My Super God QQ

Chapter 271: Xia Mo's confession

Xia Mo Can Yue seemed to be impulsive, so that after holding Li Qing's waist, Jiao body could not help shaking.

Li Qing was entangled with her, which caused Xia Mo Can Yue to send out a flutter of emotional coquettishness, and her long eyelashes continued to shake.

Two hands stretched towards her waist.

This is the first time Li Qing touches a woman's waist. It's really thin, just like a water snake's waist. It feels good.

But when Li Qing's hand touched her cock, she suddenly shook the whole person, as if touched by electricity, and jumped away, panting.


She was impulsive, but she was not yet mentally prepared, so she gave her body somehow, at least, she must have a name, right?


She didn't dare, so she had to bow her head, like a little girl doing the wrong thing, panting continuously.

"How come, Xia Mo sister!"

Li Qing's face is also a bit red, but as a man, it must be the first to break the awkward atmosphere.

"No, I'm just happy~"

"Hahaha, I am also very happy!" Li Qing licked his lips with aftertaste, but it felt that the sister's lips were really soft, no wonder so many people like to kiss.

"Humph, rogue!"

She glanced at Li Qing with a variety of styles and scolded.

But this is like cursing, more like coquetry, making Li Qing laugh.

"If I am a gangster, then you are even a female gangster. I rushed over as soon as I came, and I almost scared my little deer, and almost ran to death." Li Qing was in a good mood and made a joke.

In this way, Xia Mo Can Yue was too ashamed to speak.

"A Qing, tell me where you are going in the future? Okay? I couldn't get through your phone yesterday. I'm in a hurry!" Xia Mo Can Yue said in a grudge.

Only then did Li Qing know that she had found herself and was sorry: "My phone is broken!"

"I know, you must have something to hide from me, but without saying anything else, you just have to protect yourself. You know, but many people have always cared about you and worried about you."

"Don't you?"

Li Qing laughed playfully.

"You hate it!"

Xia Mo Can Yue said.

After she finished speaking, she was a little surprised.

You know, before, she never acted as a little girl, and in the eyes of outsiders it was more like an overbearing female president, but this time it was used unnaturally. Is this really the reason why love makes people idiot?

"Oh, sister Xia, what about my teaching phone?"

"It's me!"

She took out her qq phone from her desk.

Li Qing withdrew his pocket, and then put down a heart.

"A Qing, do you think I'm a bit cheap?" Suddenly, her face was awkward.

"Ah, why do you say that?" Li Qing puzzled.

"Because, I always seem to seduce you actively, but somehow, I just can't control myself...I don't want you to think that I am that kind of bad woman..." She lowered her head and murmured.

"How could it be, Xia? I like you too. You are so beautiful and elegant..."

When Li Qing said this, she became happy again.

"Then do you have a girlfriend, don't lie to me!"

Li Qing thought for a while and filtered the women she knew in her head. She really didn't have a nominal girlfriend.


"Then should I be your girlfriend?" Her beautiful face lifted up, and she looked at Li Qing with her water-cut double pupils. She was charming and brave.

Otherwise, Li Qing almost impulsively promised to chase after the female. But thinking of his possibility to cultivate the realm, Li Qing suppressed the impulse again.

"Sorry, Sister Xia, I have something to do. If you can wait for me, maybe I..."

Before Li Qing finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"I know!"

Xia Mo Can Yue was struck by lightning, his whole body shook violently, and his tears almost fell.

She has never had such a bold time from birth until now, but she did not expect to show love but was so rejected.

At this moment, her heart was broken, and at this moment, she had no room for complacency.

The whole person's expression is as stupid.

"Sister Xia, I'm not..." Li Qing knew that she had misunderstood, anxiously.

"I understand, you need not say it!"


"Really don't say it, will you leave me a face?" Suddenly, Xia Mo Can Yue shouted loudly, and tears could not stop, flowing silently along the fair and tender face.

At this time, no adjective could describe her grief.

It is now that she realizes that Li Qing has unknowingly taken root in her heart, and it is so deep.

She walked to the window, facing the glass window, as if to prevent Li Qing from seeing her tears.

"Sister, I really am not..."

What Li Qing wants to say.

But the next second, something shocking him happened, Xia Mo Can Yue actually planted it down the window.


Oh my God!

Fortunately, Li Qing's response was quick, rushed out directly, and then hugged her from the window.

And Xia Mo Can't arrive, Li Qing actually jumped out.

This is the seventh floor!

The highest floor.

Her heart began to regret, and felt that she was impulsive, not because she was afraid of death, but that Li Qing was affected.

She also blamed herself for having such a neurosis as soon as her head was hot.

"Are you dying? Maybe, it's a good thing to be able to die with this little man you love! It's a pity, the career has just started, and I don't know if all countries will take this news as a news tomorrow. "" Just thinking of this, the weightlessness of the body suddenly stopped!

Then, she saw Li Qing's eyebrow drilled a sword and flew to Li Qing's hand automatically. Li Qing held the sword and inserted it on the wall to block the falling power.

From top to bottom, Li Qing drew a ditch directly on the wall.

Finally, fell to the ground safely.

Fortunately, there was no one behind the office building, otherwise I would be scared to death.

Xia Mo Can Yue looked at Li Qing and then looked at the sword like hell, thinking that she was dreaming, until Li Qing spoke, she slowly reacted.

"Now I know, why would I reject you?" Li Qing sighed.

She shook her head blankly.

"Because, I am a cultivator, that is, a cultivator among the secular population, this is my flying sword!" In order to explain this to her, Li Qing also controlled the flying sword to slip outside for a while. Fly back to his eyebrows.


Xia Mo Canyue finally knew Li Qing's identity, and Cherry's mouth opened wide, with a very attractive expression.

"Have you heard of the Immortal Cultivator? The reason why I refused you was that I was afraid that one day, I would leave this world and reach another world, so I dare not talk about feelings. But I promise that as long as you wait for me, you wait for me I will decide this matter with you one day."

Anyway, everything was open, Li Qing was very serious and discussed the matter seriously.

"you really are?"

Xia Mo Can Yue is still a little unbelievable.

"Then otherwise, do you think that earth supplements can be studied by secular medicine?"

Xia Mo Can Yue was in deep contemplation again.

Li Qing was afraid that people would see them, so she picked her up, jumped directly at the window on the wall, jumped up, and jumped into her office.


It was not until half an hour that she finally accepted the fact that Li Qing was a self-cultivator.

Originally, she felt that she should be very happy. After all, she met the legendary "Fairy Man", but when she heard that Li Qing might leave the world, her heart hurt again.

"Can't you stay here all the time?"

"No! Sister Xia, you don't know, how many things I have experienced since I walked out of the school in Jianjiang City, how much is dangerous, if I had this strength, I'm afraid I would die dozens of times! I began to swear, I want to become stronger, for my family and friends, I must become stronger!"

"Is it important to become stronger?"

"Yes, this is a society with weak meat and strong food. You can not be so conscious, but if you think about it, if I have such strength, I am afraid that our suspension motorcycle technology will be forced to be handed over by the central officials. It!"


Xia Mo Can Yue remembered the fact that they went to Kyoto If Li Qing didn't blow those people away by hand, I'm afraid that if they want to leave Kyoto, they really have to give the technology to those officials.


"No, for my loved ones and friends, and for me not to be bullied and oppressed again, I must be constantly strong! Because I am a child of a poor family, if I am not strong, everyone can bully me and step on me Me! And I don't want them to bully me, insult me, step on me, I have to keep getting stronger..." Speaking of which, Li Qing was a little excited.

Because, he will never forget, the thing that was stabbed with a small knife scar, the thing that was almost killed by Murong Qingtian, not to mention the things that the big family gave him directly to him.

He couldn't make himself an irresistible person, so he could only keep getting stronger.

Only in this way can we live up to the qq system coming on ourselves.

Otherwise, he really does not want to be aggressive, he really has a suspicion that he will die in vendetta.

Don’t forget, there is one more thing in the QQ memo that warns you that you might be killed by a man in black at the same time as your mother.

The strength of the man in black is so terrifying.

Therefore, he can only become stronger, for relatives and friends, but also for himself.

Knowing that Li Qing didn't refuse because she didn't like herself, Xia Mo Can Yue felt much better. After listening to Li Qing's words, she also thought a lot.

In the end, it was decided that to love someone is to think about him and prepare to wait for her.

So, after chatting for about an hour, Li Qing left Xia Mo Can Yue's sentence "I'm waiting for you" and left Fuzhou.

He was given the rank of major general by the country, and he was going to go home and tell his mother to reassure her.

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