My Super God QQ

Chapter 277: Li Qing's father

"Son, are you okay?"

It wasn't until Li Qing came home with a smile that Zhang Min anxiously came over and asked.

Originally, she wanted to take a look at the past, but there was a shadow of being kidnapped in her heart, afraid of dragging Li Qing, and finally let Master Ning pass.

"It's okay, Mom, I have reasoned with them. They also understood their mistakes and profoundly saved themselves and vowed to correct them well. Well, how to say, they should be in a hurry at night Fix it, haha..." Li Qing smiled.

Master Ning couldn't help but rolled his eyes.


She smiled bitterly in her heart, and she had never seen it before. There is no one!

People on earth are afraid that they can't stop Li Qing!

"Well, that's good, that's good... Hey, your uniform?"

Zhang Min only noticed Li Qing's military uniform. Of course, she did not understand the major general's rank badge. So she didn't know that it represented the major general's rank.

"Haha, mom, didn't I say that, am I a major general? This is the military uniform sent to me from above!" Having said this, Li Qing heard a burst of footsteps from behind and only remembered something and turned his head. Tao: "Mom, go make tea for me, I will entertain the guests."

It was the city leaders who took the various directors with them.

"No need, General Lee is welcome~ Hello, is it Ms. Zhang? Haha, I really thank you for making a pillar for our country. General Li is a young man..." This leader is worthy of being an official, as soon as he comes in After saying a lot of good things, Li Qing really boasted that it was rare in the sky, and absolutely a first-class first-class man on the ground.

Zhang Min was embarrassed. I really didn't know who this person was, but he reached out and had to politely hold it.

But despite not knowing who these are, standing in front of a group of people wearing police uniforms is definitely a big man, and his head is more muddled.

Of course, she still heard some keywords.

Like "General Li" like "State"?

"In this way, does her son really become a major general?" She suddenly thought about it, and the whole person was excited, and there was an uproar in her heart, and she looked at her son in surprise.

"Mom, this is our parent officer, the most powerful Pang Shuji in Xiamen City. Presumably, have you seen it on TV? And these other friends are the directors of the major public security branches..." Li Qingzai Introducing.

Zhang Min only heard that the secretary...

Then, the whole person has fallen into boundless ecstasy.

As parents, what they are most happy about is not making big money, but their children.

In front of him, his son actually became a major general in the country. Isn't this Jackie Chan?

If you have a son, why not ask your mother for it!

Seeing the mother stay there, Li Qing grabbed her hand again and shook it twice: "Mom, help me get a pot of tea? Let me brew! I don't know where you put the tea set?"

"Oh, well, I'll get it!"

Zhang Min just woke up like a big dream, but his eyes were filled with joy that could not be concealed.

"General Li, you are really welcome. We are just here to see what else you need and what we haven't done enough. If so, please give instructions." Secretary Pang was too busy to dare.

He came from a certain family in Kyoto, but he clearly knew what Li Qing was doing in Murong Mountain Villa. This is a **** who can cut off the fighter jets. So, how dare he let Li Qing make tea for himself, so just look for energy Can't hold your thigh.

"Okay, this place~"

Li Qing thought about it, really there is nothing needed.

"Oh, yes! There is something, but I want to trouble you."

"You say!"

Secretary Pang was as sharp as a pen, and solemn.

"It's no big deal, just the policemen just now, and the two police officers. This kind of person is really not suitable for being a public servant of the people. If you can deal with it, just deal with it!" Li Qing said, eyeballing Zi was the directors who swept behind him.

In an instant, those directors all looked at one of the sullen, thin-haired directors with a little Mediterranean hair.

The director was almost not scared.

The mysterious major general who did not dare to offend the Li family in Kyoto, but he was offended. At this time, he really wished to strangle his two men.

But he could not escape the monk, but he could not escape the temple. After thinking for a while, he still stood up and took the initiative.

At this time, his forehead was covered with sweat, and even his back was soaked with cold sweat, his heels were a little trembling, and he could only bear it, and said with a bitter face: "I'm sorry, General Li, I haven't taken care of my men , Let them offend you, I will deal with this matter seriously, and then, I will give you the result of the treatment!"

Li Qing nodded: "Okay, then trouble you!"

"No trouble no trouble, yes!"

The Secretary was just fine without being blamed. How dare you accept this, she stooped down in a hurry and nodded.

The benefits of power!

Deterrence brought by strength!

Li Qing sighed secretly.

If it were not for him to have such power and strength, I am afraid that today he was challenged and looked down upon by Ji Xiaoyan, and he could only run back in vain and get bored.

In this way, he is even more determined to strengthen his heart!


They retired after drinking the tea. They dared not allow Li Qing to make more tea for a while. Finally, Secretary Pang left his personal contact information before leaving.

Leave those two soldiers, they are Li Qing's guards, of course they have to stay.

Glancing at the two soldiers who refused to sit down, Zhang Min asked, "Well, you tell me, are you really a major general?"

"Yes! So, mom, don't call me, let me think about reading!" Li Qing smiled bitterly. Now, Zhang Min still can't believe it!

However, after all, I blame myself.

Many things can't be explained to my mother, which makes her a bit unable to keep up with her rhythm.

"Good, good, good, if we are not in your dad's house, this matter must be a good worship, and then, to tell you the Li family ancestors!" She was full of tears in excitement, hugged Li Qing, the voice was a little trembling.

Li Qing frowned when she heard this.

"Mom, what the **** is my dad?"

So far, Li Qing really wants to find out who his biological father is and why he abandoned his wife and son.

When he was a child, he hated his father very much, everyone else had it, but he didn't have a life, but now he grows up, this feeling is faded, but he still wants to know who is so cruel.

"Don't ask about your dad!"

Speaking of which, Zhang Min twitched his face naturally, seeming to be fierce about Li Qing.

I remembered that Li Qing had grown up now, and she actually became a general magically, and she reacted again. It was also time to tell Li Qing because she respected her son and he should have the right to know.


However, thinking about him, Zhang Min couldn't help but sigh.


"This is a long story..."

"Then make a long story short!"

Li Qing said this and let the two guards retreat, but Teacher Ning knew that he was not suitable here at this time and found a reason to retreat aside.

"Actually, I don't quite know your dad's identity and origin..."

Finally, Zhang Min talked about it.


Li Qing was really drunk, and he never thought that his mother would make such a statement.

what's the situation!


Using the sleeves to wipe off the sweat on the forehead, Wang Lin felt that he was really rising, and it was so little.

"I already knew that last night the foreign ocean horse was not forced so hard. Hey, this spirit and spirit were all sucked away, and the legs were still soft, how can this mountain climb!" Wang Lin was so worried. After watching myself climb to the mountainside, the bitter water almost spit out.

This is the second day after Wang Lin got the quirky brand. It was weird to say that he hadn’t noticed anything while holding the brand, but he heard the sound early this morning and told them to rush into the old mountain forest. As soon as he came to this old forest in the mountains, Wang Lin would be ignorant. If he had a compass on his phone, and he asked the local old farmers nearby, he would not find this place.

The mountain is really high!

Known by locals as "Bear Ghost Mountain"!

The bear is so described because of being big, and the ghost is because everyone here feels weird.

Mingming Mountain has a height, but this peak is inserted into the sky all the year round, and few people have really seen what the peak of that mountain looks like.

"If it were not for the purpose of finding the immortal fate, I am afraid that in my life, I would not enter this deep mountain and old forest, but also climb this to die or live!" Wang Lin secretly bitterly said.


He believes that this brand must have been left by the fairy, otherwise how could there be such extraordinary means.

You know, even Li Qing can’t use such a wooden sign to send messages!

So, he desperately, in order to become stronger!

Of course, the reason for Li Qing’s desire to become stronger is completely different. Li Qing’s desire to become stronger is not to be bullied by others, and to protect his relatives and friends, and Wang Lin came purely for maximum fun and enjoyment.

Hanging silk is really different from the life of the rich second generation.

In the past, ocean horses only existed in his dreams, but last night, he still turned over a ocean horse.

Watching the big ocean horse lying under his crotch and helping himself comfortably with his mouth, at that time, he really felt that he was winning glory for the country, don't be too beautiful~


Thinking of the beauty and comfort of last night, and that sense of pride, Wang Lin showed a wretched smile on his face, as if he had a little strength all over again, took steps, and continued to climb firmly.


In the new week, we don’t ask for rewards, we only ask for free recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Li Qing thank you for your uncles who voted!

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