My Super God QQ

Chapter 268: Fight a plane, no, fighter

The giant shadow of an axe was severely cut on the fighter!

The hard titanium alloy unique to the fighter plane can't resist the invasion of this giant shadow, and is constantly torn apart.

"Do not!"

Feeling the advent of death, the pilot was so horrified that he wanted to fly himself out of the cockpit, but it was too late to be cut off.


The fighter plane exploded, and the terrifying roar sounded in the hearts of those who witnessed the scene.


This is true of satellite stations in all countries.

As if the wind and dust storm swept through, all turned into statues, still there.

They never imagined that there is actually an axe for manpower to compete with fighter jets.

Maybe in the movie, those superheroes are also OK, but they are also hot weapons anyway! How have you seen an axe? If the axe is in their hearts, will they cut the wood sharp? !


Li Qing looked up at the sky and sincerely admired.

"Well, it's quite powerful. In the realm of comprehension, there is very little physical training, but the combat effectiveness is really outstanding." Liu Changqing also followed the praise.

"Physical training, isn't it a kind of cultivation person?" Suddenly, Li Qing thought of this question.

"Forget it!" Liu Changqing was not sure.

"Then if the combat strength is the most powerful physical training, why not become a physical training?" Li Qing said this as if to say, if the physical training is strong, why don't you become a physical training.

Liu Changqing smiled bitterly: "Physical training is not so easy to practice. Similarly, physical training has fatal shortcomings..." Speaking of which, Li Qing showed curiosity, and then he paused and said: "General life of physical training It’s shorter than the comprehension, not only that, melee is very powerful, but if you can’t get close to the comprehension, the comprehension will be more powerful!”

"oh, I see!"

Li Qing nodded understandingly.

He thought about it for himself, which is actually like a warrior and a mage in the game.

Of course, the warrior is very melee, but the instructor is like a mage, and can use flying swords or magic weapons from a distance.


"The head of the report, we found that there is a familiar face among these people!"

At the China Central Conference...

Suddenly, Grandpa Zhu, with a shocked look, found something in the photos sent back from the satellite monitoring station and stood up suddenly.

"Oh? A familiar face?"

Chief No. 1 is curiously authentic.

"This familiar face is from a special department. His name is Li Qing."

"Are you sure?" Chief No. 1 suspected.

"Yes, I'm sure!" said Master Zhu seriously.

Although he was very skeptical, Li Qing had met many times, and he certainly dared to be sure.

"Then see if you can contact him and ask what is going on there..."


Old Master Zhu called, but Li Qing’s cell phone was damaged during the fight. How could it be possible?

"Unable to get through?"

"Yes, Chief!"

"Then I will pass the news directly to the Minister of the Special Department! He is now rushing there, and if so, if he goes, there will be no conflict with the other party!"

"Chief wise!"

Grandpa Zhu praised.

They were just worried that if the troops they sent and the people in the special departments would not conflict with them in the past, it would be a real loss. After all, that axe is too scary.

It’s fine now, with Li Qing there, there should be no such problem.

On the conference table...

An old man also saw Li Qing's picture, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

However, after thinking of his family, he sent the guy out, cut off his hands for Li Qing, and lifted up his heart, and his guts fell back to the original place, fortunately.


"Another fighter!"

After Li Qinggang and Liu Changqing finished talking, another fighter plane flew from the horizon.

The fighter plane still carries the flag of the "Korea" flag. It seems that this is for revenge!

"call out!"

This fighter may have learned the previous lesson, instead of flying down, it flew high above the sky and fired missiles.

"Fuck your uncle!"

Li Qing was also angry, waiting for Liu Changqing to shoot, Feijian threw it into a flash of lightning.

Flying sword, missile exploded!


Sparks exploded at high altitude.

In the explosion, Feijian returned to Li Qing with no damage.

He also thought about using a flying sword to cut off the fighter, but unfortunately, the distance is really too far, so he can only stop.

"Good luck!"

Li Qing watched the fighter fly away and said indignantly.

"Oh, Daoyou, don't worry, let alone you. Now, even if I shot it, I can't keep up with it... what is the speed of a fighter!" Liu Changqing exhorted.

Li Qing thought about it before he nodded.

If there is no way for the monks in the foundation period, then there is no way for themselves, it seems normal.

The two talked a little unwillingly here, but they didn't know that Li Qing's flying sword appeared, which caused a wave of uproar at the satellite stations of various countries.

"My God, what is that!"

The President of the United States of America has made it possible for people to zoom in on the pictures sent back from the satellite. The picture shows Li Qing's flying sword.

"It's the sword of the east!"

A foreigner wearing a general uniform said.

In the West, the swords they use are large swords or bayonet swords. As for such swords, they are not often seen.

"Lawrence, you talk nonsense again, believe it or not. I took your head off and stuffed it into the buttocks! Am I not clear that this is a sword?" The president was very angry and flapped on the table: "I just want to know why this sword is free Flying, controllable, and so fast, I just saw that if it weren’t for the fighter to fly fast, I’m afraid this sword might cut the fighter off!”

The admiral was scolded and bowed his head, daring not to confess.

"Check, check me this person's information, and how many such people are there in Huaxia country! If you let them come to our country to make trouble, it will be in trouble!"

The president's head was also very big, and after seeing these incredible pictures, there was actually a fear that Li Qing would come to the United States to make trouble.

Upon hearing his words, other government officials also showed a look of extreme fear.


After seeing that the missile was invalid again, the fighter also suspected that the other party could not hurt himself in high altitude, so another missile was launched again.

"Endless yet!" Another missile, Li Qing was furious: "Senior, the missile is handed over to you!"


Liu Changqing heard and looked at Li Qing suspiciously, as if to say that Feijian is really useless, what are you doing!

Then, when Li Qing pulled out a Fulu from his arms, he nodded with a smile.

Fu Lu is a loot from Yue Po.

It seems to be made of animal skin, it looks like paper, but the feel is very smooth.

So, in the eyes of the leadership of the various countries, Li Qing slowly pulled out the Fulu, causing a lot of suspense.

"What is he doing?"

"Is that a piece of yellow paper?"


Then, they saw that Li Qing threw up Fu Mi and burned it in the void, and just after that Fu Lu completely disappeared, a thick purple thunderbolt with a thick bucket fell from the nine days and split on the fighter plane.


The terrifying lightning and high temperature actually blow up the fighter plane to pieces.

It is worthy of the high-level fulu to attract thunder mantra!

Actually summoned the thick purple thunderbolt of the bucket, even Li Qing was surprised by the power.

"Brother, generous! Hahahaha..."

Duan Yue laughed loudly, but his eyes were envious.

It is not the same as having a great master. This high-level Fulu is used like this, and you are not afraid of waste!

But what do you say? There are great masters, they are self-willed.

"Hehe..." Liu Changqing also shook his head constantly, feeling so distressed that Li Qing used such a high-level fusi so casually.

Do you want to ask Li Qing to feel distressed?

To be honest, Li Qing was a little unexpected when he saw that Thunderbolt was so stout. But regret? No, he just regretted that when Du Yinlong died, he didn't rummage about whether there was a fusi on him.

"In the future, you must remember to collect the spoils of being yourself!" He secretly said to himself If the axe cut off the fighter, and let the leaders of the countries have some thoughts, want to destroy these monks, then Li This shot of Qing is terrifying them completely.


It can actually summon thunder and lightning and split the fighter plane directly into smashes.

I think that in the American comics, the "Raytheon" that has been fired for decades has no such ability. That Thor is like the cottage version. It is clearly called Thor, but Thunderbolt can't break anything. It can only take a hammer to sway everywhere.

In contrast, Li Qing's shot was absolutely domineering to the extreme.

So, next, leaders of all countries have ordered all fighters to be withdrawn.

Because, they found that these monks were there, if there were any treasures born, it really would not be his turn.


The thought is beautiful, but the truth is really cruel!

It was the president of Korea that hesitated for a long time and ordered more fighters to be sent, but was opposed by other leaders and had no choice but to resign.

But that's the case, Gao Guoguo hated Li Qingji!

He would have to blow himself up indiscriminately. If he had time, he had to visit this country.


After seeing Li Qing showing such a hand, the major leaders were also shocked.

So, the No. 1 chief thought for a while, and sent an order to the troops and leaders leading to that place, that is to meet Li Qing, you must be courteous, if anyone annoys him, he will be sent directly to the military law Dispose.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the leaders on the conference table.

They agreed with each other. Whoever provokes Li Qing in the future, then no one will care about his life and death, it is better to die directly in Li Qing's hands, so as not to lead the disaster back to the family.

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