My Super God QQ

Chapter 201: Save the girl

Since knowing that Li Qing is an immortal cultivator, A Kun and Liang Zi have almost shocked Li Qing as a **** man, and his blood is only for him, and he is in awe of his worship.

In front of him, this guy actually insulted his idol, so he must fight!

One slapped one, one jumped up against his head, and slapped hard.

Within three seconds, the policeman had been stunned, fell to the ground, and then kicked.

"Okay, okay, you said you, isn't it from the army, how about a rogue?" Li Qing pretended to be angry.

"Director, otherwise, what should we do? Hey, please give instructions!" Liang Zi scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and thought he was playing this way, it seems a bit inappropriate.

"People who come out of the army must do things neatly and cleanly, without being muddy... just like this!"

Li Qing said that a large 43-foot shoe lifted high, and then printed on the policeman's face, he kicked him out.

In this way, Li Qingcai said: "For this kind of person, you should let him know that eight slippers are not a joke!"

Looking at the black footprints, the two were dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Li Qing walked in and urged them to keep up, that he recovered, grinned at each other, and rushed in.

"Who are you?!"

As soon as he came in, Li Qing was questioned by a policeman again, and he was still so impatient and so high up.


Originally, Grandpa Mao said that they are public servants of the people and serve the people. The same is true of many great men, but some of the police at the lowest level did not care about public servants at all, but thought they were high civilians.

This is what Li Qing hates the most. He thinks that he can do whatever he wants by wearing tiger skin.

As a result, his heart became even more uncomfortable, simply ignored him, pushed it away, and went in to find someone himself.

"Hey, hello! Are you kid deaf, haven't heard Laozi talking..."

Seeing Li Qing like this, the policeman was angry, and stretched out his hand like an eagle trying to catch a chick, pinching Li Qing's neck. The next second, his voice came to an abrupt halt, and Li Qing's backhand was a slap, shooting him directly back and out two meters, fainted.


This slap in the past, as the Supreme Master Xing Ye said, the whole world was quiet.

In the past, Li Qing's grievances against the police were also released continuously.

In life, shouldn't we just be happy and enemies?

If this policeman gave a gift and his tone was not so arrogant, Li Qing would still talk to him well, but this kind of person, Li Qing just wanted to shoot him and wanted to be capricious once.



Everyone said that the rich and the wealthy did not return home, just like Jinyi night trip, then this time he became a major general, and he did not make a general's majesty well.

"who are you?"

Finally, at the corner, Li Qing met a middle-aged policeman who looked more gentle, he asked.

"I'm here to find someone. Have you just caught two girls doing Taobao in your office?"

The middle-aged policeman thought for a while and seemed to be struggling and hesitating before finally shaking his head.

"I know that you may be a good policeman, unwilling to offend people, and afraid of losing this job, but if you tell me, I can guarantee you, I can't lose my job, maybe I can mention your occupation! "Won't Li Qing know what he was thinking about and promised immediately."

"Oh, little brother, I think it's okay, you hurry away, the water here is too deep, it's not that you can permeate." The middle-aged police officer looked at Li Qing, I really think this guy is too young, Niu Ye Overblown, smiled bitterly.

"You don't need to worry about this, or you can tell me where they are..."

This public security bureau is still quite large, with a total of three buildings.

"Okay, I think the two little girls shouldn't be bad guys. Go to Building A, as if they were there." The middle-aged police finally conquered fear and said: "However, I hope you will be Grab it, don’t say it’s what I said."

"rest assured!"

Li Qing compared with an ok gesture and turned to leave.

"Hey, it's still too young. How can you save yourself alone, don't spread yourself into it. Now young people, courageous, just a little impulsive..." The middle-aged policeman looked at Li Qing's back, sighing and walking towards the door.

Suddenly, as soon as he walked around the corner, he saw one of his colleagues lying on the ground.

Suddenly, he looked at the door and thought of the young man just now, stunned and said: "It seems that his courage is not only small, but also bold enough to be heavenly..."

I don't know, he came to the door, and what would he think of when he saw the colleague who was stunned by his shoes.



"Well, find out which building is a!"

"Chief, that one! There is written on it!" A Kun pointed to the right with sharp eyes.

In the building on the right hand side, only the lights on the third floor are on, the others are dark, and I think it is off work.


Li Qing hurried up, worried that the two would be harmed.

After running for a while, Li Qing finally walked outside the door with lights.

The windows are kind of grainy, preventing people from looking in, the doors are tightly closed, and the quarrels inside can be heard vaguely.

"We don't have any national treasure hidden! I advise you to let us go, otherwise, if my boyfriend comes, you won't be able to eat around!" It was Lin Mengjie, who could not think of her as a female man sometimes, drink it out It's quite threatening.

"Hahaha, I just heard that it is another boyfriend of this beautiful woman? Why is it now yours? Could it be that your boyfriends are very good? Or that they are the same person, you two A woman serves a man?" A man laughed outrageously.

Suddenly, the two women blushed and were speechless.

Just now, they did all talk about their boyfriends, and Li Qing also appeared in their minds, but they were also said this way, only to realize that they were not right and shy.

"I rely on it, won't you let me get it right? You actually..."

Seeing that they didn't say anything, the young man's voice also seemed extremely surprised.

"Anyway, you let us go, or you will regret it!"

"Hey, how can I regret it, because you are so open, and have a husband together. Otherwise, you will follow me together, I promise to make you satisfied..."

Speaking of which, the anger that burst into Li Qing's eyes almost burned his eyebrows and stepped on the door with one foot.


Li Qing lightened a little wooden door made a loud noise but didn't break.

"Who! Damn it, I didn't say that no one is allowed to come up? Don't want to do it, right?" a middle-aged man shouted inside.

At the moment, Li Qing frowned, another kick.

This foot, not to mention the door, even the whole door frame was kicked down. Then, a middle-aged man who seemed to be coming inside was kicked and flew out three meters.


A middle-aged man with a big belly and vomiting blood immediately hit the wall before falling heavily.

Too violent!

This is too fierce!

A Kun and the two looked at the door frame and saw the cracked cement beside the door, and then looked at their heads. They only felt that the worship in their hearts was like the endless flow of the river and the flood of the Yellow River.

"You, who are you!"

After Li Qing came in, he saw Lin Mengjie and Xi Xi.

They all looked surprised, and their eyes were full of excitement.

There is also a young man, who was inexplicably scared, pointing at Li Qing and panicked: "You, who are you!"

"I am your father!"

Li Qing's backhand was another slap, which made him scream and fell to the ground directly.

"Are you all okay?" Li Qing walked over and looked at the two women in handcuffs and said angrily, these two men's wrists were red.

"You dare to beat me, do you know who I am?" The boy was lying on the ground, the teenager was furious.

At this time, Li Qing couldn't help but smiled: "I just didn't say that, I am your dad, then you are naturally my son~"

"you wanna die!"

The teenager roared, his hand stretched out into his arms...

Li Qing did not stop him, but he wanted to see how his guards reacted.

"Be careful, Chief!"


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