mountain is clearly collapsing and shattering, and the smoke is also spreading around. Li Qing is not far from where they stand, but they are not affected by it at all.

As if they saw nothing but illusions.

"Senior, is this an illusion of formation?" Li Qing asked Ding Shishan humanely, he guessed it should be so.

"Well! This formation is actually just a blinding formation, not a big formation, but nevertheless, it is not something that I can be broken by a self-cultivator during the refining period. I rely on it all!" He pointed to his chest, but it did not show up in his clothes.

Li Qing thought, it should be a very powerful magic weapon, or directly a magic weapon of a higher level!

He heard Xiaoyin mentioned, the magic weapon is the lowest level, and then it is a magic weapon.

Such things can increase the skills or spells you practice, and some can be used directly to produce powerful spells.

"Such a powerful destructive ability must be a magic spell from a magic weapon?" Li Qing thought, "You can't be so powerful at the 9th floor of the gas refining period. If it's more upward, wouldn't it be able to call the wind and rain?" .

That's too exaggerated!

Then the only remaining possibility is that what Dingshishan people wore.

I do not know what a good baby?

Li Qing was a little bit greedy, he thought, I wonder if it is a good baby of the same level as his Feijian Jiantai?

Fortunately, the QQ system does not have emotions in this respect, otherwise, the designation jumped out and pointed at Li Qing and scolded him.

"Good baby!"

Woodbird Residence said directly, there was a trace of undetectable greed in his eyes.

"This is not the first time you have seen..." The Dingshishan people did not perceive anything and were proud.

"Although this is not the first time I have seen it, I haven't seen your baby's true look. You always put it in..." Musketeer said uncomfortably: "Hidden tightly, just like the ladies. "

"I'm a girl, Ye Di!" Dingshishan people are still so proud: "Haha, I think you are envious."

"Humph!" Wooden Bird Residence snorted.

"I am envious!"

Instead, Li Qing said the truth.

These words made the people of Shishan laugh loudly and feel very comfortable, like drinking a glass of ice and snow on a hot day. So, I voted for Li Bao to encourage Li Qing said: "Your kid is also lucky, maybe one day, I really have a good chance~"

The Wooden Bird House glanced at Li Qing with disdain, and said coldly: "How many years has it been since I practiced, and the milk is not dry, and how can he meet a good chance..."

"You will die if you don't speak, always so bitter and harsh!" Ding Shishan cursed.

Only then did the wooden bird residence turn his head and did not speak.

Faced with the provocation of the wood bird house, Li Qing was not angry, but his face was cold and frosted, and he sneered twice, saying: "Hehe... Although, I don't know how to encounter a good chance, but I believe that treasures are virtuous According to it. People like you who lack morals, talk like spraying dung, and look at people with low eyes are definitely not available."


Li Qing was not angry, but now his intention to kill the wood bird resident has changed from seeing death to being rescued to the point where he will be killed if he finds an opportunity.


The wooden bird house listened to Li Qing's words, but he was angry, and his face was full of anger.

The Dingshishan people hugged him in a hurry and kept persuading.

In this way, he stared at Li Qing bitterly and stopped talking.

"What kind of glaring, the triangular eye is also the triangular eye, and will not become a corner..." Li Qing still had to say something, Dingshishan people persuaded again with a wry smile.

He had no choice but to give up his flag for a while and give the Shishan people a face.

Of course, he was already prepared. If he really dared to do it, Li Qingding would give him a ruthlessly.

"Who is it, dare to break into our Murong family..."

Seeing that the black mountain gradually collapsed, the back disappeared invisible, and a deep drink came out from the inside.

Li Qing fixed his eyes and looked again. The gate of a villa had appeared in front of him.

Murong Qingtian, the old turtle camel, and five old men were standing side by side at the gate.

Apart from the calmness of Murong Qingtian's face, the other six people all had strong anger and anger.

Obviously, they also saw Li Qing, all of whom knew Li Qing. At the same time, there were two old men who looked at Li Qing and stared at Woodbird Residence with death. They had an old hatred with him.

"It turns out to be you! Last time you escaped and killed so many of our people, you dare to come!" At first sight of Li Qing, one of the old men pointed over and scolded.

This old man was the old man who was almost killed by Li Qing with a plastic bomb. Now, as if he had been injured, the enemy was jealous when he met him, staring at Li Qing.


Li Qing also recognized the old man, but ignored him, but remembered that the younger sister had said that it seemed that the Murong family surpassed the innate strongmen, that is, eight, and then one was slaughtered by himself, and seven were just right.

Seven are out!

It just happens that this grudge can be resolved at once.

"Crunch? Don't dare to come? Ha ha, I tell you, today, I'm here to calm down your Murong family!" Li Qing didn't speak, the wooden bird dweller wanted to stand up, but the Dingshishan people stopped him with his hand. Out of the crowd, loudly.

"It's a big tone, and I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue!" said the old turtle camel: "Homeowner, I'll kill them!"

"Slow!" Murong Qingtian glanced at the three people, and finally decided that the Shishan people seemed to be the masters, frowning and saying: "This senior, I don't know how to call it? Why help the enemy of our family for no reason? Ping our family? Although our Murong family is not the largest family in the world, it is not something that can be bullied for no reason."

His approach is obviously to reduce the enemy.

It seems that this master's work style is relatively stable.

Unfortunately, the Dingshishan people were unimpressed and said with a deep face: "Just because your people almost killed my apprentice, is it enough?"

Suddenly, the other party's expression was stagnant.

When Murong Qingtian summoned a young man from behind to come to ask, he realized that the seventh in the family not only died in Li Qing's hands, but also almost killed the ancestors of the person in front of him.

Almost killed the apprentice? No wonder he will come.


Seeing the tension between the swords, and thinking about the invincible enemies on both sides, then only kill!

"Kill them!"

Murong Qingtian said.

He didn't move, and the other six people were divided into three teams, that is, two of them, and they immediately attacked Li Qing with great force.

" you all right?"

At this time, something that touched Li Qing a little bit happened. The Dingshishan people seemed to be worried about Li Qing's safety and took the initiative to take the attack of three people.

Li Qing originally wanted to say no, but thinking about a person is also easy to kill, and can only nod, and first recorded this feeling in his heart.


A total of nine strong men above the congenital level killed it, it was dark and dark.

For example, Li Qing directly used the Xuanwu mantra to simulate the flame into a beast and kill the old man who was not killed.

The old man had his hands wide open, and the endless wind blew up the wild sand and gathered to him.

For a time, almost dimly, the terrible atmosphere of destruction raged everywhere, and the two sides fought to fight...

In the new week, I beg your righteous father to vote for all the recommended votes, Li Qing thanks!

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